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Forbidden Three

Page 12

by Kira Blakely

  Holden chuckles softly, and it’s the most erotic noise he possibly could’ve conjured up. He shifts from my lips to my ear and sucks on my lobe. “No,” he breathes. “You only get dick after you’ve come. Now, be my good girl and come. Come and scream. Now.”

  I can’t hold on a second longer. My eyes roll back in my skull, I shove my tits outward, arch into Joey’s face. The climax rips through my core, and I shriek into Holden’s mouth while his brother holds down my legs.

  I’m shattered, white-blind bliss searing through me, tearing through the last vestiges of my doubt, of my fear.

  I love them both. I love them both.

  My pussy closes around Joey’s fingers, and I squirt, drip, pulse some more.

  “Yes,” Joey growls. “Fuck, you’re so wet. Fuck!”

  He fingers me a while longer, grunting with satisfaction at all the cum that dribbles between my legs.

  I collapse onto the blanket against, still clutching Holden, and kiss him again. God, he tastes good. I’ve come twice, and I still want more from them. I want them to feel as good as I’m feeling right now.

  Holden breaks away from me, brushes the sweat from my forehead and grins, flashing pearl white teeth. “You want dick now, baby?”

  “Yes, please,” I whisper, flicking my gaze from him down to Joey, still working his fingers inside me. “Please.” So he knows I want it from him, too. Joey in my cunt, and Holden in my mouth. “Please.”

  Joey’s fingers slide out from inside me, and he licks them off one by one, sucking them clean of my juices, relishing each one.

  I moan softly in response.

  Somewhere close by, another couple fucks, their sex noises drifting out from beneath the palm trees and across the sand. I don’t care about them, just this. Just this moment with these two men.

  Holden sits me up then grabs me around the waist and flips me over onto my knees on the blanket. Joey strips the dress down, over my ass cheeks, still growling low in his throat.

  “Please,” I whisper.

  Joey spanks my ass. “Patience,” he says.

  I wiggle it at him, tempting him with more. “Now!”

  Holden undoes his pants and tugs them down, exposes his fat dick, already throbbing for me. He grabs my chin and my mouth drops open, tongue creeping out, immediately. I lick his head and drink up the pre-cum oozing from it, savor the saltiness.

  “Yes,” I moan. “Yes, yes.” I lick again, and it tastes too good. Too good not to have more. I try shuffling forward to get it, but Joey holds me back, his fingertips gripping my hip.

  I jerk and slap my hand into the blanket. “I want it in my mouth. Let me suck you, please.”

  “Naughty,” Holden says, pinching my cheek. “Wait until I say you can.”

  He kneels in front of me and sways his dick back and forth, just out of reach of my mouth, teasing me. I look up at him, at the side-parted hair, the sharp nose, and those see-my-soul eyes and groan. “Please?”

  “Good girl,” he says, then finally places himself within my reach.

  I gobble up his cock, greedily. I suck on his head, circle the ridge with my tongue, probe the veins, taste him. It’s so fucking good. It’s so fucking addictive. Just as good as his brother.

  “You like that?” he asks.

  “Uh-huh,” I manage, around his cock.

  “That’s just the tip. You haven’t even taken it all yet. Open wide, baby. Open nice and wide for me.”

  Joey spanks my ass again, and I yelp, opening real wide.

  Holden’s dick plunges inside, and my mouth waters. This is perfect. The best I’ve ever felt in my entire life.

  I don’t want it to stop. Ever.

  Chapter 24


  Dani’s ass is up in the air, presented to me like the best fucking gift imaginable. Christmas has passed, but I’d give up every present I got if I could have this sweet pussy on my platter every fucking day.

  The light from the torches pegged in the ground illuminates those glistening lips between her thighs, the peachiness of her skin. Fuck, I’m throbbing for her already. She’s got her mouth full at the moment, but I don’t focus on that.

  All I want is her pleasure. I’ll give it, and I’ll take it. I’ll make it mine.

  Two orgasms from my fingers and my lips. A third from my cock. Maybe another one while I’m filling her with my cum. That sounds about right.

  Sounds like heaven.

  My own personal nirvana buried in Dani’s body.

  The wind picks up a little and goosebumps prickle the smooth skin of her ass. I bend and lick one cheek, then kiss it openmouthed. I move to the other and do the same, painting a line with my tongue, back and forth, up and down across those full apples.

  She gives a muted, wet moan, her body bucking back and forth.

  “Fuck yes,” I whisper. My fingers are pruned up from her cum, like I’ve been in a bath for too long.

  My dick aches in my pants. I unzip and let it out. I inch forward on my knees and hold it behind her entrance, watching how her back arches, how she twists and moans. Her pussy drips those sweet juices onto the blanket.

  Christ, it can’t get better than this, sexier.

  I hold the base of my cock and direct it toward that quivering gash. She’s still rocking on the spot and I time it perfectly, wait until she’s on her path backward, then thrust into her. Bury myself to the fucking balls.

  “Fuck!” I grunt.

  Another muted scream from my Dani.

  She’s so hot and tight, so wet, so trapped in her own pleasure that she’s already pulsing around me, keening again. She drums her feet on the blanket, kicking and shaking, pussy clenching again and again as she rocks through her third orgasm.

  Third in one night. Let’s make it four. Fuck it, let’s make it ten. I’ll stay inside this woman until dawn if I have to. Anything to ensure that she comes out of this experience happy, sated, and a changed woman.

  My woman for good.

  All the pussy in the world can’t replace what I’ve got right now.

  She finishes again, but it’s not over yet.

  “Open wider,” Holden speaks up front.

  She moans and seemingly obliges. I don’t focus on that, only on pleasuring her. I reach around and play with her clit, and she tightens around me again. I’ve already tweaked her clit so much tonight she’s probably aching, but it’s a sure fire way to make her come again, and that’s what I need.

  More wetness, more warmth, more tightness.

  “Good,” I grunt, as she squeezes my cock with her velvet walls. “Good, keep doing that. Keep squeezing, naughty girl.”

  She does as she’s told, obeys me because she knows it’s good for her. She knows my dick, my fingers, will pull her to the brink of insane pleasure yet again.

  I work her clit and pull my dick out of her slowly, admire the cum coating it, the slickness slathered across her lips, the insides of her thighs, all the way up to her pink, puckered asshole.

  “Such a dirty girl,” I growl.

  She tightens so hard she sucks my dick back into her depths.

  “Yeah, you like that? You like being called a dirty girl?”

  Dani’s incoherent, but her trembles tell me everything I need to know.

  I thrust inside her, circling her clit with my finger, finding that sweet spot that drives her wild and relishing every little movement. Every whine or pulse brings me closer to my edge, but she’s got to come again for me.

  She’s got to break before I do.

  I’m so fucking close, though. Tingles spread through my nuts, and I quicken my pace on her clit. “Come for me, dirty girl. Come hard.”

  Dani whines and fucks me, thrusts herself backward, encouraging more, harder. And I give it to her. I give it all to this woman. This fantasy girl who’s taken me to another fucking place in my mind. In my soul.

  “Fuck,” I growl, because I can’t hold it any longer. I’ve got to fill this sweet pussy now. “Fuck, I’m comi

  Dani’s orgasm starts in time with mine. She arches into me, milking my cock with that greedy little cunt. So greedy for my cum it makes me groan.

  I spank her, grip her ass cheek, and lose control. My hips work of their own accord, and I release everything into her in six long squirts. My bad girl. My dirty girl. Look what you’ve made me do.

  I coat her walls with my seed and hold myself inside her, grip both ass cheeks and press them together. I pull out nice and slow, holding her pussy lips tight around my cock as I slide out, keeping all that goodness inside her.

  I want her dripping for days after this.

  Dani gulps greedily at the front, glugging noises drifting back to where I’m admiring her pink swollenness, still gummed up with all my juices. She inhales sharply and quivers, still on her knees. “Oh, my god,” she says, and sits back on her heels, blocking my view. “Oh, my god, that was amazing.”

  I kiss her smooth, tan shoulder, then stand and pull up my pants, zipping them closed. I fetch Dani’s dress and bring it back to her, then help her tug it on and rearrange herself. She’s just as gorgeous with it on than off, even more so now that her hair is all fucked up and she’s got that pink, just-fucked look about her.

  I sit down beside her, and Holden takes a spot—fully clothed again, thank fuck—opposite. This isn’t as awkward as it should be.

  I take Dani’s hand and kiss it. “I want to make you happy. That’s what that was about for me. I don’t know what it was about for Holden, but yeah, your happiness is what matters.”

  Dani chews the corner of her lip and lowers her gaze to her lap.

  “If it’ll make you happy to be with Holden, I’ll leave you to it,” I say.

  Her head snaps up again, and she opens her mouth, urgent.

  “But,” I put in, stopping her before she can interject, “if it will make you happy to have both of us, I’m fine with that, too.” Fuck, it doesn’t have to be a threesome every time. I’ll have her to myself most of the time.

  “How will that work?” She flicks her gaze to Holden.

  I don’t know about him, but for me, the moments after a good fuck are the times when I think clearly, probably because there’s no urge to dominate a pussy distracting me.

  Holden is silent. His usual surly self. He fingers his chin and doesn’t answer.

  “This is more than just this weekend,” I say. “There’s more than simply the three people here to consider. Holden has a family to take care of. He has an entire life in New York that you’re a part of and I’m not.”

  “I—don’t know that that’s going to be true after this,” Dani says.

  Holden pushes himself to his feet and looks down on us.

  I place my hand in the small of Dani’s back, against the wet-silver fabric that drove me crazy earlier. She’s warm beneath it, and I love that. Love the heat of her, the realness.

  “This is not the place to discuss this,” Holden says. “Come on, let’s take Dani back to her villa. She can have a shower, and we’ll talk about it over coffee or something.”

  It’s a good idea, I’ll give him that. I’m past the point of punching him, but I’m still not ready to shake his hand.

  I help Dani to her feet, and we set off across the sand, leaving the blanket, the wine and its little table, the glasses, all of it behind. There’s no time for that, and someone else will get it for us.

  Right now, it’s all about the future. About what we’re going to do about the little problem we’ve created. I’ve created, technically.

  Dani holds my hand then reaches for Holden’s. He takes hers, too, and together we walk up toward her villa.

  How will this end? How can it possibly end well when we both want her and she wants both of us?

  Whatever happens, I’ll keep her. I’ll keep Dani.

  I squeeze her fingers, and she squeezes back.

  Everything will be just fucking fine.

  Chapter 25


  I stand under the hot water in the shower, the steam rolling around me, pillowing against the glass panes of the door and walls and pressing upward, forcing up and over toward the ceiling.

  I’m shattered.

  Emotionally, mentally, physically.

  I’m barely able to stand, right now, but the night is far from over. We’ve still got too much to discuss. Too much to get through.

  I pick up the sponge and the soap and rub them together under the water, lather up as Joey did yesterday.

  New York is a forever ago. This weekend is my only reality. But it won’t stay this way, and that’s why we’re here. We have to talk.

  I make quick work of washing up—the twins are out there, waiting for me.

  They haven’t torn my living room apart yet or strangled each other, judging by the relative silence, and that bodes well for our discussion.

  I finish up, then step out of the shower, towel off, and grab a robe off one of the hooks on the wall next to the sink. I slip it on, tie it up and eye myself in the mirror.

  I’m tanner than when I arrived. And there’s another quality about me that’s different. I can’t put my finger on it. Maybe fucking two men at once has changed me. It must have. It’s hardly a forgettable experience.

  I run fingers through my damp hair, which straggles past my shoulders, and sigh.

  “It’s got to work out,” I whisper. “It won’t always be this way. We’ll figure it out?” The last part is a question because I’m not sure we will.

  It’s time to talk about it, regardless.

  I open the bathroom door and move through to the living room, my heart beating a tattoo against my chest. I don’t want to lose either of them.

  “I agree,” Holden says, from the other side of the open doorway.

  He agrees? That’s a first. What have they been talking about while I was gone?

  I enter the living room, and it’s a shock to the system, seeing them there together on the sofa. They’re not exactly side by side, but they’re still close, and not wrestling or strangling each other, thank god.

  Two massive men. They’re different in subtle ways, but those true personality differences run deep and I love that. My hot and cold. My Joey and my Holden.

  They both smile at me, Joey’s smile a little skew, Holden’s full on, stretching his lips wide.

  “There you are,” Holden says.

  “We thought you drowned.” Joey laughs.

  I titter one, too, but more out of nerves than real amusement. I take a seat opposite them, because sitting between them now will only lead in another direction. I’m already tender from a weekend of sex, sex, and more sex.

  I cross my ankles and place my hands on my thighs. “So,” I say.

  “So,” Joey echoes.

  “Obviously, we need to work this out.”

  “Coffee first,” Holden says and gestures to the tray on the coffee table, holding three cups, two of them already half-empty. “You look like you’re about to fall over.”

  Joey scooches to the edge of his seat, gets one for me, and hands it over. Our fingertips brush as I accept it.

  “Thanks.” I slurp back the coffee, and it lends me a little strength. “I’ve been thinking,” I say, in the silence that follows. “I really want to be with both of you, and you know that now, but I can’t fathom how it’s possible. I—It just seems selfish of me to want that.”

  “It’s not selfish,” Joey replies. “I want you.”

  “And I do, too.” There’s a tiny hint of challenge in Holden’s tone. “But it’s not plausible for us to all be in a relationship. It’s weird, too.”

  “Beyond weird,” Joey agrees.

  I chew my bottom lip. “So, it’s over, then.”

  “No.” Holden shakes his head. “We talked a little while you were in the shower, about what we want and about what you want. I’m sorry, Danielle, but I don’t think you’ll be able to continue working with me in New York. You’ll be able to visit and see Jessie sometimes
, say hi, but other than that…”

  “I understand,” I say, but my stomach sinks regardless. I’ll miss working for him, I’ll miss his little ray of sunshine, packing her lunches and hearing her kiddie stories, but he’s right, of course.

  We’re adults, and we have to be responsible about this. I’ll have to come up with another form of income, and that’s fine. There are loads of waitressing opportunities in New York. My dreams of becoming a commercial pilot, however, are toast.

  “But that’s not all.” Joey flicks back his hair, his expression alive with excitement. “We talked about what you deserve.”

  “We want to help you achieve your dreams, Danielle.”

  “What do you mean?” I look from one brother to the other, nerves building again.

  “I do a lot of traveling for the business,” Joey says. “And while I like the frequent flyer miles, I’ve gotta say that first class is getting tired.”

  “OK?” Please, let this be going where I think it’s going. Please, please.

  “We’d like to help you out,” Holden says. “We’ll pay for you to get your private pilot’s license, all the hours required, and then your commercial pilot’s license. And then we’ll hire you.”

  “I—what? That’s—but—we slept together. That’s hardly ethical,” I whisper.

  “We’re beyond the point of ethics, I’d say.” Joey glances at his brother askance, then laughs. “That ship sailed yesterday afternoon. Listen, Dani, because of me, you’ve lost your job. A good job. It would’ve taken you forever to save up to do what you want to do with your life. This is a gift from two friends. Think of it that way.”

  Holden tugs up the legs of his pants and rests his forearms on his thighs, clasps his hands together. “Let’s be very clear here. In no way is this considered payment for anything other than a job, which you’ll undertake once I’ve purchased a private plane. If, in the future, you decide you want to stop working for us, then you’ll be free to do that within the bounds of your contract.”

  “Are you serious?” This is too good to be true. This is just—I shake my head. This is more than I could ever have expected or wanted. This is my dream. My life’s dream. To see the world.


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