Loving the Pink Kiss

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Loving the Pink Kiss Page 2

by Shiralyn J. Lee

  “You have azure blue.” My thoughts were spoken out aloud without them meaning to be.

  “Pardon me, you said something.” She patiently waited for my reply knowing that I had spoken without thinking first.

  I looked away quickly and changed the subject. “Oh it was nothing. I was just wondering where about in Canada you are from. Your accent is very soft and subtle.” She gave a slight smile and informed me that she was from Vancouver and that her reason for needing to stay in England was one of dire emergency.

  “I will fill out all of the necessary paperwork for immigration services and all you have to do is sign them, if that’s ok with you Sarah?” She said my name with such grace that it gave me a feeling of warmth. It felt natural to hear my name flow out from her lips.

  “Yes that’s fine; whatever, any how I suggest we better make our way back to my place soon, but first I really must eat some more of this delicious breakfast.” I scoffed the remains of my food down then put the rest of my wedding attire back on. Hopefully Robbie couldn’t smell the vagina cleanser that I had used to clean it.

  Upon arriving back at my place I noticed how much of a pigsty I lived in. My clothes were strewn all over the lounge floor and two half cups of cold coffee joined by a half eaten piece of toast had been left on the kitchen counter; it wasn’t my usual choice in breakfast normally coffee would suffice.

  “Oh God you must think I’m a real pig.” I pointed out as I cringed in shame. “I just like to live in a chaotic mess. So you’ll find your room just down the hall on the left. You can park your stuff in there and please feel free to make yourself at home. I’m just gonna pick this crap up off the floor and make it a little more presentable in here.” House proud I wasn’t, and my mother had always cleaned my room and fussed after me when I was growing up so I never had the urge to do much of it.

  “Oh please let me help, it’s the least I can do and I’m pretty good with a vacuum.” She began picking up my state of disorder and stacked it into a neat pile on the sofa.

  “Well ok then, I’ve never been that great at housework myself so feel free to knock yourself out. Do you mind if I go and have a shower, I really need to get out of these clothes?” I was the kind of girl that put my own personal appearance before housework and I think it showed.

  For a short moment there was a sense of unfamiliar awkwardness between us as we passed each other in the hallway. To save any further embarrassment I darted into the bathroom where I could regain my composure. I must have been in the shower for more than half an hour when Robbie knocked on the door.

  “Sarah your friend is on the phone, do you want me to tell her you’ll call her back shortly?”

  “Oh no that’s ok I’ll just be a minute. Tell her to hang on a sec for me will you.” I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair as quickly as I could and as I stepped out of the shower I realised that I had forgotten to pick up a towel from the closet in my bedroom. And my bathrobe was on my bedroom floor where I had discarded it the day before. My filthy clothes lay in a crumpled heap on the floor and it would have defeated the purpose of cleansing the days grime from my body if I were to put them back on. This was becoming a bit of a dilemma for me and my options were to call to Robbie for help or to make a mad dash for it to my room. I chose the latter and opened the door slowly.

  She was nowhere in sight, so I slowly crept along the hallway making sure not to make any noise. Droplets of water were forming tiny pools on the wooden floor and I was being cautious not to slip over on my ass. Finally I made it to my room and I quickly closed the door behind me. As I walked towards the closet I noticed a slight difference on my carpet. I could actually see it. Robbie had been an ideal house guest already and tidied up all of my crap. I was actually starting to feel glad that I had made the decision that she could stay, when I noticed a movement from behind the closet door. Then without warning she appeared right in front of me. There I was, dripping wet, totally naked and full on embarrassed. I was horrified and scanned the room for any remnant that I could use to cover my body. She’d fucking tidied everything up and my hands were working overtime trying not to reveal any more of my assets.

  “I need a towel!” I squealed still searching for anything to cover my body with.

  “Sarah I’m so sorry, here please take this from me.” She reached into the closet and handed me a large bath towel whilst keeping her eyes shut tight. “I’ll leave you to get dressed then, I’m sorry for upsetting you and don’t forget that your friend is still waiting on the phone.” As she left the room I jumped onto my bed and picked up the phone.

  Jessica was screaming into the mouth piece, “What’s going on and are you alright Sarah, should I call the police?”

  “Hi Jessica it’s me.” I answered almost dropping the phone on the floor. “No everything is just fine for a fucked up situation.”

  “Why were you screaming?” I felt that she’d left it a little late in the day to be so concerned about my wellbeing.

  “Oh I just gave Robbie a fricking full on flash of my entire anatomy that’s all. Why the hell didn’t you know about her Jessica?” I asked annoyed at the fact that she was the one who set this ordeal up.

  “Well maybe when all this was being discussed I must have been too pissed to have taken the information in. You know what I’m like Sarah, get me in a pub and I’m the best customer they’ll have all night. But if it’s any consolation she is rather stunning isn’t she, for a masculine looking woman I mean. Anyway why is she there? At your place I mean, I thought you were going to tell her to fuck off, just like we planned.”

  “Jessica you have no idea do you. You also missed the fact that she was informed she’d be residing with me indefinitely. That’s what sealed the deal for her.” This whole scam had back fired on me and I only had myself to blame.

  “Oh shit Sarah you are in a pickle. It is funny tho.” She giggled, but that’s because this wasn’t happening to her.

  “Do you have any idea Jessica how this is going to affect me? My parents like to call round at any time unannounced, my Chinese takeout evenings in with my other mates will have to be put on hold for a while. Just get your bloody arse round here and help me out. I have to come up with a cover story. You have to help me Jessica!” I was beginning to feel uneasy at the thought that I was to be a laughing stock to all my friends once they found out what I’d done so a simple lie would have to be put in place.

  “Ok I’ll be round in about half an hour. Or would you two like some alone time together? I bet she thinks you’re a right little hottie.” And so the jokes begin at my expense.

  “She’s not even gay, is she?” I hadn’t even considered that fact, but what if she was and I’d just turned her on, what if she thought that I was coming on to her, does she think that I’m gay? Shit too many questions so little time.

  I slammed the phone down and caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror and I couldn’t believe she had been privy to my most intimate parts. But I do have a good body I thought. Maybe she liked what she saw; I secretly hoped that she did anyway. I put on a small grey shoestring strap top, one of my sexiest, that allowed my nipples to protrude and if I leant forwards it showed off a little of what’s not available, and I put on a pair of really short shorts. I had no idea what I was even thinking, dressing so seductively, but I felt compelled into doing it. I entered the lounge feeling a little nervous; the thought of her being privy not only to my womanhood but also my private collection. Had she seen any of my sex toys, my slutty knickers oh god my porno? I noticed how everything looked immaculately clean my mess had been picked up and placed into a neat tidy pile and an aroma of coffee wafted in from the kitchen.

  “Do you take sugar?” She called out.

  “Umm no thanks I just have cream in it!” I replied and sat comfortably on the sofa watching her get acquainted with the contents of the kitchen.

  She made her way over with a tray consisting of three cups of coffee and a plate of cookies. “I made one for
your friend too; I take it she is on her way here?” She queried as she placed everything down on the table in front of me.

  “Oh yes she’ll be here any moment, I’ve asked her to come over and help me, I mean us.” I remarked quickly trying to act as if I was in control of the situation and knew what I was talking about.

  I didn’t know whether to sit down or stand up, or make myself busy. This was my home yet I felt awkward and strange and completely invaded. The knock on the door couldn’t have come soon enough.


  Two coffees and a cookie later the three of us were still sitting on the carpet next to the coffee table, trying to think up some reasonable convincing story of who Robbie was and why she was going to be hanging around for a while. After all she had never been mentioned to any of my colleagues before, so why would I have a stranger staying with me and a Canadian one at that?

  “I know what we can say!” Jessica shouted out excitedly. “Robbie can be my distant cousin and ended up staying with you because my place is far too small to house a guest. So you are doing me a favour, as after all I am your best friend.” Right at this moment in time that statement could quite possibly be debateable.

  “Ok I think that could work, no one would question how we met each other. Yes I think we’ll use that.” I was grateful for any cover story right now and this one seemed like a simple one that no one would even question.

  At that moment there was a loud knock on the door. It was Jake my so called fuck buddy of a lousy wanna be boyfriend. Every time I see him I keep meaning to dump his ungrateful ass but for some reason we always end up shagging.

  “What are you doing here Jake?” I asked trying to prevent him from entering.

  “Hi Sarah I know I should have called first but I need to speak to you in private do you have a moment? I’m off on a business trip tomorrow and it could end up being away for a few weeks.” He peered in through the gap and could see that I had guests.

  “We better talk in my bedroom come on through.” I suggested, wondering what on earth was so important that he needed to talk about it now.

  “Oh hi Jake you look good!” Jessica said in a rather school girlish tone and then proceeded to make herself look adorable by batting her eyelashes at him.

  “Whatever.” He replied coldly as his glance towards her was like it was too much of an effort to make.

  “This is Robbie, Jessica’s cousin. She’s going to be staying with me for a while.” He was going to be my first victim to my lie: My fingers were crossed and I was nearly peeing in my pants hoping that I sounded convincing enough.

  “Hi Jake, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” She spoke softly and held her hand out to greet him. I could see her scanning him with those amazing blue eyes, like she was reading his every movement.

  “Jake, this way please.” I suggested rather impatiently. “Surely you know the way to my bedroom by now this had better be worth it.”

  When we entered my room I sat down on the bed and informed him that he was actually interrupting me in something important and that I had to get back to it.

  “Little Jake would like to come out and play with little Sarah.” He joked around trying to caress me and tugged at my clothes in attempt to remove them for his own pleasure.

  “Is that why you came here Jake, for a shag before leaving to go on a trip? The answer is no; I won’t let you use me like that anymore. It stops right now.” My temper was growing pretty fast with him and to be honest I was also growing sick of seeing his pain in the ass face.

  “No not just for that! There is a chance that I’ll get promoted after this trip and if I do I need to be just like the big boys. They are all married with kids and have a great social life together outside of work. The thing is they are a close knit network and don’t trust too many people outside of their loop. I need to fit in and be a part of that, I also told a small white lie; they think we’re married. So how about it Sarah, what have you got to lose?” He seemed quite sure of himself and that I would instantly say yes to this.

  “My fucking sanity for sure.” I replied in disgust. “Do you think so little of me that you thought I would even consider saying yes?”

  I noticed he was holding a pink velvet box in his hand and realised that he really was a piece of scum. He actually thought I would do it. I could feel myself building up into an angry frenzy and I really wanted to slap him at this point.

  “Look give it some thought whilst I’m away you can even hold on to the ring just to get a feel for it if you like.” As he presented me with the box opened and displaying an amazing diamond ring he saw that I was already wearing a gold band on my finger.”Is that new? I haven’t seen you wear it before.” How the hell he had gotten this far in life I’ll never know.

  “Oh it’s nothing; I umm sometimes put it on to keep unwanted attention away when I’m out with the girls. You know what ass holes are like when they’ve had too much to drink; can’t keep they’re fucking wondering hands off me.” I had actually forgotten that I was wearing it. The strangest thing is that it felt natural to be there, like it was a part of me. Whilst he was staring at it I removed it from my finger and placed it on my dresser and almost immediately I wanted to put it back on. I needed Jake to really piss off now so that I could sort my shit of a life out so I urged him to go back into the lounge so we could join the others.

  Jessica had helped herself to a bottle of my favourite Shiraz and had taken it out onto the balcony where she was smoking a cigarette quite fiercely and I had a feeling that she had gone a little cold on me. Robbie was standing by the opened doorway talking to her. The image of her leaning in towards the glass pane and the curtains slightly shimmering from the breeze that flowed through gave me butterflies in my stomach. Why had I got these strange feelings when I was around her? She fascinated me making me more intrigued each time I looked at her not wanting to divert my eyes anywhere else. She turned and walked towards me holding out her glass of wine as if to offer it to me and as she did everything felt like it was in slow motion and I was able to absorb each tiny detail. Her hands; slender but strong looking, her face; masculine and beautiful, her smile; amazing and pleasing.

  “Here you are Sarah.” She said losing her smile and gaining a frown. “I think you might need this.”

  I stepped out onto the balcony and told Jessica about Jake’s ridiculous offer of marriage and she seemed a little disinterested and faced the opposite way from me. Her reaction surprised me but before I was able to quiz her on it Jake announced that he had to leave and she quickly jumped at the chance to be available and offered to give him a lift. Her eagerness to leave didn’t go unnoticed with me.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow night at the club Sarah, bye Robbie I’ll probably see you again soon, c’mon Jake lets go.” She left moodily without saying what I had done to annoy her.

  I looked at Robbie and asked her if I had just had a falling out with Jessica as I was slightly at a loss at what had just happened.

  “I think your friend is in love with your boyfriend, it seems like she has been for a while from what I can gather.” She calmly informed me then drank a huge swig of her wine.

  “No fucking way!” I protested. “How dare you assume you know my friend; you don’t know what she feels about things. Jake isn’t even the type of guy she goes after, and she’s heard me say numerous times what a jerk he is. God you’re so full of shit! Fuck off! Just fucking fuck off!” I took a huge swig of my wine spilling some down my chin which just intensified my fury.

  “I was only repeating what Jessica told me Sarah! I’m sorry that I hurt your feelings it was unintentional.” She raised her eyebrows in surprise at my reaction then tried to comfort me but I pulled away from her not believing the lies that were coming out of her mouth.

  I felt a little intimidated, there was no way that Jessica could have a thing for Jake, not like that anyway. He’s a bore and a complete twat and kisses his boss’s arse far too much. I�
��m sure I would have sensed it. No a total stranger couldn’t know her better than me; she’s absolutely got it wrong and as for Jake he’s so out of my life from now on.

  I noticed that my shoes had been removed from their usual place by the entrance door; it may be a petty thing to most people I thought, but I can always rely on my old favourites to be right where I last threw them.

  “Did you move my shoes at all Robbie?” I asked rather sternly knowing that she had put them somewhere that she preferred much to my annoyance.

  “Oh yes I saw that they were in the way of the door so I put them in your closet, whilst you were in the shower. Was that not the right thing to do?” She asked, wondering why I was so bothered by this.

  “Oh for fuck sake!” I snorted loudly. “Please don’t move my things around. I like to live in a chaotic mess, that’s me, it’s who I am. They stay by the door in future, that’s if it’s not too much to ask of you in my own home.” My outburst was pathetic but I was feeling invaded and I wanted to gain back the control of my kingdom before she completely stole my identity.

  “I’m sorry once again Sarah.” She said sadly. “Next time I will remember to leave your shoes wherever you kick them off. It won’t happen again, I promise.” She seemed defeated by my outrage and I knew that I had overreacted to the situation.

  “Please do! And start looking for somewhere else to live will you, this is my home and my life and I want it back!” I shouted hysterically at her not giving a damn if I had hurt her feelings.

  As she walked away from me towards her room I suddenly noticed how much of a fit built body she had. The muscles in her arms were well toned with strong definition and her butt cheeks were really tight and firm and showed off quite nicely in her jeans. She must work out a lot to keep that shape, I thought to myself. As I stared at her in an admiring manner she caught me looking, which was slightly embarrassing, so I quickly picked up a magazine that had been placed on the table next me, then hopped onto the couch and remained acting as casual as I possibly could. Moments later she emerged from her room carrying a black jacket and a wallet.


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