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Beginner Quest: A LitRPG Cultivation Series (Towers & Rifts Book 1)

Page 4

by Nephilim Night

  “I’m sorry, Melina,” he whispered. Despite him trying to mask his voice, I could hear well enough even from as far as the car, where I still stood and waited. “The situation is rather complicated this time. It could make or break us, please. Just this one time.”

  She stood there and stared my way, probably thinking it over.

  “Who is he, and what does he want? Is he a gangster?”

  “No. He… umm, he’s—”

  “Save it unless you’re going to be honest,” she hissed. “How long do you plan to stay?”

  “The night? Maybe longer, but I don’t think so. He has… plans.”

  “Oh? Plans, huh? What kind? How about I ask him myself before I let the two of you in?”

  It was starting to get heated, and Sandro wasn’t willing to budge. I might as well diffuse the situation if possible, so I walked over and stopped in front of the woman.

  “What’s your name, young lady?”

  “Hmm? My name?”

  “Please accept my apologies,” I added hurriedly and bowed slightly. “The name is Viktor.”

  Our eyes met when I rose, and I had to say I liked what I saw. The thick black eyeliner and the strong makeup sent shivers down my spine. So familiar, yet so strange.

  She held her hand out as the corners of her lips curled up ever so slightly.

  “The name is Melina, Viktor. Any friend of my brother isn’t my friend, but you seem… different?”

  Melina’s smile turned into a frown and then a gasp. She stood there and stared at me, studying my face and my body. She even went so far as to walk a circle around me, but then she deflated and walked inside.

  “Is something wrong, Lady Melina?”

  “No… yes, and no. I have… never mind. It’s personal anyway. Come, follow me. Both of you.”

  Sandro flashed me a grin and then coughed slightly as his face suddenly turned neutral.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you unless you get any stupid thoughts. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir,” he whispered and motioned for me to go in first.

  I walked up the creaking stairs. The wood had seen better days, with most of the lacquer gone. Even the railing wasn’t in good shape. Not that it mattered since I’d take care of it all in time.

  The inside was more modern than the outside, but it was a booth-styled ryokan. Eight rows of shoji panels separated the booths, giving enough privacy for the guests. They were quite spacious, from what I could see, and all of them looked alike. All but one at the dead center of the room.

  “Please sit here,” Melina said as she motioned to the one that looked far more luxurious than the others. It was slightly raised, and the panels were halfway open, giving a view of the whole floor and even the main entrance.

  “Do you think we could first take a bath or a shower? He needs fresh clothes and… stuff,” Sandro asked. “He’s hurt pretty badly as well.”

  “Were you involved?” she asked calmly.

  “Yes, Lady Melina, he was,” I replied before he could. Sandro’s eyes went wide as he stared at me and then at Melina. “But we’ve come to an understanding. Soon you’ll know more, and I promise I’ll repay your kindness many times over.”

  “I see,” she whispered. “Well, in that case, I’ll prepare a herbal bath for you and then some food once you’re inside. Do you have the—”

  “I’ll take care of it, don’t worry. Here,” Sandro whispered, took out a thick wallet, and pulled out five bills. I knew it was a sort of payment system in this new world, but I didn’t recognize the bills. All I knew was the general gist of how it worked from the memories. I guessed I’d have to ask him about the bills later.

  “Oh? How generous.” Melina chuckled. “This is the first time you’re paying for someone else, brother.”

  She took the offered bills and tucked them between her breasts inside the dress. Her eyes met mine for a second and she winked. Damn, this woman was quite straightforward after… no, it must have been the alcohol. From the way she moved, I was sure she’d had way more than just a drink or two.

  “Come on, Viktor. Follow me. My brother won’t run, trust me, and I also trust he won’t do anything stupid until you’re done bathing. I’ll make sure of it.”

  I put my hand on his shoulder and squeezed slightly, the one with the open meridian. I let a little bit of Enma flow into his body and then pulled away. He shuddered and dropped on his ass, knowing very well it was I who just placed him there.

  “Y-yeah! I’ll wait just here, Viktor.”

  My lips curled in a weak smile as I turned my back to him. Sure, I should be more pissed about him trying to kill me, but I wasn’t for some reason. I was alive again and had a great chance right now. A chance to start anew and work toward my revenge. What’s more, I was somehow suppressing the rage I’d felt when I was with Krajolik, or was it this body?

  I followed Melina into the room next door; then we walked through another corridor and into yet another room. Steam rose from the center of the room, and it was quite warm inside as opposed to the main hall. A large round wooden vat stood at the center of the room, steaming and wafting a strange smell. The corridors were bare and made from more shoji panels, as was this room, but it wasn’t quite what I was used to of a bathhouse.

  Melina noticed me staring at it strangely and took my hand, pulling me in closer.

  “See, this is a medicinal bath,” she whispered. “I made it for myself earlier, hence why I’m so scantily clad, Mr. Viktor. I don’t want you to get any strange ideas about me, alright? I’m not a cheap woman you can find anywhere. If anything, there’s nothing in this world that could get me to spread my legs unless I wanted to.”

  I nodded slightly as if she was making perfect sense, and if she hadn’t been so drunk, I might even have believed her.

  “Medicinal as in that it helps cleanse the body and stimulates healing?”

  Her right eyebrow rose slightly at my question. “How did you know? Have you ever been in one?”

  I nodded. “Yeah, I have. But not quite like this one. We used to make them with—stones. Special stones.”

  “Oh? Please tell me all about it!” She laughed. “Or we can do that later after I get you a fresh change of clothes? Will a yukata do?”

  “Yukata?” I asked curiously.

  I had no idea what a yukata was by name, but that changed quickly when she put her hands up, and the hem of her dress rose slightly to where it barely covered her inner thighs. She seemed to notice and lowered her arms quickly but didn’t make any remark on it. And neither did I. Why would I? She was drunk and wouldn’t even remember this tomorrow. It only made me wonder how she was sober.

  “Yeah, umm, they’re a male version of something like this? They drop to your ankles and are very comfortable to wear. I’ll get you some slippers and underwear as well if you want. They’re… a set I got as a gift from one of my patrons a while back. It would be the perfect time to unwrap it, no?”

  I nodded slightly. “If you think it’s appropriate, sure. And I’ll reimburse you for the clothes, don’t worry, Lady Melina.”

  “Lady Melina. I like it.” She chuckled. “But please call me just Melina. Alright?”

  “Only if you call me just Viktor, but please tell me, does this ryokan have many customers?”

  “No, not really. But that’s just fine with me. Usually, only some of the wealthier… underworlders stay here.”

  “Underworlders? As in gangsters?”

  “Yeah, I guess. It’s hard to escape from their clutches, but that’s not entirely a bad thing. No one bothers me in this place.”

  “So you’re used to getting half-dead customers, huh? I’m glad to be in your capable hands, then.”

  She nodded and glanced down at my naked arms and bloody shirt. “Did he… do that? Himself, I mean?”

  I shook my head. “No, he didn’t, and you don’t need to worry about it. I think he’s just someone pushed to do bad things because of… slightly good
and mostly bad reasons?”

  Melina snorted and then burst out in laughter. The sound of her voice was infectious and melodic, almost soothing. Shit, I could listen to her speak all day. And sing. If only she liked to sing, I’d pay just to be able to sit there and listen to her.

  A shiver ran up and down my spine as the sound of a… what was that? A zither? I looked around, but it was gone again. Shit, that was so out of this world. Was I starting to imagine things?

  “Let me get the clothes for you, and I’ll get to preparing food and some drinks. Are you fine with meat and alcohol? It’s quite late, and the stores aren’t open, so I can’t get fresh ingredients.”

  I nodded.

  “More than enough, don’t worry.”

  I didn’t wait for her to leave, and started undressing. She was either going to stay or leave. I didn’t care whatever the choice, as I had lost all feeling of shame after being reborn. I threw the shirt to the ground and shoved the shoes aside as my pants came down. She still stood there watching me from behind, staring at my scarred back.

  “Do you want to join me?” I asked without looking back.

  “If you weren’t a mystery guest, maybe, but let’s forget about it for now, alright?”

  She finally turned around and scurried off, closing the door behind her. Somehow I wouldn’t have minded her joining in, but yeah, I wasn’t in a whorehouse, and this body wouldn’t enjoy any of that right now. I was in so much pain, despite Enma flowing through me, that all I wanted was to rest.

  I climbed into the tub and slid into the water. It was hot, almost too hot. The steam hit my face, and I couldn’t see for a moment. The scent almost knocked me out; it was just too strong. Medicinal? Sure, but I doubted this was done correctly. Still, if it did anything to relieve some of my pain or fatigue, I wouldn’t bitch about it.

  I closed my eyes and let my body float inside the wooden tub. My skin and muscles burned, but I felt some relief after several minutes passed. It was almost as if I were bathing in pure Enma. Somehow the mixture felt just right despite smelling horrible.

  I pulled at the surroundings and bath alike, finally having the time and power to finish forming my first meridian to a hundred percent. The first vein was ready as well and would lead to the heart. The second one would need a lot more power and preparations, but I had all the time. And why hurry? I was more than strong enough to handle anything this world itself could throw at me. Seeing the density of Enma this world had to offer, I doubted this place had any cultivators.

  A sense of urgency struck me almost head-on. I felt almost as if something was warning me before the water started moving and the ground shaking. It was weak and lasted only several seconds, but it wasn’t natural. I could feel the amount of Enma around me suddenly change. It was double… no, maybe even triple as large suddenly. A familiar image flashed in front of my eyes, but only for five whole seconds. Still, I could see it very clearly.


  NAME: Viktor

  AGE: 31

  LEVEL: 1, REALM: 1, RANK: 1

  HEALTH: 200

  ENMA: 70

  SPEED: 1.0





  My eyes closed suddenly as I felt fatigue wash over me, and I was no longer able to stay awake. I drifted off into a sweet bliss and hoped I’d stay there for a very long time.

  Chapter Four

  My eyes fluttered open and I shot up, standing in the tub and barely covered to my waist as Melina stormed in.

  “Viktor, are you alright?”

  I nodded and looked over at the door, where she leaned against the door frame.

  “This wasn’t natural. At least I don’t think so.”

  “Huh? Why? What makes you say that?” she asked hurriedly, though the look on her face told me she felt the same way.

  Melina had no idea I was able to feel anything that wasn’t natural, and if I told her, she’d only think of me as a lunatic, so I shrugged as she walked over to a table near the tub and placed the yukata atop it along with fresh boxers, an undershirt, and slippers.

  “Never mind. I think I misspoke. I meant to ask if such earthquakes are natural to this region.”

  She seemed to relax for a moment as if waiting to confirm a suspicion. “No, not that I remember. The last one happened decades ago from what people have been telling me during conversations. I don’t remember there ever being one over the last years.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I meant.”

  She stared at me as I stood there, and nodded towards the table. “Need help with the yukata? Most men are quite intimidated by how to put it on, and you don’t seem like someone who is very shy.”

  I shrugged. “I’m not shy, and I have no idea how to don the yukata. Other than that, I plan to stay inside the water for a while longer. The earthquake… messed up my concentration, is all.”

  “Right, right. I’ll get back to preparing the food in that case. Do you want me to come back and help?”

  “Why would you even offer, Melina? You’re clearly not a woman who would do such things for all her customers. If any, at that.”

  She looked away as if caught stealing or in a lie. It hadn’t been my intention to cause her discomfort, but saying something bad and apologizing would only look even more immature.

  “Two reasons. Sandro never brought anyone with him to this place during the night, especially not bruised and battered. Your clothes can’t even be saved, as they’re ripped and all bloody.”

  “And the second?”

  “You remind me of someone I used to know a long time ago.”


  “Yeah, it… I’d rather not speak about it.”

  “Then don’t. I’m already more than grateful for your help and would trouble you to come and get me once you’ve prepared the table.”

  She nodded once and flashed me a warm smile. Shit, the smile was both seductive and disarming. It was pure heaven with zero effort. This woman wasn’t as simple as he made her out to be, I was sure of it.

  Melina turned around and closed the door behind her as she left. I sat back down and put my arms over the edge as I stared out the window into the starry night. Shit. It could have all gone much worse than it had. I’m glad I didn’t kill that little shit Sandro if nothing else but for meeting Melina and seeing this place. Especially if I could make enough money to buy it off her.

  I focused hard on the bath and the freely floating Enma in the air, the ground, the wood, and even the bathtub. Power crept up my lone meridian and steadily made its way into my arm. I forced the vein to absorb as much of it as possible. It burned and stung as the vein widened, but I made good progress. The Enma rose through my arm to my shoulder, then passed over my neck to the other shoulder and down again, making its way to my other hand. Feeling much better than I had earlier, I slashed my palm open and trickled some blood on my right hand, ingesting blood into the spot where the second meridian would form.

  Lost in time and pain, a sudden surge of power startled me as my second meridian appeared and burned into my flesh. The long vein that made its way through my body finally connected, and I gasped, releasing a long breath I didn’t realize I had held inside.

  The door creaked open and startled me. Had she been standing there and listening in? But it didn’t look like it. Her face didn’t betray any guilt. The door closed again behind her as Melina inched toward the table, avoiding the candlelight. Now that I thought about it, it was much darker in here than it was earlier. Then I noticed several candles had burned out.

  “Do you want to come out, Viktor?”

  “Yeah, I do. Can you hand me a towel?”

  She picked one up from the table and walked over to the tub, then raised her hands again to hand me the piece. I got up and took it from her, put it around my waist, and exited the bath. Melina walked back to the table and turned her back to me as I dried off, at least giving me som
e privacy. The fabric was smooth and soft, unlike anything I’d ever felt. At least that was what my senses were telling me.

  I put the towel aside and put on the boxers and undershirt, then stood there and waited for her to turn around.

  “Ready?” she asked mischievously.

  “Ready as ever.”

  She chuckled and turned around, then picked up the yukata from the table and stepped in closer to me. I could smell the scent of alcohol wafting from her. It was fresh, unlike the one from when we’d arrived at this place.

  Why had she been drinking just now? And why was she so nervous? This must really be her first time doing such a thing, despite looking like a… no, she didn’t look like an easy woman. Just one with too much on her mind and one caught at the wrong moment.

  I held my arms out as she walked around me and slowly pulled the sleeves over my arms and back. She walked around again and pulled the right side of the yukata to my left hip, wrapping it with practiced ease. Next, she wrapped the left side over my right and leaned into me as she put the sash around my waist. She wrapped it around two times before finally tying it at the front.

  I had to admit I felt very special right about now, even more so knowing she didn’t do this just for anyone. I felt… like I belonged here, strangely. How could someone go from feeling such rage and hatred to this easygoing person I’d become? Sure, some of it could be attributed to the body I reincarnated in, but still.

  “I’m pretty glad it fits, Viktor, and so well at that.”

  I looked down at the long sleeves and nodded. It was a pitch-black piece of clothing embroidered with scarlet red thread. I didn’t know if there was anything on the back, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was that it fit and felt both familiar and comfortable.

  “So am I, Melina. Thank you for your help.”

  She flashed me another smile, one that could set a world on fire and watch it burn to cinders without even batting an eye. I was almost certain she was a cultivator or someone able to use glamor to bewitch me so easily, but I’d barely recovered up to a third of my current Enma pool and had zero skills, so if she turned out to be a cultivator, I would get my ass handed to me.


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