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Niya's Alien: Futuristic Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 3)

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by Pixie Moon

  Not so young. “He is already a warrior. That is a good thing.” I’m glad my own friends are grown. My heart hurts at the thought of never seeing them again. They are my inner tribe, my family.

  I understand her pain. I look over and see that she is struggling. She bravely wipes away a few tears. I let her be. Silence once again rules our dank prison.

  Time stretches on and on. My stomach is starting to give up on ever being fed again. I feel like bear dung. When the door snaps open I barely hold in a yelp. I watch our captor walk in. All three of his red eyes rake over us.

  “Did he think we would be gone?” Kanda asks. Disbelief filling her tone.

  I look over at the maroon male and then over at her. “There is a possibility that some beings have escaped.” It’s a shame none of us have that power.

  Kanda nods. “That’s true.”

  The yellow skinned alien opens a slot at the bottom of Kanda’s cage and slides some kind of bread into her cage. Then he does the same thing to my cage and the male’s.

  The maroon male goes to his food, dusts it off, and starts eating.

  “I wonder how long he’s been here,” Kanda says.

  I shake my head and my chain clinks. “I don’t know. But it looks like he is very familiar with the food.”

  I move to my food and notice that Kanda is doing the same thing. I pick it up and when some dirt falls off of it, I spend a few seconds wiping it off. My stomach gurgles I don’t know if it’s in warning or excitement.

  I take a bite and see that it’s a bread filled with some kind of sweet gel. I’ve had worse. I eat it with care since I haven’t eaten in days. My stomach gurgles several more times.

  If I’d only taken a two day cleansing journey my stomach wouldn’t be giving me trouble and I wouldn’t have been taken. I mull that over for a moment and then decide to let destiny guide the remainder of my days. If I’m lucky, destiny will be kind to me. It hasn’t always been so I’ll just have to calmly wait and see.

  Sometime later a pain pierces my stomach. I rub it trying to soothe it. “I don’t think their food agrees with me.”

  “Or maybe it was the dirt from the floor. Did you wipe most of it off?” she asks.

  I have to chuckle at her words. This place could use a broom and some water. “I did wipe the dirt off, but I have had it on my food before. Maybe I’ll feel better in a bit.” While eating outside I’ve gotten dirt on my food more than once and since food is precious on our ailing planet, I gladly ate it. I try to rub away another sharp pain. Maybe alien dirt doesn’t agree with me.

  Kanda softly says, “Hopefully so.”

  It’s nice of her to be concerned. I hear her chain rattle as she lies down. I do the same and hear the male follow suit. We need to conserve our energy if we are going to proudly make it through whatever awaits us.

  My rest is fitful. I breathe rhythmically to calm myself. It helps for a while allowing me to doze.

  The lurching of my stomach rudely wakes me and has me slapping my hand over my mouth. I scurry to the bucket. The scent coming from it adds to my misery. The only ray a goodness is that the bucket seems to be empty. But not clean. My stomach heaves and I violently throw up.

  It seems to take forever before my stomach is empty and calm enough for me to crawl back to my spot and drop to the hard floor. I wipe my hand over my mouth and long for water.

  Misery sinks into my bones and settles there.

  I close my eyes and think of my friends. I pretend that I’m doing some weapon training with Dove, Hunter, K.D., and Jesse. In my vision, Lealea is making pretty beaded necklaces and A.J. is in the background carving up another masterpiece to show us when we are done.

  I drift in my happy place. I wish I could stay here forever.



  ~ Niya ~


  The sound of the door opening has me bolting to a seated position.

  Adrenaline pumps through my veins when I see three yellow aliens enter the room. Their red eyes sweep over us before each boldly approaches a cage door. As one, they open the doors and come in for us.

  I sidestep my captor and give him a shove. I try to dart past him. He makes a scary noise as he reaches out and grabs my chain. I struggle as I’m yanked from the cage. As soon as he has my hands pinned to my back by one of his massive hands, I stop trying to get away and raise my chin proudly. He has not defeated me yet.

  We are led out of the dim room and into the bright silver corridor. Our captors are talking in their high pitched language. The sound is grating on my nerves. Lack of food is making me grouchy and weak. It’s going to take everything I’ve got to survive. Plus a lot of luck.

  Lily Blackbear and Tanya Raven would love to see me like this. Those bitches are probably throwing a party to celebrate my forced removal from the tribe. I can’t let their hate bring me down any further. I have to stay positive. This is just another journey in my life.

  At the end of the corridor we are led down a metal ramp that hurts my bare feet. Damn, I wish I’d been wearing my boots when I was taken. At least Kanda and the male have on pants and shoes. None of us have on clothing that stands out. As I look around I’m happy about that. I don’t want to stand out in this crowd.

  I look to the left and then right. Spacecrafts are lined up in a long row on both sides. Most are black or silver and some are both. They are in all shapes and sizes. I wonder what they are used for. Surely they all can’t be kidnappers. Dread trudges along my spine. I raise my chin to hide my emotions. Weakness is bad. I must stay alert. Show no fear.

  Just before the crowd swallows us up, I see a bright pink spacecraft. The owner must be flashy. Unless it was given to him or her. I know a lot about hand-me-downs. A spacecraft would be the coolest of them all.

  A pain spears through my belly. If I didn’t feel like shit and I wasn’t a captive, this would be the best journey of my life. Our captors impatiently press through the throng of strange beings.

  The beings are in all shapes and sizes. From soft and fragile to horned and tough. Tall and short. Aggressive and frightened.

  The sounds of a beating have me looking around until I see a spotted alien with four eyes beating the shit out of a small blue skinned being. The smaller alien’s big gray eyes scream prey. His people should teach their young not to look that way. It draws the predators every time.

  I walk with even more pride. I will not be seen as prey.

  Some scaly red beings are playing a game with a weapon. It looks like they are trying to stab a strange triple bladed knife through a veil of material and into a target.

  That would help you kill an attacker that was hiding behind a penetrable shield. Smart. Other beings are shopping and another weaker being is having his nose pierced with a thick ring. His screams are telling. If you act like prey, you will be treated like prey.

  A whimper from Kanda has me looking back. I implore her with my eyes to stay strong. I don’t want her to be seen as weak. When she nods pride for her washes over me. My chain is yanked sending pain through my neck and shoulders. I don’t make a sound. I just walk on.

  I take in as much as I can. The crowd is thick. I don’t see a way out. Not without a weapon. Even if I got one, I don’t know where I’d go. If we were on Earth things would be different.

  Damn it, with each step I take, I feel myself getting weaker and weaker. I can’t let it show. This crowd would eat me up and spit out my bones. I almost bump into the maroon male when he stops.

  Our captors start talking in their annoying language. I look up and see that we are near a platform. Right now a chained blue male and a chained brown and tan spotted female are on it being felt up by a scary being with claws and midnight blue skin that looks tough as nails. Fuck. This is a slave auction block.

  I take a few calming breaths and inhale the strong scent of sweat that is tainted with fear. If I had any liquids in me I’d be sweating too. I sense Kanda move and turn to see her shudder. A menacing be
ing with one yellow eye is staring at her. His grin shows a row of broken brown teeth. My own stomach rolls. I go to the next level of alertness when our captors start talking louder and then mine starts wrapping the chain around my wrists. My captor is handed Kanda’s chain. This is not good.

  Kanda’s captor walks off. I’m guessing he’s going to do business. I see a female with tan skin and pretty purple hair start circling the maroon male. His eyes flash with interest.

  Kanda moving slightly draws my attention back to her. She is shaking her head no at the vicious looking male with the one yellow eye. At her rejection the being’s eye squints and he pulls back his fist. I’m not having any of that. I kick the alien as he’s swinging. He’s knocked off balance and misses her.

  I feel like releasing a war chant, but that would draw too much attention in this crowd. The pissed alien turns to me. I dodge when he strikes so his blow glances off my shoulder. Fuck. Pain rolls through my neck and shoulder. That bastard. Hitting chained females. I wish I was free and had a weapon. A little more energy would be helpful too.

  Kanda screams and our captor glares at the yellow-eyed being and then shoves him away. My captor shouts something at the vicious male as he slips into the crowd. Cowardly bastard. These aliens have no honor.

  I force myself to stand tall. I will not go down in shame. A moan from the maroon male has me looking his way. The female is rubbing his hard cock through his pants and he is shuddering. The look of bliss on his face makes him look even more handsome. She’d do well to buy him.

  Movement on the platform draws my attention to the midnight blue alien leading the male and female away. I have no idea if he’ll treat them well or not. Looks can be deceiving.

  Kanda’s captor returns and takes her chain and then we are all led up onto the platform. From here I can see how unruly the crowd is. They must be excited to see new meat. I don’t like being meat.

  I stand tall and keep my chin up. The maroon male is already being paid for. Currency is handed over to a shirtless being with pink eyes and thick nipple hair which seems to be dyed. The nipple hair is amazingly long and it’s braided. Those ropes could be used as a weapon. Nice.

  I nod to our cage-mate as he gets led away. The look in his pale blue eyes tells me he’s happy to go with her. I hope she ends up being good to him. He is one of us. A touch of fear walks up my spine.

  I glance over at Kanda and see her watching the maroon male being led away. Will she be the next one led away? Will I? What are the chances of us being bought by the same being? A lump swells in my throat. It damn near suffocates me. I don’t want to be separated from my new friend.

  You don’t always get what you want. I straighten and mask my emotions. This is no place to show any kind of weakness.

  When I see three scaly blue and green creatures step up onto the platform I steel myself. They don’t look like the type of beings I’d want to go anywhere with. I can’t let them see my fear. I look straight ahead.

  Two of the three start circling me and the other goes toward Kanda. I silently encourage her to be strong. I refuse to show fear even when one of them snarls at me revealing two rows of sharp teeth.

  I almost flinch when one of them swats me with his scaly tail. It stings but I don’t show it. His elongated skull is freaky. I think of some of the legends I’ve heard and wonder if these beings are the root of some of them.

  From the corner of my eye, I see that Kanda is having trouble. I feel some relief when her yellow guard/seller pushes the scaly being away and yells something at him.

  I feel another stinging hit to my hip. I stand even taller. They will never see me break. I long to do a victory chant when they snarl and then walk away. That would take up too much energy though and it would draw unwanted attention.

  The chain around my neck and wrists is starting to weigh me down. The stress of being sold to aliens is messing with me mentally. I scan around looking for some sort of escape. Damn it. I can’t see a way out. Emotions clog my throat making it burn.

  The being with the long ropes of nipple hair is calling out to the crowd in a language that I have no way of understanding. The bastard has to be drawing attention to us.

  A slight vibration under my feet lets me know someone is walking up the steps. I continue to stare straight ahead. From the corner of my eye I see two tall violet colored males approaching. The shock of black hair on their heads adds to their good looks.

  When they stop in front of me, my gaze moves up to theirs. I gasp in surprise. They have the most unique eyes I’ve ever seen. Blue irises that are shaped like diamonds. The one with the sapphire colored eyes draws my attention. I don’t know why, he just does.

  My heart pounds in my chest. I straighten and try to look unaffected. These males may prey on females that are intrigued by them. They could be torturers and cold blooded killers. Looks can be deceiving.

  My heart doesn’t seem to care. To make matters worse, I feel sexual tension start building in my core. When they come closer, I get a whiff of their scent. The tension in my core coils tighter.

  Damn, they smell good. When my nostrils flare as I inhale deeper, I swear I hear the sapphire-eyed one chuckle. He knows the effect he is having on me. Shit. I don’t want him to be able to hold anything over me. Weakness is bad.

  I’m confused when I feel sadness at the sight of him walking away. The two powerful males walk around Kanda and check her out. I watch them walk to the edge of the platform and talk.

  They must be discussing us. If one of them seems interested in Kanda then I hope the other will take me. I stiffen my weakening knees and force myself to look brave. I don’t want to be parted from her. I scan the crowd. These two are the best looking of the lot. Tough but they don’t give off a cruel vibe. That they are handsome is a nice bonus.

  The tension in my core ratchets up another notch when Sapphire Eyes comes my way. The other male heads toward Kanda. They could be our way out of this nightmare. The graceful confident way they walk adds to my belief that they are warriors. I can’t show fear or sickness.

  As soon as he gets near me my knees tremble. Damn it. I glance over and see that the other one is showing great interest in Kanda. I look ahead again. My heart is pounding. I have a mixture of feelings going on inside me. I’m drawn to the one near me but I’m starting to feel sicker by the second. There is no way he’ll want me.

  He gets real close. My nostrils flare as I inhale his wonderful scent. Passion curls around my center. I look up into his eyes. Remorse for not being in top form when meeting him washes over me.

  The least I can do is try to save Kanda. “If you guys are good. Take Kanda. She’s sweet.”

  Something in his eyes flares to life. Does he understand me? My knees tremble again giving my weakness away. In this dress he had to have noticed. Damn it. My eyes widen involuntarily when he leans in closer and sniffs my neck. To my shock a shiver shakes his large frame.

  He leans back and his eyes darken as he looks me over with a hunter’s eye. He says something to me, but I can’t tell what it is. I shake my head. “I can’t understand you. Do you speak English?” Hope swells in my chest.

  His dark purple lips press together in a tight line. Damn it, I guess that means he doesn’t speak my language. A slight ache replaces the hope in my chest. I wish I could have talked to him.

  My heart sinks when he turns away. I’m surprised by my gut reaction to the handsome alien. I don’t know him so I shouldn’t have this strange attachment to him.

  A flutter ripples through my belly when I realize that he turned to talk to the male conducting the sell. Currency changes hands. As my chain gets passed to him, Kanda is led over to us by the other violet skinned male.

  They talk for a second and then Sapphire Eyes takes hold of my elbow. When an electric current runs through me at his touch, I look at where his hand is touching my skin. Did he feel what I felt?


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