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Fateful Choices: Ten Decisions That Changed the World, 1940-1941

Page 87

by Ian Kershaw

  Soviet Union and

  Bastianini, Count Giuseppe, Italian ambassador to London

  meeting with Halifax

  Bastico, General Ettore

  ‘Battle of Britain’

  Beaverbrook, Lord, Minister of Supply

  Beck, General Ludwig, resignation

  Belgian army, numbers rescued from Dunkirk

  Belgium capitulation

  German invasion of

  near defeat

  Below, Nicolaus von

  Belzec extermination camp

  Bergen-Belsen concentration camp

  Beria, Lavrenti, head of Soviet State Security

  and intelligence reports

  Bessarabia (Romania) see also Romania

  Bolshevism, equated with Jewish rule

  Boothby, Robert, MP

  Borah, William E., US Senator

  Boris, king of Bulgaria

  Bottai, Giuseppe, Italian Minister of Education

  Bötticher, General Friedrich von, German embassy in Washington

  Boulogne, fall of

  Brauchitsch, Field Marshal Werner von

  Brest-Litovsk, Treaty of (1918)


  British Empire

  Far East

  German naval plans for

  Hitler’s view of

  British Expeditionary Force (BEF) expectation of losses

  numbers rescued

  retreat to Dunkirk

  British Somaliland

  Brjansk, German encirclement of

  Brocke, Wolfgang

  Bühler, Dr Josef

  Bukharin, Nikolai

  Bukovina, northern


  Bullitt, William, US ambassador in Paris

  Bunkichi Ito, Count

  Burckhardt, Carl, Swiss Commissioner to League of Nations


  Butler, R. A.

  Cadogan, Sir Alexander, Foreign Office

  on likely capitulation of France



  Canary Islands

  Cape Verde Islands

  Caporetto, Italian defeat at (1917)

  Carls, Admiral Rolf

  Cavagnari, Admiral Domenico, chief of Italian naval staff

  Century Group, and military aid to Britain


  Chamberlain, Houston Stewart

  Chamberlain, Neville

  and approach to Mussolini

  enmity with Lloyd George

  fears for French defeat

  and need for American support

  as Prime Minister, appeasement

  on public mood (May 1940)

  support for Churchill

  and unreadiness for war

  Channel Islands

  Chelmo, gas chambers

  Chiang Kai-shek, Chinese nationalist leader

  American support for

  Japanese attempt to cut supplies to

  and Japanese–American negotiations

  Soviet support for

  and war with Japan

  Chicago, Democratic Convention

  Chicago Tribune


  America and

  anti-Japanese feeling


  ‘Open Door’ principle (1917)

  war with Japan (1894–5)

  western support for

  see also

  Chiang Kai-shek; Japan, war with China

  Chinchow, bombing

  Churchill, Winston

  address to Cabinet (28 May)

  advocate of alliance with France and Soviet Union

  and approach to Italy

  and British ability to resist Germany

  on case for Italian neutrality

  character and career

  determination ‘to go down fighting’

  and Iceland

  and Lloyd George

  meeting with French leaders in Paris

  ‘never surrender’ speech

  and Norway campaign

  opposition to appeasement

  as Prime Minister

  relations with Chamberlain

  Churchill, Winston–cont.

  and Soviet Union

  speech on (22 June 1941)

  and Stalin

  and United States: and appeal to

  correspondence with Roosevelt

  and deal on destroyers

  hope for active support from

  and lend-lease deal

  meeting with Hopkins

  meeting with Roosevelt (August 1941)

  and visit of Welles

  view of risks entailed in negotiations

  see also

  War Cabinet

  Ciano, Count Galeazzo, Italian Foreign Minister

  agreement to intervention

  Albania as ‘grand duchy’ for

  and blame for Greek disaster

  and fall of France

  influence on Mussolini

  meetings with Hitler

  and Pearl Harbor

  reluctance to enter war

  view of Britain

  and war on Greece

  Cohen, Benjamin, assistant to Roosevelt

  Cold War

  Colville, John, private secretary to Churchill

  Comintern (Third Communist International)

  Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies

  see also

  Century Group

  Communist Party, Soviet Union

  Compiègne, Franco-German armistice at

  Corbin, Charles, French ambassador to London




  Cripps, Sir Stafford, British ambassador in Moscow

  Croatia, Mussolini’s ambitions for

  Czechoslovakia German invasion (March 1939)

  Soviet Union and

  Sudetenland ceded to Germany

  treaty obligations to


  Daladier, Édouard, French Minister of Defence

  Dalton, Hugh, Minister for Economic Warfare

  Dannecker, Theo

  Danube, as Italian sphere of influence

  Davies, Joseph E., assistant to Hull


  collective agreement of British War Cabinet

  effect of public opinion

  ideological fixations

  influence of bureaucracy

  in Italy


  and nature of governments

  in Nazi regime

  pressures on

  significance of personalities

  in United States

  use of intelligence

  decisions, and alternatives


  Great Britain



  Soviet Union

  United States

  Dekanozov, Vladimir, Soviet ambassador to Berlin

  Denmark, German invasion of

  Dieckhoff, Hans Heinrich, German ambassador in Washington

  Dimitrov, Georgi, Comintern

  disarmament, policy of

  Disarmament Conference (1932–3)

  Djibouti, French Somaliland

  Dollfuss, Engelbert, Austrian Chancellor

  Dönitz, Admiral Karl 384, 409

  Dooman, Eugene H., US embassy in Tokyo

  Dowding, Air Chief Marshal Hugh

  Dreyfus, Alfred

  Dunkirk evacuation of

  retreat to

  Durazzo, port of

  Dutch East Indies

  Japanese ambitions in

  Japanese attack on

  Earle, George, Governor of Pennsylvania

  East Africa

  economy, world

  see also individual countries

  ; Wall Street

  Eden, Anthony

  Edison, Charles, US Naval Secretary

  Edward VIII, King (Duke of Windsor)


  British forces in

n offensive against

  Eichmann, Adolf

  and deportation of Jews

  and Wannsee Conference

  Elizabeth, Queen

  Epirus, Greece

  Erbach-Schönberg, Prince Viktor zu, German ambassador in Athens



  Far East ABCD powers

  European and American interests in

  Japanese ambitions in

  and Washington Nine Power Treaty (1922)

  see also

  China; Indochina; Japan; Philippines

  Farinacci, Roberto, Fascist leader in Cremona

  Fascist party (Italy)

  Fascist Grand Council

  relationship to state

  splits in

  and support for war


  ‘Winter War’

  First World War

  America and

  German invasion of Russia

  Italy in

  Jews blamed for

  postwar settlement

  Fiume, ceded by Yugoslavia to Italy (1923)


  appeals to America for arms

  armistice terms

  on brink of defeat


  Italian territorial demands

  and Mussolini

  possibility of approach to

  unilateral appeal to

  treaty obligations to Czechoslovakia

  see also

  Free French; French army; French navy

  France, Vichy

  Franco, General (Francisco Franco Bahamonde)

  meeting with Hitler

  and Spanish neutrality

  François-Poncet, André, French ambassador in Rome

  Frank, Hans, Governor General of Poland

  and gas chambers

  and Wannsee Conference

  Free French, in Africa



  French army

  numbers rescued from Dunkirk

  and retreat to Dunkirk

  French colonial empire

  French Equatorial Africa

  French navy

  British destruction of fleet at Mers-el-Kebir

  Frentz, Walter, Hitler’s cameraman

  Frick, Wilhelm, Reich Minister of Interior

  Fricke, Rear-Admiral Kurt, Naval Warfare Executive

  Fritsch, Theodor

  Fukudome Shigeru, Japanese naval Operations Division

  Funk, Walther, Economics Minister

  Fushimi Hiroyasu, Prince, Japanese army chief of staff

  Gaulle, General Charles de, and Free French


  Armenians (1915)

  see also


  George VI, King

  German army Hitler’s control over

  leadership’s view of war in west

  organizational structure

  preference for Mediterranean offensive

  view of war with Russia

  German colonies, former

  German navy

  and invasion of Britain

  Naval Warfare Executive

  preference for Mediterranean offensive

  strategic preferences

  and territorial annexation



  anti-American propaganda

  desire for empire

  development of dictatorship


  incursion into Rhineland (1936)

  international perceptions of

  intervention in Greece

  invasion of Poland

  and Italy

  effect of fiasco in Greece on

  offer of troops in north Africa

  threat in Balkans

  and Japan

  effect of Pearl Harbor on

  Japanese expectation of victory

  Japanese negotiations with America

  and role of

  Tripartite Pact with

  and killing of Jews: antisemitism

  Nuremberg Laws

  role of Einsatzgruppen

  secrecy of decision

  and League of Nations: membership


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