Book Read Free

Loving the Pink Kiss

Page 13

by Shiralyn J. Lee


  On my way over to visit Kate one morning I picked up an assortment of fresh cream cakes and a large bunch of carnations to replace the ones I had let die in the kitchen window: I had intended on numerous occasions to replace them but never got around to it. I called out to Kate that it was me coming in and that I had bought treats but when she heard me come in she summoned me into the lounge where she was sat at the computer going through her emails.

  “Hi Sarah, you might want to come and read this, I have some good news for you.” Her smile was beaming and she pointed to a chair for me to bring over to place next to hers. I sat down beside her to see what was so important and saw there was a message from Robbie saying that she was coming home. My heart skipped a beat, and a nervous excited sensation took control of my emotions as I read that she was coming home today. She would be back in twenty four hours and arriving at gate three at 5.30pm.

  “But this was sent yesterday!” I shrilled as I read the message a second time.

  “Yes Sarah, that means that she’ll be here in three and a half hours. Do you feel up to coming with me to pick her up?”

  I couldn’t contain myself; I had no idea what response I would get from Robbie. If she welcomed me with open arms I would know that I stood a second chance and could work on the rest of the situation later. But for now I had to remain calm and poised if I was going to get anywhere and adding any more drama to the emotional torrent that she had just gone through was definitely not on my agenda.

  “Do you think that she’ll want me there Kate? After all she is just expecting you to wait here isn’t she?” Oh god I couldn’t wait to see her again.

  “She knows me better than that, I always like to meet her at the airport, its fun and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She said proudly.

  I arranged for Charlie to take us in her car and Jessica just happened to tag along for the ride. We all managed to squeeze in comfortably making sure that there was enough room for Robbie on the journey back. As we merged onto the motorway we came close to hitting another car and in no way was it our fault, the stupid ass in the other car decided that he wanted to change lanes without letting anyone know that he wanted to do that. The box of cream cakes that had I bought earlier had sneakily appeared onto Jessica’s lap and she had scoffed most of them by the time we arrived in the parking lot.

  Planes were circling above us and Jessica yelled out. “Could one of these be her plane?” Just as she turned a ghostly white and threw up right down the front of my top.

  “Oh god Sarah I’m so sorry!” She blurted out and then rummaged through her rather large mumsy bag to find a tissue. It was her first bout of morning sickness and it couldn’t have chosen any other time start.

  Everyone gathered around her to make sure she was ok, whilst I stood in the hot sun with the stench if vomit clinging to me. “What the fuck is it about me? Every time I meet up with Robbie something embarrassing happens to me. I stink, you guys. I can’t go into the airport smelling like this.”

  Jessica began to convulse again from the smell that was omitting from my clothes but I couldn’t handle it any longer myself and could feel my stomach turning over ready to join in with the puke fest.

  “Sarah take your top off, you can wear my tee shirt for now.” Charlie so graciously offered.

  There I was in the middle of the car park stripping off my top in exchange for one that had a motive saying (Skirt Lifter). Grateful: Yes I was, embarrassed; totally.

  Amongst all the commotion I caught sight of Jessica eyeing up Charlie’s well formed muscles that had been built to perfection, and plus the fact that she wasn’t wearing a bra left little to the imagination underneath her vest top.

  We entered the waiting lounge and sat with all the other impatient people who were either clock watching or chasing after their energetic toddler children.

  A large group of people that had been sitting in the row behind us had quietly disappeared and on one of the seats was an unattended brown suitcase. We waited for a few minutes for its owner to return before reporting it to customer services. The assistant immediately picked up the phone and the next thing we knew, were that trained officials came marching through the terminal stopping all would be travellers in their tracks and closing off the surrounding area. A bomb squad team were called in and as they were probing the bag with great caution, a naïve young man approached them and asked what they were doing to his luggage. Words were exchanged between them and then he was quickly escorted away from the area before normality was resumed. Then as the fluctuation of sun tanned people began to arrive, time stood still at the sight of Robbie entering the walk through. Goosebumps prickled all over my skin, my palms became sweaty and my legs turned to jelly. She was back, and my god was I ever happy.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she hugged Kate with such delight. Apart from appearing a little weary from the long journey, she looked amazing and when it was my turn for a hug she shook my hand instead and thanked me for helping out with Kate then smiled sweetly.

  Kate informed her that she had had a great time with me and our exciting adventures with our new friends, and she gave me a pat on the back as if to say, good job Sarah.

  I picked up one of the cases from the trolley noticing that there were a couple of pink ones mixed in with them. Pink would definitely not be Robbie’s colour choice.

  “Ah yes.” She said holding out her hand in the direction of a skinny young woman. “This is my friend Kiera.”

  We all exchanged introductions with each other, but Robbie was at an advantage as she had been informed of Charlie through Kate during their phone calls. I on the other hand was at a total loss as to who this Kiera was. She was of slim build with long blonde hair and immaculately dressed in a short skirt, low cut top and black heels. Almost a perfect reflection of how I would normally look. I brushed myself down and held my hand out to greet her just as a good will gesture, all the time feeling the urge to tear her hair right off from her head. I could feel the jealousy vibes rippling right through my veins as she gave a cold response and made it quite obvious in her mannerism that she wasn’t going to be my friend at any cost. Apparently she had been friends with Robbie for years, but I could tell just by the false image she was portraying that I had a competition on my hands. That bitch was not going to step into my shoes and what kind of a name is Kiera anyway? The game was on, bring it bitch.

  I knew that I looked like a desperate skank in my borrowed outfit and that I still smelt of Jessica’s puke so at this point she had the upper hand right now, but this was just a temporary glitch.

  “So you’re Sarah the ex, nice shirt by the way.” She remarked in such a high almighty manner.

  Kate stepped in and suggested that we made a move. Right away this bitch handed me one of her cases to carry as if I was her fucking maid. Cheeky cow! But my good friend Charlie took charge and handed out a case for everyone to carry; even Kiera.

  Robbie smiled at me and remarked on my physic which made me feel all goofy and tingly inside. My efforts in trying to cover up the logo on my top by crossing my arm over my chest and holding the case behind my shoulder lasted for five seconds. This was just one of those days in my life that I had to accept that my dignity had abandoned me.

  We made our way through the terminal and as I walked on in front of Robbie, allowing her to catch up with the gossip from Kate, I could see her reflection in the glass panels as we past them, she was keeping a keen watch on my arse, so I made sure that she stayed interested by wiggling it even more, that is until Kiera caught on and distracted her attention. I was in the direct line of fire with no knowledge of this cow’s background, and I needed to know just what exactly I was dealing with. One thing I knew for sure was that she was going to have a fight on her hands.

  We got back to the car and we all stared at it like gormless morons trying to figure out how we were all going to fit inside with that entire luggage
. Obviously Charlie and Kate sat in the front where Kate managed to squeeze two of the smaller cases down by her feet. Jessica sat by one of the doors and put a bag on the floor so that she could rest her feet on it, and bloody Kiera volunteered to sit on Robbie’s lap by the other door because she apparently got car sick and needed to be by the window, which left me sandwiched in the middle with one bag on my lap and another under my feet. The rest of the luggage was crammed into the boot with minimal space to spare.

  Charlie opened the window a little as she could see that I was getting overheated and flustered. I was never any good in confined spaces and could feel myself freaking out inside. Most of the conversation went back and forth between Robbie and Kate with constant interruptions from Kiera. I wanted to explode on her; this whole situation had become a farce. What the hell was I thinking meeting Robbie at the airport? She didn’t want me there she had other plans on her mind and I had unknowingly interfered with them. We were all feeling a little uncomfortable and I felt it was entirely my fault.

  As soon as we got back to Kate’s we unloaded the car and I nudged Charlie’s arm and mouthed to her to get me the fuck out of here. She immediately responded to my request and made an excuse that she had to leave and would drop me and Jessica off on the way. We said our goodbyes and I informed Kate that I would be over for a chat soon. That’s when I heard Kiera mutter; not too soon I hope. Was it me or was everyone else oblivious to her rudeness? Robbie’s eyes were fixated on me as she whispered to Kiera to behave herself and be nicer to me but I couldn’t get in the car soon enough and once we were out of their sight I let out an almighty scream from my built up frustration. Charlie and Jessica joined in with me until our throats couldn’t hold the sound anymore.

  Charlie told me that I had handled the situation with the up most dignity, especially from that snotty cow.

  “Sarah we still love you.” Jessica kindly pointed out obviously understanding how pissed off I was right now.

  “I know, you guys are really good friends to me and I’m lucky to have you in my life right now.” Was Jessica actually referring to the fact that she and Charlie were now we?

  Charlie looked at me in the rear view mirror and said; “You’re gonna be just fine babe, you’re a fighter. That bitch will never prove herself to Robbie, you mark my words.”

  “I’m sure you’re right Charlie, somehow I feel like I’m just falling apart all over again and I need to gain control back in my life; starting with a fresh set of clothes.”

  My desperation for Robbie was crushing me and I didn’t want her to compare my likeness to Jens; as a stalker, so for now I just had to ride the wave.

  “Hey girl I think we’re gonna treat you to a beer, are you up for it?” Charlie asked and then whispered say yes, say yes.

  I wasn’t sure how I was feeling and maybe drinking wasn’t the answer but my decline went unheard as Jessica pleaded with me to go. She tormented me with a special club she’d been to with Jen. God knows why I accepted, but I did.

  We went back to mine so that I could shower and change into something sexy, and Charlie cooked a pizza and cracked open a couple of beers for us. I emerged from my room looking so hot that Jessica even commented that I could get any chick I wanted. My sexy shell only held deep sadness on the inside, but putting on a show was something that I was good at.

  Charlie and I downed a few beers before scoffing the rest of the pizza and I was already beginning to feel a little light headed.

  We arrived by cab outside a small clubhouse where there was a black door with a staircase directly behind it. Everyone was dressed in black and the music was at a low volume which I thought to be unusual. We ordered drinks from the bar and sat at a table next to a large black curtain which was hanging across an entrance way to another room. A woman stood at the side taking money as people entered and I could hear a regular occurrence of clapping. I looked at Charlie and Jessica and asked them why people were applauding when there were no sounds of cheers or entertainment. Jessica almost choked on her drink and then burst out laughing.

  “Come on.” She said grabbing my hand and almost dragging me off my seat. “Let’s go in so you can see what’s really going on.”

  She showed the woman a membership card and paid ten pounds for each of us to go inside. As we pulled the curtain across and entered I saw men and women tied up in leather restraints by their wrists and ankles and most of them were fully naked proudly showing off their sinful shows of being whipped and degraded in front of an audience of silent enthusiasts. The clapping sound I had heard was coming from a woman dressed in a black PVC corset and shorts standing over a young female who had been straddled faced downward on a small wooden structure that looked as though it had been specially made for this purpose. She was slapping her naked arse cheeks with what looked like a small black leather paddle. A crowd had gathered round to watch and I could see that they were all clearly getting off from it; even I began to feel drawn to the sleazy excitement.

  My mind began to wonder at the thought of whether Jen had brought Robbie here to enjoy the controlled sadistic torture. Had they put on a show for these strangers? It was disturbing to think that someone I cared for so deeply could possibly have resorted to giving her dignity away in this form, but Kate had mentioned that Robbie did have a dark side maybe this is what she meant.

  Jessica nudged me and asked if I’d had enough of the scenery. I nodded yes as I took a large swig of my beer. We went back into the other room and I saw Charlie brush her hand down Jessica’s arm in a slow gliding sensual manner. Her charisma must have been working as Jessica didn’t flinch at the thought of it. I leaned in towards her and whispered in her ear that it was ok to go for it, I could see that there was a connection between them and that I was totally fine with it.

  Jessica was reluctant to admit anything at first but then she confided with me that she had feelings for Charlie but was worried that it was just her hormones playing tricks on her. I assured her that if she felt this way she should act on it as I knew Charlie was just bursting to tell her that she had fallen for her.

  “I kind of had the feeling that she liked me. Sarah do you mind if I… oh never mind I’m just gonna do it.

  She grabbed Charlie by the hand and pulled her close, so close that when their lips met Jessica went the whole hog and planted a wet sloppy kiss right on Charlie’s mouth.

  I slowly stepped away in the direction of the bar and got myself another beer. As I waited I watched the two of them combine their worlds into one immaculate sensual act of kissing. Had Charlie finally found her soul mate and had Jessica finally found someone who would love her back in the way that she deserved.

  “Here’s to new beginnings.” I toasted aloud to myself.


  We finished the night off with me getting absolutely plastered and when the cab driver dropped me off first, Charlie had to carry me to my front door. I gave both of them a big kiss and told them how much I loved them. Then standing on my doorstep I waved as hard as I could as they drove away. Then I made a helpless effort to put the key in the lock and constantly missed the target each time I made the approach. That’s when I noticed the gate to the next door neighbour’s garden was open. A child’s swing caught my attention so I felt compelled to go over and sit on it; just for a moment. I started swinging slowly and then did the stupidest thing ever. I twisted the swing in a circular movement making the ropes tangle together; only I was unaware that my hair was also being entwined in the spin and being pulled upwards with the ropes. The pull became so tight that it felt like I had just had a face lift. I couldn’t free myself from the twisted mass and at first I thought it was quite funny and I began to laugh. But when I realised that I was freaking stuck, the seriousness of it began to sink in. My bag was on the ground with my phone inside and I couldn’t get it with my foot. Each time I moved to try to drag it, my hair pulled tighter. What the fuck was I to do?

  “Can somebody help me?
” I yelled. “Help, can anybody hear me? Please help me.” And now another of my stupid decisions had put me into a dilemma and I wondered how long it was going to take before I got somebody’s attention.

  A figure emerged from the gateway of the garden but I could only see their silhouette as the street light was behind them.

  “Help me please, my hair is caught in these ropes and I’m in pain when I move. I’m stuck here.” I was so embarrassed but at the same time totally relieved that someone was coming to save me.

  The person came closer and then I noticed that it was a woman coming to my rescue. That woman then turned out to be Robbie. Her soft voice calmed me as she sussed the situation out and tried to figure out what she was going to do to help set me free.

  “Sarah what are you doing here?” She asked inquisitively.

  Her hands were gentle as she tried to loosen my strands from the ropes and the tears began to roll down my cheeks as I felt extremely humble towards her. I breathed in her fragrance of citrusy notes as she stood in front of me and I so desperately wanted to wrap my arms around her waist and hold her tightly never to let her kind sole leave me again.

  “I thought it would be fun.” I sobbed. “I had no idea that this god awful thing was going to keep me as its prisoner.” My mascara began to run down my face causing my eyes to sting but I was more concerned about trying not to stain her clothing right now.

  “Never mind you’re in safe hands now.” She said gently untangling my locks taking great care not to cause me any more pain.

  As she managed to set me free in less than twenty minutes she reassured me that I was going to be medically fine then scooped me up in her arms and carried me back to the safety of my apartment where she sat me down on the sofa and poured me a large glass of water. I really needed something a little stronger but I knew that would have been a huge mistake.


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