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Forbidden Three

Page 18

by Kira Blakely

  “Because, Daddy,” she says. “I’m wearing crotchless panties and I want you to fuck me in front of this window where everyone can see.”

  And indeed, there are people out there, walking back and forth in the distance along the path that leads between the villas. They’ll likely only catch a glimpse of her top half, and the mask when we’re busy.

  The suspicion remains, but the suggestion is too appetizing to deny, and I’m already filling out the front of my boxers. If this is how she want to start our day, it’s fine by me. The masks can wait until we’re done. But I will see her today. All of her.

  I have to. I won’t let this weekend end without a promise of more from her.

  Chapter 14


  I stand in front of the window, my breasts cradled by the balcony bra, my nipples peeking out above the hem. I want this, yes, I want to feel him inside me again, one last time before I leave Mystique Island and never see him again.

  I reach up and slide the bra straps from my shoulders, then unclip it and drop it to the floor. My tan lines leave white triangles over my nipples, both pink and erect now. It’s got nothing to do with the chill in his villa, and everything to do with the growing heat between my legs.

  Nicholas walks toward me, confidence in the set of his broad shoulders, the lift of his chin. He’ll take me again, and I’ll regret it later.

  Jake’s father? Christ, can I really do this?

  Fuck Jake. He didn’t really give a shit about you. It wasn’t just the virginity that bothered him. He tried to change everything about you, from the way you talk to the way you dress.

  Nicholas stops in front of me and looks down at my breasts. He doesn’t have to touch me, just breathe and watch, and I’m on the brink of melting into a puddle at his feet. His breath is feather light, brushes my skin.

  “Crotchless panties,” he says.

  “Yes.” I found them in my closet earlier and I couldn’t resist. If this will be the last time we’re together, I want it to be good. No, I want it to be mind-blowing.

  Nicholas runs a finger down my stomach, dips it into my belly button, then takes it down further. He snags it into the waistline of my panties, tugs once, then smiles. “Interesting,” he says, and slips his touch lower, lower, until it slips over the crest and into the slit which opens up to my pussy lips.

  “Fuck,” he says, and collects the moisture between my lips, spreads it over them and up to my clit. “You’re so wet already.”

  “Uh-huh,” I say, and jerk at his touch. Guilt swells in my chest, but I tamp down on it, force it out of there. I have to enjoy this moment with him. It will be the last one I get because, like it or not, what I’m feeling for him is forbidden. It will never work out between us.

  From what I’ve heard, Nicholas is a good guy, and Jake happens to have him in the palm of his hand. One ill word and I’ll be out the door… fuck it, out the window.

  Nicholas inserts two fingers into my pussy and brings me back into focus. “Where are you? You’re not here with me. Who are you thinking about?”

  “No one but you,” I whisper, and suck in the last of the sentence as he plunges his fingers deeper still. He brushes against my g-spot and I shudder. “Oh, god.”

  “Fuck it,” Nicholas says, and pulls out of me. He strips off his boxers and frees his dick, then slams me against the window, so that my ass is pressed to it. He lifts one of my legs and hooks it around his body, grabs both my ass cheeks and angles me toward him.

  I arch my back and stare at him from behind my mask. All that matters is us, and this moment, but I still can’t shake my guilt.

  He presses his fat head into my pussy, widening me again, for the fourth time in two days, and spears me on his length. He fills me completely, and spines of pleasure pierce and shatter any hint of hesitation from my end.

  “Oh, god,” I say.

  “I want to see you again after this weekend,” Nicholas growls, and doesn’t move, just holds me there, against the window, as people walk by in the background.

  The glass warms rapidly under my skin. “Daddy, please, just fuck me. I need you.”

  “I need you, too,” he says and draws his cock out to the tip, then rams it into my cunt again, all the way to the hilt. “I need this pussy wrapped around me at least once a day, every day from now on.”

  I hold back a gasp but shiver – it’s the pleasure and the fantasy that this could be true. “Every day?”

  “Fuck yes,” he says, and draws himself out again, pushes back in. “Every fucking day. Christ, you’re hot.” He means my core, the very part of me that he’s penetrating, right now. “And you’re mine.”

  “Yes,” I say. “I promise.” But I promise for the weekend, not for the foreseeable future.

  He grunts and takes it as acquiescence – he thinks I’ll be with him after this. He holds me upright and pounds into me, slamming us both against the window again and again. It creaks, but neither of us can stop.

  I wrap my arms around his neck and press my breasts outward, toward him. He bends and tries to suck my nipple but it sets us off kilter.

  We stumble, we fall sideways and he catches the desk, keeps us upright.

  “Come,” he says and slips out of me. He bends, scoops me up in his arms, one behind my knees, the other at my back, and carries me to the bed.

  I’m a bundle of raw nerve-endings. My pussy throbs, swollen, dripping for him. “Hurry,” I hiss. “Hurry, Daddy, please.”

  Nicholas throws me onto the bed, then crawls up my body, much the same way he did on the night I lost my virginity. He braces himself either side of me and stares into my eyes, uses one hand to tease me with the head of his dick.

  He runs it between my lips and up to my clit again and again.


  Nicholas laughs, a throaty chuckle that vibrates through my chest. Slowly, he enters me, slipping in with ease now, throbbing intermittently.

  My eyes roll back in my head. I want nothing more than for him to fill me up again. Each time he comes inside me, it’s like I’m his. I’m claimed by him, and I love that. I love the feeling of belonging to this overbearing, delicious man.

  “Look at me,” he says.

  I focus on him again, search those blue orbs.

  He thrusts into me, one deep movement, and I hold his gaze. We’re locked in on each other. Every movement brings another gasp from me, and he watches. He watches my every breath and shudder.

  His thrusts become more desperate. He grazes my g-spot and I cry out.

  “Don’t look away,” Nicholas says. “Don’t look away.”

  I keep my gaze glued on the front of his white mask, the eyes peering from them, the fine shade of stubble along his jaw, and those lips. Those lips are open slightly, he’s slack, caught in this moment of vulnerability.

  The start of his orgasm swells his cock larger and brings on my own climax. It’s not the same as the others I’ve had before; it’s brought on solely by his presence inside me, his girth, and the expression in his eyes.

  They burn for me.

  Nicholas pounds into me hard, and throbs, releases in three long thrusts, still holding my focus, still watching me, his jaw dropped now, breaths bathing my face.

  I clench around him and rock through my orgasm, my legs and arms wrapped around him.

  And then it’s over. He lowers his body and rests his forehead against mine, leaves his dick inside me, pulsing through the aftershocks of our lovemaking.

  “I don’t want this to end,” I say – the admission slips out.

  “It doesn’t have to.”

  Chapter 15


  I pull out of her, my girl, and roll onto my back, lift my arms above my head. It’s morning, and we’ve got the whole day ahead of us. I can’t wait to spend it with her, eating, talking, fucking, getting to know her better. Hopefully, by the end of it, she’ll be ready to take off that mask and show me who she is.

  “That was amazing,
” she whispers and drags her fingers down her body, to her now moist panties.

  “We should order some food,” I say. “Have something to eat, then go for a walk on the beach. There’s surfing classes, I hear.”

  “Oh?” She lifts herself onto her elbows. “How will that work with the masks?”

  “I haven’t looked into it.” But it might be an opportunity to get her out of hers, maybe even get her naked in the salty water. “Who cares about the masks? The sooner they’re off the better.”

  “I don’t know. I think they’re kind of fun.” She sits up, slides off the bed, and collects her bra. She clips it on, then slips into the silk gown she wore at the door.

  I frown. “You don’t have to do that. No one’s coming in here without my permission.” My phone buzzes on the bedside table and I pinch the bridge of my nose. I should never have turned it on yesterday but the draw to do business keeps tugging at me. “Shit,” I mutter, and check the caller ID. Jake again.

  “You can take it,” she says. “I’ll let myself out.”

  “What? You’re not going anywhere.” But Jake had called twice this morning and that warranted a response. “Stick around, gorgeous. This won’t take long.” I lift the cell, swipe my thumb across the screen, then press the phone to my ear. “Jake,” I say.

  Vixen stops tying her robe and doesn’t move a muscle.

  I smile at her, but she’s gone pale.

  “Dad,” Jake says, and he doesn’t sound whiny. His voice bubbles with emotion. With anger. “Dad, what the fuck are you doing?!”

  “What are you talking about, kid?”

  “You fucked my ex-girlfriend!” Jake yelled. “Dad, what the fuck were you thinking?”

  “I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. Did you smoke dope again?” A habit I’d hoped I’d rid him of. “I’m nowhere near your girlfriend.” But I still have the memory of meeting her.

  Heather Henderson – we were introduced in the hallway outside his room. She’d had long blonde hair, the softest expression in her eyes, and she’d smelled gorgeous, floral and gentle. Sweet. The instant attraction had overwhelmed me at the time, but I’d brushed past it.

  “Then how come my friend Becky just called me and told me you fucked her?” Jake asks.

  “Wait, she’s your ex? I thought you were still dating.”

  “I broke up with her because she wouldn’t fuck me. Guess I was wrong to do it,” he replies. “Sounds like she’s a little whore now.”

  I blink at the harsh words from my son. When did he become a jackass? “You’re mistaken. I’m on an island retreat.”

  “She’s there, too. Mystique Island. Becky told me everything.”

  My stomach drops. I look up at Vixen, at her blond hair. That floral scent that is so familiar to me bursts through my denial. “Jake,” I say, “I’ll have to call you back.”


  I hang up and drop the phone on the bed. She’s on the other side of it, staring at me, her hands wrapped in her silken robe, holding it closed. She’s folding in on herself, backing away.

  “That was Jake,” I say.

  “Oh,” she whispers.

  “Is it you, Heather?”

  She hovers on the spot, shakes her head, then nods, swallows. “I –” But she cuts off and darts for the door.

  I chase after her, heart pounding, a sick lurch in my stomach driving me to catch her before it’s too late. “Wait!”

  My girl—she was my girl—rushes out of the villa. The door slams behind her and I’m left staring after her, caught between my only son and the feelings that I haven’t felt since I lost his mother.

  Chapter 16


  I run as fast as my legs can carry me, the mask still on and tears squeezing between it and my cheeks. God, he knows. How does he know? How the hell does Jake know? Guilt sears me, forces me onward.

  I trip over my bare feet and my robe bursts open. I scramble it closed again and race toward my villa. It’s not too far from Nicholas’, and that in itself brings another surge of guilt.

  You should’ve told him. Or you should’ve refused to see him.

  But both options don’t sit right with me, and it’s too late to worry about them now. Nicholas knows who I am and he’s probably mad as hell that I haven’t told him the truth.

  I finally reach the villa and crash into the door. I open it and rush inside, slam into the wall and rest my forehead against it, breathing hard. This is it. This is rock bottom.

  No, this is lower than that. I’m buried beneath the rock, struggling for air. He’ll never speak to me again, and Jake will spread rumors about this at Columbia. Everyone’s going to think I’m a crazy slut.

  But how does he know? I can’t work that part out and it swirls through my brain, followed by the shock in Nicholas’ eyes.

  “I told you to stay away from him.”

  I look up and swallow more of that bitter shame.

  Becky stands in the doorway, her fists on her hips. She’s red from the line of her hair, down to her pale chest, exposed by a bikini. Her mask is off, but she doesn’t seem to care. “You’re a fucking idiot, Heather. I told you to stay away from him and you refused. I had no choice.”

  “You told Jake.” It hits me right between the eyes, a bolt from the blue. “Why would you do that? We’re friends!”

  “We were friends until you went and broke the rules. I wanted you to have fun here, Heather, but you took things too far. You’re so self-involved you can’t even see what you’re doing here.”

  “I’m not doing anything.” I ball my hands into fists but it does nothing to quell the shaking.

  “All you had to do was stick to the rules. Just lose your damn virginity, have fun, not get involved with Jake’s father, for fuck’s sake!”

  “Why would you tell him, Becky?” I ask again, because she still hasn’t answered the question.

  Her face contorts into a picture of rage, her lips peel back, her eyes narrow to slits. “Because you have everything,” she spits. “Everyone loves perfect little virginal Heather. Heather the A-student on her scholarship. Heather who landed Jake. Did you know I saw him first? I did!”

  “What?” I reel and catch myself on the wall. “Are you serious?”

  “Yes, I’m serious. And I would have satisfied Jake,” Becky continues, pressing a palm to her chest. “Unlike you. But he chose you over me, regardless. And now you’re with his dad! What are you going to be, his stepmom? Agh!”

  “I’ll be whatever I want to be,” I say. “You’re certifiable. If you want Jake, take him. I don’t love him anymore, and god knows, he treated me like dirt. You two deserve each other.”

  Becky trembles with fury. “And take your shitty seconds? No thanks. I’ve spent too long in your shadow, Heather.”

  “You don’t make any sense,” I whisper. None of this makes sense to me. If she likes him so much, she should take him. And why hasn’t she told me any of this before? “I don’t understand why you’ve done this. I’ve never tried to make you less than me or to make you feel that way.”

  “Then why did you do it?” Becky asks. “You showed me up in every single situation. And don’t tell me you didn’t do it on purpose. I know when you’re lying.”

  “I didn’t!” I yell, then suck in a breath to calm myself. This is bullshit. Becky’s ruined everything and I’m just entertaining her massive ego.

  “You did,” she replies. “You’re not a true friend. I can’t believe I wasted my time with you.”

  “Get out,” I say. “Get out of my villa. I don’t want to speak to you again.”

  “Fine by me, bitch.” Becky throws up a hand, then turns on her heel and stomps from the room. She leaves the door open behind her.

  I sink to the floor, my back still pressed against the wall. I hate this. I hate every moment of what’s happened over the past half hour and there’s not a damn thing I can do to change it.

  I get up, slowly, haltingly, and wal
k over to my bedside table. I open the drawer and bring out my cell phone. I have no missed calls. Not one. Jake cares enough to yell at his father but not at me.

  Maybe if I tell him to back off, I can fix this. No, that’s impossible. Nicholas loves his son, he respects him, even though Jake is a total dick, and he’ll never get involved with me, now that he knows who I am.

  Tomorrow’s the day I leave Mystique. I don’t have much to pack – the island provided almost everything for me – but I toss the cell, the sunblock I brought, and my contraceptive pills into my handbag.

  I rush to my closet and rip open the doors, search for the clothes I wore on the plane over here – a simple cotton dress and flip flops, then change. In minutes, I’m ready to leave, but I’ve still got nowhere to go.

  There’s an entire afternoon of regret ahead of me, and an evening of shame after that.

  My energy drains, and finally, I sit down on the chaise lounge in front of my bed and give up. This is over. There’s nothing I can do to change that.

  Chapter 17


  I stand in the doorway and stare after her, but she’s gone already.

  Heather Henderson.

  My son’s ex-girlfriend, and I’ve spent the last two days fucking her brains out. I pace back to the living room and sit down on the sofa, still naked. I can’t work out what to do about this.

  I rip the mask off my face and toss it across the room.

  “Fuck,” I mutter. “Fuck!”

  This is a mess. My phone buzzes from the bedroom but I don’t need to pick it up to know who’s calling. If I answer now, Jake’s anger will ultimately make me say something I regret.

  What had Heather told me? Down on the beach yesterday, she’d revealed that her ex-boyfriend cheated on her because she wouldn’t put out.

  My son cheated on her and possibly broke her heart for something as shallow as sex. Sure, he’s young, but when did he become an asshole?

  I grit my teeth and run my fingers through my hair. I can’t let this happen.


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