I Need A Gangsta: Book Two (Gucci Gang Saga 2)

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I Need A Gangsta: Book Two (Gucci Gang Saga 2) Page 1

by B. Love

  I Need A Gangsta

  Part 2

  B. Love

  Prolific Pen Pusher

  Copyright © 2020 by B. Love

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Thanks for continuing this journey with me and the Gucci Gang!

  I would have put this note in book 1, but since I temporarily removed it, I’m going to put it here in book 2.

  As you may recall, I Need A Gangsta is a 3-part series that revolves around three of twenty-seven siblings. The series is the beginning of a family saga. I’m not sure how many books will be incorporated into the saga, but for now, I’m going to include 12 siblings. Each standalone or series that revolves around the siblings will have its own ending, but you will see them and get updates in other books.

  So, the next book will be the finale for Christian, Leigh, and Maria, but you will still read about them in the other books. Naturally, Pressure, Donovan, and Drecco will be up next in their own 3-part series! Be on the lookout for it in May or June!

  Thank you so much for taking this journey with me! These siblings are a super unique project for me, so I want everyone to shine! If you enjoy this series, please recommend it to a friend. And when leaving your reviews and/or discussing the books on social media, please use our hashtags -- #GucciGang #OneLove #WeAllWeGot

  Until next time,

  Love, B.

  Christian was starting to see why Tyrell didn’t want her or any other women from his past talking to his present partners. It was crazy how people would lie to try and destroy a person’s relationship. She knew good and damn well Trent was Tyrell’s brother, so the fact that Fallon was lying about that already had her unable to believe anything else that came out of her mouth.

  “Trent is not Tyrell’s son; he’s his brother. What else you got for me?”

  Fallon sighed as she smiled and looked towards the ceiling. When she looked down, she said, “TJ, go sit on that bench.” With a nod, the little boy did as she said.

  Fallon crossed her arms over her chest as she returned her eyes to Christian.

  “I know Trent is Tyrell’s son because I’m his mother.”

  Christian blinked rapidly as her mouth partially dropped. Of all the things Fallon could say, she most certainly wasn’t expecting her to say that. Grinding her teeth as her nostrils flared, Christian allowed a few seconds to pass. As she inhaled calming, deep breaths, a quiet chuckle escaped her lips.

  “Tonya is his…”

  “Grandmother,” Fallon offered quickly. “If you want to go to the food court to sit down and talk about it, I’m more than okay with that.”

  “Does Trent have any idea?”

  “No, and I would like to keep it that way. He knows that TJ is me and Tyrell’s son but that’s it.”

  Her head shook as she looked back at Trent. He hadn’t even looked their way, because he was too consumed with taking pictures of the shoes that were on his feet.

  “He’s never mentioned Tyrell having a child to me.”

  Fallon shrugged. “I mean… I don’t know why. But when he comes over here, he’ll tell you who I am to Tyrell.”

  Rubbing her hands together, Christian took a step back and began to rock on her heels. Lord knows she didn’t want to take her frustration out on Fallon, so it was best if she kept quiet. On the bright side, Fallon wasn’t being disrespectful with the fucked up news she was delivering, so that was good enough to keep Christian a little calm.

  For the life of her, Christian couldn’t understand why Tyrell would keep having not one but too children from her. Never mind the fact that one of them thought they were brothers. This went beyond her, and even though she wanted to hear Fallon’s version of events, she was going to demand an explanation from Tyrell as well.

  When Trent made his way back over to Christian, he was giving Fallon a major side eye that made Christian chuckle.

  “What you looking like that for?” she asked, crossing her arms over her chest.

  Trent’s head shook. “You know who she is?”

  The better question was… did he know who she was. But it wasn’t in Christian’s place to be the reason Trent found out the truth, so she nibbled on her cheek to keep from speaking as she nodded.

  “I just told her that TJ is Tyrell’s son, Trent. Did he tell you to lie for him?”

  Trent released a sigh and hung his head as he shoulders slouched. “He didn’t tell me to lie. He just told me that he wasn’t going to tell Chris about you and TJ until after they were married, so me and grandma shouldn’t say anything either.”

  Christian pulled a one hundred dollar bill out of her purse and handed it to Trent as she told him, “Go pay for your shoes.”

  Trent mumbled a quick thanks as he took the money then walked away, giving Christian time to ask Fallon, “Explain this shit to me. Quickly.”

  Shifting her weight from her left side to the right, Fallon crossed her arms over her chest. “Tyrell and I went to high school together. We didn’t know shit about sex but had it anyway.” She smiled softly, causing Christian’s stomach to churn. “I got pregnant when I was thirteen and had the baby when I was fourteen. Tyrell had gotten locked up, and my parents were those… ‘I’m not raising no more babies’ type, so they weren’t going to help me at all.

  They wanted me to get an abortion, but I didn’t want to kill my baby. Tonya stepped up and offered to raise him until Tyrell was out and we were ready. When he did get out, I was getting ready to leave for college, so we agreed that we would tell him when I came back home. Four years later, he was calling Tonya mama. Neither of us tripped over it because he was still in his life to some capacity and Tonya loved caring for him.

  We ended up fucking around the night we decided not to tell Trent until he was eighteen, which was how Tyrell Jr. was conceived. So yea, Trent’s our son.”

  Christian looked towards the ceiling as she shook her head. “And you’re cool with this boy not knowing who his parents really are? He thinks his father abandoned him.”

  “But he has Tyrell…”

  “It doesn’t fucking matter,” Christian seethed, pounding her fist into her hand. “He still thinks his father abandoned him and he has no clue why. You’re so quick to wanna pop shit about what the fuck Tyrell has done wrong like the both of you aren’t lying to Trent every day of his fucking life. Get outta my face with this bullshit.”

  Christian stormed off, anger brewing. All she could think about was the lack of her own father and what she would have given to have him in her life, meanwhile, Trent’s father was there, and he was still suffering because of that lack. After Trent purchased the shoes, Christian led him out of the store, putting him on her right side and away from Fallon. For whatever reason, she felt even more protective of him now.

  Instead of getting right in her car along with Trent, Christian shot Tyrell a text tel
ling him to head back home ASAP before calling Leigh. The first time she called, Leigh didn’t answer, so she called again.

  “Chris…” she answered. “I gotta call you back.”

  “Man, say!”

  “What’s going on, Gucci?”

  “I’m ‘bout to body this bitch!”

  “What? Who? Send me your location!”

  Leaning against her car, Christian inhaled a deep breath. “Tyrell’s lying ass. You know this nigga has not one but two kids?” Her voice lowered when she added, “And one of them is Trent.”

  “Wait… I thought that was his brother? Or did he name his son after his brother?”

  “No, chile. His brother is his son. Well, his son isn’t really his brother.”

  “What! Are you fucking serious? Yo. How did you find out that shit?”

  As Christian filled Leigh in, she waited for Tyrell to reply to her text. It wouldn’t surprise her if he called, but she would send him to voicemail. This was a conversation that she wanted them to have in person, and if she answered his call, she would spazz the fuck out.

  Tyrell parked his car next to Christian’s and rushed towards her, slowing down when he noticed the look on her face. In her eyes. Rigidness of her frame. Tilting her head, Christian spread her legs a little wider and leaned back.

  “You gon’ move so I can open the door, bae?”

  Christian’s head shook. “I think it would be best for us if I stayed out here.”

  Cupping his hands in front of him, Tyrell nodded as he asked, “What’s up? Is Trent in the house?”

  Standing with a small smile, Christian shook her head. “Nah. I took him home.” She paused, tugging her ear as she thought over what she wanted to say. “I’m only going to ask you this once.” Tyrell nodded. “Is Trent your son?” His eyebrows lifted and mouth opened. “And before you lie… I’ve already talked to Fallon.”

  Massaging his temple, Tyrell nodded and took a step away from her. Shoulders dropped, he nodded again as his head hung.

  “What all did she tell you?”

  “Is he your son or not,” she gritted, stepping closer.

  Looking towards the sky, Tyrell released a sigh. When his eyes met hers, he mumbled, “Yes, he i—”

  Before he could finish, Christian smacked him so hard her hand stung, but that did nothing to the emotional pain she felt. True, she wasn’t in love with Tyrell, but she did have love for him and cared for him. And after two years, she found out from someone else that he’s been lying to her the entire time.

  “Why would you lie to me?”

  Holding his cheek, Tyrell looked at her with glossy eyes. But it wouldn’t matter how remorseful he was or how bad he felt… nothing would change how Christian felt.

  “Can we talk about it so I can explain?”

  With a chuckle, Christian walked away to keep from punching him dead in his mouth.

  “That’s all I need to know and hear. I don’t have shit else to say to you.”

  “I did it because I was falling in love with you,” he confessed, grabbing her arm as she tried to walk away. The moment Christian jerked her arm from him, she swung at him, but Tyrell was able to duck and put some space between them. “When I asked you to be my woman, you asked me if I had any kids or another woman that would have claim to me. And I know it was fucked up, but I lied about my kids because I didn’t want to lose you.

  “No one knows about Trent being my son outside of our immediate family, but I didn’t tell you about TJ because I didn’t want to lose you. I felt like if I gave you some time to love me the way I was starting to love you that you would eventually accept my children and stay with me.”

  Not bothering to respond, Christian slowly walked to her car. She’d gotten what she wanted – the truth out of his mouth. There was no need for them to go back and forth. Yelling and crying and fighting wouldn’t take away the ache of embarrassment and disappointment that had settled within her heart. For at least a year, she’d been trying to convince her family that Tyrell was a good man and good for her.

  She put up with the bullshit that came with him because she thought he would be worth it. And after being the best woman to him that she possibly could be, Christian was still fucked over. Time and time again she made it clear that she would not tolerate lying and cheating from him or anyone else, so as far as she was concerned, their relationship was over.

  “I just need to know one thing,” she requested after opening the door and leaning into her car. “Have you cheated on me while we were together? The women you were blocking on my social media… Were you really fucking with them?”

  His head shook as he took a step in her direction. “I have never cheated on you. I would never cheat on you. A few bitches in the car club tried to fuck and suck my dick, but I never gave in. My kids are the only thing I’ve ever kept from you, and I was going to tell you right before we got married.”

  “Is that right?” Christian chuckled and tilted her head. “Because I heard you were going to wait until we were married.”

  His head shook adamantly as he took another step in her direction. “Nah. I mean yea, that was my plan at first, but I thought it over and realized that wasn’t fair to you or TJ. I wouldn’t want you resenting and mistreating him because of the lie I told when I brought him around. That’s not to say I think you’re capable of abusing him or some shit like that, but I just didn’t want you holding what I did against him.”

  Getting into her car, Christian ignored his request for them to talk. Honestly, there was only one person she wanted to talk to right now, and that was Nash. After pulling out of the driveway and ignoring the sight of Tyrell, Christian called Nash and prayed he answered.


  She smiled, cheeks rising and causing unexpected tears to fall. Wiping her face, Christian inhaled a deep breath. “Nash.”

  “Why it sound like you fighting back tears?”

  That only made her eyes water more. She may not have ever wanted Tyrell to see her shed a tear, but Nash? Nash could see into the pit of her heart and soul – whether she wanted him to be able to or not.

  “Can I come see you whenever you make it home? I need to vent.”

  His voice was softer as he agreed with, “Yea. I’m just shooting the shit with Jax nem at the office, so I can head home. Swing through.”

  With a smile, Christian nodded and blinked back her tears. “Okay. I’ll be there in like thirty minutes.”

  “Aight, Gucci.”

  After disconnecting the call, Christian released a shaky breath. She knew she would need to come to grips with exactly how she felt when she was alone, but for now, that was the last thing she wanted or needed. Right now, she didn’t want to be alone with her thoughts. But she didn’t want just anyone to have access to them or to her. As she made her way to Nash, Christian couldn’t help but regret her rejection of him after Tyrell proposed.

  Sure… she didn’t want to jeopardize their friendship or fall in love with him… but after being hurt by Tyrell… that no longer seemed like a bad idea. If she was going to love, marry, and be hurt… it made the most sense to be with someone she truly loved. Because if you were, you’d be able to trust that that person would never do anything to intentionally hurt you.

  Listening to “Chilombo” as she drove to Nash’s home was not a good idea. Between the lyrics and the sound of Jhene’s voice, Christian was even more in her feelings. She always felt like losing Tyrell would never feel like a loss… and in a sense… it wasn’t. More than anything, she was hurt that he would lie to her and embarrassed for believing in him so much. Every time she thought about going against the grain and meeting his family she felt even more upset.

  The fact that she would be around his friends and they would be smiling in her face knowing the secret he kept made her blood boil. But she couldn’t blame them or Tonya for not knowing about TJ – that was all Tyrell’s fault. He’s the one that kept that from her and had her feeling like a whole fool.

  Nash had gotten home before she made it. Instead of putting his Hellcat Challenger into his garage with the rest of his cars, he left it in his driveway, signaling he would be leaving out more than likely as soon as she did. That alone made her smile bitterly as she parked next to him and cut her car off. Yet another subtle reminder of how fucked up in the head she had to have been to choose Tyrell or any other man over Nash. No matter if they ever took their relationship to the next level… their friendship gave Christian things no other man had ever been able to produce. And from this point forward, he would always be the first man in her heart and her life.


  Unable to resist, Nash licked his lips as Christian slowly made her way to his front door. Her shoulders were caved, as if the weight of the world was resting upon them, and her head hung. That wasn’t his Gucci. Normally her head was high, there was a smile on her face, and her chest was almost always poked out.

  Something was definitely wrong.

  Nash hated to even think it, but he was glad something was wrong because it led Christian to him. It may have been hard as fuck to do so, but he’d made up in his mind to distance himself from her if she continued on with this engaged to Tyrell bullshit. Even though he was okay with being her best friend, there was no part of Nash that would allow him to watch the woman he loved lower her worth to be with a man that didn’t deserve her.

  Making his way to the door, Nash wondered what could have been the problem. There were a few things to choose from. Could’ve been something with her family. Money and Ransom. Tyrell. Well… maybe not Tyrell. They were doing pretty good these days.


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