A Taste of Paradise (Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men)

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A Taste of Paradise (Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men) Page 9

by Quinn, Shelli

  “Thanks guys it means a lot to me that you approve of the changes that I made.” London said happily.

  “Of course they approve you’ve been working hard on this place and everything else around here who wouldn’t appreciate that.” Gabe said as he reached over and squeezed her hand in his.

  “While let’s eat the food is getting cold, and I’m getting hungrier by the minute.” Luc said.

  Asia glanced at him. “You know I’m not even going to give you a hard time right now because I’m hungry too.”

  Everyone laughed as they dug into the delicious looking food.

  After they’d finished dinner Gio and Indy were about to bring out the new blend for everyone to try. When the dining room door flew open and in walked a woman dressed in fancy overpriced attire. Her long dark hair was hanging loosely around her perfectly made-up face. The pencil skirt she wore was so tight she could barely walk in it. The shoes and handbag she sported were name brand and top of the line expensive.

  The glare in her eye and the scowl on her face as she glanced around the room was that of disdain. She seemed like a very pretty woman, but it was hard to tell with the frown she was wearing.

  “Well this is what has the Fabrizio men so busy.” The woman said angrily.

  “What do you want Saleen, why are you here?” Pierce asked as he put an arm around Gigi.

  “I came to see the woman you married.” Saleen said.

  “Now that you’ve seen her. You can leave.” Gabe said.

  “Hello to you too Gabriele and I’ll leave when I’m good and damn ready.” Saleen said rudely.

  “Watch it lady you’re barking up the wrong damn tree.” London said getting out of her seat annoyed by the way the woman had just spoken to Gabe in front of her.

  “How sweet Gabe your little friend is defending your honor.” Saleen said sarcastically. “And Luciano I see you have a new pet, I guess she’s kind of cute, but you could do better.”

  Asia jumped up from her seat fuming at the woman’s words. “Oh I know damn well you’re not talking about me. You, she-monkey.” Luc stood next to Asia wishing he could punch Saleen in the mouth for insulting Asia that way.

  “Saleen it might be in your best interest if you leave before you get hurt,” Luc told the rude woman.

  “Ha I know none of the Fabrizio men will hit a lady no matter how bad you may want to.” Saleen said glancing at each one of the brothers.

  Gigi stood placing a hand on her hip. She glared at the woman who’d tried to con her husband into a loveless marriage. “Well honey your luck just ran out because none of the Fabrizio men might be willing to hit you, but I can promise you that any one of the Landry women would be happy to punch you in your Botox filled face.” Gigi said to the woman.

  Saleen sighed loudly at Gigi’s words. “You are a feisty little thing aren’t you?”

  “Who in the hell are you calling thing, you gold-digging barracuda.” Gigi said as she narrowed her eyes at Saleen.

  Saleen huffed out a breath of air in disgusted as she turned her nose up at Gigi. “You little….”

  She never finished what she was saying because she was interrupted. “Enough you trifling little trick, how dare you come in here uninvited and be disrespectful. It’s okay guys sit down. I got this.” Indy said as she slowly stood from her seat glaring at with a deadly stare.

  Everyone in here knew that look, so they all sat down just as Indy had said. Saleen was clueless to the fact that pissing off Indy was the one thing you never wanted to do. However, she was about to find out the hard way she’d messed with the wrong family. Because India Landry was fearless when it came to defending her loved ones and that now included the Fabrizio’s.

  Saleen let her gaze roam over Indy’s tall voluptuous frame. Indy easily towered over the woman who was only of average height even in high heels. Indy dropped the cloth napkin that had been resting on her lap onto the table.

  “Why should I have respect for any of you country bumpkins, besides. I came here to talk to the Fabrizio’s not you.” Saleen said rudely.

  “You have one more time to insult me or any one of my sisters, and I’ll beat you like a drum.” Indy said calmly as she stared at the woman.

  “Wait just a minute you’re the rude woman who hung up on me earlier.” Saleen said angrily. “And now you’re threatening me.”

  “That wasn’t a threat, I was simply stating a fact. However, you might want to take it as a warning and leave, while you can still walk out of here on your feet instead of having your ass carried out on a stretcher.” Indy said seriously as she stared unblinkingly at the woman.

  “How dare you?” Saleen gasped.

  “If you make one more nasty comment about anyone in this room, I’ll show you how I dare. So go ahead say something else, you tired little trick.” Indy said just before Dante started crying from his portable crib in the corner.

  Pierce stood and walked over to pick up his son carrying him back to the table as he took his seat next to Gigi. Saleen watched Pierce lovingly cradled his son as he leaned over and kissed his wife on the lips.

  “I hope you were smart enough get paternity test for that.” Saleen said with disgust in her tone pointing at the baby in his arms.

  Before anyone knew what was happening Indy had rounded the table and standing in front of Saleen holding a knife at her throat. The fear on the woman’s face also showed in her eyes as she held her breath afraid to breathe. Indy glared down at the woman enjoying the fear she saw in her eyes. If either of them moved Indy would be slicing the woman’s throat since the tip of the knife was pressed firmly at the hollow of her neck.

  Everyone in the room gasped as they witnessed the scene before them.

  “Gattino, don’t she’s not worth it.” Gio said as he stood moving to stand behind Indy.

  Indy smirked at the terror she was inflicting on this cold-hearted witch. “What’s the matter Saleen, cat got your tongue? Go ahead and say something, so I can gut you like a fish.” Indy whispered in her face.

  “Indy, if you’re going to cut her, please take her to the kitchen, because we would never be able to get the blood out of the new carpet.” Asia said.

  “Asia’s right the stone tile in the kitchen would be a lot easier to clean.” London added.

  “Yeah and not only that but getting the body out the back door would be quicker than dragging it through the dining room. However, we could just put her body in one of the wine barrels we keep in the storage room.” Gigi said casually.

  “Good idea, Indy was planning to chop her up anyway so she should fit with no problem. Luc you Gabe go bring in one of the empty wine barrels. London you spread a tarp on the kitchen floor, and I’ll get some bleach.” Asia said hiding a grin as she turned away.

  “Sounds good to me just remember if anyone comes looking for her, she was never here. Gio you’ll have to get rid of her car."” Gigi said trying hard to keep a straight face.

  “You heard them. We're going to the kitchen. What are you waiting for move it you money hungry mongoose.” Indy said as she eased some of the pressure on the knife at Saleen’s throat.

  “Please…Don’t kill me. I won’t cause any more trouble. My father told me to come here he said that I needed to try and get one the Fabrizio men to marry me, or he would disown me, and I’d be left with nothing. All he cares about is gaining the power that comes with the Fabrizio name.” Saleen pleaded as tears ran down her face.

  “Why would want a father who is willing to pimp you out like a high-priced hooker with no class, just so that he could gain power that I’m sure he’ll only abuse anyhow.” Indy said to the woman.

  “He’s my father. I just wanted him be proud of me and marrying a Fabrizio would have made him prouder than anything.” Saleen whispered.

  “Yeah will that ship has sailed and sank honey so you might want to find another way to make daddy proud of you.” Gigi said.

  “Or better yet tell him to start acting like the father he’s
supposed to be, or you’ll disown him. And when you do finally get a rich wealthy husband he’ll be out of your life and out of luck.” Indy said.

  “And if that doesn’t work just tell him to kiss your ass and make a dramatic exit.” Asia said.

  “If anyone knows about dramatic exits it would be you.” London mumbled glancing at Asia.

  “Oh don’t you dare start with me Londee. I can only deal with one problem at a time so save it for later.” Asia said.

  “Sorry force of habit, so Indy are we going to play slice the Barbie or what?” London asked trying not to laugh.

  “That’s going to depend on Saleen. If I let you leave you had better not set foot on this property again. Because if we ever have any trouble out of you, you will come up missing right after I dip you in hot grease and filet every inch of flesh from your bones, do you understand me?” Indy said to the woman still holding the knife near her throat. “Or I can slice and dice you right here and now.”

  Saleen nodded slowly taking great care so that the knife wouldn’t nick the skin of her neck. “Yes I understand and you have my word if you let me go none of you will ever see me again.”

  “Okay but don’t forget what I told you.” Indy said.

  “I won’t I promise.” Saleen said with relief as Indy moved the knife a bit further from her throat.

  “You might want to run now, because if you’re still standing there in three seconds I might just change my mind.” Indy said narrowing her eyes to glare at the woman.

  Saleen turned on her four inch heels and ran for the door as quickly as her tight skirt would allow her to. She didn’t even bother to look back. When they heard the front door of the Inn slam closed, they all burst out into laughter.

  Chapter Eleven

  They were still laughing when Giuseppe and Serafina Fabrizio walked through the door and into the newly remodeled dining room. The two made a very nice-looking couple, they were the picture of what loving marriage should look like.

  Giuseppe with has well built six-foot frame was still a handsome man for his age. His olive skin was similar to that of his son Pierce but his hazel eyes were the same as his youngest son Luc. Serafina was a petite woman with a deeply tanned skin tone and shining grey eyes.

  “Was that Saleen Moretti that we passed speeding out of here just now?’ Giuseppe asked as everyone came over to greet them.

  “Yes that was her.” Luc said laughing.

  “I never liked that woman or her slimy father.” Serafina said.

  “Don’t worry mom she won’t be back.” Gio said.

  “Let’s hope not she and her family are nothing but trouble.” Serafina replied.

  “Believe us this is the last place she’ll ever set foot. Indy threatened to gut her with a knife and Asia plotted out how they planned to commit a flawless murder. If I didn’t know they were just trying to scare her, I would have been a little frightened by them.” Luc said with a grin.

  “Yeah they were pretty awesome. I thought I would die laughing when London said that it would be easier to clean the blood off the stone tile in the kitchen than it would be to get it out of the new carpet.” Gabe said as he too began to laugh.

  “Well it sounds as if you all had quite a time while your mother and I were gone.” Giuseppe said as he walked over to put his arm around Indy’s shoulder in a fatherly jester. “You young lady reminded me of my sister. Gio's mother god rest her soul. She was a woman who would battle a beast to protect her family.”

  “Well sir family is important to me and that now includes the Fabrizio’s, so I won’t allow anyone to disrupt that.” Indy said smiling up at him.

  Giuseppe smiled back with pride shining in his eyes. “I feel the same way about the members of my family. So just know that now that we are family you will never have to face any battle alone.”

  “Thanks Giuseppe that means a lot to me and my sisters. It's been a long time since we’ve had this much family around us. Actually, we’ve never had this much family around.” Indy said with unshed tears in her eyes.

  He gently patted her on the shoulder before placing a fatherly kiss at her temple. Serafina smiled as she walked over to them and took Indy’s hands into both of hers.

  “I have always wanted daughters and now have been blessed with four of them. So no tears nostra figlia now we celebrate.” Sera said with her strongly accented Italian voice.

  “Yes, celebriamo!” Giuseppe said agreeing with his wife’s idea to celebrate. “Is there any of that delicious smelling food left or did Luciano eat it all?” Giuseppe asked.

  “Babbo!” Luc said with a groan.

  “Don’t you dad me boy, I know how much you can eat.” Giuseppe said.

  “No worries, we didn’t let him eat everything this time. Besides I made plenty, so there is a lot left.” Asia said as she went to the kitchen to get a couple of clean plates and silverware.

  When she returned, they all sat down at the table, even though everyone else had already eaten.

  “Why didn’t the two of call so that Luc could fly out and get you?” Gio asked from his place next to Indy.

  “Yeah you know I would’ve been happy to come and get the both of you.” Luc said.

  “Your mother had some things she wanted to bring for the girls, so we hired a car and driver to bring us home.” Giuseppe replied.

  “I wanted to bring all you girls something, like I did when the boys were younger and Seppe, and I went away on trips. Even though we were never gone for too long I wanted them to know we were always thinking of them.” Sera said with a smile.

  “Really, you brought me something?” Asia asked excitedly.

  “Are you deaf or what she said all us girls as in not just you, dummy.” Indy said.

  “You know Asia. She loves to get gifts it doesn’t matter who they're from.” London said.

  “That’s true she’s been that way, since she was a kid.” Gigi said. “You don’t have to bring us things when you go away and come back.”

  “We know Caro but Seppe knows I love to bring gift's home and now that you girls are nostra figlie it’s more fun.” Sera replied.

  “You said something similar to that earlier what does nostra figile mean?” Indy asked with a slight frown.

  Gio smiled at her as he took her hand. “It means our daughter's gattino. She considers you and your sisters their new daughters.”

  “Wow that’s so sweet of you Sera you don’t know how much that means to us.” Gigi said.

  “There is nothing more important than family. Oh and by the way, London the place looks amazing. Has Pierce spoken to you about work with Fabrizio Industries?” Sera asked as she looked at London.

  “Yes he has and I think that I would like that very much I just have a few loose ends to tie up in New York.” London said.

  “That’s wonderful I’m sure that Gabe would be happy to help you with that. Wouldn’t you Gabe?” Giuseppe said as he looked at his son.

  “No there’s no need for him to help. I can handle things myself, really.” London said in a panic.

  “It’s not a problem. I'd be happy to give you a hand with those loose ends of yours.” Gabe replied through clenched teeth as he forced a smile on his face. He thought the loose ends she needed to tie up might be about a boyfriend, she was reluctant to leave behind.

  “Good then that’s settled. I’d like to hold my grandson please.” Sera said looking at Pierce, who was holding his son in his arms. Standing he walked around the table and placed the baby in his mother’s arms.

  “He is even more beautiful than he was the last time I saw him. Oh look Seppe, he is so precious, our first grandchild.” Sera said with a proud smile.

  “The first of many, many more we hope.” Giuseppe said as he glanced at each of his sons.

  Gio and Indy exchanged a look that only they understand knowing that there was a chance, they would be next ones to give them their next grandchild.

  “Okay let’s get back to the gifts, when can I
have mine?” Asia asked with excitement.

  “You did not just ask that.” Indy said as she glared at Asia.

  “It’s alright you can have your gift as soon we unpack. And dinner was wonderful Asia as always you out did yourself.” Sera said.

  “So mom did you bring me anything?” Luc asked curiously.

  “Yes Luciano don’t I always bring you something.” Sera said to her youngest son.

  Asia rolled her eyes at him. “You are such a child.” She said in a teasing tone.


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