Loving the Pink Kiss

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Loving the Pink Kiss Page 11

by Shiralyn J. Lee

  Jez and Jules were at home when we arrived and they were looking a little worse for wear. They had been out partying till the early hours and had over done it with the alcohol.

  Jessica was having a party that night and I invited the girls to come with me. It was obvious why Jez and Jules couldn’t face going, and Charlie passed on the invite as she was exhausted from driving, but she urged me to go anyway. I gave all three of them a passionate kiss each before leaving to go to my apartment to get ready. Charlie had offered to drive me but I could see that she was too tired, and the walk wasn’t so bad.

  The party was in full swing when I got to Jessica’s and the house was packed with people drinking and eating. Jake appeared in front of me and put a glass of wine in my hand.

  “Jessica’s in the conservatory go on through.” He said pointing her out amongst the gathered guests.

  “Thanks Jake and cheers.” I made my way through the crowd to find my friend.

  Jessica spotted me and gave me an approving look. “Hey babe you look fucking amazing.”

  “Thanks Jessica, you look pretty hot yourself. Who are all these people?”

  “Oh some are Jakes acquaintances and some are Jens.” She commented looking around, not knowing most of the people herself.

  “So you’re still in with her then?” I answered her with a disapproving look.

  “She keeps our sex life alive, and Jake enjoys watching us together.” Well lucky Jake getting his rocks off at someone else’s expense.

  “So what Jake wants, Jake gets does he?” I snapped at her. But I really wanted to spit in his face.

  She in turn snapped back at me. “Jake wanted you, but you weren’t available, and I’m not ready to lose him just yet.”

  “Ok I’ll back off, I’m sorry for not having more faith in you.” Wow I hadn’t realised that she felt so strongly about this.

  I sensed that our friendship was changing as we were slowly growing apart. But as a true friend I wasn’t going to give up on her. I stayed for a while trying to mingle with the guests but I noticed that some of them kept disappearing into the bedroom. It was obvious that acts of a sexual nature were going on but my interest was short lived so I made my excuses and left.

  I decided to go back to Charlie’s and spend the evening with her, but when I walked into her bedroom I found she wasn’t alone. There were clothes scattered all over the floor and two naked bodies fumbling around beneath the bed sheets.

  “Oh Charlie, I’m really sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt you like that. I’ll go and I’ll call you tomorrow. Bye and bye whatever your name is.” I quickly exited and made my way down the stairs as fast as I could and I was shortly chased by a naked and surprised Charlie.

  “Sarah wait, you weren’t supposed to be here tonight.” She cried out as she reached for my shoulder and stopped me from running any further.

  “It’s ok Charlie, honest, I’m to blame for the embarrassment caused here. We have a deal and I’m fine with it. You are my friend as well as my lover and I want you to be happy more than anything. Now go back upstairs and give what’s her name a good time. Go, please.” I was actually fine with the whole situation and I wanted her to know that.

  “Sarah you’re the best.” She said acknowledging that I was right.

  I walked off down the street chanting the word; fuck, fuck, fuck. Seeing Charlie with another woman didn’t bother me in the least, I was all for it, but not knowing when she was going to be conquering another territory made it a little embarrassing when faced with the ordeal.

  I was on the phone to her the next morning and I couldn’t apologise enough for acting like such an ass. She was concerned about me and wanted to know if I was ok and not too spooked by it all.

  “I’ll see you tonight then.” I said, making sure to confirm that there were no hidden surprises on the horizon.

  I had a full busy day at the store catching up with inventory and changing the outfits on the mannequins to create a fab new window display. It was when I put a shirt up on a hanger to drape in the background that a familiar voice spoke behind me. “Hello Sarah.” She said softly. I thought I was going to melt on the spot; before I even turned around I knew it was Robbie. My heart lifted; engulfed with delight as I saw her face looking at me. She was breathtaking and really here.

  “Robbie, hi how are you? You look great.” She looked amazing and those beautiful blue eyes, how I’d missed them.

  “I’m fine I suppose.” She held her head low and having a knack for picking up on inner emotions I could sense that she was uneasy.

  “Well I hear you’re working for Kate now, that’s nice.” I began to play with my hair like a stupid school girl having her first crush but my fingers were working overtime as my nerves were setting in so I started to lean in for that big emotional welcome back kiss but I hadn’t accounted for Robbie’s response or lack of it; leaving me in mid pucker.

  There was an awkward pause between us and I became aware that something was amiss. One of the girls in the store called for my assistance so I asked Robbie if she could wait a moment. She told me that she was in a rush but could we meet up in the morning at the coffee shop.

  “Yes sure.” I said grinning like a Cheshire cat. “You really caught me by surprise; I really look forward to seeing you tomorrow.” Stay calm and act natural I told myself as I watched her walk away; my heart was pounding and my mind was racing.

  Talking to Charlie about it that evening was easy, we even involved Jez and Jules in the conversation. Jez reckoned that she was going to ask for a divorce, but I sensed somehow that it was something else. Charlie thought that she had finally come to her senses and was going to ask me to get back with her. God was it so wrong for me to want that so much?

  I spent the night with Charlie, but sex wasn’t on the agenda, we stayed up for hours talking about what exactly we wanted from each other, and Charlie was a firm believer in going after what she wanted and that that was not going to change with me. I loved her in a special way that I could love no other, but neither of us was actually in love with each other.

  The next morning I awoke early so that I could spend plenty of time getting ready. I chose a tight black T shirt to wear with my white jeans. All of my curves showed off in all the right places and if she didn’t find me hot in this get up then she must be mad.

  She was already there when I arrived, so I brushed myself down and checked my reflection out in the window and then went inside to greet her. I shook her hand and kissed her on the cheek in a very formal manner keeping everything on a professional level.

  “You look really good Sarah, I see you have some nice muscle tone happening there.” Yeah she had noticed my new qualities.

  “Yes, thanks for noticing. After you, I mean, when we went our separate ways I turned all my energy towards the gym. I still work out there a couple of times a week and a friend comes with me.” Maybe she was my lover and the person who opened my closet door to my parents but Robbie didn’t have to know that.

  “Well that’s good.” Her voice was soft and inviting and it was good standing in her presence; it made me feel warm and tingly.

  “So may I ask what brings us here today Robbie? I am intrigued.” I crossed my legs and placed my hands over my knee to look business like and professional, and of course, seductive but she looked really serious and there was sadness in her eyes.

  “Sarah I have something important to ask you and I completely understand if you can’t do it. My mother has been seriously hurt in a car accident and I have to fly back home tomorrow. I’m not sure how long I’ll be away for and this is where I have a proposition for you.” How awful for her I couldn’t possibly imagine how she must be feeling right now.

  “Ok I’m listening.” I leaned in closer towards her and gave her my complete attention.

  She put her hand on the table as if she was reaching out for my assurance and I really wanted to grab it and hold on to it like a starved sex maniac.

  “My p
roposition is; would you be able to keep an eye on Kate for me? She doesn’t trust too many people and I know that she has a soft spot for you. Please say no if you want to, I do understand, especially after the way we parted company. But no one else can be trusted.” Tears were building up in her eyes and her desperation showed and knowing that she had so little time to make alternate arrangements how could I possibly leave her feeling deprived. My heart went out to her and all I could think about was the pain that she must be in.

  “Yes Robbie, of course I will, you don’t have to worry about Kate I will take good care of her you can count on that.” I sipped on my cappuccino and assured her that there was nothing to worry about.

  “I’m sorry about the way things have turned out between us Sarah.” She said as she gently brushed her finger across the top of my lip to remove the coffee foam that had been left behind.

  There was a moment of kindness and for one instance I thought that there might possibly be a chance for us. Her eyes welled up with tears again making my heart melt for her and this was the first time I’d witnessed her weakness break through; I was going to support her no matter what.

  “Robbie I haven’t stopped loving you.” The words came out so fast that there was no time to stop myself from saying them.

  “I really can’t get into that right now Sarah.” She replied coolly. “Maybe we can talk when I get back.”

  I realised that my timing was pretty lousy and selfish, so I thanked her for choosing me to help out and wished her mum a healthy quick recovery. She thanked me again for helping out at such short notice and told me that I was an amazing person.

  “I have to go now and get ready to leave. Kate will have my contact number in case of emergencies and here’s a set of keys so you can let yourself in. I’m really grateful Sarah; I’ll be in touch soon.” At that we stood up and hugged, I wanted to squeeze her tightly and never let her go, but this meeting wasn’t about my needs at all.

  We didn’t take our eyes off each other as she made her exit out of the doorway and I watched her walk down the street until she was out of my sight.

  It was hard seeing her go after such a short meeting and I was feeling a little deflated from my expectations of something more. But I was a trooper and helping Kate out was my pleasure.

  After talking to Charlie about my situation she vowed to help me in any way that she could to win Robbie’s heart back. Although this was going to prove to be difficult, being as we had been apart for so long and the fact that Robbie was going to be in another country indefinitely.

  I made arrangements at the store with staff coverage and also texted Jessica to let her know what was happening and that my time spent with her would be a little limited for the time being.


  I arrived at Kate’s later that evening and let myself in. She greeted me with open arms and we chatted for ages swapping information on the past few months. I told her all about Charlie and how good she was to me, and of Jessica’s set up with Jen. Kate knew how Jen worked on people with her controlling ways and advised me to steer well clear of her.

  She had also been trying to persuade Robbie to see sense on her relationship with me but all she could get out of her was that she couldn’t allow herself to get hurt again. I began to feel that Robbie’s stubbornness had caused her to miss out on something that could have been so wonderful.

  I cooked us a supper of salmon and rice under Kate’s supervision and made sure she had everything she needed for the night, before returning back to Charlie’s.

  Things were moving forward for me, and Charlie could see that as a couple we were coming to a standstill. That night was to be the last that we would be intimate, we were more passionate than we had ever been, and I felt a slight sadness as we held each other tightly all night long. We promised that no matter what, our friendship would stay strong forever.

  I had invited Charlie to tag along with me to meet Kate, and as I cooked breakfast she and Kate hit it off like a storm. I left the two of them chatting whilst I went off to get some supplies in. I was gone a couple of hours and came back to the two of them making plans for a girl’s night out. Kate hadn’t been out for ages and I heard a strip club mentioned.

  I interrupted their conversation quite sharply as I peered around the corner of the doorway.

  “Strip club, I’ve never been to a strip club.”

  “Oh Sarah, I can’t believe you’ve never been to one. Charlie; are you free on Saturday night?”

  Kate started to laugh as she knew I had missed out on a lot of fun. A feeling of naivety came over me as I had played the princess bitch for so long, that I had forgotten that there was so much more out there than what revolved around my little world. Charlie offered to round up Jez and Jules and we arranged to meet at Kate’s at 7.30pm on Saturday night.

  “I’m not sure if I should go you guys.” I whined. “It’s not something I’ve ever thought about.”

  “Are you shitting me girl.” Charlie asked in surprise. “This is for your benefit. We’re not taking no for an answer! Tell her Kate.” She was adamant that I was going and being outnumbered by two to one didn’t give much room for my argument.

  “You must go you’ll have fun I promise.” She said reassuringly.

  “But Kate I’m supposed to be looking after you!”

  “No buts, it’s all arranged, you’re going.” She laughed; hinting that she had a wicked sense of humour.

  After lunch we left Kate to take her usual afternoon nap and went back to Charlie’s, where we didn’t even have to do too much enticing to get the girls to come with us. They were more than well up for it.

  Saturday came and we all made our way round to Kate’s and had a few drinks before heading off to the club. It was mostly filled with dirty old men leering at the girls dancing on the stage. We sat at a table near to the front and joined in with the cheering and whistling. Our server Natasha looked after us all night, making sure that our glasses were permanently topped up.

  As I looked around the club, I spotted a face that I recognised; standing in the shadows almost in the darkness was that bloody bitch Jen. She was dressed in PVC hot pants and bra, and as the music changed she made her way up onto the stage. She grabbed the pole and climbed up it then swung round lifting her legs up into the air as she did. Her moves were well thought out and I could see the enjoyment on her face as she showed off her act to her captivated audience. Her eyes were constantly fixated on the same spot in the crowd, as if she was dancing for someone in particular. I followed the line to where she was looking and was astounded to see Jake sitting there with someone on his lap and she wasn’t Jessica.

  I nudged Charlie’s arm and told her that Jessica’s husband was in the club. He had his hands all over this woman and his tongue was dancing down her throat. When Jen had finished her number the crowd applauded and gave her major tips as she moved between the tables and teased her onlookers before making her way over to Jake. He then proceeded to pluck the cash out from her bra as she leaned in to kiss him and then straight after she immediately focused her attentions on kissing this other woman; to the point of sexually arousing her.

  I wanted to know where Jessica was so I sent her a text asking if she was ok and how were things going with Jake. She replied right back saying that Jake was on a business trip and she was getting ready for his return.

  He was up to no good, business trip my fucking arse. My natural instinct kicked in to protect my friend’s honour probing me to investigate the matter a little more diligently, so I walked straight over to his table, closely followed by Charlie and confronted him.

  “So I thought you were on a business trip Jake, I see you’re out with the forever pleasant Jen and this slut.” My adrenaline was building up forcing me to get even angrier at them.

  He looked a little surprised to see me and I could see his mind was working overtime trying to think of an excuse but the dumb shit wasn’t clever enough to come up with a
nything. Jen smiled and took hold of his hand and started to lick it like the horny bitch that she was.

  “Hey sexy it’s been a while, care to join in the fun with us?” She said knowing that she was getting right up my nose.

  I rolled my eyes in annoyance whilst looking directly at Jake and answered her back quite snappishly. “Oh piss off Jen, if I want to talk to a bitch I’ll call in the dog catchers.”

  I could tell that the slut who was with them wanted to smack me one, but Charlie; my hero; was there to protect me.

  “So Jake, what’s going on? Why did you lie to Jessica? After all you’re the one who talked her into having a threesome and now you’re being deceitful, is there something you want tell me?” What a piece of lousy crap he’s turned out to be.

  “Umm Sarah I…”

  “Save it Jake! You’re nothing but a wanker.” I barked, quickly interrupting his pathetic performance. “And you Jen, when the fuck are you going to disappear?”

  She looked at me with such evilness on her face and then stroked Jakes hair like he was her puppy. “I told you when I first met you Sarah that I don’t go away that easily. Jake can make up his own mind who he wants to fuck. Look at this girl; she’s so hot I can’t wait to taste her myself and besides little wifey is where she belongs; at home!”

  I stared at the three of them in dismay and felt such disgust at what they were doing behind my friend’s back.

  I could feel my heart pound harder as I whispered into Jakes ear. “Perhaps I should mention to Jessica that I saw you here tonight, I’m sure she’d be pretty interested to know.” The silent assassin inside me was ready to leap out and grab him by his balls but I had to contain myself from doing any physical harm so instead I pulled out my phone and took a snapshot of the sleazy three. Jake tried to grab it from me but Jen pulled him back in hope that Jessica would find out the truth.


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