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Niya's Alien: Futuristic Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 3)

Page 12

by Pixie Moon

  I growl softly as I recall the way she stepped in front of me when Lipsha became a threat. The shiver that goes through her body pleases me. She is mine to protect and take care of, not the other way around.

  The way she looked all fierce and ready for battle was grauling hot though. The memory has my cock stiffening.

  From the arrangement of these three benches we can all talk and see each other easily. I grin when I see Klimen and Hilam begin seducing their females. Soon they will all be hot and ready to mate. I can’t wait to get between my little warrior’s strong flexible legs.

  A nudge from Niya draws my attention to her full lips. “Since you are tuning us out, you didn’t hear Megan’s question. How long are we going to be on Dagrin?”

  I sniff her neck and growl. When she shivers I slide my hand over so that I’m touching her sweet ass. “Wrong. I’m not tuning you out, only the others.”

  “Typical male,” Megan mutters.

  I look the three females over. “We are staying here until after the babies are born.”

  Kanda gasps. “I thought we were only staying until the new spacecraft is ready.”

  “We were, but our parents want to see the babies,” Klimen answers.

  “Aww, that’s sweet,” Megan says.

  Hilam shakes his head. “No, it’s logical. Once we head out it could be a long time before we return. And there’s a small chance we’ll never return.”

  “How small of a chance?” Kanda asks.

  “Extremely. It’s been hundreds of moon cycles since that’s happened,” Klimen assures us as he rubs Kanda’s back.

  “Will we be staying here or will Hilam and I go to his home while Klimen and Kanda goes to Klimen’s home?” Megan asks. A touch of worries taints her tone.

  I run my hand over Niya’s spine and answer, “We’ll all stay here. I have plenty of room.”

  Relief washes over Megan’s face. “Oh, good. I didn’t want to be separated from my friends.”

  “That’s right. Mates have to stay together,” Kanda agrees.

  “I agree. A tribe is stronger when its members are close,” Niya says.

  “Close is good,” I say as I press my thigh against Niya’s. Her nostrils flare as she stares at my lips.

  I lean down and press my lips to hers. The murmurs of the other couples carry over to me but all I concern myself with is pleasing my sweet warrior. Her hands grip my shoulders as her tongue prods my lips. I open for her and am rewarded with the taste of juice and Niya.

  The way she goes after what she wants is a turn on. Passionate heat starts to circle my balls. I relish the feel.

  Niya’s hands roam my back. Her touch and taste are intoxicating. I pull her onto my lap. Her legs straddle my hips. I cup her head and kiss her thoroughly. A moan comes from deep in my chest when she starts grinding her pussy against my throbbing cock.

  I grip a large section of her straight hair and pull her head back enough for me to kiss a path to her ear. She shivers and wraps her legs around my waist. Her hips rock causing her hot folds to rub against my erection.

  A soft growl comes from me as I nibble on her delicate ear. She growls back and arches in my arms. Her little growl sends lust spiraling through my whole body. I rock my hips into her heat.

  She pushes back and leaps off my lap. I watch through heavy lids as she kneels between my legs. “Pull out your cock. I want to lick it,” she orders.

  I have no problem following that command. When my cock springs from my pants, Niya puts her hands on my thighs, inches closer, and then licks my thick crown. I shudder when her wet tongue makes contact.

  She looks up at me with those soulful golden eyes. My heart does a little flip. “Rizpa nin. You are so beautiful.”

  Her eyes shine. I watch her small hands move up my thighs. I tremble when she grasps my throbbing shaft and opens wide. I long to thrust wildly into her mouth, but my cock is too large for that. I take a breath. Once I loosen her tight pussy up I can pound into her with unrestrained passion.

  A groan rumbles from me when Niya starts bobbing up and down my aching erection. Her hot wet mouth makes me want to come right now. I look around to get control.

  The sight of Kanda and Megan feasting on Klimen’s and Hilam’s cocks has heat flaring through my groin and circling my spine. My pulse pounds. I look up and try to focus on the three smaller moons that surround the larger one. Pearl moonbeams light the sky.

  Niya’s hand grips me harder and she takes me deeper. I growl as I release a burst of cum into her mouth. She moans and swallows it all. Her tongue starts swirling around my thick crown. I tense my muscles and force myself not to release anymore. She growls her displeasure.

  I chuckle and pull her off me. When I stand, she leaps up and wraps her strong legs around my waist. I brush my lips over hers and then nip her lower lip.

  As I walk toward the door, I say, “See you guys on the next active cycle.”

  Moans and groans follow us into the house.

  I kiss her the whole way to our bedroom. Once inside, I pull her off me, remove my pants, bend her over the bed, toss her dress up, and plunge my cock into her wet entrance. We both groan as I work my way deeper and deeper into her slick channel.

  “Your tight little pussy is so grauling perfect.” I slap her ass and drive the rest of the way into her. I groan as I slide in and out of her narrow passage. Time stands still as our bodies merge. I surge into her narrow channel over and over. So good.

  She tightens her muscles and I lose my newly found rhythm. Sweat dampens my body as I grip her hips and start thrusting harder into my passionate little warrior.

  Her body arches. “Harder,” she demands.

  I slam into her a few more times and then pull out. Her juices coat my cock. Such a sweet sight. When she snarls at me, I slap her ass and then toss her to the middle of the bed. She rolls over and I spread her legs wide. Her dark pink lips call to me.

  I fit my crown to her dripping entrance and then plunge in.

  “Yes,” she cries out.

  My hips snap back and forth. The feel of her wet tight heat is intoxicating. I grip her hips firmly as I continue to drive in and out of her fluttering feminine hole. So grauling good. The way her body grips mine has me growling softly.

  Tingles shoot up my spine. Her soft slick pussy is getting to me. I know I won’t last much longer. When she wraps her legs behind my neck my pulse triples.

  “So grauling good,” I whisper into her ear as I sink all the way into her.

  My rospet vibrates right before it latches onto her swollen clit. Pleasure blinds me. I come hard. My body shudders as Niya arches.

  “Aaahhh, yes, yes,” she screams. Her pussy fists me tightly. I snarl as I come again.

  In a haze, I kiss and lick her neck. My body jerks and trembles as my rospet keeps the pleasure coming. Her snug pussy gives me satisfaction like no other ever has.

  I raise up and look into her golden eyes. She brings me satisfaction like no other. The need to keep her safe coils in my chest. Since she’s a fighter I know she wouldn’t like the thoughts going through my mind.

  She nips my lower lip as she lowers her legs. I groan at the bliss her moving body brings mine. I have to make sure my little warrior is ready for any threat.

  I love her too much not to.



  ~ Niya ~


  Someone is watching me.

  I take a breath and open my eyes. From my seated position on the grass I don’t see anyone openly waiting for me to stop meditating. A breeze blows through the green, maroon, yellow, and orange trees.

  Other than the rustling of the leaves, I don’t hear anything coming from the woods around me. I’ve only been here for three days, but I know something is off.

  I look up and note that the two spinning suns are still moving high in the Dagrin sky. The brightness of this active cycle doesn’t stop the dark feeling that’s come over me.

  Something is
definitely off. I keep a falsely calm and unaware appearance by taking a few more breaths. My inner alarms keep me ready for any threat.

  A chatter suddenly breaks the silence.

  In a smooth movement, I rise to my feet. I wish I had my knife. The chatter gets louder. I hear a hiss and then a twig snaps. I crouch and scan the area where the noise is coming from. I don’t see anything. The chatter gets louder and then stops.

  I need to alert Rylem. I can’t have anything putting my new tribe in danger. The back door opens. I turn and put my finger to my lips. Concern fills Rylem’s sapphire eyes.

  He walks over to me. “What’s wrong, little warrior?”

  “Someone was watching me.” Was is a good word because the darkness I felt is gone. The chatter starts again. I whip around and crouch in front of Rylem.

  I ignore his growl as I scan our surroundings. Movement snares my attention. A four-legged furred creature comes from the trees and heads our way. The thing is only about two feet tall but it’s thick. The black, white, and blue ringed fur goes from the tips of its ears to the tip of its long fluffy tail.

  The thing chatters the whole time it comes toward us. “What is it? Is it dangerous?”

  Rylem steps to my side. “It’s a kakamer. It’s not dangerous. Food and entertainment is what it’s after.” He looks down at me with serious eyes. “We are going to talk about this habit you have of stepping in front of me when danger is near. But first I have to get the kakamer some food so it will go away.”

  The furry creature scurries over to me and looks up at me with big begging blue eyes. It chatters and dances around me. When I just stare at it, the creature circles me and then goes on to Rylem. He pets the chattering kakamer and then goes for some food.

  I watch in amazement as the kakamer stops chattering and starts nosily going through everything on the stone patio. It doesn’t stop moving from one thing to the next. I don’t think its attention span is very long.

  When Rylem comes back outside the kakamer starts chattering loudly again. The moment my male gives the kakamer a few herb crackers it shuts up. I scan the woods. I’m pretty sure someone was out there. The kakamer gave them away.

  I’ll be watching.

  I do wonder if it could have been a neighbor. From here I can just make out two homes in the distance. Some people love the outdoors. But then if it were a neighbor wouldn’t they have come on up?

  Rylem walks over and hugs me. I sink into his embrace. He is respectable and caring. I love him. I’ll do anything to keep him safe. That’s what true family does.

  His grip tightens. “You can’t keep stepping in front of me when danger is near.”

  I don’t like where this is going. I need to be his equal…not a burden…not a worthless waste of space.

  No, I’m not bad to him. Rylem loves me. But he still needs to understand me.

  “I can’t let something bad happen to you. I love you. In my tribe, we watch out for each other.”

  He blows out a breath and then pulls back but he doesn’t release me. His gaze locks with mine. “It’s good to watch out for each other. That’s why we are going to do some training. We don’t want to get soft during our down time.” He motions around us. “Here, you don’t have to continue to prove yourself. You already have, little warrior.”

  Warmth circles my heart. He is telling the truth. My warrior trusts me. It dawns on me that I need to trust him as well. “The next time I sense danger, I’ll tell you and stand by your side. Neither of us will stand behind the other.”

  “Exactly. Since you won’t let me protect you and I won’t let you protect me, we will work together.”

  My heart melts. Rylem is perfect for me. “I agree.” Movement to my side has me taking a step to block my male. I shift to the side instead so that we are both facing the threat. It’s just the kakamer darting out of the yard. I notice that the crackers are gone.

  There wasn’t a threat. I realize how good it felt to stand by my lover. We are a team.

  “See, that wasn’t so hard. Was it?” he asks.

  “No, it wasn’t. I liked it a lot. It felt right standing beside you,” I confess.

  “Beside me is where you belong.” He gives me a quick kiss and then says, “Let’s begin.”

  We start going through a series of punches and blocks. Some are straight on and others are across the body. Most of them are ones we’ve gone over before. The temperature is just around 85 degrees but I start sweating in no time. It feels great.

  Rylem goes over a series of kicks with me. I show him how I was trained to evade a blow. “Never take a hit if you don’t have to. That’s what I was taught.”

  He nods. “We feel the same. Any damage done can cause you to lose a fight. When you are going up against other species a loss can equal death.”

  I have a lot to learn. “I want to know about other species so I can defeat them as well. When we leave, I want to go on missions with you.”

  His dark purple brows lower. “I don’t like that idea.”

  “What? Me defeating other species. It’s important that I prove I can do it on my own…in case you are busy with another one or two.”

  “Black star. You know that wasn’t what I was talking about. I don’t like the idea of you going on missions. They can be dangerous.” His gaze goes down and then up my body. “You are small compared to most other species.”

  I straighten to my full height. “That’s why you’ll teach me their weaknesses.”

  He sighs and then chuckles. “I guess I will.”

  The flash of seriousness that comes to his eyes is all the warning I get. He lunges at me and I evade with a leap to the side. I jump up on a stone bench and hope it’s well balanced.

  Whew, it is. I run along it and jump down when I get to a thick green plant. I circle around it and scramble under the bench. When he comes around the plant, I slap his leg. “I just stabbed you.”

  He growls and I laugh. We continue to evade and attack. It’s my turn to growl when he swipes at me with his extended claws and rips the upper back of my turquoise dress.

  I dodge away and then turn to him. “I really liked this dress.”

  “Then you should have moved faster.”

  “I will next time.”

  “Good, because slow warriors don’t get to go on missions,” he says as he lunges and swats his claws at me.

  Secretly I’m thrilled that he’s not holding back. He’s starting to trust me.

  Since I want to go on missions and I don’t want to lose any skin, I smoothly dodge away.

  His eyes brighten with pride. “Nicely done. I’ll have Hilam replicate a new dress for you.”

  “I’m glad he has that talent,” I say as I watch to see what his next move will be. He comes at me full force. I evade and punch him in the side. Then I whirl around and take off.

  He catches me from behind. “You didn’t hit me hard enough. Now you’re dead,” he whispers into my ear.

  I raise my leg and kick him in the head. He stumbles back and I turn and pretend to stab him in the heart. “You underestimated me and now you’re dead.”


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