Loving the Pink Kiss

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Loving the Pink Kiss Page 9

by Shiralyn J. Lee

  My night was completed and I didn’t wake until the next afternoon. My mouth was dry and my head was swimming. It was a major task getting to the bathroom to take a pee and then make my way to the sofa. I lay there for a few more hours before I felt well enough to get up again.

  I was beginning to feel hungry but couldn’t face cooking anything so I popped round to the coffee shop and ordered a bagel to go with my extra large coffee. Upon enjoying my breakfast and reading a magazine that someone had left behind, I looked up to see that Jen was standing at the counter.

  I crouched down as low as I could and hid behind the magazine as best as I could.

  “Is that for your sex change op?” She shouted out and pointed at me.

  The front cover had an article about male enhancement on it and I could see that she relished in embarrassing me. I could have just slapped her, so I tried to ignore her when she came over and bragged about getting Jessica’s phone number and that she had arranged a threesome with her and Jake. I was horrified at this news, because Jessica knew how I felt about this piece of trash. What the hell was she thinking? But then who was I to judge? I hadn’t lived an innocent life myself, so how could I tell a grown woman what to do!

  “Get lost Jen, I have nothing else to say to you!” I muttered under my breath so no one could hear me.

  “I just thought I’d let you know, lover, that I don’t go away that easily.” She said as she revelled in her glory. “I’m gonna make you sorry that you ever laid your pretty little eyes on Robbie.”

  Cold chills were running down my body as the thought of her in my life made me feel physically sick. I quickly got up out of my seat and brushed past her as I exited the shop and hastily made my way down the street constantly looking behind to see that she hadn’t followed me. I vigorously searched my pockets for my phone, so that I could talk to Jessica and advise her on the trouble that she was going to encounter.

  When I urged her not to go through with it, she explained to me, that she and Jake had been talking about it for a while and that they were actually going to ask me to join them, but Jen got in there first. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. How in this short space of time had she become as fucked up as I had?

  “Are you insane? Do you know what you are getting into?” I shouted, as I held the phone out in temper.

  “Sarah its ok babe this isn’t the first time that we’ve have carried out our sexual fantasies. You are not the only one who has kept secrets locked away. Honestly this isn’t new to me.” she protested invidiously.

  My mind was unsettled, as I knew Jessica was in for a rollercoaster ride with this cow. It wasn’t the thought of her having a threesome; it was the thought of her having it with Jen that got me and the knowledge that Jen will have a hold on them for as long as she feels like it will most certainly destroy their relationship.

  I found myself walking towards their place, hoping to find that they’d been at the magic chocolate brownies and that this was just a load of crap that they were talking. I just couldn’t leave it and I just had to talk sense into both of them.

  When I got there, Jessica answered the door and seemed rather flustered. She was quite surprised that it was me standing there and reading the expression on her face I could tell she was expecting Jen.

  As we all sat down together I pleaded with them both not to go through with it, but all I got from them was that their personal life was their own business. I couldn’t deny that and during my unheard plea the door bell rang and Jessica jumped up rather awkwardly.

  “Maybe this isn’t a good time to be discussing this right now.” She hinted to Jake.

  I knew that it was Jen at the door, the sex they were about to have with her had dominated the whole situation and there was nothing that I could do to stop them.

  When I left; ignoring Jen’s unpleasant remarks as I passed her, I made my way to the Pink Rainbow and downed a couple of pints of beer quite quickly in frustration. Images of the three of them at it kept flashing through my mind so I held my glass up and made a toast to myself, cheering to all the fuck ups that had happened to me lately.

  The club started to get busy and the dance floor became full of energetic females all out having a good time. The vibration of the music was rippling through my body so I got up and danced to a few numbers and mingled with the crowd freely.

  A woman with olive skin and a strong masculine look made her way over to me, and with a bottle of beer in one hand, and may I say, drinking it in rather a sexy way, she put the other hand around my waist and gently rocked with me.

  “My name’s Sarah.” I shouted over the sound of the loud music.

  “Shush, just enjoy.” That was her introduction.

  I ran my fingers up and down her arms feeling her mighty strength and gazed directly into her eyes waiting for her to make her move. She gave me a feeling of warmth as I snuggled in closer to her body.

  Her similarity to Robbie was uncanny and the thought of; I want to keep this one, ran through my mind.

  She gently took me by my hand and led me to the washrooms, where we found an unoccupied cubicle and began to make out. As we progressed from light kissing to a more raunchy passionate attack of the lips, she pushed me up against the wall with her powerful arms and nibbled at my top, pulling it away from my breasts and then letting it go, allowing it to smack them back hard. No words were said between us, but I knew I wanted her then and there. I undid my top to reveal my bra to her, my eyes fixated on hers all the time. She nodded her head in an upward direction as if summoning me to take it all off and it took me just seconds to remove my attire. I had become so horny, and as she used her tongue all over my breasts she lifted me up and sat me on the mounted toilet roll holder allowing me to wrap my legs around her waist permitting her to do with me as she wished.

  I could feel her fondling the belt on her jeans, and once undone she pushed my knickers to one side, watching my face constantly. She was wearing a strap on in a harness and as she entered me with it, I grabbed her tightly as she pushed me up and down using the wall as my support. My pleasure showed and I told her to fuck me harder and faster. I wanted the pain of sexual excitement as I could feel myself building up ready to orgasm closer and closer. Then as I released myself on her, she slowed her pace down to a more controlled tender act. But she wasn’t finished with me yet. She lowered me down slowly, steadying me as she did so and then went down on her knees. She certainly knew how to use her tongue on a woman and within a few minutes I was once again building up into a frenzied orgasm exploding inside me, causing my legs to become a little shaky as I felt spent.

  Once the act was completed, she stood up and I pulled my skirt back down and put my top back on, and she introduced herself as Charlie.

  “My real name is Charlotte, but my image doesn’t really go with that so my friends shortened it.” She seemed extremely laid back and quite sure of herself but she knew how to control a situation.

  As I brushed my hair back, still in awe at what had just taken place, I again informed her that my name is Sarah.

  “C’mon Sarah I’ll buy you a drink.” She offered in a pleasing way, as though she had just won a prize. “Are you ok to walk? You seem a bit off balance.”

  “I’m alright thank you.” I said politely as the inside of my body was still enjoying the after effects.

  We sat at a table joining her friends and by the way they reacted, they completely understood what had just taken place.

  “This is Kez, this is Jules, guys this is Sarah.” She introduced us as she picked up two bottles and passed me one of them.

  They nodded their heads up and down at the same time as if in agreement on their approval.

  I sat on Charlie’s lap just like a trophy wife and she stroked my legs up and down constantly as we chatted away. They seemed like a friendly bunch and it made a refreshing change not to hear any bitching. As I was getting sleepy from the lateness and the alcohol intake I nuzzled my head into Charlie’s shoulder an
d began to drift off.

  “Do you want me to take you home babe?” She offered in a sweet concerned manner.

  “Yes please, that would be really nice.” I whispered into her ear.

  She put her arms around me, giving a little squeeze as she informed me that I was safe now. It was as though she knew about my depression and my neediness to be wanted and loved by someone who would protect me.

  She took me back to her place, one that she shared with Kez and Jules, and as we climbed into bed together I broke down into tears, and had to tell her how I felt about Robbie and not knowing how to move on from her. She was impressed by my honesty and held me all night as we lay there, not letting me go once.

  I awoke to the aroma of coffee brewing and could hear female voices happily chatting away downstairs. I was a little dazed and wasn’t too sure of where I actually was. My clothes had been folded up on a chair and the only thing that I was wearing was my tiny knickers. A white robe hung on the back of the door so I slipped it on. It was quite short and barely covered my thighs. Still a little sleepy and under the influence, I made my entrance into the kitchen where three women stood chatting and laughing. One of them pointed to the coffee pot as to gesture; did I want one?

  “Good morning sunshine, how are you feeling now?”

  It was Charlie; she had a welcoming smile to greet me with and pulled out a chair at the table for me to sit on. She had been up for hours and looked refreshed in her khaki jeans and tight fitting tee shirt. Her green eyes suited her skin tone and her short dark hair had tiny kiss curls at the back.

  “Hi Sarah, do you remember us. You were a bit plastered last night.” One of the girls asked me.

  “Yes I remember you, Kez and Jules isn’t it? Things seem a little fuzzy right now.” I sipped on my coffee and tried my best to maintain an image of dignity but I must have looked like a zombie and I started to feel quite nauseous.

  “Well let me remind you.” Charlie piped up. “First of all I had my eye on you for a while, then I danced with you, then I introduced myself to you in the toilet. Right after we fucked of course.”

  I spat my coffee out, as I had just taken a rather large sip of it and Jez and Jules burst out laughing. Whilst Charlie maintained a smug grin knowing that she had just embarrassed me.

  A feeling of shame came over me at the thought of being picked up and shagged in the toilet and that the event was being replayed in front of her friends.

  “Oh don’t worry Sarah.”Charlie laughed. “We have no secrets from each other in this house. My friends know exactly what I’m about, and I saw something in you that I liked and I went after it.”

  “Well there are other ways to pick me up you know. Do I look I have, available please shag me anywhere; written on my face.” I smarted off feeling quite annoyed that my personal life was being ridiculed.

  “Hey sunshine, I think you’ve got the wrong idea.” She replied in a comforting voice. “It wasn’t like that, I couldn’t help myself. I wanted you and I had to have you. Now come here and give me some sugar.”

  Kez and Jules carried on making breakfast, and as I listened to their conversation I noticed that they had a great deal of respect for each other. There was calmness in their voices as they spoke, and tenderness showed between them as they interacted.

  “How did you all meet?” I asked watching them all get along in harmony.

  Charlie grinned and then told me that she met Jez a few years ago and that they became lovers for several months. But as a couple it just didn’t work, so they decided to still live together as house mates. Then when she met Jules it was just sex, sex, sex, and not a lot else. They hadn’t been able to form a relationship but did like to hang around each other. Then Jez and Jules had a one night stand and here they all were today.

  “Well I think it’s nice that you have remained friends all this time.” I said with a little confusion.

  Jez spoke out as she handed me a plate of toast and asked what my story was. They seemed to be quite concerned when I told them everything that had happened over the last few months. My emotions began to break through as I spoke about Robbie, and how I’d deeply fallen for her. I had to keep stopping in mid sentence and look away for a few seconds just to bring myself back to reality.

  Charlie patted my leg gently to reassure me that everything was ok now and that she understood that there was unfinished business in my relationship with Robbie. But I knew in my heart that Robbie would never want to talk to me again.

  “Hey you know what.” Charlie suddenly called out. “I’m doing a married woman!” She tickled me in my ribs and I almost fell backwards off my chair. “I must admit Sarah.” She said with a more serious tone in her voice. “I do find you hot, and you are definitely a trophy wife, and you do turn me on just by looking at you, but I do tend to end up being really good friends with my girlfriends rather than lovers. So if this doesn’t work out between us, I promise you, we will have a great relationship.”

  My inhibitions were beginning to melt, and as I felt a closeness building towards Charlie, she nuzzled her face inside my robe and gave me little nibbles on my shoulder and neck, causing me to have a slight feeling of arousal. I didn’t mind the fact that there were two other people in the room with us; I actually found it to be a really big turn on to have an audience, as I’d always fantasised about being watched whilst having sex. But at this point fondling would do.

  Charlie sensed that I was becoming sexually interested, so she lifted me up and carried me to her room, where upon throwing me onto her bed she tugged at my robe revealing my protruding nipples and my silky flat stomach, which was rising up and down heavily as my breathing became more intense. She guided my knickers slowly down my legs and used light gentle strokes on my inner thighs, giving me reason to get excited. She knew how to control my body with her hands, and with each thrust she gave, I gave an excited groan of joy. My entire being was in ecstasy and I couldn’t hold back the loud cry that bellowed from my mouth as I released my explosive orgasm.

  The connection between us was intense, and passionate kissing followed, as we stroked and caressed each other’s heated up bodies.

  “I want to make you feel good sunshine.” She whispered in my ear.

  “I’m not sure if I can return the favour Charlie, I don’t want you to think that I’m a selfish bitch, I just don’t feel right.”

  “Hell no, you’re still in love with Robbie, and for you to commit to me like that would be like betraying her. I do want you to know that I have been known to not fully commit to monogamy, as I’ve never had good enough reason to. I like girls; a lot, and I tend to go after what I like. You do understand that I will be seeing others don’t you?” She was deadly serious about having a bit on the side but I wasn’t so sure if I was going to be happy about that.

  “Yes Charlie I completely understand.” I said thinking that maybe I would be the one to break that nasty little habit.

  At that moment Jez knocked on the door and informed Charlie that there was a girl waiting on the phone for her. I felt a small tug of annoyance at this, but Charlie seemed like a free spirit and probably would just hide her infidelity from me if I ever made an issue about it. At least she was being honest with me.

  Whilst she was on the phone, Jez stayed in the room with me and she couldn’t take her lustful eyes off my slender naked body. I had no problem being on display and even asked her if she liked what she saw.

  When Charlie came back in, there was a glance between the two of them, like an understanding of some sort. I immediately recognised what was going to take place and with my consent Jez lifted her top up over her head and threw it to the ground, and as she undid her jeans Charlie beckoned Jules to come to the room. I knew that I was about to enter into an orgy with these girls, and as they both slid onto the bed fully naked, Charlie sat in a chair in the corner and watched us perform pleasures on each other, each one taking it in turn to get sexual gratification. Once we were all spent Charlie joined us for th
e aftermath of kissing and a little horse play before we all fell asleep until early evening.


  The weeks that followed were filled with Charlie’s presence. She encouraged me to feel good about myself and even introduced me to a healthier eating habit. We trained at the gym together, and whilst working out we’d eye up the other women giving them marks out of ten on their physical attractiveness; some even scoring a minus on their lack of assets. Saggy asses should be kept indoors not on display!

  Being with Charlie gave me a good reason for feeling alive again. We enjoyed each other’s company and often included Jez and Jules in our intimate sessions of love making; we had become our own private little family.

  I kept no secrets from Jessica and we would swap details on our latest sexual exploits, I even had a feeling that Jen had backed off with her viciousness, as she had stayed clear of any trouble making; to my knowledge anyway.

  Life in general was getting better for me; my boss was opening up a new store and had asked me to go into partnership with her. I jumped at the chance of being my own boss, and renovations soon began on our new building. The work didn’t take long, and walking in to our newly completed store with brightly lit up neon signage and funky 1960’s designs were amazing. I had promoted one of the girls from the other store to be my manager and employed a couple of pretty young things to work part time. The styles of clothing lines that we carried were quite varied, as I wanted to cater for all walks of life, I made sure that we supplied for the more masculine women as well as the pretty princess’s that are out there.

  Charlie knew a lot of people and would encourage them to shop at the store and we also held a fashion show on Halloween night which made us quite a good penny, so I treated everyone to a night out clubbing.


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