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One For The Holiday: A Christmas Novella

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by Donahue, S.

  One For The Holiday - First Edition, December 2014

  Copyright © 2014 S. Donahue - All rights reserved.

  One For The Holiday is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or places is strictly and entirely coincidental.

  Front Cover image obtained from © arthurhidden-, and Interior -Red gift boxes on snow image obtained from © Elena Schweitzer–

  This is a self-published work. All rights belong to the author S. Donahue. If you are a publishing house with interest in the author or this book, please contact S. Donahue at

  Please note that no parts of this book may be copied, used, or redistributed in any manner without written consent from the author.

  Book cover and interior design by S. Donahue. Edited by S. Donahue

  Garamond and Georgia Font used for Kindle only.

  ISBN: 1505641470

  ISBN-13: 978-1505641479


  This book is dedicated to my Grandmother, Virginia. She is no longer with me but lives in my heart forever. Christmas was her favorite time of year. Growing up we always celebrated the Feast of the Seven Fishes on Christmas Eve. This tradition is still carried out in our family today.

  Chapter 1


  “Pass me the wrench,” I say to my younger brother as he sits on the stool doing nothing.

  Patrick is two years younger than me. We are very close. He is married with two kids and just loves the holiday season. I, on the other hand…hate it. I don’t think I’ll ever love it again.

  “Trent, you can’t live your life like this. You’re hiding out in this garage fixing cars. You’re an actor and that’s what you love to do. You pass up every movie script that comes your way. You’re missing out on great opportunities.”

  “Pat, I can’t go back and see that whore. She tried to take everything from me and I won’t let her take this from me.”

  “But you’re Trenton McNeil, the most famous movie actor in the world.”

  “Not anymore, and I want to keep it that way. I can’t even believe they sent me a script for a holiday movie. It’s like a cruel joke. The world knows that I came home to find my wife, thee Sophia Manson, in bed with her co-worker. I came home bearing gifts after a hard day at work and I got a slap in the face.”

  “It’s been four years,” Pat says. “It’s time to move on. Maybe you should start dating again.”

  Never, and if I hear that damn radio playing fucking Christmas music already, I’m going to throw it across the room.”

  “I’m leaving. Kristin wants you to go out with us on Saturday night. Some of her friends are meeting us out.”

  “I’m not in the mood to be bombarded with women who want to use me for whatever they can get their hands on. I just want to be left alone.”

  “I don’t think anyone would even recognize you with the scruffy beard anyway,” Pat jokes.

  I have no desire to be with a woman. When your heart is broken into a million pieces, it takes a really long time to put it back together.

  I met Sophia Manson in a coffee shop seven years ago when I lived in California. We fell in love instantly. We married right away, bought a house and thought we would live happily ever after. I guess that only happens in the fucking movies. We basically lived separate lives, but were seen together in the public eye. I was at the prime of my career as was she. She had her own movies going on and I had mine. We tried to make time together, but it was impossible. I knew there were issues with our marriage, but I didn’t think they were major.

  Four years ago my life was turned upside down. I was working on a major film. I was on cloud nine. I had been working crazy hours, so I decided to leave work early to surprise Sophia. It was the day before Christmas Eve. We were going to exchange gifts because we were flying back to spend the holidays with my family. I come from a large Irish family. The holidays are a big deal. What I found when I came home was a shocker to me. My wife was getting it on with her co-worker, Alvin Marker. He was an acquaintance of mine. We had worked on another movie together. He was going down on her like he was feasting on his last meal. An argument erupted. I walked out and never went back. I hopped on a plane and came back to my hometown of Woodlawn, a neighborhood located in the Bronx. My family was shocked to see me alone on Christmas Eve morning without my wife. I told my mom I didn’t want to talk about it and hibernated all alone in my room for the rest of the day. I decided then that Christmas was the worst holiday and I never wanted to celebrate it again.

  I stayed with my parents for about a month after the incident. Once I decided that I was no longer going back to California and my old life, I bought a house a few blocks away from them. They were happy to have me hope, but upset about the reason I was back. The producers and directors were not happy that I backed out of filming, but I was hurt and didn’t want to face my reality.

  After I settled in the house for a few months, I became so bored. I bought a mechanics garage and started working on cars. I know it’s a big difference from acting, but I have had a passion for cars since I was a young boy.

  Here I am four years later, I have never looked back. I get hounded constantly to work on movies or anything that has to do with acting. I either refuse or ignore. I’m not ready. Now that the holidays are back around again, I’ll go hibernate in my house or drive out to my vacation home in the Hamptons. Either way I’m not in the mood to celebrate.

  “You’re so funny. Who do I have to impress?”

  “I think you’re depressed. You’re like Scrooge anymore.”

  “Yeah, well as long as the Bitch from Christmas past stays away…we’re good.”

  “That was funny,” Pat says laughing. “I have to go pick up the kids from school. Cheer up,” he says as he blasts Santa Clause is coming to Town real loud while running out of the shop.

  Annoyed, I get up and turn off the radio. Whatever happened to celebrating Thanksgiving? It’s only the beginning of November. Halloween just practically ended for Pete’s sake. Let the holiday hell begin.

  Chapter 2


  We need to get our holiday shifts sorted out. I’ll setup a meeting for all the nurses, so we can discuss,” my co-worker and best friend Kristin McNeil says to me as I grab my lunch from the refrigerator.

  “You have kids, so obviously you need to be with them.”

  “Laur, why don’t you come to my house for the holidays…the more the merrier? You’re one of my close friends and I would love to have you.”

  “Thanks, but I’ll be okay. I don’t want to impose on your family, plus my sister is probably having Thanksgiving dinner. If I work, I’ll just eat leftovers at her house.”

  “I hate seeing you all mopey. What Jonathan did to you was horrible, but you need to move on.”

  “He left me at the altar for my friend.”

  “There’s plenty of fish in the sea. You know what they say…in order to get over one, you need to get under a new one.”

  “You have issues,” I say laughing at her comment.

  “Why don’t you come out Saturday night with everyone? Maybe you’ll meet some hot guy who can rock your world. You’re a beautiful woman; stop acting like you can’t get anybody.”

  “No thanks. Men suck. I never said I couldn’t get one…I just don’t want one. If I never see one again, I just may survive.”

  “He wasn’t right for you. I told you that you could do much better than him and I was right. It’s better you found out now what a piece of shit he i
s instead of marrying him and wasting your life away. He did you a favor.” She says giving me a lecture I’m not in the mood to hear. I know she means well.

  “That’s what my head says, but my heart tells me something different.”

  “It’s been six months. You need to snap out of it. What about Dr. Peterson?”

  “You’re serious. How can you ask that with a straight face?” I say rolling my eyes.

  “He’s good looking.”

  “He’s also slept with everyone in this ward with the exception of me and you. He left you out because he knows you don’t cheat on Pat and he probably avoids me because I look like hell these past few months.”

  “See he’s experienced,” she winks. “Just come out with us on Saturday. It can’t hurt.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  I’m really not ready to get all serious with someone. My heart was trampled on when my fiancé, Jonathan, left me the day of the wedding right before it started. We were together for five years. He confessed that he was in love with my best friend Rosie. He said they had been sleeping together for a year. He just couldn’t marry me and he was sorry. The bitch was at my house the morning of the wedding helping me get dressed. I was left to pick up the pieces. My sister had to make an announcement that the wedding was cancelled. Everyone involved lost a lot of money and I lost my faith in love. I managed to salvage the honeymoon which I have available whenever I want to use it. I have no intentions of going to Mexico anytime soon.

  “I think I know just the guy for you,” Kristin continues.

  “Who? I don’t want to be setup with anyone.”

  “I’m not saying anything. Come on, we have patients to check on.”

  “The highlight of my day. That’s about the only exciting thing I do these days.”

  “We’ll pick you up at eight O’clock on Saturday.”

  “Okay fine. You win, but I don’t want to meet anyone.”

  “Fine deal.”

  I see the look on Kristin’s face. She’s definitely going to be scoping guys out for me and I’ll be rejecting them one by one. I no longer trust anyone and I get nervous that I may run into Jonathan and Rosie out and about. Rumor has it they are together and in love. I don’t think I can handle seeing that mess, but I also can’t hide forever.

  “I’ll be in room ten if you’re looking for me,” I say to Kristin walking away from the conversation.

  I walk into the room erasing every thought of Jonathan from my mind. Work is the only time I can forget because I’m keeping myself busy.

  “How are you today, Mr. Spells?” I ask.

  “Great and you?”

  “Much better now that I’m here with you.” I put a happy smile on my face.

  Chapter 3


  Being a celebrity sucks sometimes because everywhere I go the paparazzi are hiding. They are dying to know what I’ve been up to. I get so annoyed. If I was actively working and in front of the camera, I can see the hounding, but I’m not so they need to go the fuck away. I pull into the parking lot of the Shop and Go gas station. I go inside and get a cup of coffee. The owner of the store, Walter, is an old war vet. He tells me all about his days on the front line. I have much respect for this guy. He nicknamed me Oscar because of the two Oscars I won for Best Actor and Best Supporting Actor. He also said I’m a grouch so the name fits. He gives me free coffee and I fix all his old cars for free…fair trade.

  “Hey Walt, what’s goin’ on?” I say saluting him.

  “Oscar, my boy.”

  “Keep it light on the sugar, I’m watching my figure.”

  “Ah, you wuss.” He says in his deep Irish accent

  I hand him a $50.00 bill. “Put $25.00 on pump 1 when I pull in.” He hands me my coffee. “It’s the best around,” I say out loud. I turn around and there’s a woman standing behind me. She has long brown hair. She’s beautiful. I kind of recognize her. We’ve met before. What’s her name? What’s her name? Lauren…She’s friends with my sister-in-law Kristen. I’ve met her a few times at BBQ’s. She was engaged at the time and always with her fiancé. The guy looked like a creep. I heard from my brother that the guy left her at the altar…poor girl.

  “Hi Lauren.” She looks shocked that I remember her name.

  “Hi Trenton, how are you?” she says.

  “I’m good. Call me Trent. Make sure you try the coffee here it’s great.”

  “Will do,” she says as she moves to the counter to place her order.

  “What can I get you pretty lady?” Walt asks Lauren.

  “I was told the coffee is to die for and I’ll take $20 on pump #3.”

  “One coffee coming right up,” Walt yells.

  “It was great seeing you, Lauren,” I say walking backwards towards the door. I look to my right and there’s a group of college-aged girls laughing and giggling. I smile at them. Being that I’m thirty-four now sometimes it gives me the creeps when teenagers and young women flirt with me, but it’s part of my job to be nice to everyone. I have to always be nice and on my best behavior in public. Lately, I have been ignoring everyone and the tabloids have been talking shit every chance they get.

  “Can we get your autograph?” Lauren is looking, waiting to see how I respond. I don’t want to be rude to them and I don’t want her to think I’m rude. I don’t even know why I care what she thinks about me. I’ve only saw her for 5 minutes.

  “Sure, I take the pen and sign my autograph on some cards they have with my picture on them. Walt insists on keeping some in the store since I’m a regular. Trust me this has happened before. When I turn around, Lauren is gone. I look through the window and she is outside pumping her gas.

  “Alright Walt, I’m leaving,” I yell out.

  “She’s cute.”


  I run out of the door, jump in my car and pull into pump #1. It is directly across from her. She is really pretty. I never really looked at her before this. I lean back against my car waiting for the gas to pump itself. I have a NIKE hoodie on because it’s chilly outside. Sometimes I use it for disguise. I must say that I do take care of my body even though I haven’t shaved in a week or so. I’m a gym rat. I’m obsessed with my abs, so I have a habit of lifting my shirt up and rubbing my hands over my stomach. I sometimes do it absentmindedly. I look over at Lauren and she looks flushed. She seems to be having a hard time with the pump. Maybe I should offer some help…too late. She already jumped in her car and pulled away. I get in my truck to head back to the garage, but first I need to make a pit stop at my brother’s house.

  “Uncle Trent!!” My niece Emily comes running up to me with Kara in tow. Emily is eight years old and Kara is six. I love these two girls like they were my own. They are the two people in the world who make me happy.

  “Hi girls, where’s Mommy and Daddy?”

  “In the kitchen.”

  I walk through the living room to the kitchen. Frozen is blasting on the television.

  “Hey Hey, you have company. Stop that lovey dovey shit.” I sit in the chair. “I was passing by on my way home. I was at the gas station.”

  “Ooh surprising,” Pat says sarcastically.

  “I needed gas.”

  “I don’t know why. You drive from your house to the garage to the gas station.”

  “Whatever. I may go the Hamptons this weekend.”

  “Why? You go alone.”

  “It’s peaceful. I relax. Sorry I came by.”

  “Calm down guys,” Kristin intervened. “Come out with us Saturday. Don’t go to the Hamptons. You’ll have more fun.”

  “Pat already asked me. I told him no and my reasons.”

  “My friends will be there.”

  “Not interested.”

  Kristin starts rattling off names anyway. I hear her say Lauren’s name.

  “I just saw her?”

  “You did.”

  “Yeah, at the gas station.”

  “Wow you have something in
common,” he laughs.

  I give him the finger.

  “You two are like little kids,” Kristin says rolling her eyes.

  “I’m leaving anyway. I have a car to fix.”

  “I’m not saying anything.” Pat throws his hands up.

  “Good, keep your opinions to yourself.”

  I go back through the living room to leave. “Bye girls”

  “Bye Uncle Trent.” They are focused on their movie.

  I leave and finally head back to the garage possibly rethinking my decision to go to the bar Saturday night.

  Chapter 4


  I recognize Trenton McNeil in front of me in line. I have no intentions of saying hi to him. I don’t even know if he knows who I am. I’ve met him a couple of times, but we have never really spoken to each other. He addresses me by my name. I’m guessing the look on my face registers my shock. He tells me to try the coffee, which I do. It’s actually really good. He gets distracted by a group of college girls. I decide to go outside even though I would have liked to maybe continue a conversation with him. Reality set in when I saw him with the girls. He is a famous movie star and I am out of his league. He was married to Sophia Manson, the most beautiful movie star in the world.

  Once I get the pump in order, I start to fill my gas tank. I look over and see Trenton across from me waiting for his gas to be finished. He’s staring into space. He lifts his shirt and starts to rub his stomach and Oh My God his body is rock solid. I start to think about how I would like to be touching his abs right now. I start to blush thinking about my thoughts.

  I get in my car and drive away before I act stupid and go over and talk to him. I can barely drive because I’m holding my thighs together. Talk about left field…I only went into the store for gas. I wasn’t expecting to get turned on. He is absolutely gorgeous. He is even more beautiful in real life. I would have totally had a poster of him on my wall if it was twenty years ago.

  I need to steer clear of him. Those types of guys are dangerous. Hollywood heartthrobs will play a girl to no end. I’m a fool for even thinking for a moment that he would be interested in someone like me. I’m boring. I don’t go out. Saturday will be the first time I’m going out in six months. I’m living in a two bedroom apartment. I rented it after the break-up. I didn’t want anything permanent because after what happened I wasn’t sure where my life was going to go.


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