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Loving the Pink Kiss

Page 5

by Shiralyn J. Lee

  I felt sick seeing their ugliness on display like that and that in the past I had portrayed myself in that exact same manner. It was disgraceful behaviour.

  “She looks like she’s got two frozen peas shoved down her bra.” The one girl bitched as she lifted her glass to her mouth in order not to be seen saying those words.

  And the other girl leaned in towards her and replied with; “I wouldn’t leave the house looking like that, she looks like a right dyke just look at those boots that she’s wearing.” That remark hit a nerve with me and as Jessica and Debs looked away with total embarrassment, it was then that I decided that I couldn’t hold it in anymore.

  “Why don’t you just shut up?” I yelled straight in to their faces. “You three bitches had better piss off right now!”

  I saw the look of naïve stupidity on their faces as they couldn’t care less what anyone thought of them. I really didn’t feel up to drinking with them anymore, so I arranged with Jessica to call her the next day and made my excuses, I said goodbye to Debs and that we should do this again without the drama. She agreed and said that next time she would bring her friend Jen with her because I was very similar in my ways.

  I decided to take my time walking home, checking out the sale items in the store window displays, and making a mental note to go back tomorrow and try on a pair of sling backs that I quite fancied. A bridal shop caught my attention with beautiful gowns perfectly on show. A sinking feeling dwelled in the pit of my stomach and broke the dreamy like moment. Maybe I was never meant to be the blushing bride walking down the aisle and live a happy ever after with prince charming, I thought.

  I had no idea what to expect upon my return home, it was late and I was too exhausted to carry on arguing with Robbie. The apartment was in darkness when I arrived back, and calling out her name to see if she was in I received no response. I tapped on her bedroom door and asked if I could come in, but still no reply. Disappointment surrounded me, as always being a person in constant control of my life I had turned into a blubbering flake.

  With tormented emotions I went and lay down on the sofa and ended up watching a soppy love story on the TV. It gave me a good reason to burst into tears as I had absolutely no one that I could to turn to. Being a lonely loser didn’t suit me and it sucked big time as far as I was concerned. A few glasses of wine and a bag of crisps later I managed to gather my senses together and began to reminisce over the hot sex I’d had earlier and I could still feel Robbie’s full lips pressing hard against mine. I was hungry for more of that. I snuggled up to a pillow and wrapped my arms around it pretending it was Robbie cuddling me back when I heard the front door open. In walked Robbie and unknowingly she walked straight past me and into her room. She didn’t even know I was lying there all alone and feeling scared. I waited for a few moments and when she turned her light off I crept quietly along the hallway to my room softly closing the door behind me.

  I climbed into my bed still fully clothed as I was too depressed to bother to change and as I started to drift off I heard a light tapping noise on my door. It was Robbie asking if I was still awake, my heart jumped with excitement as I heard her whisper.

  “Come in,” I said: my voice was croaky from all the crying that I’d done and I quickly wiped my eyes with the back of my hand so she couldn’t see the evidence. My heart started to race and a feeling of euphoria came over me as she walked into the room.

  “Sarah, are you ok?” She asked in a soft caring tone. “I’m sorry for walking out on you like that, it was wrong of me and especially with it being your first time with a woman. I feel like such a shit. It kills me to be in that room when I know you’re in here. I know you’re going to break my heart Sarah Niles, but I ache for you, I can’t stop thinking about you, about how you feel, how you smell, how you taste. So I suppose it’s a chance I have to take.”

  I looked up at the masculine silhouette standing in the doorway. Her facial expressions were hidden in the shadows but I did know that she was being sincere with me. My heart melted like butter on hot pancakes and I confirmed my feelings with her.

  “I want you more than anyone I’ve ever known. I’ve changed my ways in this short space of time, I have really changed! I began to get mentally involved with you as soon as I met you, and now you fill every thought in my mind. I have been going crazy not knowing what happened between us earlier. What the hell happened?” I sat up and busied myself by fluffing the pillows behind me.

  “I’ve been hurt badly in the past and I don’t take relationships lightly and the way I see it is that you’re the kind of person to toss people aside when you get bored with them. I didn’t know if I could face going through all of that turmoil again. I think what I’m trying to say is; I need you to be patient with me as I with you.” It occurred to me that she was the deep thinking kind of girl who needed simplicity and honesty in her life and I was hoping that I was the one who could give her that, now that I was the new Sarah Niles; the girl with a big heart.

  “Shush, now climb in.” I suggested lifting the duvet up as an invitation for her to join me.

  She stripped off her clothes slowly, knowing that I could only see the outline of her in the darkness. It was a very seductive gesture that had my fullest attention and I was mesmerised by the display that she put on.

  She slid into bed and lay beside me. Her hand brushed up against my thigh in a slow sensual motion. As we kissed, she pushed her tongue into my mouth using soft long strokes. The intensity of just that one act had me writhing up against her body. She gently lifted my dress up above my waist, shortly followed by removing my knickers. Her hands were warm and soft and gentle, and she knew just how to use them on me. She paid particular attention to touching me between my thighs, teasing me before she entered me. I could feel the shape of her breasts pressing down on my chest as she thrust at my insides over and over again and it wasn’t long until she brought me to climax.

  My body was spent and I was both nervous and excited at the whole situation and I knew she could sense my enjoyment and kissed me hard as if hungry for my soul. Something had changed inside me as I had never given myself to anyone as freely as I had given myself to her.

  It was now my turn to pleasure her, and at first I felt extremely awkward. I started off by kissing her neck and using long strokes with my tongue then I moved down towards her breasts. They were firm and well rounded and tasted of sweet body odour. I massaged her nipples with my tongue making them erect, and I could hear her breathing become deeper and slower as I moved further down to between her legs. Using a soft slow motion I kissed her inner thighs, and then I had my first taste of her, which reminded me of sweet pineapple. I had no idea if I was hitting the right spot but I could tell that she was enjoying it. Then she put both of her hands on my head and pulled me in closer to her as she began to writhe with pleasure. She let out a long groan and then relaxed her body as she relished in her enjoyment. I felt ecstatic that I had given her the same pleasure that I had had. This had been the best sexual experience of my life and as we fell asleep in each other’s arms I knew I was going to have sweet dreams that night.

  The bond grew stronger between us and the next few days were filled with more sexual lustful encounters. Not one room was spared the escape of our naked bodies being captivated in joined excitement. We had become sex maniacs with each other and my fondness for Robbie was developing into a mature harmony. I hadn’t felt this happy in ages as I was finally able to enjoy what it felt like to be in a cozy relationship.


  Robbie was visiting Kate today and had asked me to go with her. I was a little on the nervous side as this was the first time I was to meet one of her friends.

  “Don’t worry Sarah.” She assured me. “Kate already likes you. I’ve told her loads about you and she can’t wait to meet you so that she can put a face to all the stories I’ve told her.” She put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me in close giving me the assurance that I was alr
eady a part of her social network.

  Kate’s house stood in the middle of a terrace row, and the red front door led directly from the curb. The house itself stood proudly and occupied three levels from the ground up and was white in colour with large windows allowing the natural light to flow through. Robbie had her own key so that she could let herself in, more for Kate’s convenience, rather than her own.

  As we entered the hallway I heard a soft spoken, almost bordering on the posh side, voice call out; “Is that you Robbie?”

  “Yes Kate.” She answered sweetly. “We’re both here!”

  “Come in; come in, how wonderful to see you both.” She commented in a welcoming manner.

  As I walked through the doorway I was faced with an elegant looking woman sitting on the couch and smiling contentedly. She was the same woman in Robbie’s photo.

  “Hi! You must be Sarah. I’ve heard so much about you. Don’t worry it’s all been good.” She so quickly pointed out.

  “Is there anything you need me to do for you Kate?” Robbie asked and began to pick up yesterday’s newspapers from the coffee table ready to throw out.

  “Well you can get the champagne out. We have something to celebrate today; I got the all clear from the Doctor this morning.” Her smile was beaming and tears of joy began to roll down her face.

  Robbie let out a gasp of relief and gave Kate a giant hug. They held their embrace for a few minutes and then Kate said; “Get the champagne out it’s in the fridge and there’s also some snacks on the side if you’re hungry.”

  As Robbie disappeared into the kitchen Kate told me that no one had ever stolen Robbie’s heart like I had and that maybe I was the one to finally settle down with her. Whilst we were talking I heard the front door open. A woman with jet black hair and a slender build walked in. She had a Cleopatra look about her; quite stunning if you liked that type.

  “This is Jen, Jen this is Sarah, Robbie’s wife.” Kate patted on the sofa enticing me to sit next to her so that she could get a better look at me.

  “So you’re the one, are you?” Jen remarked in a dismissive manner.

  “Hi it’s nice to meet you Jen.” I replied as pleasantly as I could given the fact that she had just spoken to me quite rudely.

  “Likewise I suppose.” She snapped back and then slumped into the armchair and picked at the grapes in the bowl next to her that were obviously meant for Kate. “So you agreed to go ahead with this ridiculous scam then?”

  Before I could answer Robbie walked back in holding three glasses of bubbly and then came to a sudden halt. She looked completely horrified as she stared at Jen.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” She yelled passing out the glasses quite forcibly.

  “I’m sorry Robbie.” Kate spoke with great empathy and I sensed she hadn’t planned on letting the two women cross paths just yet. “Jen has been so good to me lately, she’s really helped me out a lot and I can’t rely on you solely.”

  “But that’s why I’m here!” Robbie answered back with a look of despair on her face.

  “Umm hello; I am still in the room you know.” Jen’s contempt showed as she rolled her eyes and then mimicked Robbie.

  “Oh just shut up Jen! I don’t want to hear you, look at you or speak to you. You’re a walking nightmare.” Robbie snapped at her. “Kate I’m really sorry that I lost my temper like that. Maybe we should leave and catch up with you tomorrow.”

  Jen stood up and walked over to the doorway and said in an extremely sarcastic manner; “You don’t have to go on my account ladies, I’ll go and sit in the garden and count the God damn clouds if I have to. Robbie forever the protector, you were never like that with me!”

  As Robbie verbally stuck it to this woman, I felt a surge of unease run through my veins. What had this woman done to create such hatred? I sensed that there was something that went on between them, something deep and sinful. This woman was so stunning in her looks that I’m sure she knew that she could have anyone she wanted. Maybe she had possessed Robbie with her lustful wickedness.

  She walked over to Kate and handed her a book that she had gone out to buy especially for her, and then casually made her way to the sanctuary of the garden.

  “Oh god Kate why her; after all the hurt and lies that she’s caused, why is she still hanging around?” Robbie was beside herself as she pleaded with Kate and I felt awkward not being privy to their secret.

  “Let’s not do this now Robbie, please, not in front of Sarah. Anyway let’s change the subject I want to know how married life is treating you two.” She smiled and sipped a small amount of champagne from her glass then encouraged us to do the same.

  Oh God I wanted to tell her that sex with Robbie was the most amazing I’d ever had, but talking about my sexual encounters to another woman, ooh no way.

  “Oh everything’s great.” Announced Robbie; “In fact it’s better than that. Sarah’s a really interesting person to hang around with.” My opinion differed slightly on that fact, after all; we as in me and Robbie had a tremendous amount in common, the kitchen floor, the bathroom, the bedroom, the sofa. We hadn’t seen too much of the outside world and only my stories with limited information had been made available to Robbie. I didn’t feel that Kate would find our intimacy interesting.

  I felt myself blush, as all I could think about was the fantastic sex we’d been having. We had been talking for most of the afternoon about how Kate and Robbie first met, and how they had vacated together, and how I had spent my past, although I left quite a lot of info out of that conversation. I didn’t want them being privy to my raunchy past like that. But I couldn’t stop thinking about Jen sitting in the garden all this time, and wondering what the past history was between her and Robbie. Feelings of jealousy crept into my head and being the outsider in this was becoming most uncomfortable. In fact I had no knowledge at all of Robbie’s past conquests. I needed to know more and my attention was ebbing towards thoughts of talking to Jen.

  So I made an excuse that I needed to use the wash room and then I would go and put the glasses in the dishwasher so that Robbie and Kate could have a personal chat. But as soon as I left the room I headed straight for the garden where I found the little minx sitting at a small table, hogging a bottle of red wine and smoking a cigarette very seductively. I could see that her eyes were fixated on me as I approached.

  “Hi, care to join me for one?” She offered holding the bottle in the air. “So have they sent you out here so that they can have some alone time together? You do know that they used to be an item before you came along don’t you? Robbie has always been into Kate, but it was Kate that broke it off because of her illness. She didn’t know if she was going to survive or not, so she spared Robbie the entire crappy trauma that comes with it. She’ll always love Kate and you’ll end up coming second place, you watch.” She was being a complete bitch and as for slagging Robbie off that was a big fat no in my book.

  I picked up the empty glass on the table and poured it full of wine then downed it in one large swig. Looking at her very sternly I said; “Up until I met Robbie I was a complete bitch just like you. So if you want to play mind games, you’ve just met the best player you could ever find. Now are you going to cut the crap and get over yourself, and give me some insight to what happened in the past between you two?”

  “Wow you’re kind of ballsy.”She replied looking quite impressed. “I’ll give you that. Tell you what; I can see you’re squeezed for time right now so how about you give me your number and we can arrange a time to meet up.”

  As she stubbed her cigarette out with her shoe, she leant forward to get closer to me and whispered. “I like you; I like you a lot Sarah Niles. You’re my kind of girl.”

  As I went to get up I could hear Robbie beckoning me. She seemed quite displeased in her tone as she called out that we were leaving. But something was annoying me and I wasn’t quite sure what it was but one thing I had noticed; how did Jen know my last name?

rah it’s time to go.” Robbie snapped as she walked up to us. “I hope Jen hasn’t fed you too much poison with her lies. Jen I can’t say it’s been a pleasure, because it never is with you!” She took me by the hand and led me off back to the house in order to say my goodbye to Kate.

  I dropped the piece of paper that I had jotted my number down on, and as we left I looked at Jen who winked at me and made the comment; “Be seeing you real soon Lady Sarah.”

  My departure from Kate’s house was pretty swift as Robbie practically frog marched me out into the street. I could see that she was full of anger, and as we spent the entire walk home in silence her pace became faster, and it was difficult for me to keep up with her. My high heels were definitely no match compared to her boots, and the soles of my feet became sore and gave me cause to limp, but there was no sympathy coming my way. I just wanted to cry the entire way home but my pride wouldn’t allow me.

  When we reached home her mood had only intensified. She grabbed a beer for herself and then slammed the fridge door shut as if to say, you can get your own! I began to feel a nervousness building inside me as I waited for her emotions to explode. This was new territory to me and I wasn’t sure how I was going to react to her outrage.

  “How could you lie to me like that, especially in front of Kate?” She snapped at me not caring that I was completely at a loss for words as I had no idea what I was up against. “And to speak to that little tramp, what was it you wanted to know Sarah; did she give you all the details about us? Were my actions towards her not clear enough for you to understand that she’s bad news?” When she opened the can of beer she must have shaken it a little because the foam sprayed out and soaked her arm, I found it funny but there was no way that I was going to let her see that.


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