Loving the Pink Kiss

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Loving the Pink Kiss Page 3

by Shiralyn J. Lee

  “I’m going out for a while, you could probably do with some time for yourself.” she said looking at me as if she was waiting for my approval. “I’m not sure how long I’ll be but do you need me to bring you anything back?” She was reaching out to me as best she could under the circumstances.

  I raised my eyes and looked directly at her pretending that I had been deeply interested in a story that the magazine had printed. I casually replied; “Oh no, I don’t think so thanks.”

  “Alright then by the way I don’t think that that is your kind of magazine Sarah; it’s one of mine; for my type if you know what I mean.”

  As I looked down at the article that I was so flakily reading I was faced with a picture of two women laying seductively together on a rather large bed and entwined around their naked bodies was a deep purple silk sheet just covering enough skin to keep it from being a porno shot. Although in my eyes it actually was. I wanted to stare at it longer; to capture the image in my mind but now was not the right time. Why did I get the feeling that whenever I was around her something embarrassing tended to happen to me?

  “So anyway do you have a spare key or should I just knock when I get back?” She stood there waiting patiently and I felt superior to her needs.

  “I think there’s a spare key on the shelf behind you.” I told her as I pointed in its general direction. “It’s the one with the photo of me hugging my so called best friend Jessica on the beach. Look I’m sorry that I lost my temper with you, I was just venting. Please don’t take it personally I really didn’t mean to offend you ok.” Whenever I had an argument with Jessica we would say some awful hurtful things to each other but we always made it up straight away: Robbie would have to understand my ways if she was going to stay with me.

  “That’s ok Sarah, I think under the circumstances you have behaved particularly calm. You have every right to be frustrated with me.” What was it about this woman that whatever she said seemed to be calming and reassuring she was like a fucking martyr.

  Just as she left I grabbed a bag of toffee popcorn from the kitchen and made myself comfortable on the couch and switched on the TV. There wasn’t much on so I began to channel surf for the next two hours. I was absolutely bored stiff and I found myself wondering where Robbie had gone to and who was she with. I was actually beginning to miss her. She’d been invited to stay in my home and I hardly knew anything about her. I started to wonder who all those people were at our so called ceremony and what are all her friends like? Does she have a job? Is she a violent murderer? Or a drug addict? Or worse than that a sex addict who’s waiting for me to fall asleep so that she can have her wicked way with me when I’m defenceless, not that that was a bad idea I thought. What was it about her that made me secretly want to flaunt myself at her? My mind was starting to work overtime having all of these crazy thoughts enter my head. I had allowed this situation to happen to me when I should have just said no! But I think that because I have always had such low moral standards about myself and never being in a serious relationship that meant more than two caramel toffees to me, I didn’t realise that I could possibly start to like this person. The feeling of butterflies would flutter through my body every time I thought of her and I started to get slightly emotional when I realised that I was actually missing her company.

  The security monitor caught my attention when a female figure, my new neighbour, stepped out of the lift closely followed by a male who was clearly impatient with his eager intensions. They were both drunk and disorderly and instead of opening her front door they decided that it was a good idea to get down to business leaning against it. He got down on his knees and slowly pulled her knickers down her legs. Then failing to care whether any of her neighbours were to be confronted with this sight she lifted up her skirt and allowed him to perform oral sex on her. I couldn’t watch anymore of this slutty show and needed to clear my mind. Thinking about my situation I began to wonder what kind of person Robbie actually was, so sneaking into her room I found myself snooping amongst her personal possessions. She didn’t have too much; just a few photos one in particular that caught my eye; she was with another woman rather elegant in appearance and their embrace was quite intimate. Was this her past lover, a present girlfriend? She had a good taste in fashion tho as all her gear was designer labels and her underwear drawer contained only boxer shorts and there were no bras in sight. She possessed very little to give me any information on her background.

  I remembered that I had put her ring on my dressing table and felt a sudden urge to put it back on so I ran to the bedroom and picked it up and as I was admiring it I could see that there was an inscription written on the inside. It said; thank you. This was touching: she had thanked me from the beginning and I hadn’t noticed. I replaced it back on my finger and then began to dance around the apartment like a drunken ballerina, stopping at every mirror that I past to see the shiny spectacle glisten back at me. Whilst I was twirling around I heard Robbie turn the key in the lock. My face was a little reddened and I was breathing at a heavy pace and it was difficult to calm it down before she noticed.

  “Hi you’re home already.” I said followed by a large gulp of air.” Did you have nice time out?”

  “Yes I did thanks, are you ok Sarah? You seem to have some difficulty breathing.” She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and threw it over to me.

  “Oh yes I’m fine just doing some umm exercising. Yes that’s it I was working out. You know; the way my type does.” I smiled at her defiantly and drank several gulps of water.

  “Touché my friend.” She replied, acknowledging my sense of wit.

  “So I was thinking would you like to go out for dinner tonight, my treat. I’d like to make up for being such a cow to you. I don’t usually treat my guests like this.” I was genuinely sorry for the way that I had treated her and I had realised that she had been thrown into this situation without too much information herself.

  “Why Sarah, are you sure you want to be seen out with my type; you know; a lesbian!” She said in a joking manner and slung her jacket over the back of the sofa: with my approval of course.

  We both giggled together and I was getting a sensation that I had never felt before. A feeling of wanting to know what this person is about, I was intrigued by her mannerism, and I found that I actually had time to listen to her while she was talking. I hung on every word that she spoke and I noticed how her eyes sparkled and looked full of life.

  “So what should I wear?” She asked looking down at her footwear. “Don’t forget, us dykes only wear DM’s you know.”

  “Go as you normally would I suppose.” I replied wondering what sort of attire she would be seen out in. “I’d like to be out with the real you.” This was exciting and new to me I’d never been on a date with a woman before.

  “So I see you’ve put my ring back on.” She so politely pointed out.

  “Oh well, I was just trying it on to see how it felt. It’s different from the other rings I tend to wear.” I replied feeling like I’d just got busted. “So let’s get ready and meet back here in about thirty minutes if that’s alright with you? Let’s see who can get ready the fastest.”

  “It’s game on lady.” She answered in a challenging manner.

  We both raced to our rooms and I could feel the excitement building up inside me as I searched for something hot and sexy to wear. Everything looked so neat and in order. Robbie had done a really nice job of tidying my messy stuff up. I found a really sexy white halter neck see through top that I had completely forgotten about and paired it up with a short tight black skirt, I looked fucking hot, what lesbian wouldn’t be attracted to this little hottie?

  I arrived in the lounge first and waited patiently on the sofa constantly checking myself out in the mirror that was hanging above the fireplace.

  Robbie’s entrance into the room gave me goose bumps all over. She looked absafuckinglutely stunning in a white waist coat and tight fitting jeans and she wasn’t joking about
the DM boots. I had been put under her spell and I liked it.

  “Well do I pass?” She asked as she gave me a slow twirl to show off, she looked hotter than I did.

  “You have excelled my expectations.” I informed her. “And I like the tattoo of butterflies on your shoulder, is there a reason for that design?” It was a simple design but very attractive.

  “Oh the reason I had that done, is for freedom. Butterflies are free to fly anywhere they want and I compared them to someone I have known for a long time.” She looked a little sad by this permanent reminder so it must mean something really important to her.

  “That’s nice to have such an intense meaning I think.” I wondered who she meant by that comment and just smiled sweetly at her as we readied to leave on our date.


  We ended up at my favourite Italian restaurant that I liked to frequent every now and then and we sat by a window that over looked a cobbled stone street and was in close proximity to the shop on the opposite side that sold old fashioned sweets. We placed an order of a large ham and pineapple pizza to share between us and a bottle of red wine that had a chocolaty blackcurrant note to it. There was a small candle flickering in the middle of the table which gave an orange reflective glow to Robbie’s silhouette showing off her unique bone structure, it definitely created a romantic ambiance.

  The conversation was polite and light hearted to begin with, but I wanted to delve in and learn more information about my new wife. More likely my usual need to be a nosey hag was itching to surface. She informed me that she is twenty nine years old and that her family are still living in Canada. The actual reason for her needing to stay in England was that a really close friend of hers was extremely ill and she didn’t want to leave her alone. Not that her friend didn’t have other friends, but their relationship was a far closer one than just friendship. The only way she could stay at such short notice was to marry quickly and be sponsored to stay under the spousal application. That’s where I came in and the only personal information that she was given on me was my name and that I was willing to do this for her. And also that I might possibly be gay, as at my age most women have been married at some point or other in their lives. She had been out to visit with her sick friend this afternoon to let her know that she was safe and that I wasn’t a psychopath. Her friend had enjoyed their visit as she had gotten a good laugh out of all of this.

  The conversation turned deeper into a meaningful interest and we were both hanging on every word we both spoke and listening quite intensely. It was here when I noticed her lips were full and sensual looking and I began to day dream about what it would be like to be locked in a kiss with them and how would it feel to have them touch my skin and tease my senses. Something was definitely stirring inside me and I was feeling ok with it.

  I felt compelled to tell her about my life history, right from where I grew up in Bristol as a little girl to how I had met Jessica and we both moved to London in our early twenties, and how I had worked my way up the ladder to become the manager of a clothing store that sold designer wear.

  We also discussed the situation that we were in and decided that it would be ok for her to stay at my pad for the duration of the marriage. It just made more sense, and I think deep down I was glad of this arrangement, I had a compelling urge to keep her close in my life.

  “Well living arrangements can wait for now.” I suggested. “Let’s go clubbing! I’m up for a good night on the tiles. Besides you look hot and I look sexy so I think we should make the most of it, what do you think?” The correct answer is yes, please say yes.

  “Ok I know a cool place we can go to, it’s not far from here. Trust me you’ll love it.” She winked at me then took a bite from her pizza dropping chunks of pineapple onto the tablecloth; strangely it came across as a sexy move.

  “Oh I didn’t know there was a club in this area, is it new?” I couldn’t place where a club could possibly be as I thought I knew the area well enough.

  “No Sarah it’s been open for a long time, it’s just not the kind of place you would have thought to frequent before. So you have probably walked past it many times and not realised it was there.”

  We paid our bill and made our way to the club by walking through a small alley way and then down a narrow street. The fresh air made me feel a little light headed and I was getting giggly for no apparent reason. Robbie was right; I had walked past this place on many occasions and never paid it any attention. Probably because there were steps leading from the curb side downwards towards a plain doorway. There was absolutely nothing to suggest that there was a club behind it. There was just a small neon sign lit up with the words, The Pink Rainbow. Once inside I could see that it wasn’t a very big place but it was packed with women of all descriptions. Robbie led me to the bar making sure that I stayed close behind her, as apparently I was fresh meat ready for the dykes to pounce on. They should be so lucky. I noticed that there were a lot of women wearing beater tops which enabled them to show off their muscles as if there was a competition going on between them. I must admit it was a turn on to see, and the more girlie types seemed to be hanging around them vying to get their attention. It was exactly the same as the straight world, the hunt, the capture, the prize, except there were no male partakers in this lifestyle.

  Robbie ordered us two bottles of beers; she said it looked sexy to see a woman drink straight from the bottle. The music was booming and the atmosphere was full of loud voices all trying to hear each speak other over it.

  I took a swig of my beer and watched the women on the dance floor. Seeing how gently and seductive a woman could touch and caress another woman was a major turn on to me, and I found myself studying their motions hard. When I looked back at Robbie I saw that she was watching me, to see my reactions to the displays of affection that were being put on show.

  “Would you like to dance?” Her invitation was welcoming and I quickly took her up on it.

  “Sure I would!” I replied. “Let’s shake it baby!”

  “Then take my hand sexy lady and show me what you’re made of.” She requested as we both made our way through the crowd and on to the dance floor.

  We stood close enough to each other that I could feel her breath on my face, and she smelt of fresh light tones that were starting to drive me crazy with excitement. Her hands were holding my waist gently and she had a constant smile on her face. I placed my arms loosely around her neck and she pulled me in closer to her where our eyes met and were locked on to each other as we danced slow and seductively.

  “So what type of girl do you normally go for Robbie, blondes, Brunettes, girlie types?” I was inquisitive to know her taste and how she would choose her girlfriends and did she possibly find me attractive?

  “Ok Sarah, I don’t think you quite understand what I’m about. It’s not like picking a type and going for the kill, for me. I prefer to get to know a person and let a relationship build itself naturally to a romantic level. That way there’s less drama as there tends to be a lot of that in lesbian land. I do like to tread carefully with women.” Well she was certainly quite the opposite type of person to me; I couldn’t even name half the guys I’d slept with.

  “So would I be your type? I asked, hoping that she’d say that I was the most amazing, attractive, sexiest woman she had ever met.

  With a small giggle she said; “Just dance with me Sarah; let’s not talk about me anymore I feel like my life stories could bore the hell out of you.”

  After downing several bottles of beer, hopefully looking sexy as I did it, we decided that it was time to call it a night. My shoes were killing me, but I was still high with excitement as we made our way back home. It was a really warm night, or rather morning so we chose to go on foot, as it was only a fifteen minute walk. I must have tripped over at least three times, trying not to look a fool, but with each fall Robbie was quick to react and catch me. I liked the touch of her hands as she pulled me back up and I made sure
that I brushed up against her on more than one occasion.


  The sound of a dog barking in the distance and birds singing happily woke me up. It was already midday and as I sat up I tried to focus on the fake Van Gough print I had so proudly hung on my wall. My head was throbbing and my mouth was extremely dry then I came to the realisation that I had passed out on the couch, and as I came to a little more, I could see that my skirt had wrapped itself up towards my waist. But not only had I passed out, I had actually done it with Robbie lying next to me. Her waist coat had been removed to reveal a plain white up lifter bra, this showed off her cleavage and I could see that her stomach muscles were well toned. But it was where my hand had been placed that concerned me. It was parked right on top of her left breast. I jumped up quickly; rather too quickly, and lost my balance, causing me to trip over the coffee table and I ended up faced down on the ground with my arse on show for all to see.

  A large bellow of; “Oh shit.” shot from my mouth, causing Robbie to stir.

  She shot up quickly and was surprised by my insane posture. “Oh, I see you wear sexy thongs. That’s interesting!”

  Then she got up and came to my rescue once again by hoisting me up and propping my bruised body or rather my bruised ego, onto the sofa.

  “I’m so embarrassed.” I said coyly whilst trying to pull my clothing back into its correct place.

  “You don’t have to be, I quite enjoyed the show. C’mon I’ll make us some coffee.” She said nonchalantly and gave me a friendly kiss on the top of my head.

  “Robbie can I ask you a personal question, does this mean that I’m gay now? You know sleeping with you on the sofa and feeling you up like that? Have I crossed over?” I said with a slight stammer, as my mind was in torment with itself, one half saying don’t be stupid, no fucking way, and the other half hoping that her answer would be, yeah full on babe, go gay for Robbie.


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