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Travek's Treasure

Page 1

by Pearl Tate


  Title Page



  About This Book

  CHAPTER ONE - Travek









  CHAPTER TEN - Travek




















  About the Author


  By Pearl Tate

  Copyright © 2019 Pearl Tate

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Book Cover Design by Alena Marie


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  This book is dedicated to my wonderful husband.

  Thanks for putting up with me over the last twenty-four years!



  As a Councilor’s son, I was raised by my uncle to join the Merchant Line on Quasar. I’ve been trained to look for and recognize the profit potential in every situation.

  When Bren found a Human mate from Earth, I saw the possibilities the females there present for the future of Quasar and for my own financial gain.

  As I entered Earth’s atmosphere, I felt my own mate, and all hell breaks loose! I tried to take just her but end up with eight Human females.

  Now, we’ve both been captured. My only hope is to convince our captors—and my mate—to work together to save our species.


  Though I'm attending college far away from my hometown, I'm still reeling from the emotional trauma caused by my freeloading, high school sweetheart. He’s a hard act to follow, and I’m going to make sure my next boyfriend wants me for my sunny personality, not for what I can do for him.

  When I’m sucked into a bright light and confined to a freezing cell, I’m scared to death as I try to figure out what’s going on… and why? I’m one of the most boring, average girls you could ever meet.

  So, why would the government want me? And why do I feel a magnetic pull I can't explain to someone... or something... I've never met before?

  TRAVEK’S TREASURE is the sequel to BREN'S BLESSING (Book One of the Quasar Lineage) and MATTHIAS'S MIRACLE (Book Two of the Quasar Lineage) and AMARI’S ADORED (Book Three of the Quasar Lineage) and DEVLIN’S DARLING (Book Four of the Quasar Lineage) and CALLIM’S CHALLENGE (Book Five of the Quasar Lineage).

  You don't have to read Bren's Blessing, Matthias’s Miracle, Amari’s Adored, Devlin’s Darling or Callim’s Challenge in order to understand the plot, but the story will be more well-rounded if you do!


  - Travek

  “Just how exactly are you planning to grab your mate?” Hannah’s eyebrows rise as she looks at me skeptically. “You did say only your mate, right?”

  Hannah Becker has been on our spacecraft the Discovery for five to six rotations now. It's true, we didn't get along at first—and that was totally my fault. But now, I've been spending time with her daily to educate her on our home world's culture. She's a quick study, and I've enjoyed the interaction with a female. It's extremely rare on Quasar to have female friends.

  Sisters. I have three, but friends? No.

  I hide my personal doubts about my upcoming journey behind a smirk. I don’t have everything figured out, but she doesn’t need to know that. I do only plan to grab mates—plural. It will cost a pretty penny to get your mate too.

  “Of course. What would be the point of grabbing anyone but my mate?” Her nose crinkles as she purses her lips at me. Bren, whose lap she’s sitting on, seems to share her doubt. “Well, let’s consider that for a moment. If I picked up any other females, especially if they’re young and of breeding age, how long do you believe it would be before they encounter their own mates?” Pausing for effect, I wait to see if they argue. “I give it a few days, maybe. Look how fast you two showed your mating marks. Bren said he first noticed them long before you met.”

  Bren’s arms tighten as he nods over her head. “It was a long time ago, although the distance between us kept her from noticing anything.” Previously, they’d discussed with me how they believe when Hannah left the atmosphere of Earth in a spacecraft to Mars, it made Bren able to “sense” her. Of course, it took around three hundred daily rotations for them to meet up. During that time, Bren saw her in his daily reflections.

  “Yeah. I’m not an idiot. It's logical to target the specific clientele looking for a mate. The rich ones!” I laugh as I stand. Rubbing my hands together, I can barely contain my excitement as I stand to leave.

  This is it! I’ll be separating here in the next rotation as the Discovery reaches the next jump point. We’re ready. My crew’s on standby, and the Gazer, our personal family spacecraft, is ready to go. I can fly it with only three crew members, but it also can carry as many as ten including the crew. It even has five stasis chambers for longer space travel. They're a luxury I’ve never utilized.

  Sol and Gilip took some convincing. Not Sol so much since he’s my younger sibling, but Gilip wasn’t buying in at first. We are risking our lives.

  Traveling into Ashen territory is risky. Only about fifty percent of our recorded crafts traveling through their territory are heard from again. The half that makes it never has anything to report. You either don’t see them—or you probably do, but they’re never heard from again.

  “I’m not lying for you to anyone.” Bren’s booming voice doesn’t surprise me. He hasn’t told me how stupid I am. I know out of anyone who's aware what I plan, he can relate the most. After all, he has his mate.

  Finding out that we can experience a mate, even with another species like Humans, is a miracle. So far, there isn't anyone on this spacecraft that I've talked to that isn't envious. To possess your own female, totally yours... it's hard to explain what an amazing concept that is!

  “I don’t expect you to.” I swing back to face them as the door behind me slides open. “Best of luck on Quasar, Hannah.” With a quick salute, I leave their suite and head toward my own.

  "Thanks, Travek. And best of luck to you too. I hope you find what you're looking for." Hannah doesn't sound totally convinced, but it's nice of her to not totally hate me. After all, I'm planning on going to her home planet to kidnap a woman. I think she knows how desperate we all are at this point. She's totally happy wi
th Bren as her mate. Why wouldn't she want that for others?

  I can only hope that everything Hannah and I discussed helps her when she arrives at our home world. We’ve gone over details on all the common protocol and niceties between females I’m aware of. I’ve prepped her on the council members she’ll run into and what I know about them including my mother, Kirley Pelak.

  All the council members govern different aspects of the planet, with our family heading up the merchants and traders. We’re in charge of making sure merchandise, both imports and exports and domestic and foreign, keep running smoothly. It doesn’t matter if that trade comes from the Pelak line, the Coalition members, or pirates off the grid. Our family really doesn’t care.

  My Uncle Reelo has been in charge of heading up the training and operations for as long as I’ve been alive. From the time I was a youth, he’s raised me with one mantra in mind. “How can this be profitable?” His voice rings in my ears regularly with our family slogan.

  Sure, I’m taking a big gamble by making this run into the unknown space around the human planet known as Earth. But the payoff… big. Huge!

  At first, I thought Earth females like Hannah would make great recreation workers. That’s an unheard-of commodity in our society. Not because they wouldn’t be accepted, but because females of our kind are so few and highly coveted. With birth rates so low, every female is claimed.

  As large as the universe is, we’ve never run across any other species so similar to us. I’d say the Sinth is the closest I know of. But with their need for blood sharing, there’s definitely something very different in their physiology.

  Any recreation workers on Quasar are male. That’s fine, but not what everyone wants. When I realized that Human females could physically become mates with our males, I knew they were priceless. Males will pay for that with everything they possess—except their life.

  After all, she will become their life. Look at me. I’m a perfect example.

  I'm required to go back to Quasar soon to join my brothers in the Tapel Line. Half of my eight brothers are promised to them and it’s my turn. I’ve learned how impatient my Ermada has become.

  She’s a half-crazed female over twenty annual rotations older than me—the same age as my mother. At least, my impression is that she’s crazy. She’s just so used to getting what she wants—in everything. But a mate? That puts an end to any family line commitments. Mates can only be with each other.

  I always enjoyed working with and learning from my Uncle Reelo about our family business. But my hobby and favorite pastime is what will make this entire venture work. The payoff is finally here.

  Often, we end up with old spaceships. Pirates and other species fall on hard times, and we have collections of their old junk in our family’s holdings. A couple of my brothers tried to convince my mother to create a museum of antiquities, but she’ll have none of that.

  Instead, most of it's disassembled and taken to the recycling plants. I always try to be involved in this process because of my personal interest in technology and gadgets. Ever since I was a child, I've been interested in why and how things work.

  Two annual rotations ago, I stumbled across some unique technology that intrigued me. The silver box I found in a long-abandoned spacecraft appeared impenetrable, but after some careful study, I gained access. I’ve been tinkering with it ever since.

  Now, it will finally come in handy. The only other person I’ve shown it to is my brother Sol. In fact, I just tested it last week on myself. The transporter's range is still unknown to us, but it definitely works. Sure, it might have killed any biological life when it was used, and I risked my neck to test it—but I was right!

  It knocked me out for a long time after, but it works. And I feel fine. I’m taking a considerable risk using it on my mate if I find her. But what’s the worst that can happen? She’ll die? Unlikely. If we’re compatible to mate, then I’m sure she’ll be fine.

  I’ve tried subtlety to get more information about Earth females from Hannah. She shared their size, weight, and other variables that need to be calibrated into the transporter device. She said it’s general guidelines about them, but that everyone is different. Also, it would depend somewhat on their location on the planet. Now, it really comes down to desperation.

  Once I undergo the mating, I'm not required to go back to Quasar. My crazy Ermada will no longer be able to join with me. I’ll be free!

  And free to take others to find their mates—for a fee, of course.


  - Lisa

  Carefully, I finish arranging the two-inch square brownies into the only basket I have. There's only so much room in the small living space. I’ve lined it with napkins and tried to make it as nice as possible.

  Susan’s waiting in the doorway impatiently. The last hour has been frustrating, so I’ve done what I always do when stress winds me up. I bake.

  Not really baking, since I’m using a hot plate and toaster oven in my dorm room, but the finished product is the same. I’ve meticulously swirled in melted peanut butter on the top of the rich chocolate brownies.

  “My mom called,” I admit to Susan as she shifts again, waiting for me to get my butt in gear. I endure her gaze burning a hole into me as she waits to see if I'll continue.

  “I figured.” Susan’s so in tune with me—like I imagine a sister would be if I had one. She’s even closer than my room mate Stephanie. I’m so thankful she’s right next door sharing a dorm room with Jill.

  “Yeah. She still can’t figure out what my deal is with Charlie, and her harping is getting old.” Throwing on my backpack, I follow her into the hall carrying my precious basket of brownies.

  “Well, maybe it’s time to tell her everything.” Susan pushes the door wide open, so I can keep a tight grip on our brownie basket. They’re still warm, and I hug them to my body as the crisp, fall air cuts through the light coat I wore.

  “Mm,” I grunt noncommittally. She knows what an asshole Charlie was, but my mom doesn’t. It wasn’t worth the drama it all would have inspired at the time. But maybe… maybe it is time?

  Charlie and I grew up together, and he'd been my first everything. My first boyfriend, first kiss, and first lover. Our moms knew each other forever too. They're best friends and loved the fact we’d hit it off so perfectly. I'm sure they had our wedding all planned out.

  Actually, I did too. I loved him. I guess technically, I still have feelings for him. But I don’t love him. I’m not committed to him. And I won’t get back together with him.

  I'm aware of what he needs now though. Why my mom called and was pushing the big sell on getting back with him. He’s flunking out of university!

  She didn't specifically say that. There's a chance she doesn't realize, but she might. I'm not surprised at all, because I always did his work when we were together!

  I definitely enabled him in that part of our relationship. Isn't it amazing how a year apart makes everything come into focus? I never suspected anything at the time.

  He was always so proud of how smart I was. Looking back, I realize that’s because it was helpful to him.

  “Is he even going to make it past Christmas this year?” Susan makes a good point. I told her about how he’s repeating a bunch of classes from last year. It’s a probationary thing with his athletic scholarship.

  “I doubt it. I don’t think I’d hear so much about it if my mom didn’t realize he’d land at the community college soon. His scholarship program is the only way he could afford it there.” Neither of our families could.

  It wasn’t until he took off to college a year ahead of me, dumping me three weeks into the first semester, that I realized what had been going on. He’d used me. For years.

  Yeah, maybe he liked me. And technically, we aren’t married, so I used him too. My senior year of high school was rough, though. We’d been together so long. It felt like I’d lost a limb.

  He barely made it through last year. His football schola
rship almost didn’t get renewed. Our mother’s gossip informed me that he doesn't have another girlfriend. She thinks that’s great, but I know better.

  Oh, no. He doesn’t have “a girlfriend.” He’s playing the field. Literally and figuratively.

  “Don’t cave. You deserve better. Trust me. I know there’s something better out there for you!” Her warm arm around my shoulders reminds me of what a super supportive friend she is.

  Susan's had her own share of hardship in the last couple years, just coming back to school after taking a year off. It's been great to get to know her and help each other by venting our frustrations. Over some great sweets too!

  “I know!” We’re coming up on the old, brick building we meet our study group in. “Don’t worry. I won’t let him back into my heart. I learned my lesson.”

  That isn’t what I’m worried about either. Sure, I won’t ever be with him again. Unfortunately, he’s a hard act to follow.

  He was a perfectly built football player. With sandy-blonde hair and blue eyes, he was a dead ringer for a young Robert Redford. Hot!

  There aren’t many guys who look like that. Or who are built like that. And he treated me wonderfully while we were together. Biding his time? Maybe.

  “I need to find my next perfect heartthrob… someone who makes me swoon!” That’s what Charlie did. No one has made me feel a fraction of what he did. And this is a big campus.

  I’ve met great guys, but my heart wasn’t convinced to accept anyone who wasn’t him—yet. Last year as a senior, I didn't date anyone. This year is so different that I convinced myself I was ready. New school. New guys.

  What I worry about is that no one will ever live up to Charlie's memory. What if I’m destined to be alone because I expect something that will never come? Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

  Susan laughs. “Swoon! How old are you? I assumed swooning is what women did when they wore corsets in the olden days. Wasn’t that just because they couldn’t breathe in those fucking things?”


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