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A Ring of Midnight Orchids: Flowers of the Aristocracy (Untamed Regency Book 3)

Page 12

by Jackie Williams

  “You rang, my Lord?”

  Lucas felt the bile rising in his throat as he spoke.

  “Send for vicar! You know, old Roberts in the village. There is going to be a wedding today!” He declared loudly. “And if you swill, please advise Miss Lancer of the new arrangements and have her meet us in the shap...shapel by the slake, along with yourself and Mrs. Granger. Tha..that sw...will be all,” he slurred his words and bowed lavishly at his own footman.

  Pierce picked up the bottle and took a long swig directly from it as a slightly perplexed Henry bowed his own way out of the room.

  “Had we best change out of our riding gear?” He looked down at himself and brushed away a few blades of grass and hay as he passed the bottle back to his friend.

  Lucas tipped the bottle back and took a long swallow. Damned if he was going to make any special effort. He didn’t want his friend to marry the woman. With a bit of luck she would simply refuse if Pierce looked a complete mess.

  And he did. He had some sort of fancy complicated bow tied in his cravat. It had at least eight flouncy folds and looked utterly ridiculous. It took Lucas several moments to realize that the double bow matched the two heads Pierce now sported.

  He concentrated hard and was slightly aggrieved when the two heads merged back into one, along with the cravat. Blasted thing looked fine now. He waved his hand dismissively.

  “No point in dressing up. No one is going to be there to see us. An...Ang.” He belched loudly and sniggered at the sound before speaking again. “Er? Pardon me! I mean that Ang...hel isn’t going to have time to dress in anything special either. She’ll probably turn up wearing my br...bree...breeches. Might as well remain com...comfortable as we are. Now, we need to sort out those papers.”

  Pierce reached across the desk for a quill, but fell forwards and landed on his nose. He instantly rebounded back upright, rubbing his face as shook himself.

  “Ouch! Did you see that? Blasted desk seemed to leap up at me. Do you have ghosts living in this pile?” He didn’t wait for any answer. “Gad! I’m not sure if I can remember how to write. Not sure I can recall my own name.” At least the shock of hitting his nose had cleared his brain enough to speak clearly. He tried again, and managed to grab hold of the writing implement. The pen twirled of its own volition in his fingers and fell onto the desk, spattering ink over the paperwork. He picked it up again, but couldn’t hold it still, jabbing it straight into his empty brandy glass instead of the nearby inkwell.

  Lucas rolled his eyes, and then wished he hadn’t as one of them felt as though it had become stuck at an odd angle in its socket. He rubbed his eye vigorously, blinking hard to right his vision before reaching out and grabbing the feathered pen.

  “Give it here. If you want a good job done, it seems that you have to do it yourself. Now where do I write?” He scanned the unfolded paper in front of him, but the writing appeared to have transposed itself all over the place.

  Pierce stuck his finger on the paper.

  “Here, and the witnesses sign here. The preacher adds his own sig...sidnat...siganture there when it’s all done.” His tongue misbehaved again. He took another swig from the brandy bottle as he pointed to another space at the bottom of the page.

  Lucas filled in the names with a flourish and peered at the document closely.

  “Perf...perfect!” He didn’t know if it was perfect or not. The brandy had caused him to see quadruple of everything. “Now, what about a ring? I take it you have one with you.”

  Pierce spent the next few minutes patting various pockets.

  “Dash it all! Didn’t even think about it. I don’t appear to have one about me.” He fixed his eyes on Lucas’ right hand. “But I see you are wearing a zignet ring. Perhaps I can bo...borrow it for a while. Just until I am able to provide An...Ang Angelick with one of my own,” he added at Lucas’ reluctant frown.

  Lucas was about to roll his eyes again, but fortunately remembered what happened the previous time he had done it, and refrained. He stuck his finger in his mouth, wetting his skin before easing the ring over his knuckle.

  “I’ll want it back. My grandfather left that to me. It’s an heir...heirloomph.” He passed it to Pierce who wiped it on his breeches and tucked it in his coat pocket.

  “Thank you. You are a true friend. Don’t know what I would do without you.” Pierce dabbed an eye with his handkerchief.

  Lucas grunted and swigged back the last of the second bottle of brandy, gulping on air several times before he realized it was empty. He peered at it closely, shrugged, then tossed it over his shoulder, wincing as it joined the broken glass already shattered in the hearth.

  Pierce uncovered his ears from where his hands had flown at the sound of breaking glass.

  “Cheerzzz!” He crowed loudly.

  Lucas let out a deep sigh and placed his hands on his desk.

  “Right, come along then. We had best make our way to the chapel. Don’t want to keep your prize, er, I mean bride, waiting.” He rose from his chair but immediately sat down again. “Good Lord! Haz the Pul...the Pulveriser arrived already? My legs seem to be missing. I fear that I cannot walk.” His spoke the truth, but he didn’t mind. Anything to put off the dreaded moment.

  Pierce leaned over the desk and peered downwards. He blinked several times, then stabbed the air hopefully before eventually finding his friend’s thighs with a pointed finger.

  “No, they are definitely still there. In fact, you appear to have grown several more of them. Perhaps it’s a good thing. At least you have some spares!” He snorted with laughter as he tried to stand back upright. He managed a few steps and came around the desk, grabbing Lucas by the shoulder as his knees began to buckle.

  Lucas leaned against his friend and wrapped an arm about his waist.

  “This is no good, you know. I don’t usually drink this much, or during the day. Ipfen, er, Ifan...What is the blasted man’s name? Well, whoever! He doesn’t allow me to drink hard liquor.”

  Pierce picked up the papers, stuffing them in his pocket as they stumbled towards the study door. He pulled the handle hard, knocked his shoulder against the frame and fell sideways. He nestled into his friend and rested his head on Lucas’ shoulder.

  “This is all his fault then. Come on. Best fo...foot forward. Don’t want to be sla...late to my own nup...nup...nuptials.” He lifted his foot high into the air, wobbling wildly until he placed it back down. On Lucas’ boot.

  Lucas tried to take a step and promptly fell headfirst into the hallway. He crawled around on his hands and knees until he head-butted the panelling on the opposite wall and clawed his way back to standing. He gave himself a shake, straightened his jacket, and ran his fingers through his already dishevelled hair.

  Pierce harrumphed several times from the opposite side of the hall, straightened his own jacket and his shoulders. They somehow met in the middle of the hallway and linked arms, shoulders rubbing together as they staggered towards the front door.

  “That was Mrs. Granger. Apparently you are to meet Lord Caruthers in half an hour.” Mary came back around the bathing screen, shaking the fresh bath sheet as Angelique stepped from the tub. She wrapped it around her mistress.

  Angelique hugged the soft material to her skin.

  “Really? Oh! He must mean for us to visit the hunting lodge. It is somewhere beyond the chapel. He told me about it, this morning over breakfast and promised that we could ride there.” She finished drying herself and took a robe from the screen. “But what with Lord Trenchard’s arrival and his being so annoyed at both his friend and me, I didn’t think it possible that we would go out again today. At least we hadn’t put my riding outfit to be laundered.” She walked to the chair where the Lucas’ old trousers, shirt, and jacket still lay.

  Mary shook her head.

  “I believe that Henry has asked for the carriage to be brought to the door. Apparently he and Mrs. Granger will be accompanying you.” She frowned for a moment as
if confused, but her expression soon cleared when her mind moved to more important things. “A dress will be far more suitable. You could wear the gorgeous pale pink one. The colour is like the inside of a shell I once saw. So delicate, so refined. And the slippers match perfectly. I have been dying to see the entire ensemble on you.” She opened the wardrobe doors with a flourish.

  Angelique rushed to slide herself between her maid and her clothes, desperate to conceal the creases in the gown where she had tucked it up into her undergarments. She busied herself as she pretended to look at the dresses, easing a toe inside the floor space and pushing the scuffed slippers to the back. She pressed the silks aside considering each one in turn.

  “No. I think I will wear the apple green. It is such a vibrant colour, and the lace at the sleeve so delicate.” She quickly slipped the gown from the hanger and held it to her front, swishing the skirts enticingly.

  Mary pressed her finger to her lips for a moment, but then smiled.

  “You are right. It is lovely, so fresh and light. Altogether more suitable for a trip to a hunting lodge.”

  Angelique remained silent as she slipped on her delicate new under garments, her thoughts straying to the fact that Lucas had chosen each and every beautiful item. Her heart raced. Had he touched the lace, pressed the silk against his cheek. Did it matter now that Pierce was here? She stifled a small sob of disappointment.

  Why had he come back if he was no longer interested? And why hadn’t Lucas objected to the man’s sudden renewed attention. Perhaps he didn’t care as much as she had thought. Though she was sure she had felt...

  No, she must have been mistaken. The lump in Lucas’ trousers was far larger than any images she had seen in her father’s secret library. The pictures of entwined lovers gave the impression that a man’s engorged member would be closer to six inches long than the near ten she was sure she had felt pressing into her spine. Ten inches! She almost laughed at herself. Ridiculous. Lucas couldn’t possibly hide anything so majestic beneath the fabric of his riding breeches. He had mentioned the possibility of footpads and highwaymen. He probably carried a pistol in his trouser pocket at night for just such an eventuality. And he had thought that someone was about to steal his horse. It was surely the answer, for nothing else could possibly feel that long and hard.

  Mary buttoned the back of the beautiful gown and Angelique looked at her reflection in the mirror. With her blonde hair already piled on her head, loose curls brushing against the soft skin of her neck, she hoped that Lucas would like what he saw.

  She slid her feet into the matching slippers and took a wrap for her shoulders.

  “I will have to do.” She smiled, but the smile dropped a fraction as she remembered that Pierce would be on the outing too. Unless he was resting. Her heart lifted again. Yes, after riding half the night and all of the morning, of course he would be resting. She picked up her reticule and walked quickly from the room.

  Chapter Ten

  A Marriage to Remember

  “Of course I am delighted, she is a lovely young woman, but he could have given us more warning. I’ve not even a slice of fruitcake to offer them afterwards!” Mrs. Granger’s agitated tones reached Angelique’s ears. She peered out of the carriage just as Henry opened the door.

  He bowed as he handed her down. The older servants had travelled in an open cart, Mrs Granger looking less than pleased at her mode of transport and the interruption to her day.

  “My Lady. You look radiant!” Henry gushed, a smile of genuine pleasure on his lips.

  Angelique’s cheeks heated at the man’s enthusiastic welcome.

  “Why, thank you Henry. I love the gown too. But, why have we stopped here? Is his Lordship inside?” Angelique asked as she stared at the tiny chapel at the edge of the woods.

  Henry coughed into his gloved hand as Mrs. Granger hurried inside.

  “I imagine he thought this so important that a private gathering would be more special. I believe my master and his friend are waiting for you, my Lady. If you would like to accompany me, I will escort you.” He stuck out his elbow awkwardly.

  Angelique looked up at the ancient arched doorway. Two stone gargoyles stared back down at her, their menacing faces worn soft with years of weather. It was a beautiful building. Small but perfect, nestling at the edge of the forest. It was no wonder that Lucas wanted her to see the place before carrying on to view the hunting lodge.

  She placed a nervous hand on Henry’s arm as they both stepped forwards into the chapel. The light faded rapidly, and for several moments she had blue spots racing about in her vision before she noticed the two broad figures sitting in the front pew. An elderly vicar stood beside them, apparently swaying to the sound of his own humming. He lifted his head and stared at her with watery eyes as she approached on Henry’s arm.

  “Ah! At last! We were waiting for you, though of course it is traditional for the lady to be late.” He whirled around to the front of the chapel but swayed violently, only managing to keep himself upright by hanging onto the end of the pew.

  Angelique stared curiously at the man. A strong smell of wine wafted in the air around him. It mingled with the rich scent of brandy emanating from the pew beside her. She ignored it as she gave a small curtsey.

  “I am sorry for keeping you all waiting. I was only informed a few minutes ago that you were expecting me. I was in my bath when...” She stopped as a sound similar to an irate dog growled around the small room. Lucas stared at her from darkened eyes, but they shifted quickly as the vicar waved his hand about and moved to the front of the church. The man began speaking in a sing-song tone.

  “So if no one has any objections, we can get right along with it. We are gathered here today...” He stopped and frowned as he scratched his balding head. “Er, what exactly are we gathered here today for? Communion? Is it Sunday again already? How time flies, but I am not sure I have any wine left from last week. Large congregation in town last weekend,” he muttered to himself as he bent to look in the font and around the back of the altar. “No, definitely no communion wine. My services are very well attended, you know. Never any left over and I am not sure I ordered more.” The man belched loudly and puffed out his barrel chest. “I am sure you understand.” His cheeks flushed red as he glanced towards Lucas who swayed slightly as he stood up, took an over long stride forwards, and whispered in the man’s ear.

  Lucas tried not to look at Angelique as he took two steps back to his place beside Pierce. He sat down again as her beauty almost burned his soul and he wanted to curse his own bad luck at missing out on such a prize. It was perhaps fortunate that he was somewhat tongue-tied with liquor. Wouldn’t do to cause a scene in church. Very bad form on a dear friend’s wedding day. He nudged Pierce who snored gently in his pew.

  “Wake up, fool. It is time.”

  Pierce merely snorted more loudly and lolled onto his friend’s shoulder, mouth hanging wide, dribble gathering at the corner. Lucas rolled his eyes, fixed the one that became stuck in its socket again, and shrugged as Pierce began to snore in earnest.

  “Do you have the papers?” The vicar spoke loudly over the noise and swayed like a tree in a storm. Lucas jumped from his seat, ignoring the thump of Pierce’s head as it presumably hit the pew. He lunged forwards, managing to catch the front of the vicar’s robes before the man fell backwards over the top of the small altar table. Lucas hauled the man upright before speaking again.

  “They are all here and already signed.” He delved into Pierce’s pocket and pulled out the crumpled sheaf.

  The vicar took the papers, flattened them on the altar, and bent forwards, peering at them closely. Touching his nose to the paper didn’t appear to help with his vision. The man lifted the papers to bring them closer to his face, then squinted one eye as he moved them away again. He tilted them downwards, then back up to catch more light, before giving up, slapping them on a side table and scrawling his name across the bottom.

  “I think that does it. I�
�ll send you the bill next week.” He belched again before wandering towards the aisle.

  Lucas reached out and stopped him.

  “Hang on! Aren’t there meant to be some ‘I do’s’ and ‘obeying,’ and ‘fornicating,’ or some such. I’m certain Daisy said something like that when she and Portland did the deed a couple of years back.”

  Roberts spun around again.

  “Oh yes. I knew we had missed something. Well, we can forsake the wine. I believe that is what you meant. Fornicating would be most difficult with wine.” He blinked blearily at Lucas’ eagerly nodding head before turning back to Angelique. “Did you say, I do?”

  A thoroughly perplexed Angelique narrowed her eyes.

  “I do?” She questioned. Looking between the three clearly drunk men.

  The vicar didn’t respond except by turning to Lucas.

  “Do you?” He waited expectantly.

  Lucas frowned.

  “Do I?” He tried to follow the conversation, but had already forgotten exactly where he was, and why he was there.

  Roberts beamed delightedly.

  “You do!” He declared.

  Lucas beamed back at the man’s infectious smile. At least one person seemed to know what was going on.

  “I do? Well, if you say so.” He shrugged as he suddenly recalled why there were there. “Ah yes! Pierce! Wake up!” His heart sank again. Blast! He wished he hadn’t remembered. He held up a finger. They had missed something. “And what about obying, er, obeying? Doesn’t she have to do that too?” He clarified. Might as well get it right if they were going to do it.

  “She does!” Roberts turned an expectant look on Angelique.

  More confused than ever, Angelique tilted her chin up at Lucas.

  “I must obey?”

  Lucas nodded solemnly. Lord, she looked lovely in that apple green. Something began to crush his heart, but he couldn’t stop this now. It was too late.

  “I am afraid that you must. And you must prom...promise to...” He couldn’t finish, his words suddenly feeling as though they were choking him.


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