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Loving the Pink Kiss

Page 17

by Shiralyn J. Lee

  “I’m sorry that I didn’t listen to you Sarah, I was blinded by the wall of lies she fed me, and he’s just as bad. If I hadn’t got pregnant none of this would be happening right now.” My friend was hurting and she needed me more than ever now.

  “My sweet innocent Jessica, you have been blessed with the chance to reproduce life; this is the most remarkable achievement anyone can reach.” I whispered to her whilst stroking her hand reassuringly. “It will all turn out fine in the end; you just have a few hurdles to get over first.”

  I looked up at Robbie; our smiles were linked with softness, and in one tender moment affectionate warmth melted my heart. I knew just how precious she was to me and how close I had got to losing her for good. Why is there so much drama in lesbian land I thought?

  Kate was a little disturbed by all of the commotion and opted to go to bed as it wasn’t in her nature to get involved in aggressive behaviour. We finally managed to calm Jessica down and encouraged her to get some well deserved rest.

  Robbie stood in front of me and lovingly caressed my neck as she pulled me in closer to her. Leaning in towards me she softly kissed my lips with a heartfelt nature that sent tingles running down my spine and made my heart beat faster with each intake of breath.

  “I love you so much Sarah.” She whispered delicately.

  My eyes welled up and a single tear rolled down my cheek as a surge of intense emotions rushed through my body. The knowledge that my entire life was revolving around another’s was a very welcomed wake up call, I now felt complete.

  “Please don’t ever let us get to the same spite that Jessica and Jake have between them. Promise me Robbie, if it doesn’t work out between us that we’ll be more adult about it.”

  “Hey shush pretty girl, I think we’re solid enough and no more talk about breaking up, my world has been rocked by you.” We hugged each other squeezing tightly making sure that neither one of us had any intensions of going anywhere else.

  We were shortly interrupted by Kate calling us from upstairs. She had heard a disturbance going on outside and realised that Jen and Jake were still around. “I think there’s an extra episode of the Jen and Jake saga going on. Can you make sure that all the doors are locked please I don’t trust them.”

  “Ok Kate I’m on it now.” Robbie called back; releasing me from her hold.

  We ran to the window to witness the showdown on display. Jessica; without delay joined us and listened in to what they had to say. I told her to close the window as she really didn’t need to hear what they were bitching about her. Then she stuck her head out of the opening and concentrated on the voices screaming louder as Jen was becoming hysterically melodramatic and creating an embarrassing scene for all the neighbours to watch.

  “You’re not a man at all Jake.” She squealed right in his face. “You make me sick; you should have stayed with that bitch of a wife instead of wasting my time.”

  “Just listen to me Jen.” He pleaded like an ass and had to grab both of her wrists to stop her from physically attacking him. “I only married her so I could further my career. She could have been anyone; I didn’t actually want her she’s fucking useless to me but the stupid cow was in love with me so I manipulated her into marriage. It’s just that having a baby wasn’t in my plans.”

  “Well the shits hit the fan for you then.” She spat out furiously. “I don’t want you Jake, I was only in this so that I could destroy Sarah’s world; she interfered with mine, the fucking hoar. And she was a lousy fuck, I hope you can hear me bitch!” She screamed up to the house still struggling to free her wrists from Jakes power of control then stopped momentarily and stared up at the window waiting for a reply, but she didn’t get one.

  “Oh just fuck off Jake, you useless piece of shit.” She shrieked and then after managing to break free from her captor got into a black BMW and sped off down the street with tires screeching and narrowly missing an oncoming car. Jake was left abandoned in the middle of the street to make his own way back to his hell hole.

  Robbie closed the window and guided Jessica back to the comfort of the armchair and compassionately reassured her that she was better off not hearing anymore of the negative comments that were being thrown her way. But her tears began to flow again causing her cheeks to turn a deep red and her nose to sniffle profusely. This poor lost soul had been deceived so cruelly by what she thought was someone who she could trust; Jen had been completely dilettante and used her subjects to their fullest capacity in her game of seek and vengeance.

  “He never wanted me.” she cried. “He just used me. I really loved him in the beginning Sarah and I thought he loved me but he changed his behaviour as soon as he met Jen. He’s a complete fake, the way he flirted with me when he was still seeing you and how he looked into my eyes, I feel so humiliated.”

  I could see she was searching for answers but what could I say. Hey he was ok for a fuck when I was pissed out of my tree. I didn’t like the guy ever, and I had only used him in the same way that he had done to my friend.

  “Sweetheart the hurt will go away, I know because I’ve been there: remember. You have to hit rock bottom to be able to get better again. And it will get better. You have Charlie now and I know she loves you.” Her glazed eyes widened and she managed to produce a tiny smile from the corner of her mouth; the mere mention of Charlie’s name caused her to lighten her mood.

  “I know if this shit hadn’t have happened I wouldn’t have met her, well not in that way I mean. She keeps me sane and I feel very relaxed and safe with her. I think I’ve fallen in love with her.” I was glad that she had found someone that she was able to trust and confide in as well as me.

  “Well that’s a good start, she is an amazing person and the two of you are pretty cute together. Now you need to focus on this relationship and move forward. Robbie do you think Kate would mind if we stayed the night?” My friend was going to have all the security she needed tonight just let them bloody well try anything else.

  “I’m sure she’ll be fine with that. We can camp out in the study.” Umm cozy.

  The next morning we all sat in the garden under the gazebo eating a breakfast of fresh fruit and croissants and making jokes at Jens expense then the jingle on Jessica’s phone began to play and when she looked at it she said Jake had just left her a text message. She stared at it for a while in anticipation that she was in for another round of drama.

  “So are you going to read it?” I asked, eagerly trying to pry into her affairs.

  “Ok hold on, he says that Jen broke up with him last night and that he’s sorry for making my life hell lately and that it was Jen being vindictive towards you and Robbie. Oh my god, he wants to step aside and let me raise the baby, I can have sole custody Sarah.” Her chin began to quiver as she held her tears back but I couldn’t help thinking what a cop out. He was abandoning his responsibilities as a father figure, the least thing he could do was be supportive and he wasn’t even offering her that.

  I gave her a kiss on her cheek and a light hug to show my half approval. “That’s wonderful; I’m so pleased for you.” I told her but it wasn’t meant entirely sincere.

  “He says he will support us financially and that we can start divorce proceedings immediately. I’m gonna be free of his shit.” She clasped her hands together delighted that her day had begun on such a positive note.

  I supposed that this was excellent news for her, but I being the pessimist just didn’t trust the fact that Jen had turned over a new leaf and found closure with Robbie. Just thinking of the crap she has handed out gives me shudders.

  “Do you think Jen will leave us all alone now Robbie?” I knew she was hoping that Jen would completely disappear for convenience sake if nothing else and her experience with Jen’s vicious and delicious behaviour had given her knowledgeable insight into a mind so full of delusion.

  “Oh Sarah I’ve had a long journey with taking her abuse, she has a really nasty habit of reappearing when you least expect it. She does
n’t go away too easily, so I have no idea if she’s gone for good.” That sounded like expert advice. But this was a worrying fact and the not knowing was just as bad as if she was on the prowl.

  For a short moment we were all in deep thought about how unprepared we were for her next round of tricks if she was to continue when the doorbell rang making us jump. Robbie got up and offered to go and see who it was and we were all relieved to see that it was Charlie making an entrance.

  “Hey babe, you ok. Why didn’t you call me last night?” Jessica flung her arms around Charlie’s neck and held on tightly only relaxing her hold after several minutes of petting and kissing. Once they were all loved up Jessica explained her reasons for not contacting Charlie and all was forgiven.

  There was a major discussion mostly based on Jessica’s future and how serious Charlie really was about her. The outcome was Charlie and Jessica were going to cohabitate, this was with Kate’s approval and we all had to be on our guard no matter what.


  Within two days Charlie had moved in with help from Jezz and Jules, and I attempted baking a red velvet cake, for love, not that it looked picturesque, the sides were burnt and the frosting was too runny. But it was the offer that counted.

  “You don’t have to eat it if you don’t want to. I know it looks rancid, but it was my first attempt at baking.” I prayed it tasted better than it looked.

  Charlie cut a rather large slice and made a yummy face. “It’s good Sarah; it doesn’t have to look good to taste good, right Jessica.” She gave Jessica a sly wink thinking that I hadn’t caught it.

  “Oh right Charlie.” She replied taking a small bite. I knew they were just humouring me, it was bloody awful; after taking one bite I felt as tho I had just eaten the remnants of a car seat belt.

  Charlie asked me how come Jessica never lived with me and I laughed out loud when she asked this. I informed her that we shared my place when we first moved to London but the problem was that we were, and still are too much alike. We both left the housework for the midnight fairies to do, we’d turn up with a guest or two at all hours of the day or night without a care for each other’s privacy and occupying the bathroom was a nightmare; it was never vacant long enough for the other housemate to enjoy using. No I think our friendship means much more to us just the way it is.

  But on a more serious note paranoia had set in with us all and Robbie made sure I got to work safely by escorting me back and forth, her eyes were constantly darting everywhere checking each street that we crossed, and a feeling of unrest and long pauses in between each conversation took place. Whilst working at the store I would look up at every customer that walked through the doorway making sure they weren’t Jen. These actions were driving me nuts.

  It was several days later when we all let our guards finally take a break. I had felt resentful to the fact that a mere idea of a person had taken complete control of our lives.

  It was Friday morning and I had just opened up the store when my parents paid me a surprise visit.

  “Mum! Dad! What are you doing here; I mean what a nice surprise.”

  “Sarah darling we thought we’d um...”

  “What your mother is trying to say, if you don’t mind me interrupting you Judy, is that we only have one daughter and we like to visit her every now and then.” He was right of course.

  “Sorry daddy, I didn’t mean to be rude.” I had to stop acting so jumpy and relax a little.

  “So how are things with you and Robbie?” My mother asked picking up a small jumper from the display stand and inspecting it in a rather peculiar manner. I couldn’t imagine her purchasing such an item as it wasn’t even big enough to cover up one tit but the young girls seemed to favour its style.

  “Oh great, we’re so in love, she’s just great, everything is great. So what do you think of my new store I’m intrigued to know what you think of it.” How many times can I say great without it sounding like it’s not so great with the threat of Jen still hanging over us?

  “It’s lovely dear. I see you have lots of customers browsing you must be doing well for yourself and we’re very proud of you. But I don’t understand what that girl is doing over there.” My father pointed over to a corner and nodded.

  “What girl? I can’t see.” As I looked over his shoulder I could see a woman dressed in a long leather coat, her hair tied back tightly and a large pair of dark sunglasses sitting on her face. She was placing flyers in between all the merchandise. As I approached her I realised that it was Jen and she seemed pretty happy with herself. I knew whatever she was up to wasn’t going to be good. My heart was racing fast as she had gained my complete attention and distracted me from spending time with my parents.

  “What the hell are you doing here? Get out before I call the police.” I shoved her away from the corner and escorted her toward the door keeping a tight grip on her arm.

  “Everyone’s gonna know about you Sarah. You don’t deserve Robbie, you have no passion. You’re not a true lesbian you’re just in it for the thrill.” She shoved me back and made her way over to the center of the store and carried on handing her leaflets out. I picked one up that she had placed down and couldn’t believe what I was reading.

  Attention everyone the woman serving you in this store is Sarah Niles. She thinks she is a lesbian! She likes to get so drunk so she can take it up the ass. She will shag anyone who wants her. Her marriage is fraudulent. She married another woman just to keep her in the country. For a good time call... And there was my number written in big bold letters at the bottom of the page. This bitch’s timing was impeccable.

  “Sarah darling what is this about?” My mother quizzed holding one of the flyers in her hand, my father leant over her shoulder to read it and I could see it slowly being absorbed into his brain. He removed the note from my mother’s hand and crumpled it up before throwing it into the bin.

  “Look here young lady.” He said directly to Jen and walked right up to her and stared her directly in the eye. “I don’t know what your game is but I think you are a pretty sick woman and you need some professional help.”

  He started to pick up the notes she had so nicely spread around but Jen was having none of it. I was her target and she wasn’t finished with me yet. She raised her voice and made sure that everyone could hear. “This bitch likes me to tie her up and beat her across her ass with my leather strap. She also likes to be fucked by strangers and she’s a cheater.” She was breathing heavy and her words were spoken in great anger as she broadcast my private life to all my customers and my parents.

  My father had just about had enough of her foulness and trying to humiliate me in public. He announced to the customers that the store was closed and to please vacate immediately. This included my mother. And as the last person left he locked the glass door and turned around slowly in the direction of Jen to confront her.

  “What is it that you want from my daughter?” He walked right over to her and his height towered hers and I thought for one second that he was going to pound her.

  “Your daughter well isn’t this fucking cozy. First of all she can do us all a favour and die.” Her eyes were red and swollen and her jaw was clenched as she showed such anger and hatred toward me. I genuinely believed that she wanted me dead. My father carried on speaking to her calmly trying to keep the situation under control.

  “Look young lady I don’t know what your problem is but I’m sure this can all be sorted out amicably.” He pulled his cheque book out from his jacket pocket ready to pay her off and be rid of her.

  “Sorted; do you not have any idea what your daughter has been up to? She has destroyed my life; she doesn’t deserve to be happy, she’s not good enough for Robbie, she’s just another piece of trash I have to deal with.”

  “Jen I have no idea why you think that Robbie would want you after everything you have put her through.” This was one hell of a crazy bitch but probably not a good time to tell her that right now.

  “She would have come back to me if you hadn’t got in my way. I need you out of the equation you slut.” She undid the zip on her coat and revealed a pushed up cleavage from a tight bra and a short leather skirt that just covered her knickers. Her sex appeal was extremely intense and controlling and I was sure that she had intended to intimidate me with her sexual attraction but it wasn’t working.

  “Now wait a moment Jen, is that your name Jen? My daughter deserves happiness just like we all do, so screaming out obscenities in public isn’t going to help the situation is it.” Go team dad.

  “Oh shut up, what do you know? This little cow shags anything that moves. You raised a slut you idiot.” Not a good word to call my father; attended university has a bachelor’s degree you know what I’m saying here.

  “Hey leave my father alone Jen, you don’t need to do this. Please leave us all in peace for god sake.” Her mental disorder was growing tiresome with me and I was quietly relieved when I heard knocking on the door and saw Robbie waiting anxiously to get in. My protector was here to save my honour so I ran over to release the lock and gave her a fast explanation of what was going on.

  “Oh look who’s here; now you’re showing interest.” Jen snarled as her mood intensified.

  “You have to stop this harassment Jen; I have absolutely nothing to offer you. What we had was sick and disturbing. I had personal problems and you jumped in on my weakness and used it. It was a dark time in my life and I really want to forget about it. I don’t want you!” She shouldn’t have to be explaining this in front of my father, hell I didn’t even know most of this stuff.

  “You fucking bitch, you used me and then threw me away like trash when something better came along.” A piece of her long hair stuck to her deep red lipstick and she tried to act as though it wasn’t irritating her but I could see that it clearly was.


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