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LUCA (You Will Be Mine) (The Sicilian Mafia Series Book 1)

Page 10

by Jaimie Roberts

  “You’re being sarcastic with me now.” Luca’s look was unimpressed. “You don’t know what went on today.”

  The barman placed my drink in front of me and I didn’t hesitate any longer. I picked the drink up and placed it to my lips. A part of me thought Luca might lunge at it again, so I was surprised when he just sat there and watched me. I took that opportunity and downed the lot.

  “Very mature,” Luca grumbled.

  I looked him up and down. He was wearing a three piece grey suit, and boy did he look sexy in it. “And I suppose locking me up until I’d had sex with you is really mature as well?” A couple of people giggled, and others had their eyes wide with shock.

  “Talking of which, why did that snake have his hands all over you?” His normally caramel eyes grew a shade darker as the anger set in.

  “I am my own person. I can do what I want. If I want to have another man’s hands all over me, then I will.”

  Luca came closer until his face was inches away from mine. “No fucking man touches you. Do you get that?”

  I could feel his anger was at the boiling point. “We’re so used to getting what we want, aren’t we, Mr. Belatoni? You’re not getting what you want this time. I’m not going to fall at your feet like others do. This is one person you can’t order around.”

  “You want to test me?” His glaring eyes were hot with not only anger, but with lust as well. It seemed to be pouring itself from him straight into me. I could feel it radiating throughout my whole body. The feeling was just too intense for words.

  Determined not to back down, I stood my ground. “You wouldn’t dare do anything here.”

  Luca laughed. “You want to bet on that, amore mio? I could pull a random guy in the middle of the floor, cut him into little pieces, and there wouldn’t be a damn thing anyone here could or would do about it.”

  “Is that a threat?” I still wasn’t backing down. Other people may be frightened of him, but I wasn’t. In fact, the whole thing was strangely turning me on.

  “No. I’m just stating the obvious. I could haul you over my shoulder and drag you kicking and screaming. No one will care or notice—and even if they did, they would never do anything to stop me.”

  My eyes widened. “You wouldn’t dare!”

  Uh-oh. Big mistake. Now I was challenging him, and by the look of things, I had just played into his hands. Time to think of something—quickly.

  Just as Luca reached for me, I shouted, “You can’t; I’m going commando!” Luca stilled, and his glaring lust-filled eyes met mine again. “Oh dear, have I spoiled your plans?”

  Luca smiled cheekily at me, and then turned his attention to Tony. “Tony, go fetch me a blanket from the car.” Tony nodded and immediately about turned and headed for the door.

  “You wouldn’t dare!” I shouted again.

  “You keep saying that, but you know I would, in fact, dare.”

  I huffed. “I’m not going back there for you to lock me up again. I refuse to be your beck-and-call girl.”

  He looked me up and down, and the way his eyes roamed almost made me shudder. “Don’t you know by now that I can do whatever the hell I like?”

  “You’re a fucking arsehole, you know that? And why did your men take Brett away?”

  His glare was back again. “How the fuck do you know his name?”

  I smiled cheekily and swiped my hand across my chest. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  The look of thunder was back. Luca had his hand out as quick as a shot just as Tony came running towards him. No sooner had Luca retrieved the blanket, then I was out of my seat attempting to make a run for it.

  “You’re not getting away from me!” Luca shouted as he grabbed my arm and spun me around like a rag doll.

  Before I knew it, he had the blanket wrapped around me and I was being thrown over his shoulder. I screamed blue murder at him to let me down, but I knew it wasn’t going to get me anywhere.

  “Scream all you want, Clara. No one is coming to help you.”

  In the distance I could see the girls screaming and trying their best to get to me. The problem was that they all had at least one beast to one girl. I was being taken, and there wasn’t a damn thing any of us could do about it.

  “I fucking hate you!” I was beyond mad at him. “You think you’re going to get me into bed, but I refuse you. I’d rather wear a chastity belt for the rest of my life then let you anywhere near me.”

  Luca pushed me over his shoulder even further causing me to huff. “You and I both know that’s not going to happen. The only person—or thing—getting between those legs of yours is me.”

  Luca hauled me into the back of a limo and told the driver to get going. The driver complied straight away and immediately pulled up the partition window to give us more privacy.

  “How do you know I haven’t had someone tonight?”

  Luca stilled for a moment, and the horror in his eyes nearly had me gasping.

  He leaned over and cupped my chin in his hands. “If that is true, then Daniel is a dead man.”

  Trying to calm my erratic breathing, I said, “How do you know it was Daniel?”

  “So you make a habit of letting one man fuck you and then another feel you up all within one night?”

  I shook my head. “You know that’s not true.”

  Luca smiled and trailed his finger along my jaw line. “Then why lie to me? Unless you cared of course. You care enough to tell me you’ve been with someone else just to make me jealous. Do you want me to kill Daniel?”

  “No. Of course not.”

  Luca began a journey with his finger. All the while he was locking his eyes with mine. His intent gaze was beyond hypnotising.

  “Why are you lying to me then?” The one finger then became his whole hand as it wandered around my breast and then down to my thigh. The incoherent drunk squeal that escaped me brought a smile to the smug git’s face. “You may be able to lie to me, but your body never will. It screams at me to touch it.”

  I couldn’t fight it much longer. I pulled his head to my lips and kissed him with everything I had. I was mad as hell at him still, but the anger somehow magnified the lust that was coursing through my veins. I was pissed at him for locking me up. I was pissed at him for leaving me without a word. I was pissed at him for dragging me out of the club. Despite all of my justifiable anger—for some reason—my body just took over, and right then, it was screaming for Luca to touch me. It wanted him as much as the breaths that it took. I was falling into a world of Luca, and nothing and no one else existed.

  Luca pulled away from my lips, causing a growl of complaint from me. He was as breathless as I was, and I knew the need he had for me was just as strong as the need I had for him.

  “You’re going commando?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  His hand made a beeline for my leg as he holstered my skirt up a little. I think my eyes were rolling around the back of head by that point.

  His finger found my entrance, and straight away, he plunged it deep inside me. I gasped as my inner walls tightened around the intrusion.

  “Who does this beautiful pussy belong to?” His voice was commanding as he plunged even deeper. I cried out in pure adrenaline-fuelled bliss.

  I didn’t answer him. I didn’t want to give in to him. I didn’t even think I could talk right then.

  Plunging his fingers in deeper and playing with my clit with his thumb, he asked again, “Who does this belong to, Clara?”

  I moaned in glorious pleasure. My God this was torturous. I so wanted him to give me what I wanted, but at the same time, I was never going to cave in.

  “Who, Clara?” His voice was commanding and so fucking seductive.

  A part of me actually screamed at me to answer that it was his. I just wanted my release as soon as possible. It was past desire by now; it was a crushing need. A need that took me beyond the realms of clarity.

  “Oh God,” I cried, as his magic finger delved deeper
and harder.

  “Clara!” His voice was a frustrated growl.

  Suddenly finding my voice, I shouted back, “I don’t fucking belong to anyone!”

  Big Mistake! His finger was out of me faster than a bullet. “Arsehole!” I shouted—more loudly than I had intended. I didn’t much care, however. He had just brought me to a point of no return and then refused to go the full distance.

  Crashing back in his seat, Luca’s body screamed in disappointment. “You obviously still have a lot to learn.”

  I pointed at my chest. “Me? You’re talking about me?”

  “Yes, you.” Luca gazed out of the window, not once turning to look at me.

  I could have bitten back—I wanted to bite back—but I just couldn’t find the energy. If I was being honest with myself, I was deeply upset that my body was screaming for an orgasm which had never come. I could actually feel the tears welling; I was so consumed by it.

  I didn’t though. I never would. I was determined, even now, to not back down. Clara Murphy was not a quitter, and in my growing lucidity, I realised I was proud of myself for not giving in to him. I was one person that never would.

  The minute the car stopped, I was reaching for the handle and opening the door. I wasn’t hanging around waiting; I was still too pissed at Luca for that.

  “Clara, where are you going?”

  “I’m going to the bar to get a drink.”

  I was halfway through the door when I felt a yank at my arm. Spinning around, I glared at him. “Let. Me. Go.”

  “Wrong answer, amore mio.” Before I knew it I was being hauled over his shoulder again.

  “Luca, you piece of shit, put me down.”

  “Not happening, bella.” He spanked my bottom causing me to yelp.

  “Did you just spank me?!” I screamed.

  Luca chuckled. “You behave like a child, you get treated like one.”

  “You fucking spanked me?”

  He spanked me again. “And I don’t care for language or for that tone of voice either.”

  “What the hell!” I had never in my twenty-six years of life been treated in this manner by anyone. Other than my father of course. The difference was when my dad spanked me, it was out of spite and anger. Luca was doing it as a way of showing me who he thought was boss.

  Once we were back in my room he placed me on the bed and stared at me. I couldn’t tell from his look whether he wanted fuck me or spank me again. Maybe he wanted to do both.

  “I’m not going to talk to you until you’re calm and sober.”

  “How dare you imply that I’m drunk?!” I hiccupped at just the right time to prove his theory.

  Damn it!

  Luca raised a cheeky eyebrow and smiled. “You want to run that by me again?”

  “Why are you so determined to be this barbaric, cavemanic, prehistoric animal?” I hiccupped again. Oh boy!

  “Cavemanic?” He was still smiling.

  “Yeah, ‘cavemanic.’ You think you can control me. I can’t be controlled. How about you do as you’re told and finish off what you started in the car?”

  Still smiling, he waved a finger at me. “Not happening tonight. I want to hear you say the words. Until then, you can stew in your little tower. There’s a lot to be said—especially after the stunt you pulled tonight—but I won’t discuss it with you until the morning.”

  I couldn’t believe it when he turned around and headed out the door. I was momentarily frozen, wondering whether what just happened had truly happened. As soon as I realised it had, I picked up a pillow and threw it at the door in frustration.

  I flopped down on the bed and realised soon enough that no matter what I tried, Luca would always have the upper hand. I hated it with every fibre of my being, but it still didn’t change that fact.

  With a frustrated sigh, I settled down, resigned to the reality that I was here now, and there was nothing much I could do about it. I knew Luca’s leaving me alone like this was his way of teaching me a lesson. Instead of getting angry, I put some music on and proceeded to get ready for bed. He wanted me to get angry, but I refused to give him the satisfaction.

  Releasing my body from my dress and shoes, I ventured into the bathroom to get ready for bed. The whole time I was getting ready, I was taken up by memories of Luca’s hands on me. No matter how much I didn’t want to think about it, I still did think about it. He was fast becoming an addiction I couldn’t shake. Despite my intellectual protests, my body yearned for his touch. He was certainly right about that. It did scream for him. It was screaming for him right then.

  Stripping myself completely bare, I slipped into my lovely sheets and settled myself into my plump pillows. I wanted sleep to find me quickly just so I could stop feeling that ache.

  After a few minutes of tossing and turning, my body finally granted my wish.

  I woke to the sound of drumming. The noise was loud and booming. I turned over and moaned at the uneasy feeling in my head. Oh dear… This is the morning after the night before; it’s no wonder I feel like shit. I think a decaying corpse has decided to make my mouth its resting place. Why am I being punished like this?

  “Good morning, beautiful. How’s your head?”

  Opening one eye, I found Luca staring down at me with his smug, “I told you so” look.

  “I’m fine,” I said through gritted teeth.

  Luca laughed. “Even now, you’re determined to lie to me—to fight me.”

  “Then why don’t you just give up and let me go?”

  Luca looked at me like I had just said the most preposterous thing in the world. “You know that’s not going to happen.”

  Pulling myself up a little, I soon regretted it and moaned my disapproval.

  “Here, I got you some tablets.” Luca sat on the bed and handed me some pills. I took them both as no matter how much I wanted to go against him; it would be stupid of me to ignore the party inside my head.

  I downed them both with the glass of water Luca had in his other hand. He was being gentle with me now, and even though I hated him, I couldn’t help but feel a little bit grateful.

  “Thank you.”

  Luca smiled and stroked my hair. “You’re welcome.” I smiled back and took a deep breath. “Can I talk to you about yesterday now?”

  I moaned. “Do we have to?”

  Luca laughed. “No, I suppose it can wait. I’ll leave you for another hour or so and then bring you up some breakfast, okay?”

  “Okay. That would be nice.”

  Luca left, and I immediately fell back to sleep.

  It was a little less than an hour later when I woke up again to find that Luca was not in the room with me anymore. My head was still a little sore, but it was miles better than it had been. I was feeling so much better in fact that my stomach was growling at me in protest.

  Thinking it best to make myself a little more decent, I decided to brush my teeth and head for the shower. Once dried, I walked back into my bedroom and was shocked to find Luca sitting at the table with a plate of scrambled eggs and toast. Accompanying that was a glass of orange juice.

  Surprised by my nakedness, Luca’s eyes wandered appreciatively over my body, causing my pulse to react. “Please put something over you.”

  I smiled a little. “Why?”

  “Because I don’t think I can stand another minute of looking at you without wanting to grab you and bury myself in you until you scream.”

  My breathing hitched. I could feel the familiar burn between my legs. I was throbbing and wet—and I so wanted him to carry out his threat. “I don’t see how that makes a difference to me.”

  Luca shook his head. “Clara, please. I want to talk to you about last night, and I don’t want any distractions.”

  I could have got angry again, but I was too taken aback by his tone of voice. It sounded very much like he was begging. In mild amusement, I hitched my eyebrow at him.

  “Yes, you got me to beg. Don’t look all smug because that’s the o
ne and only time you’ll hear it.”

  Walking closer to his seat, I sighed. “Really?” His words were like a challenge to me now.

  Turning his head away from me, Luca got up from his chair. He soon returned with a dressing gown and handed it to me. “Yes, really. Now put this on, and come and eat some breakfast.”

  I sighed, realising that I wasn’t going anywhere with this. A part of me wanted an explanation anyway. I was still angry with him for leaving me all day without a single word.

  For once, I behaved and wrapped the robe around me. The toast and eggs were calling to me anyway. Once seated at the table, I started tucking in with relish.

  “Now, tell me why you disobeyed me yesterday?”

  My mouth hung open. “Why I diso—”

  Luca stopped me with his hand. “Don’t start. Just answer the question.

  “How can you say that? You’ve been keeping me prisoner here, and then you left without a word—nothing. I was angry with you for leaving me, and I was angry with you for not explaining to me where you were or what you were doing.”

  Luca smiled. “At last we’re getting somewhere.” I shook my head in frustration. He was still determined to get a rise out of me. “You can deny what you feel for me as much as you want, but you can’t deny it to yourself. You cared about where I was.”

  “I was angry that you left me here. You seem to keep forgetting that you’re holding me prisoner here.”

  Luca smiled. “Who says that you’re a prisoner?”

  I frowned. Did I just hear him correctly?

  “Excuse me?”

  “You can come and go as you please, within reason of course.”

  I laughed. “Are you shitting me?”

  “I shit you not. Has anyone here said you can’t go where you want to? All you have to do is ask.”


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