Loving the Pink Kiss

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Loving the Pink Kiss Page 15

by Shiralyn J. Lee

  I bent down and gave her a kiss on each cheek before coolly acknowledging Robbie with a smile and a stupid half wave. She in return acknowledged me back with a warm smile of her own and our eyes met and stayed focused for what seemed like ages. Then there was a rude interruption of coughing followed by a cackling voice. “Can I get either of you a drink?”

  I refused to even look at that bitch and pretended that she wasn’t there. No one else existed in that room and I kept my eyes fixated on Robbie’s as I sat in the arm chair.

  Robbie suggested that we go and sit out in the garden while Kate and Jessica discussed business and as she stood up she reached out for my hand and I quickly latched on to her letting her guide me through the kitchen and out onto the patio area of the garden. The sun was shining down through the branches of the trees and the fragrance of the French lavenders filled the air as a light breeze carried a welcomed feel of freshness.

  We had only sat down for a moment when we were joined by the sound of clinking glasses. The sight of Kiera carrying a tray of cold drinks and approaching us gave the whole idea of romance a bad smell. Given the choice I would rather be faced with the turd from an elephant than have to look at her rat face features.

  “I thought you might want something cold to drink in this heat so I made a cocktail of orange juice, blackcurrant and a hit of vodka. Hope you like it ladies!”

  Thoughts in my head were screaming, why don’t you just fuck off? Then I realised that she could quite easily resurrect the bitch inside me that I once was. She immediately made herself comfortable by sitting at the table with us and started making comments about how long she had known Robbie and then made comparisons to me and other girls from Robbie’s past. She was trying to piss on her turf as tho Robbie belonged to her like a possession. I kept reminding myself not to rise to her pathetic level, not in front of Robbie anyway. This cow seemed to love herself too much and if she thought that she was going to win Robbie over me then she was going to get a bigger fight than she expected.

  “Hey Sarah nice tattoo by the way, I really like the pink on you.”

  “Thanks Robbie I got it yesterday. It hurt like hell for a short while but I’m glad I’ve done it now. I’m glad you like it though.” It’s where you kissed me, it’s where you kissed me, I sang silently to myself.

  Kiera belted out that she had a tattoo of a butterfly on her boob. She got it just after Robbie had hers. She then proceeded to reach inside her top and remove the ghastly object known as a tit from her bra and pushed it right into Robbie’s face. It was a completely cheap act that gained no pay off from the recipient. Robbie just smiled and politely said that it was a nice tattoo then turned her attentions back to me. There was a glorious silent ringing of bells going on inside my head as I had clearly won that round.

  Robbie stroked her finger across the back of my hand and we talked about how nice it was going to be having Jessica living in the house, especially when the baby is born.

  I happily volunteered to help move her in and decorate the baby’s room. Kiera boasted how good she was at home décor and deciding where things should be placed. Probably more like giving out orders in the form of a bossy cow. I liked the way that Robbie humoured her by pretending to pay attention to what she was saying but not being overly impressed with her comments. She even apologised to me in front of Kiera for her poor mannerism towards me, but Kiera pretended not to notice that she was offending me. I felt irritated inside but was more than determined to not let her see this.

  We were soon joined by Jessica and Kate, who were very happy to announce that Jessica was going to move in this weekend coming. We toasted our drinks to the new merger and conversation after that revolved around Jessica and her new adventures to come. She was going to rent the entire upstairs which was more than ample space for one grown up and a little baby.

  When it was time to leave, there were lots of hugs and kisses between Kate and Jessica and offers of supplying snacks for everyone on moving day.

  Robbie invited herself back to my place which gave me great joy. We decided to walk and our pace was slow due to the fact that Jessica wasn’t able to sprint. I was on cloud nine as Robbie held my hand all the way back, showing me off proudly to the world like her prized possession. We left Jessica at the end of her street before returning to my palace of chaos.

  The apartment was a complete mess, my clothes were once again scattered everywhere and there were dirty glasses and plates on the table.

  “Oh Sarah it’s just like the first day I walked in here.” She laughed as she prodded at a pair of shoes I had left hanging by their straps on the back of a chair.

  “Shit I didn’t expect you to come back here.” I remarked fully embarrassed, I would have tidied up if I’d known any better.

  Then she made her move on me by running her fingers through my hair and then guided my head gently to a slight angle positioning me for a romantic kiss. I just froze on the spot. Could this really be happening to me? Were we really going to be an item again?

  She pressed her lips against mine and I allowed my mouth to follow the sensual instructions that it was being given. I pressed harder into the kiss as I received her intense greeting. Then she began to lightly nibble and kiss my neck as her hands performed the act of undoing my bra beneath my top prompting me to lift my arms in the air to allow her to remove my tee shirt swiftly. Her warm wet tongue tickled my nipples making them erect and the intensity of the pleasure was turning me on immensely. Taking hold of my hands she slowly pulled me to the bedroom where she took complete control of removing the rest of my garments. Using her foot to part my legs slightly for better access she placed her hand inside my knickers and inserted her fingers into me starting with short light enjoyable thrusts, whilst paying extreme attention to my responsive enthusiasm the entire time. This woman had aroused my entire body with such great force that I was now at the point of need. I was responding freely; waiting for her next move; waiting to show her how sophisticated my bedroom antics had become so I lay down on the bed with my inviting body waiting patiently, watching her performance as she undressed herself. She moved in on top of me; the muscles in her arms were pumped to their fullest as she supported her weight. Then she began to kiss my ribcage, slowly gliding her tongue downwards causing me to writhe up and down indulgently, wanting her, needing her, not caring at this point what she was going to do to me, just to bloody well do it. My excitement was at its highest when her hands parted my inner thighs open; my breathing became deep and heavy and I tilted my head back as her tongue pressed its way onto my clitoris with gentle twisting strokes that became more intense as she strived for my complete submission. My orgasm was surprisingly reached within minutes before she finished off the sexual activity by kissing my inner thighs then my stomach followed by consecutive kisses to my breasts before moving back up to face level with me. Tears of joy rolled down my face as not so long ago I thought that this moment was never going to happen again.

  “What’s wrong Sarah, didn’t you enjoy it?” Using the edge of the bed sheet she lightly wiped away the wet residue that had formed beneath my eyes then planted a sweet kiss on each of them.

  “Oh my god yes I did.” I sobbed. “I love you, I love you Robbie so much that it hurts my heart.”

  “I love you too Sarah. I’ve loved you from the moment I first met you but I had to be sure that you felt the same way about me. I was just too scared to let go of my feelings and open up to you only to find that you’d turn out to be another Jen.” I completely understood where she was coming from with that.

  “Robbie, promise me you won’t ever leave me again; promise me.” My sobbing was uncontrollable as she put her arms around me and comforted me with her warmth and tenderness.

  “I promise baby.” She whispered into my ear. “I’ll never leave my girl again.”

  I held on tightly to her body not wanting to let her go and then the words came from her mouth that I had longed to hear. “Make love to me Sarah Niles Page

  The sound of my new name sent tingles shooting down my spine and I couldn’t believe that she was ready for me to reveal my insatiate talents on her. My nerves were showing as I wanted to be the one who made her feel that her entire life had been missing the most important piece of the puzzle. No pressure there I thought.

  I began by kissing her breasts slowly; all the time conscious of my actions and watching her face for signs of approval. I moved downwards, maybe a little too hastily, I wasn’t too sure, and then I tasted her. It was an awkward moment but I overcame it quite quickly; stopping to make sure that I was giving it to her in the proper manner that it should be received; she pushed my head back down with the answer uh huh. Her breathing became heavier and she lifted her buttocks up into the air and grabbed my hair hard as she made the announcement that she was cumming. I had managed to bring her to orgasm, an achievement that I was quite proud of. Planting slow sensual kisses to every curve of her body; teasing her senses as I did; I worked my way back up to her irresistible lips greeting them with a passion so intensified that she became submissive to my power.

  She looked into my eyes and straight away I felt her emotional contentment, her desire had been fully satisfied; her smile was radiant and her body was spent.

  “Sarah I want to make you happy. I have dreamt of this moment for such a long time, you have completed me, and my affection for you is so insanely strong.”

  I embraced every word she spoke and with a feeling of blissful sexual satisfaction we drifted off to sleep holding each other tightly.

  The next morning I awoke to the smell of pancakes cooking. I got up quickly and went to the kitchen where I was greeted by my wife who was dressed only in a grey tee shirt.

  “Good morning my little ray of sunshine.” She said as she held her arms out to greet me.

  “Hey you’re cooking my favourite yummy food.” My appetite was huge this morning and I couldn’t wait to scoff them down.

  We hugged each other to the sound of spattering batter; to me, it was all so romantic. Our breakfast time was spent with lots of giggles and happy smiles at the knowledge of having been engaged in divaliscious sex play.

  “You are moving back in aren’t you? I mean this is for real.” I had to hear the confirmation come from her lips just to be sure that I wasn’t assuming that things were going to happen.

  “Sarah will you stop rambling. We are solid, I love you! Ok! And yes I’ll move back in.” She fed me another piece of pancake from her plate and some of the butter dripped down my chin but that was a good accident as she got up and kissed it off for me.

  “I’m sorry Robbie; I just still can’t believe you’re here with me that’s all and what about Kiera? What’s going to happen to her?” Maybe she could just disappear from our lives for good never to return.

  After a brief moment I made a difficult decision that would probably bite me in the ass, but I needed Robbie to see that I would do anything for her, so I offered to allow Kiera to stay with us, you know keep your enemies close.

  “Maybe she could stay in your old room. I really don’t mind. We can call her after breakfast if you like and tell her our news.” Oh god say no please say no it’s a terrible idea but thank you any way.

  “Are you sure Sarah? I know you’re not too keen on the way that she portrays herself. But I’m sure she’ll behave herself once she sees how much we mean to each other.” The devil himself wasn’t gonna get the chance to break our new found bond so what chance did she have?

  “Tell you what we’ll set some ground rules. If she keeps up with this facade then she can leave. Is that ok with you?” I remarked. Chances are she won’t last a day if I have anything to do with it.

  “You come first with me Sarah; now speaking of coming, get in that bedroom, or do you want to be ravaged here on the table?” There was a mischievous glint in her eye and I knew I was in for some sinful fun.

  She jumped up swiftly and chased me around the kitchen screaming with laughter before capturing and pinning me to the ground. Good job she’s a clean freak I thought. My breathing became heavy as she took control and I grabbed hold of the table leg as she once again teased my body into a frenzied hot wet throbbing sensation.

  By that afternoon Kiera had sent all of her cases and belongings over; courtesy of a taxi cab, not giving one thought to include any of Robbie’s gear, so Charlie came to our rescue and went with Robbie to help pack up her belongings and transport them over, whilst I remained behind and made room in our closet for the extra clothing it was about to be filled with. Kiera the lazy bitch just dumped her stuff on the lounge floor and sat on the sofa drinking a glass of wine that she had helped herself to out of my fucking fridge.

  “There’s something you should know Sarah.” She yelled out. “I like to take long showers and only drink expensive bottled water. So if you don’t have any in can you make sure to get some next time you’re out, thanks?” Because it would be too much trouble for you to move wouldn’t it.

  “Fuck you!” I muttered under my breath.

  “Oh and if you’re doing any ironing I’ve got a few things that need to be pressed and hung up.” I had a feeling that she was going to be waiting rather a long time for any of her gear to look fresh.

  I totally blanked her out as she just wasn’t worth the effort at that point and when Robbie and Charlie arrived back I directed them straight into the bedroom.

  “Kiera you haven’t moved your cases into your room yet.” She shot up quickly out of the chair startled by Robbie’s comment.

  “Oh I know Robbie I’m just about to now. I was actually waiting for you to come back first, you know, so we could have some girlie fun while you chatted to me as I put my stuff away. That’s what we’re going to do isn’t it?” Wow! Had I just stepped onto planet Kiera?

  Robbie just looked at me and mouthed I’m sorry but I put on a brave face and made out that I was ok with it. I could see that things were going to be fun around here for a while.

  I thanked Charlie for being such a big help to us and we were both entirely grateful to have such a good friend. I was glad to see that she and Robbie had accepted each other’s friendship quite easily as well. Charlie said her goodbyes and we arranged to meet up on Saturday to help with the big move for Jessica.

  The next couple of days were spent easily with me going off to work and Robbie off to Kate’s, leaving Kiera at home on her own to do what she was best at; absolutely nothing. We would finish each day by cleaning up the mess that she had created and even cooked her meals, as we were afraid of what crap she would leave us to deal with. After asking her what she had been up to all day she replied that she had been bored stiff, that this country was so dull, or that she had slept most of the day. I thought that I was lazy but she took the trophy for that one.

  On the day of Jessica’s move Charlie packed her car full with as many items as possible and the moving company dealt with all the larger items. The three of us got stuck in with the hard labour whilst Jessica and Kate decided what would look nice where. The wonderful Kiera was nowhere in sight of course. In fact she hadn’t even emerged from her room that morning, not that I cared too much, but at least it gave me a break from her tiring sarcasm. We spent most of the day going up and down stairs carrying boxes of Jessica’s personal possessions and when the last one was off loaded we all enjoyed a takeout meal, Jessica’s treat of course. When we were just about to tuck in to our well deserved food Kiera decided to grace us with her ferret face.

  “God I’m so tired.” She moaned as she approached us. “Umm food d’you mind, I couldn’t be bothered to cook anything.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” I snapped at her. “We’ve been breaking our backs all day while you slept.”

  She picked at the foil trays of food, tasting everything on offer, double dipping as well the shallow cow.

  “Oh well it takes a lot of energy to be me. Besides you guys look like you can handle this shit on your own.” It was hard to not to thi
nk that she was one smart cookie but her attitude towards me and my friends was absolutely disgraceful.

  Robbie stood up to her and calmly informed her that if she was going to be a guest under our roof, she had better start showing a little more respect towards me and our friends, and to stop causing so much lesbian disturbia but it just fell on deaf ears.

  “Oh yeah by the way Robs, you’ll never guess who I bumped into on the way over here? Your ex girlfriend; that sexy vixen, Jen. Oh and she said to say hi to you Sarah, actually what she really said was, tell my little fuck freak hi. We had a really interesting conversation about you.” Now she too was privy to my most intimate dealings with that stalker; was there anybody in London that didn’t know?

  My first reaction was to check for reassurance from Robbie that things were cool between us, as I know that if the shoe had been on the other foot I would have been having a hysterical hissy fit.

  Kate interrupted Kiera during her triumphant moment of glory in the; I scored full marks in the; I’ll get you bitch competition. “Kiera eat some more food, there’s plenty for us all.” She offered picking up a tray of chicken chow main and placing it into Kiera’s hands.

  “Thank you Kate I think I will. So Sarah how long did you and Jen fuck each other’s brains out for?” I watched her pop a noodle into her gob and hoped that it would get stuck and choke her to death.

  I couldn’t keep my temper in any longer and clenching my fists tightly I began screaming at her. “That’s it I’m not taking anymore shit from you Kiera. I’ve put up with so much of your crap infested mouth for Robbie’s sake, but now you can just fuck right off.”

  At this point Robbie stepped in and informed Kiera that it was time for her to leave. She told her that their friendship had come to an insufferable end because they had turned into total strangers.

  “You’ve been an absolute bitch to me since we met.” I happily added into the conversation.

  Kiera pleaded with Robbie not to throw her out and she tried to justify why she had been so awful to me. Her jealousy of my relationship with Robbie had affected her behaviour. She knew that I was the one that Robbie loved and she found it hard to deal with. She had always waited for a weak moment in Robbie’s life just so that she could jump at the chance to gain enough trust from her that their friendship would turn into a sexual one. She had been in love with Robbie for years and hated seeing how well she treated me compared to her past girlfriends.


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