Loving the Pink Kiss

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Loving the Pink Kiss Page 7

by Shiralyn J. Lee

  I needed to talk to someone and Jessica was my best friend the only one who understood me. I called her up and we arranged to meet in our local pub, so I revamped my makeup and tidied up my hair before making my way to join her.

  As I greeted her the first thing she asked me was; why was I acting so strangely? I couldn’t blurt out that I’d been had by a sex kitten: I was unsure of how she would react to knowing that I’d just had lipstick sex with a practical stranger and for now I just wanted to concentrate on Robbie and how I was going to exist without her.

  We hugged each other and ordered our drinks whilst filling in the gaps of the past week. She acknowledged and understood the mental suffering that I was going through, and made statements of all my good points toasting to each one of them to make me feel better. She also informed me that she had been seeing Jake, on several occasions, and that a relationship had been forming between them. I was pleased that she was comfortable enough to talk about him with me and as the night went on we got so drunk that our words were becoming slurred and I couldn’t stop myself from singing out loud to every song that played on the duke box. I ended up staying the night at her place and we carried on our drinking session well into the early hours.

  The hangover I woke up with lasted until late that afternoon, but even with that, I’m glad we partied.

  Over the next few weeks I kept myself busy; joining a gym was a great idea, and I had gained definition in my arms due to all the working out that I was doing, and I had the best looking butt I’d ever seen. I also put more hours into my job, making sure each customer left the store spending more than they had intended to, and I even made some rather large bonuses out of it too.

  I had a pleasant surprise one morning when Kate walked in to the store. She looked fantastic, her hair had grown a little and had a delicate shine to it, and her figure was getting back into shape; actually her entire presence was glowing.

  “Hi.” I said as I kissed her on the cheek. “So what brings you here today I mean it’s good to see you. How are you? You look amazing Kate.”

  “Oh I’m doing fine.” She replied smiling sweetly. “I’m gaining strength every day and I’ve actually come out shopping with a friend today. I think you remember her; Jen.”

  From the way that Kate spoke, it sounded as though she wasn’t aware of what had occurred and that maybe Robbie hadn’t told her about my earlier encounter with Jen.

  “How is Robbie?” I bravely asked her. My eyes were fixated towards the window so that she couldn’t see the hurt in them and I fiddled around with a rack of dresses that were hanging on wooden hangers, pretending I was quite busy with them.

  She put her hand on my arm as if to comfort me and said; “I think she’s fine. I’m not exactly sure what happened between you two; she hasn’t spoken too much about it. I’ve tried to talk to her, but all she says is that it’s over between you. I’m sorry Sarah; I thought you two were so well matched. I just don’t get it.”

  “That’s ok Kate.” I answered with a loud sigh. “My life seems to have a way of turning to shit lately so maybe that’s my destiny.”

  As I showed her some items she might be interested in I got a glimpse of Jen walking towards us. She had a smug look on her face, as if she enjoyed playing games with people’s lives; especially mine, and all I could do was cringe as she spoke with such arrogant confidence.

  “Hello there Sarah Niles and how’s that pretty cute arse of yours, still feeling the pain are we? Wow you’re looking pretty hot there girl have you been working out?” This woman was insane if she thought she could get away with making comments out in the open like that.

  I felt myself go red with embarrassment. Was she going to say something to Kate about what we had done? I did not need reminding of this encounter and certainly did not want my personal life on display. God what a fool I’ve been.

  As Kate went to try on a few items in the changing room Jen made a comment to ridicule me; “Did you enjoy our little liaison lover girl?”

  “Look!” I said trying to keep my voice in a low tone. “It was a one off, I wasn’t thinking straight and I think you caught me at a bad time in my life and I just want to forget about it. Please just leave it where it belongs, in the past!”

  “Hey lover girl I think you need to hear something.” She whispered into my ear. “You allowed me to fuck you and I know you’ll never forget me.” Her hand had miraculously found its way to my ass, squeezing it playfully but I was quick to reject her advance and removed it; digging my nails into her skin as I did so.

  “Just get the hell away from me I’m not interested in what you’ve got to say. You’re sick and twisted in your head.”

  Shoving her out of my personal space I went and picked out a few more items for Kate to try on and waited by her door in hope that Jen would shut her big fat mouth. Oh god was I wrong; she followed me in and spoke loud enough for Kate to hear everything that she had to say.

  “So working out really suits you, you look a lot fitter than when I last saw you. I’m turned on girl, how about going for a second round? The first one was just to tease you.”

  I knew Kate had heard everything, and with her knowing Jen as well as she did, I’m sure she knew what she meant. As Kate came out of the changing room her face was red.

  She handed me the items that she wanted to purchase, and whilst paying for them she went a little cold on me. She had understood what happened between us and I felt crushed and ashamed. Had I unwittingly just gained a new enemy?

  Before she left, she pulled me aside and said in a quiet voice; “I’ve seen that look before Sarah. I saw it in Robbie’s eyes just after we broke up. I knew what she had been up to with Jen. She punished herself in guilt of my illness by letting Jen torture her and she blamed herself for not taking better care of me. But to be honest my condition was not down to her.” It was obvious to me why Robbie had been so in love with Kate and I began to appreciate greatly the relationship that they once had.

  ‘Thank you Kate.” I said shamefully. “I really appreciate your concern and please feel free to call in any time.”

  “Please keep in touch Sarah. I see a good friend in you and I’ll tell Robbie that I saw you. Bye for now.” She was genuinely sincere and I felt that we had just grown a little closer.

  “Goodbye Kate.” I called out after her as she exited the doorway. “And it’s good to see you looking so healthy!”

  She was followed closely by Jen who annoyingly managed to whisper behind Kate’s back; “Bye lover girl, see you soon.” And then she cheekily blew me a kiss.

  I felt awkward and if Jen ever let on to Robbie what had occurred between us I would surely die. Why had I allowed myself to get into this situation?

  It was time to close the store for the evening and after sending everyone home I stayed behind to take care of restocking some of the items and tidying up a little. Suddenly I was startled when I caught a glimpse of movement coming from behind a row of long dresses that were now looking rather dishevelled so I cautiously walked over to see what it could possibly be and parted the garments slowly, I stood silent for a short moment and listened for any sound to come but there was nothing so just as I peered in through a gap expecting to see a mouse or something small and ridiculous but I was only to be faced by the ever loving Jen. She had crept back into the store and hidden out of sight until everyone had left. She was holding a bottle of wine and two glasses and making a gesture of offering me a drink by holding them out towards me.

  “Hi there lover girl, why don’t you come and join me for a drink, just as a friendly gesture I won’t bite you.” She said with a snake like tone, vying to secure my trust.

  “No Jen I can’t, I really need you to leave now. Please just go you’re not welcome here.”

  “I don’t give a shit if I’m not welcome.” She stated as she twisted the top off the bottle. “I’m not here to form a relationship with you. Just humour me and share some of this good wine. I’m sure you’ll like it.�
�� She was very persistent and sure of herself and it seemed as though she had no intensions of leaving without having a bitch showdown first.

  “Ok just a small glass and that’s it.” I said, anxious about her motive. “If I have one will you leave straight after?”

  “Maybe I will.” She said as she poured a full glass out and offered it to me.

  I downed my drink as fast as I could, hoping that she would soon leave.

  “Now come on lover that was too fast, I’d say you were trying to cheat, here have another.” She urged, then grabbed my hand and pulled it towards her filling my glass to the brim. Before long the bottle had been emptied and I started to get a little merry.

  “That’s my girl.” She said in an encouraging manner. “It’s a good job I have a second bottle in my bag isn’t it, you greedy thing.”

  She suggested walking me home, and to be honest I was at the point where I needed the help. That was the last thing I remembered as I completely blacked out.

  Waking up the next morning my head hurt like hell, and I could hardly move. One of my wrists had been handcuffed to the bed side table and I yanked at it to try to break free.

  “What’s going on?” I asked as I tried to regain what little I could remember.

  A soft voice spoke, and as I turned over I saw Jen lying next to me. “You really like to be bitten, don’t you sexy?”

  I looked down and saw bite marks all over my breasts and stomach, and I felt sore between my legs. I saw that she was wearing a black leather harness and a rather large silicone penis was protruding out from it and then I understood why I felt so raw inside.

  “We were at it for hours my little hoar.” She was so proud to announce.

  The humiliation was all too much. I couldn’t believe this had happened to me, not like this. As she undid my cuffs, I jumped out of the bed as fast as I could; pulling a sheet off with me so I could cover my naked state. The room was spinning around me as I tried to focus and steadied myself against the wall for support.

  “Oh come on, it was just a bit of fun, that’s all. I don’t see why you suddenly have a problem now.” She sneered and teased me by tugging at the sheet but I was having none of it.

  “You fucking bitch! You fucked me with that huge thing for hours. I feel like my insides have been ripped apart. Get out! Just fucking get out Jen. Robbie was right you are a crazy sadistic bitch.” I picked up a pillow and threw it at her face; not that it had any impact but I felt good for doing it.

  “Oh sweetheart how you wanted me last night, you enjoyed everything I did to you. Don’t be so hostile, you’re the one who asked me to bite you and slap you and get a little rough. You’ve got hostility shoved right up your ass; you’re just a cock tease.”

  As she dressed to leave, she informed me that Robbie would be interested to know that I had enjoyed the same pleasurable experience that she had. And that I was even hotter and fitter than the first time we shagged. There was nothing that I could do to stop her. She had the upper hand on me, but I called her bluff anyway and told her to go ahead and tell Robbie, as our relationship had come to an abrupt end before it had been given a chance to even get started.

  When she left it took a while for me to calm down and after drinking the hair of the dog I tended to the scratches and bite marks that bitch had so generously given me. Then searching my closet for something to wear that would hide the reminders I came across Robbie’s top again and made the decision to wear it. It made me look a little tomboyish in a pretty hot way and I matched it with a pair of tight fitting jeans and tied my hair back in a pony tail. I wanted to know what it would feel like to live the same kind of life as Robbie, to walk in her shoes and be a part of her world exploring the fascinating lesbian fun ride. So far my introduction to this life had had its faults but the need to continue over ruled the need not to.


  That night I went to the Pink Rainbow club by myself. It was full of women having a good time so I sat at a table in a corner and watched the activities going on around me whilst drinking a pint of beer. It felt strange to be more on the masculine side rather than my usual girlie self, and I could see that I was being eyed up by more than one dyke, so maybe showing off my pecks really was the way to get noticed.

  One woman came over and introduced herself as Chloe, she would never be the type I’d consider hunting but she did have a nice look about her and I felt comfortable when we were talking. She had green eyes and long mousey brown hair that covered her broad shoulders and she constantly kept flicking her curls with her hands. It was annoying and frustrating to not be able to tell her how that was a turn off.

  “Have you been working out?” She asked and gave my arm a quick squeeze. “I do love a fit woman.”

  “Yeah so many people are noticing.” I said in a cool fashion; flattery was a good way for her to secure a small portion of my attention.

  I didn’t give her too much information about myself; I just listened to the chat up crap she had to offer and while she was going on about her past girlfriends and to be honest did I really give a shit; my thoughts turned to Robbie and how this girl held no comparison to her. The only way I could get the woman I loved out of my mind was to get laid by as many girls as I could, and start having a good time; I had to shut this dyke up she was driving me insane with her boring useless information so I got straight to the point; “So do you want to fuck now or later?” Pretty straight to the point I thought.

  She replied; “Wow you’re not shy, are you? The answer is yes, I want to fuck you now.”

  “Then take me back to yours so we can get down to business.” I’d already forgotten her name, but that didn’t matter too much as she was so busy planting her wet sloppy lips on to mine as we sat in the back seat of the cab.

  Her place was small and dingy and she obviously didn’t have too much money to spare on decent furniture. I had no intentions of making her feel good so I just went through the motions of what was needed to be done. The sex was unemotional and it felt like I had a duty to carry on to the end. I stayed for a few hours and then left while she was still sleeping. As soon as I got home, I immediately jumped into the shower and cleansed off the guilt that I felt dirty and disgusted with myself, something I had never found to be in my former non caring days.

  One night stands used to be ok for me, but since meeting Robbie my whole outlook on life has changed. For a start I was actually beginning to have morals, well sort of if you don’t count last night or my liaison with Jen; twice! And my personality had become much softer, which that fact is true, but all the time I wanted what I had just lost. Being told that time is a great healer didn’t work for me, my feelings for Robbie only got stronger each day, and I was now at the point in my head and my heart that I wanted to say the words, I love you to her, and for her to reciprocate them back to me.

  The following morning the post arrived and in with it was an invitation to a wedding. It was from Jessica. She and Jake had decided on a date, rather quickly I thought, but then who was I to be a judge on the love tracker. I called her immediately to congratulate her, although I did have my nagging suspicions about their relationship and whether it was for real, I never let on. She asked me to be her maid of honour and I squealed as I accepted the offer. We spoke for ages, and I was finally able to pour my heart out to her about my female conquests, and the humiliation that I had recently gone through. She was good at keeping my secret confessions that I had made, and I felt kind of relieved to have shared them with her.

  The weeks went by and the morning of Jessica’s wedding had arrived. I could see the excitement in her eyes; she was glowing and looked so beautiful in her fairytale gown that had been adorned with crystals and beads and the long veil finished off the look quite romantically.

  “I love him Sarah.” She said as she picked up her bouquet of lilac and white flowers. “Now put your dress on before I get all tearful.”

  I put on my lilac strapless dress
that she had bought me, and these cute little silver heels. My hair was pinned up on top of my head with tiny wispy bits cascading down and caressing my cheeks and small white flowers complimented the look.

  Our ride to the church was in a white Rolls Royce, and didn’t we feel special. Jessica’s dress took up most of the room of course and I had to keep patting it down every time she moved. We just kept looking at each other and laughing. Comments about my wedding day were flowing; literally at my expense, and it all seemed quite funny now.

  During the service; actually Jessica was just about to say I do, I received a text message. My phone didn’t have one of the quietists ring tones and I got a lot of disapproving looks and a few comments from the other guests; shame on them for being more interested in my goings on rather than being focused on the bride and groom.

  “Oh my God, it’s her.” I yelled out without thinking; my voice echoed throughout the church. It was a little embarrassing to say the least.

  A man sitting behind me told me to shush. How rude was that! Jessica turned around to see what all the fuss was about.

  “It’s from Robbie.” I mouthed; excited that she was finally contacting me.


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