Loving the Pink Kiss

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Loving the Pink Kiss Page 1

by Shiralyn J. Lee

  Loving the Pink Kiss

  by Shiralyn J. Lee


  Golden Sky

  New York

  Golden Sky is an imprint of Mondial.

  Shiralyn J. Lee: Loving The Pink Kiss

  © 2011 Mondial, Golden Sky, and Shiralyn J. Lee

  Published at Smashwords

  This book or parts thereof may not be reproduced in any form, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means —electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission of the publisher or the author, except as provided by United States of America copyright law.

  ISBN: 9781595692252 (print edition)

  ISBN: 9781595692313 (electronic edition, eBook)

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2011938239




  I dedicate this book to my wife Janice, for putting up with many silent evenings as I sat in my own little world writing.

  You are my rock, you complete me.

  Thank you.

  Shiralyn J. Lee


  Sarah Niles is 32 years old and the kind of girl who loves to party; shag Jake; a guy that she sees on the odd occasion and slip into a deep drunken sleep every Friday night. Her lifestyle although not boring, had become typically routine and Sarah was beginning to feel as though she needed some excitement to keep herself from going insane.

  Jessica; her best friend had been informed by a work colleague Debs; that she had a friend in desperate need to stay in the country. This friend Robbie; a Canadian has amazing blue eyes and a really nice smile apparently. Robbie has a limited time to stay in the country before being asked to leave, courtesy of her majesties service. So a plan (more like a scam) was set in place that marriage would be the answer to ensure a guaranteed postponement to Robbie’s current situation.

  This is where Sarah stepped in; not just to look like the big martyr because the five thousand pounds payment that was offered took precedence over that, but for the simple fact that she simply just could. But please bear in mind that she was completely pissed when she so politely put herself on offer to be the dutiful wife and missed the fact Robbie is actually a woman.

  Sarah didn’t have to lift a finger; Debs took complete control of everything. She arranged the registry office and the date and all Sarah had to do was show up on the big day. She hadn’t even met Debs in person yet as all arrangement details had been passed on via Jessica. But Sarah didn’t care about minor details because if she had listened a little more carefully she would be clued in to the incredible journey that she was just about to embark on.

  This story begins on the morning of the wedding and Sarah is preparing herself diligently, it seems that she pays so much more attention to her vanity than she does to her circumstances.


  I am doing the right thing, I know it. I thought to myself, staring into the mirror.

  “Its 11.15 are you ready yet?” Jessica shouted trying to make me hurry even faster.

  “Yes I’m just about done.” I replied rather snappishly. That was about the zillionth time she had called me, anyone would think that it was her getting married today. “But these heels are a fucking nightmare. I hate wearing new shoes for the first time!” Now where did I put those god damn plasters?

  “Ok Sarah the cabs here, I’ve got your bag so let’s go.” Now she’s my mother.

  “Fine I’m coming let me just grab this.” I picked up a cold piece of toast with strawberry jam on it and stuffed it in my mouth whilst we ran down the steps to exit the building.

  “Where can I take you to my lovelies?” The cab driver asked in a jolly manner.

  “Hi we’re going to the registry office on Bow Road could you get us there as fast as you can please we’re a little on the late side.” Jessica sweetly asked putting on her poshest expression.

  “Why certainly maam, I’ll have ya there in a jiffy.” He replied with a singing tone to his voice.

  “Watch out you almost hit that cyclist.” Jessica scorned him and then mouthed the word sorry to the cyclist through the window as we drove past.

  “That’s ok; I’ve had plenty of practice dodging those slight beggars.” He chuckled.

  “Oh for God sake I just spilt jam on my top. Jessica I look like shit now, what am I going to do? That’s it I can’t go ahead with this anymore. This is a sign for me not to go through with it. I’ve realised it’s a stupid idea and I want to go home before I make a big fool out of myself.” My nerves had set in and I began to wonder what kind of an idiot I was for agreeing to go through with this scam in the first place. Yes the five thousand pounds I’d received certainly helped sway me and perhaps if I gave it back I could still get out of this but there had been no logic or sound reasoning for my decision in this outrageous matter.

  “Look you don’t have to get hysterical.” She snapped. “First of all you’re not marrying this guy to live with him. All you have to do is say I do and then fuck off. Here I have a femme fresh wipe you can use to clean that splodge. Now do you still want to do this or would you rather go home because I’m here for you hun? And maybe I can tell Robbie that you just couldn’t go through with it, after all it’s not like we know him and have anything to feel guilty about.” She pulled out her lippy and perfectly plastered another layer on without using a mirror. I’d always admired her for having that talent.

  “No! No I’ll do it. I’ve already said I would and I don’t want to disappoint anyone.” This was one of those things that I totally regretted agreeing to but I knew that I had an obligation to go ahead with; something other than the money was driving me tho, like a force of nature. I knew deep down that I would have done this regardless whether a payment had been made or not.

  “Ere we are then ladies, I got you here safe and sound, Bromley public hall. That’ll be eleven quid even.” He smiled politely and held his hand out waiting for one of us to pay up. Maybe he should have knocked a fiver off for turning up so bloody late.

  “There you go keep the change. Now Sarah are you sure you still want to go through with this?” She was giving me my last chance to escape doing the dreaded deed and I toyed with the idea just for a second but nothing was telling me to not do it.

  “Yep ready as I’ll ever be!” Neither one of us had thought this through properly and had paid little attention to any consequences that may occur.

  “Ok then, let’s do it. Look there’s a crowd of people waiting and there’s Debbie waving like a frantic idiot. Hi Debbie this is Sarah, Sarah this is Debbie, so which one is Robbie?” Jessica questioned her then gripped my arm as we raced up the steps.

  “Just get inside they’ve called for you twice.” She replied and herded us inside the hall like cattle on a ranch. “Quickly come on now let’s hurry people are waiting”

  As we were ushered into a small room I looked around for the person I was about to be wed to wondering why he hadn’t had the balls to approach me and at least say thanks for saving his grateful Canadian ass. Jessica sat in the front row and I stood in front of a long table with a black marble top and gold painted legs. Two women were standing on the other side of it. One was wearing the most awful beige suit and the other in a sage green jacket and black trousers and obviously thinking she looked fantastic in that God awful red lipstick that she’s probably had since 1970. And that hair, it looked like she had gone for a rewiring job on her last visit to the salon.

  Behind Jessica four seats were filled with women that I couldn’t identify. They must be Robbie’s relatives I thought. Standing next to me was a slim but fit built woman wi
th short dark hair, blue eyes, and pretty cute looking. She was wearing a white suit with a white carnation pinned to the lapel. “Who are you? And which one is Robbie?” I whispered to her and why was she standing at my side?

  Before she could answer the registrar introduced herself and her colleague and announced that we were all in the presence of Sarah Niles and Robin Page on this joyful occasion.

  I must have missed something. Robbie wasn’t here yet. I swung round to look at Jessica for confirmation on what was happening but all I could see was her mouthing; “Sarah I’m sorry! I had no fucking idea.”

  I didn’t understand why she was saying that until I saw the group of women seated behind her smiling happily and patting their weepy ridden eyes with tissues and looking directly at the woman standing right next to me. The sudden realisation that Robbie was actually present hit me pretty damn fast. I was marrying the woman standing next to me, the same sex as me; I was entering into a same sex marriage!

  What the fuck? I thought to myself, what do I do now? How the hell do I get out of this one? But I had made a promise to help this person, oh God what have I gone and done? I could feel the sweat beading down my forehead and my stomach was starting to turn over with a feeling of sickness creating a dizzy sensation. There was one thing that had failed to have been mentioned in all of this, that one tiny little detail, one little word. Robbie was a woman. She had never been referred to in the he or she context. Or if she had, that I had been so oblivious to the possibility that someone would assume I would just do it anyway. All I could remember being said was dark hair, good looking, nice smile and kind of shy. My heart was beating fast and my chest began to tighten as my adrenalin kicked in so I excused myself from the room and heard a gasp come from one of the tearful ladies as I legged it out into the hallway. Jessica swiftly followed me and instead of the expected serious questioning and what the fuck comments we just looked at each other and burst out into a fit of hysterical laughter. Could this really be happening to me? Three weeks ago I offered to help out Jessica’s work colleague; the wonderful Debs, who just happened to mention that a friend of hers needed to stay in the country and that marriage, was the quickest way to secure it. I peered in through the slim piece of glass at the side of the door and caught a quick glimpse of Robbie smiling at me and made a mental note that she does have a nice smile. Whoa what was I thinking? I don’t admire feminine features on another woman. I have to say no! I can’t do this! Oh but I agreed to do it, how can I go back on my word now. This person’s situation depends solely on my decision and why had no one else come to her rescue; did she not have any friends that could have committed themselves to this illegal scam? This was the perfect time to walk out and never look back but I was already back on route to my bride to be and as I approached her I made my apologies for making such a quick exit and then announced to everyone that I was now ready to continue.

  The registrar began to speak but all I could hear was blah blah blah. It was like living in an episode of a cartoon when the grownups talk was muffled. Oh how I wanted to not be a grown up right at this moment. Then I heard it; “Repeat after me; I Sarah Niles take thee Robin Page in……….”

  I could feel my mouth moving and sound was coming out but I had no idea what I was saying. Shock had started to play a role in this cruel joke. Then I felt my hand being lifted lightly into the air and a gold band was being placed on my finger. Her skin was soft and silky to the touch and her smell was irresistibly fascinating. Then there was a polite applause and voices congratulating us from the crowd on our marital union.

  When I finally snapped out of my daze I found myself sitting in a pub with my fourth drink of champagne in my hand and a rather large woman with her arms wrapped around me and kissing my cheek. Jessica was sitting opposite me with her head in her hands sobbing uncontrollably and saying that she was so sorry for getting me into this shit. I quickly downed my drink and pledged for another and then another straight after that. Robbie sat silent just sipping her beer but I did notice that her eyes were focused on me the entire time. Then this large woman who ever the hell she was handed me an envelope with a card inside. There were several signatures written in it with little quotes of good wishes for our marital success and a rather attractive looking confirmation letter showing a room booked for one night at a hotel. This was a rather extravagant hotel that sat nicely next to Tower Bridge and overlooked the river.

  A cab driver came into the pub and shouted cab for Niles Page! My bride and I were then shoved into the cab and waved off by everyone and I could see Jessica waving remorsefully with tears flowing down her face. The journey to the hotel was short but awkward and silent and I could feel Robbie’s eyes staring at me as I looked out of the window the entire way. All I could think was what the fuck had I just done? Her silence wasn’t doing her any favours with me either; could she not just thank me for putting my life on hold in her honour or was she just considering whether she had made a good investment with her five thousand pounds.

  Once inside the hotel the receptionist greeted us with a nice welcome and informed us that our king size suite was ready. I explained profusely that that was out of the question and that we required single beds in our room. She searched her computer screen for a few minutes only to inform us that everything else was taken. There was no choice we had to accept the suite, and a rather old looking gentleman claiming to be a porter showed us to our room which was on the fourth floor and was situated overlooking the bridge and the river. The ride in the lift was intense; a couple who were on their honeymoon were all over each other and making sloppy kissing noises. It was annoying and rude in my opinion. It would have been much easier to have gone our separate ways and buggered off home to…..home to what; four walls and a fucking T.V? Maybe in my desperation and loneliness I had been drawn into this scam just to gain a little excitement in my life.

  Once inside the suite we were confronted by a large bed with cream sheets and a burgundy throw and rather large plump pillows. It practically filled the room. There was also a large couch by the window just big enough to sleep on.

  My first words to my new wife were; “one of us can sleep on that I suppose.”

  Speaking in her soft Canadian accent she quickly offered to do the honour. But I suggested we flip a coin for it, guess what, I should have taken her up on her offer and shut my big fat gob. Sleeping on couches definitely wasn’t my forte.

  I sat on the big plump cushions and looked over at the dynamic bed I had just lucked out on. It kind of ended my day on the same note that it had started with.

  “I’m eternally grateful for what you have done for me.” Spoke this quiet soft voice. “I promise I won’t intrude on your life and that I’ll stay out of your way and I definitely won’t bring any one back to the house.”

  “What house?” I asked in surprise to her comment.

  “Yours, you did agree that I could stay with you, didn’t you?” She had a slight confused look about her as if I should know what she was talking about.

  “The only thing that I flaming well agreed to was to sign a piece of paper and that was all. There has been no offering of sharing my home with you, I think that there has certainly been a miscommunication on your side, I was led to believe that I would never have to see you again.” I was furious at the assumption of this woman and I was going to call Jessica first thing in the morning to sort this whole mess out.

  I had no idea that she was expecting to live with me. None of this had been decided in any of the conversations I’d held with Jessica. I had assumed that I would be signing divorce papers in the near future and posting them off somewhere. Alarm bells were starting to ring loud in my head but exhaustion from the events of the day and all of that Champagne I had drunk had taken its toll on me for the evening. I lifted my legs up onto the couch and laid my head down and immediately fell asleep.

  I awoke the next morning to find a throw had been placed over me and breakfast consisting of croissants and bacon, sausages
and scrambled eggs sat on the table. It smelt so good. Robbie was sitting on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed and her head supported with her hands clasped together underneath her chin. She had been watching me sleep, probably for a while as she looked quite refreshed and ready to go. Good morning was passed between us and then I remembered she wants to come home with me. Oh god I’m fucked. My hair was full of static from the velvet fabric probably because I had tossed and turned all night from such an uncomfortable sleep.

  “Look, I know that I agreed to marry you to help keep you in the country for whatever reason you may have to stay here but living with me wasn’t on the agenda. Do you not have anywhere else to go?” I was pushing for her to come up with an alternative residence so that I could be free of her baggage and carry on living the life that I was accustomed to.

  “Maybe a friend of mine can take me in although she’s not exactly thrilled with me going through with this idea. I’m sorry to have assumed that you would do more than you already have and I apologise for the inconvenience that I must have caused you.” She had a disappointed look on her face and I could see that she felt very humble towards me.

  “No wait a minute!” I yelled out having a sudden change of heart. “Maybe you can stay at mine for a short while, just until we can figure this mess out. But this will only be a temporary option, ok.” I had realised that she was in just as much of a mess as I was and that it was my naivety that had led us to this point.

  She nodded in agreement and picked up one of the plates and offered it to me and I opted for the sausages and eggs and probably ate like a pig as I was totally starving. It was at this moment that I looked directly into her eyes for the first time and was drawn in by their intense colour.


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