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One For The Holiday: A Christmas Novella

Page 6

by Donahue, S.

  “Pat, don’t start,” Kristin warns and gives him a look.

  “Kristin, this turkey is really good,” Sophia says changing the subject.

  “Thanks.” Kristin flashes a quick half smile at her.

  This is the most awkward meal I have ever had. I keep getting glares from her royal highness across the table. She is also texting away on her phone. I have no clue as to who would do this during a holiday dinner. It must be really important.

  I hear the door open. No one can see the living room from the dining room since it’s off to the side. Pat gets up to see who it is. Trenton walks into the dining room. Sophia stands up.

  “Darling, you’re back. I’ve missed you.”

  “Sophia, stop pretending. I’m not here for you.”

  “Trenton, don’t speak to her that way. She’s your...”

  He cut her off. “No mom, she’s not my wife. I’m here for one reason and one reason only.”

  I can’t believe he showed up. This should be good. I need some more wine. God only knows what’s going to come out of that mouth of his.

  Chapter 21


  I debated with myself all day. I really didn’t want to show up to dinner. It took everything I had in me to do it. I can’t run from this mess any longer. When I arrive at my brother’s house, there’s an awkward silence happening at the table. Pat walks into the living room to greet me.

  “Thank God you’re here. This meal is so weird.”


  When I walk into the dining room, Sophia puts on her act and it pisses me off. I tell her to stop pretending. She knows I’m not there for her, but then my mother starts. This is the part I have been dreading, but it has to be done.

  “Mom, she’s not my wife. I’m here for one reason and one reason only.”

  “What’s that son?” She looks over at my father.

  I turn toward Lauren. She is sitting to Kristin’s right at the table.

  “My reason is Lauren. She means everything to me. I can’t live without her. She’s my girlfriend, mom. I’m not with Sophia. You know that. We broke up four years ago. You need to accept it and I need to move on from it.” Lauren looks like she doesn’t know what to say.

  I apologize to everyone. “I’m sorry for ruining your holiday.”

  Sophia stands up. “Trenton, I came here to work this out with you. That’s what we are going to do.”

  “I don’t want to. I’ve told you a million times. I don’t love you.”

  She walks up to me and puts her hands on my face. “Baby, it’s me and you. We had a love of a lifetime. We were the perfect couple.”

  Out of nowhere, Lauren walks up to us and grabs Sophia’s hands off my face. “I’ve seen enough,” she says. “Take your hands off my man’s face…now.”

  “Excuse me,” Sophia says. “Do you know who I am?”

  “Should I start using some words?” Lauren asks.

  “Maybe we should play scrabble,” Pat jokes from the table.

  I smirk and Kristin tells her mom to take the girls upstairs for a few.

  “He’s my husband.”

  “No, he’s your ex-husband and my boyfriend.”

  “What are you going to do about it?” Sophia snaps.

  It all happened so fast. Lauren pushes Sophia away from me and pulls me into a kiss. I go with it. This is some good acting on Lauren’s part if I ever saw any. All of a sudden, Sophia pulls Lauren off of me by her hair. Lauren turns around and slaps her across the face. Sophia is holding her face. Lauren realizes what she did and runs towards the door. He grabs her purse off the chair. I follow behind her.

  “This is all too much, she says. I can’t tell what’s real and what’s fake.”

  “This is the reason I didn’t want to involve you. “Lauren, I’m real and I have real feelings for you. I want you to stay.”

  “I can’t. I am hurting because I have real feelings for you too. I’m jealous that she’s here, that she’s had you, that she knows you and that she has physically felt you. I want to experience all of that with you, but I can’t because of her.”

  Hearing Lauren say all of this melts my heart. I want to make love to her all night long and fell and experience every part of her body, but I have to deal with this situation first. I don’t respond. Lauren runs out of the house and drives off. I just really don’t ever do right by her. Right now I can’t help her. I need to make my mother understand. I walk into the dining room. Sophia has ice on her face. I don’t even feel sorry for her. She deserves all of this for playing her games.

  “Mom, Sophia cheated on me. That’s why we got divorced.”

  “What? That’s not true. You even said you grew apart because of the movies.”

  “I lied. I didn’t want to hurt you or tell you the real reason. I was ashamed and couldn’t accept that it was happening to me. I tried to hide it thinking it would go away. Mom, I’m done with her. We are over for good. She knows it. She’s using you to get to me.”

  “Sophia?” My mom looks over at her.

  “I love him. I truly do. I made a mistake, but I want to fix it.”

  “Trenton,” My mom addresses me. “I want you to be happy. You have looked so distraught the past few years, I assumed it was because you loved Sophia and wanted to get back with her. I’m sorry. This is all my fault.”

  “It’s not your fault mom. It’s mine. I should have been honest. Speaking of honesty there is something I need to tell you.” I’m about to tell her the truth about Lauren when the doorbell rings… maybe its Lauren coming back.

  Pat walks out to get the door. “What am I the damn butler around here?” A few seconds later he peeks his head in. “Trent, come here for a sec.” He smiles at everyone else.”

  “What is it, man?”

  “Guess who’s at the door?”

  “Who? Is it Lauren?”

  “Nope. You’ll never get this one in a million years.”

  “Who is it? Damn it.”


  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. She must have called him. Deal with him. I’m getting a drink. I fucking need one.”

  “What do you want me to say?”

  “I don’t know.” I’m so overwhelmed with all this mess. I don’t even care at this point.

  I walk into the dining room. I completely ignore the bitch. I can’t even believe she’s still here. A few minutes later Pat walks into the dining room with Alvin. I roll me eyes. This is like the nightmare that never ends.

  “Sophia, I think your boyfriends here?” Pat says cheerfully.

  “Soph, what’s going on? You told me Trenton invited me for dinner,” Alvin asks her

  This dude is crazy. “Why would I invite you for dinner? You fucked my wife amongst other things that I care not to mention while these people eat their ruined dinner.” He looks taken aback.

  “Why’s he here? He can’t be hungry.” Pat jokes.

  “Apparently he still has the munchies,” I quip

  I crack up laughing. I can’t be serious with Pat around.

  “Why don’t you both just leave? You’ve disgraced me enough.” I say.

  “Soph, come on. I don’t know what you are trying to pull with all of this,” Alvin says.

  “And stay away from me or I’m getting a restraining order….and that means my mother and my girlfriend.” I yell out. She grabs her stuff and walks out the door. Every time I say girlfriend, it feels so real. I need to go find Lauren. I decide to not tell my parents the truth about Lauren because I plan on making it all real. I get her address from Kristin.

  “I’m leaving, maybe now your dinner will be a success.” I say to Kristin.

  “At least my guests got dinner and a movie thanks to you. I wish Lauren was here though.”

  “I’ll see if I can find her.”

  I leave on a mission to go find my girl. Hopefully she forgives me.

  Chapter 22


  I needed to ge
t out of that house. I could have done some real damage to that woman the way I feel right now. I despise cheating. I know how it feels. I have been on edge lately because Jonathan called me the other day to see how I am doing. He said he misses me and wants to see if we could start out slow. He said all he does is think about me and everything we had been through. He feels lonely and depressed without me and Just thinking about spending the holidays without me makes him sick to his stomach. I know this is all because of the picture. He is jealous. If I take Jonathan back a part of me will feel better. The pain will go away. When I snapped on Sophia back at Kristin’s house, I think I was wishing I would have done that to Rosie when she stole Jonathan from me. I just let her take him. Should I have fought for him? I know Trenton doesn’t belong to me, but it felt damn good to slap her. She fucking deserves it. All the Rosie’s of the world do.

  I told Jonathan that I need time. He asked me if I was involved with someone at the moment. I told him that I was interested in someone. He didn’t ask about the picture, I didn’t mention it. Trenton doesn’t want me. He made that quite clear to me. Maybe Jonathan just needed a dose of his own medicine. I can’t make any decisions right now, I’m too upset. I stayed home all week thinking really hard. After seeing Trenton’s situation, I may be better off going with the familiar.

  I drive in my car. I don’t know where I’m going. Well I do, but I’m just aimlessly driving. I pull up outside of Jonathan’s house. I hit my steering wheel with my hand. I feel like a crazy lady. He texted me earlier asking me to stop by and see him after dinner was over. I don’t even know why I’m here. Do I want to go through this pain again? There’s no guarantee he won’t do it again. He said that he and Rosie have been over for a while and he lives his life with so much regret. I told him that he deserves to. He said that was a fair statement. He also said he would spend the rest of his life making it up to me. He, of course, is saying all the right things. I can never trust him again and that will not make for a good relationship. I put the car in reverse and back out of his street like a maniac. I go in the direction of my sister’s house.

  Chapter 23


  I pull up to Lauren’s apartment building. I want to surprise her. I don’t see her car around. I walk up to the doorman.

  “Hi, I’m looking for Lauren Clark. She lives in this building.”

  “Hi, I’m Stan. Miss Clark hasn’t arrived home just yet. Can I give her a message?”

  “No. Thanks. I’ll just call her.”

  This isn’t good. I was expecting her to be home. I need to call Kristin to find out what to do.

  “Pat, put Kristin on.”

  She gets on the line. “I went to find her. She’s not at her house. I don’t want to call her on her cell. What should I do? I need to see her and talk to her.”

  “Stay at her building and I’ll tell her to go to her house. I’ll call you back in a few minutes”

  Whatever it takes. I’m not giving up.

  Chapter 24


  Kristin is calling my phone. I put it on speaker.

  “Hey, what’s going on and no I’m not coming back?”

  “Nothing much. I won’t bore you with all the details but I was advised to let you know that there is someone waiting for you at your apartment. They called here looking for you.”

  “Seriously? Are you going to tell me who it is?”

  “Hell no.”

  “I think I know who it is. I was just there. He must have seen me.”

  “What are you talking about?” She asks confused.

  “Nothing. I have to go back to my apartment He must have gotten the wrong idea.”

  “Yeah, you lost me. Call me later when you can explain what in God’s name you are talking about.”

  “Will do.”

  I turn my car around. Jonathan must think that I want him back after seeing my car on his street. I’m an idiot for even going there. My apartment is about 10 minutes away. I have Christmas tunes on the radio. Baby its cold outside is playing and it makes me think back to Trenton. Oh how I wish we could have been. Our kisses are playing back in my head.

  I finally pull into my lot. I get out of the car and shut the door. He turns around.

  “I was hoping it was you.”

  Chapter 25


  Kristin called me to let me know that Lauren was on her way back to the apartment. I decide to sit in my car and surprise her when I see her, plus it’s freezing out. It gets so cold in New York this time of year. I’m playing with the heater in my car. When I look up I see a man talking to Stan the doorman. He’s busting my groove. I can’t even talk to Lauren if someone is standing there. He looks kind of familiar, but I’m unsure of where I know him from. I see Lauren’s car pull up. She gets out and walks up to the guy. Is that who I think it is? Should I get out and assess the situation or drive away and let her be. Maybe I’ll just sit here for a minute and see what happens.

  Chapter 26


  I’m surprised to see Jonathan standing at my front door. I kind of knew it was going to be him because he had to have seen me at his house.

  “Hi, what are you doing here?

  “I saw that you came by. I really want to talk to you, so I drove over.”

  “There’s so much I want to say to you but I don’t want to get into it. I had a long day.”

  “I don’t want to bring up the past anymore,” Jonathan says.

  “We need to talk about it. I’m cold so I’m going inside.”

  “Can I come with you?”

  “I guess we might as well get this over with.”

  “You make it sound so horrible.”

  “You left me on my wedding day for my best friend. Yeah, I’d say that’s horrible.” I roll my eyes.

  As I turn to go inside, I see Trenton coming up the walkway. He looks so damn hot. My face lights up. I think Jonathan can tell by the look on my face.

  “Wait, where are you going?” Trenton calls out.

  “Inside because I’m cold.”

  “With him?”

  “He wants to talk.”

  “Do you want to talk to him?” Trenton asks. That is the burning question. Do I really want to talk to him or is he convenient?

  “Why are you here?” I ask Trenton.

  “I came to see you. I wanted to see you and apologize for everything. I want you to have the opportunities that you said earlier. I want them too. We can have them together.”

  “Trenton, there’s so much baggage between both of us.”

  “Mine just got sent back to Cali with a threat of a restraining order if she even comes near my state. Do you still love him?” He nods his head toward Jonathan.

  Why does he have to ask me this question? It’s a difficult one to answer especially in front of Jonathan.

  “Yeah, do you still love me?”

  “Well, the thing is that I thought I did. I sat here and cried and cried because I thought I couldn’t go on. Each day got easier and eventually I was able to. Then one night I had a complete break down and I realized that I didn’t love you anymore and I needed to move on. I went out the next night and ended up getting punched in the face and having to take time off from work. I sat around thinking and I became lonely. When I received the call from you the other day I was confused. I want that loneliness and hurt to go away, but I realized I don’t have to be with you for that to happen. I don’t ever want to feel that kind of pain ever again. If I ever went back with you, I would be cheating myself out of a lifetime of happiness. I would always be sitting around wondering what you were doing behind my back. I could never trust you again.”

  “Lauren, I promise that will never happen.”

  “Yes it would and that’s okay because I’ll be with the person who I’m meant to be with and my heart will remain intact…whoever he may be.”

  “That would be me,” Trenton says smiling. “You’re meant to be with me. When you walked out o
f the house tonight, I was afraid I would never see your smile again, or play nasty scrabble with you or even kiss you. I want to create memories with you that will last forever. I’ll never cheat on you because I know what it feels like and I will treat you like the princess that you deserve to be treated like. I will put you up on a pedestal and be proud to have you as my girlfriend.”

  “Oh Trenton, I knew you were the one for me.” “Jonathan, I’m sorry. I have to go with my heart for once.”

  “Whatever, you’re only with him because he’s a movie star.”

  “No, he fixes cars and that doesn’t bother me one bit.” Jonathan walks away and part of me feels bad, but the other part is sticking its middle finger up at him because he finally got what he deserved for what he did to me.

  “Come on, let’s go upstairs and I’ll warm you up.” Trenton puts his arm around my waist.

  “Sounds perfect.”

  Chapter 27


  I’ll admit I was nervous for a second there. I thought Lauren was going to choose Jonathan. Sometimes when you have a history with someone it’s just easier. I’m not going to tell Lauren that I love her and I’m not going to marry her in 2 days. I’m going to date her, get to know her and just be there for her. I learned the hard way with Sophia and I don’t plan on making the same mistakes twice.

  I follow her up the stairs to her apartment. We walk inside.

  “Make yourself comfortable,” she says.

  I take my coat off and sit on the sofa.

  “Do you want a beer?”


  Lauren comes over to the sofa with our beverages and some cookies. I turn to her. “maybe I should make this official. Do you want to be my girlfriend?” I laugh and so does she.

  “That’s so fourth grade-ish., but cute.”

  “You’re cute. Come over here. I want to finally wrap my arms around you.” I pull her into my chest and cuddle next to her. “I’m so happy you chose me.”


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