A Taste of Paradise (Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men)

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A Taste of Paradise (Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men) Page 8

by Quinn, Shelli

  “I’m a patient man and I noticed that you didn’t say it will never happen so I’m hopeful.” Luc said.

  Asia narrowed her eyes at him. “You know if it was possible for me to get my hands around that thick ass neck of yours, I’d strangle you right here and now.”

  “Bellezza, if you really want to get your hands around something, I could make a suggestion.” Luc said devilishly.

  “Alright Luc that’s enough of that have you forgotten your manners when you’re speaking to a lady. You’re getting a bit too loose with that tongue of yours.” Pierce said staring at Luc while holding his son against his shoulder.

  Luc nodded. “Sorry about that, Asia I apologize if I offended you that was not my intention.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I know that the two of us sometimes go overboard with our banter. So forget about it.” To lighten the suddenly somber mood in the room Asia said the last part using her best Italian mobster imitation causing everyone at the table to laugh.

  When breakfast was over Luc offered to give Asia a hand cleaning up. She accepted his offer and the dining room cleared rather quickly. Once they were alone and after they had taken the dishes to the kitchen, he decided it was a good time to talk to her about what he’d said earlier.

  “Asia, I was just playing around I hope you know that I would never disrespect you in anyway. And I also wouldn’t stand by and watch someone else disrespect you.” Luc said as he gazed down at her.

  “Luc I said to forget about it, and I meant it. I know you didn’t mean anything by it. You were just playing around like we always do.” Asia said as she placed the dishes in the sink to rinse them.

  “I know but if I offended you. I’m really sorry.” Luc said taking the dish that she handed him and placed it into the dishwasher.

  Asia put down the dish she’d been about to rinse and switched off the water in the sink. Drying her hands on a dish towel she turned towards Luc. Reaching up she placed both her hands on either side of his handsome face.

  “Look you didn’t offend me honestly what you said wasn’t all that bad I’m sure I’ve heard and said a lot worse than that. So let it go okay.” Asia said as she gazed into his hazel eyes.

  Luc wanted to kiss her so badly his mouth was watering, but he knew that this was not the time to do something stupid. He covered her hands with his as he stared back at her.

  “Thank you that really means a lot, well I guess we had better try to finish up here I have to go help my brothers.” Luc said before letting his hands drop to his sides.

  Asia removed her hands from his face. “So are we cool, because I haven’t forgotten that you haven’t taken me shopping yet.” She asked.

  “Yes, bellezza we’re cool and I still plan on taking you shopping.” Luc said as he turned his attention back to load the dishwasher.

  After Indy and Gio left the dining room they headed down stairs to the lab to work on recreating the blend of flavors she’d made the previous night. They slipped on their lab coats and got busy. First she turned on the computer that they kept here in the lab and opened a blank file to enter their notes for the ingredients that they would use.

  She just hoped that Gio really did remember the ingredients she’d blended last night. Nevertheless, she trusted him and she knew he wouldn’t lie to her about something that was this important. They were so close to having a new flavor blended wine to add to the two others that they’d created for the Inn.

  The first one was a rich after-dinner type blend made with the finest Fabrizio cognac and premium grapes they’d had imported from the Fabrizio vineyards in Italy. They’d named that blend Landry’s Briz. The second was a softer blend a bit more floral with a rose’ color, that one they’d named blushing nights.

  This one would need a special name as unique as the blend itself.

  “Are you ready to get started?” Gio asked as he gathered the ingredients they needed.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be.” Indy answered as she watched him place several items on the surface of the workstation.

  “Okay then here we go.” He said as he began mixing flavors in the glass mixing container. Indy watched as she took notes not believing how precise he seemed to be with the ingredients adding a bit of this, a touch of that and a pinch of this and that.

  “How do you remember so precisely what I mixed together last night? I wouldn’t even begin to know what I mixed in that container.” Indy said as she continued to watch him.

  “I have a photographic memory it is useful in my line of work. However, it’s not always a blessing at times it can also be a bit of a curse. And the reason you don’t remember is because your mind was a million miles away at the time.”

  “Yeah thanks to you tiger, all I could seem to think about was you. Even so, why do you say that it can be a curse?” Indy asked continuing to type notes into the computer as she watched him work.

  “Well once something is burned into my brain it’s not that easy to get it out.” Gio he replied.

  “Wow that must really suck?” Indy said.

  “Not always the image of you wearing thigh highs and heels will stay with me forever. That is the blessing part of it.” Gio said with a smile glancing at her for just a second.

  “What makes you think that after you show me the recipe that I wouldn’t change my mind about our little deal and move you out of my bed.” Indy asked.

  “You wouldn’t do something like that, besides the fact that I trust you. I know how to keep my place in your bed gattino.” Gio said.

  “Really and just how would you do that?” She asked.

  “If you’ve forgotten already I’d be more than happy to demonstrate for you.” Gio said turning his head slightly to gaze at her.

  “Come to think of it I just might need a reminder about your abilities to turn me out. See my memory isn’t as good as yours.” Indy said teasingly.

  Gio stopped what he was doing to walk over and lock the door. Retracing his steps he made his way back over to her. Taking her by the hand he led her over to the couch on the other side of the room. When he was about to help her down she switched positions with him pushing him to the couch.

  Indy stood before him and slowly unbuttoned her lab coat shrugging out of it. She let it flutter to the floor. Pulling the tail of her blouse from the waist band of her skirt she unbuttoned it also tossing it side. She inched her skirt up her thighs letting it bunch at her waist as she lowered her panties and stepped out of them leaving them on the floor with her lab coat.

  As Gio watched her undress, he too shed his clothes his shirt was the first to go before kicking off his shoes to remove his pants and boxers dropping them to the floor alongside hers. When he leaned back she mounted him straddling his hips, as she lowered her head to cover his mouth with hers in a passion filled kiss.

  Indy buried her fingers in his curly black hair as Gio slid his hands up her back holding her close. He unhooked her bra and without breaking the kiss, he pushed the straps down her arms reaching between their bodies, he wisped it away tossing it aside. He then palmed her breasts as they continued to kiss.

  He moved his hands around to her bottom lifting her just enough to gain entrance into her warm moist tunnel. When he was sure that she was wet and ready for him, he pushed upward slipping inside her.

  Indy gasped at his invasion still not quite accustom to his large size, but so worth the discomfort she felt at his initial penetration. Each time they made love. He not only filled her body but her mind with a constant thought of him and her heart with the overwhelming love she felt for him.

  Indy squeezed her thighs together tightening her grip on Gio’s hips as she began to rotate her hips against him. The heat radiating from the area between her legs was intense and heightened his arousal.

  Gio tore his mouth from her when she clenched her inner walls to squeeze around his shaft causing him to gasp and grunt. This was the only woman who’d drawn this kind of reaction from him. The love he felt for Indy was lik
e nothing he’d ever experienced. With her is where he wanted to always be.

  In her arms, in her bed, and in her heart, she was his now, and forever she may not know it yet, but she’d been his since the day they’d met. He wasn’t sure if she was ready to hear him put into words what his body told her each time they come together to make love. Even so he thought it was about time that he said it anyway.

  “I love you gattino.” Gio whispered as he leaned up to plant tiny kisses along her neck and shoulders. Her heart raced wildly pounding so hard she was sure that it would burst right out of her chest. He loved her. She hadn’t expected to hear him say those words to her. However, the joy she felt was unexplainable.

  “I love you too tiger.” Indy said holding his head close to her enjoying the sensations he caused throughout her body. Her thighs began to quiver, and goose bumps covered the surface of her skin.

  They both come apart in each other’s arms and this time their orgasms were even more delightful by their declaration of love.

  Indy clasped in his arms too exhausted to move. Her legs were weak her breath was coming in short choppy gasps not to mention that her heart was still racing uncontrollably. Realizing how tired she was he wrapped his arms around her waist and turned their bodies so that they could stretch out on the couch. Indy lay with her body draped over his with him still inside her.

  Gio kissed her gently on the forehead. “Are you alright gattino?”

  Indy smiled but didn’t lift her head since her facial muscles were the only ones she could move at this point. ”Yes thanks to you, for the first time in a very long while, I am definitely alright.”

  Gio rubbed a hand over her back. “I plan to make sure you stay that way. You deserve to be happy always gattino.”

  “And I will be as long as I have you in my life. I will be happy. Well, most of the time anyway because between my sisters, your brothers and you occasionally I’ll have my moments, I’m sure.” Indy said but still don’t attempt to move, not one inch.

  Gio laughed. “Yeah I’m fairly certain that you will, and this may not be a good time to bring this up. Even so, you do realize this is the second time we’ve made love without using any form of birth control.”

  Indy lifted her head to look at him. “Is that a problem for you?”

  Gio kissed her softly on the forehead. “No, I just thought that you might have a problem with it. I’d be more than happy if our love making resulted in us making a baby.”

  “Well we’ll just have to wait and see what happens, and if we happen to make a baby then I’m cool with that.” Indy said honestly happy about the possibility of having his baby.

  Chapter Ten

  Sometime later after Indy and Gio had used the tiny bathroom in the lab to get cleaned up and put their clothes back they returned to work on the blend that was almost complete. Once Gio had added all the ingredients, and Indy had typed the entire process into the computer, they proceeded to sample mixture.

  As they tasted the blend each of them had a similar reaction. Closing their eyes as they swallowed the powerful liquid it was an explosion of flavor in their mouths. The unique taste was a pleasurable delight in a glass.

  “Wow! This blend is a mind-blowing, flavor sensation. It goes down smooth and warms your insides like being in love, if that makes any sense.” Indy said as she ran her fingers through her hair.

  “It makes perfect sense because I felt it too, it was like a warm hand stroking and caressing your insides.” Gio said in disbelief.

  “We have got to let my sisters, and your brothers taste this.” Indy said.

  “You’re right but first we need to make enough for everyone.” Gio said as he went to work blending up a larger batch.

  Indy was typing up a report about the newest blend when she heard Gio’s cell phone ringing from the cushions of the couch. Walking the short distance to where it was she dug it out for him.

  “Gio your phone is ringing.” She said.

  “Would answer it for me please?” Gio said.

  “Hello!” Indy said as she answered.

  “I was trying to reach Giovanni Fabrizio.” She heard the woman on the other end of the phone say.

  “Yes, this is Giovanni Fabrizio’s phone he’s a little busy at the moment may I take a message?” Indy said thinking that it was business related.

  “What do you mean he’s busy, who is this?” The woman asked.

  Indy removed the phone from her ear and glanced at it for a minute before replacing it.

  “You don’t need to worry about who I am. However, why don’t you enlighten me as to who you are?” Indy said to the woman becoming irritated.

  “This is Saleen Moretti, now who are you and why are you answering Giovanni’s phone?”

  “That’s none of your business, now I’ll ask you again can I take a message.”

  Indy heard the woman sigh loudly. “I don’t know can you?” The woman replied rudely.

  “Well sure I can that is if your dumb ass wants to leave one.” Indy said sarcastically as her irritation grew.

  “You have some nerve talking to me this way?” The woman said angrily.

  “You have no idea how much nerve I have so let me show you.” Indy said as disconnected the call hanging up on the rude woman.

  Walking across the room to where Gio was still busy working. When she was at his side, he glanced up at here.

  “Is everything okay? What’s wrong?” Gio asked.

  “Who in the hell is Saleen Moretti and why is she calling your phone?” Indy asked through tightly clenched teeth.

  “What, is that who was calling my phone?” He asked sounding more than a little annoyed.

  “Yes and that she-witch had better be glad that I couldn’t reach through this phone and strangle her rude ass.” She said pointing to the phone in her hand.

  “Believe me, there is not one person in the Fabrizio family that wouldn’t love to do just that.” Gio replied. “Saleen Moretti is the lying little gold digger who tried to trick Pierce into marrying her.”

  “Okay so why is she calling you?” Indy asked.

  “She keeps calling me because I was the one that told Pierce about all her lies. So she thinks calling me is going to change things. See she is use to getting what she wants and the one thing she wants is her father’s approval. And the only way she can get his approval is to marry one of the Fabrizio men.” Gio said with disdain in his voice.

  “Why do they need money that bad?” Indy asked curiously.

  “Well there’s that and the idea of having the influence and power that being part of the Fabrizio family brings with it.” Gio explained. “Her father has been trying to get close to our family for as long as I can remember. He was even willing to use his daughter to do it.”

  “That’s just sick it’s unbelievable the things some people would do for money and power.” Indy said as she shook her head in disbelief.

  “You’d be surprised at the stories I could tell you.” Gio said. “Anyway let’s forget about her for now okay.”

  “With pleasure the last thing I need is her ruining my good mood.” Indy said smiling at him.

  Indy talked Asia into letting them have dinner in her newly remodeled dining room tonight telling her that she and Gio had something special for everyone. Asia had been a bit reluctant until hear about the special treat, so she‘d agreed on one condition. She wanted everyone to dress nicely for dinner.

  Thankfully, they had all agreed actually they seemed very excited about dressing up since they hadn’t had a chance to dress up since Gigi and Pierce’s wedding. Gio helped Pierce set up the portable crib in a quiet corner of the dining room, and since they still had a couple of days before they opened to the public they had the entire dining room to themselves.

  Luc helped Asia bring the food to the table as they all took their seats. Everyone smiled at the feast in front of them.

  “Wow this is nice it all looks so delicious, Asia.” Pierce said.

p; “It sure does girl.” Gigi said.

  “Thank you. I wanted our first meal in our newly remodeled dining room to be special.” Asia said with proud.

  “It doesn’t matter what you cook it’s always special.” Luc said with a smile.

  “He’s right all the meals you prepare are special.” London said.

  “Well thanks again anyway and London I love the décor it’s exactly what I wanted.” Asia said.

  “I’m pleased that you really like it. I wasn’t sure if you would.” London said.

  “Are you kidding the entire Inn is looking elegantly grand thanks to your talents. Landry's Landing Inn is turning into a really upscale, classy place. We’re going to have to raise our rates to be in line with our new style.” Indy said with a wide smile.


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