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Loved by the LumberJacks_A MFMMMM Reverse Harem Romance

Page 11

by Sierra Sparks

  “Look, do we really need to do this?” Lila asked Tanner. “I don’t know what your problem is, but can you just leave me alone? We were having a nice time until you walked in. Most people don’t suddenly start talking to people eating in a restaurant.”

  “Please, baby,” Julie begged. “Let’s just go sit down.”

  “Okay,” said Tanner innocently. “Far be it for me to get involved with two star crossed lovers as one of them cheats or not. I don’t know. I was just trying to warn my friend, Ash, that his girlfriend gets around.”

  That was more than I could take. I stepped forward, but Lila immediately slid to the edge of the booth. She put her hand against my stomach, between me and Tanner. Tanner grinned devilishly, happy to have finally set me off. The room went quiet as well. The people in the room were now paying attention to the confrontation. Julie shifted uneasily.

  “Whoa, tense,” laughed Tanner. “If you’re not careful, you’ll prove to everyone in this room just what kind of guy you really are.”

  Tanner leaned forward, pleased with himself.

  “Do want to do that? Go ahead. Prove to everyone that you’re an animal,” he whispered sinisterly. “No? You sure. In that case, no sense in just standing here. Hey, tell you what, a round of drinks for everyone!”

  The room cheered Tanner. He had money to throw around like that. He did so, not because he derived any joy from being nice to other people, but in hopes of making me feel small. I didn’t. If he wanted to make empty gestures with his money, that was his business. Hell, for him, that kind of expense wasn’t even real.

  “C’mon people.” Tanner said to the room. “Let’s turn this place on. Let’s have a real party. Let’s crank up the music with a little country rock! You wanna help me out there bartender?”

  The bartender, happy to have the sudden influx of income, obliged him and turned up the music. It also noticeably shifted from light background music to louder, hard driving country rock. Tanner had completely shifted the vibe of the room to his command. I didn’t want to finish the date like this. The room wasn’t intimate anymore.

  “Let’s go get our table, baby!” Tanner shouted to Julie over the music. “Now it’s a party.”

  He looked me in the eye when he said that as if to say, “Fuck you, Ash. This is my town and I control it.” In a small way, he actually did. It’s amazing what money can do for people.

  “Lila, do you mind if we go?” I said. “I can’t stay here.”

  “Seems a shame to waste all this food,” she said. “I don’t mind though.”

  I threw some bills on the table to cover the check and tip.

  “I need to get some air,” I announced. “I’ll meet you at the truck.”

  “Okay,” she said. “I’ll get the server to wrap this.”

  I had to get outside. I wanted to explode. After I got into the truck, sure no one could see or hear me, I cursed a blue streak. I found myself punching the steering wheel and grinding my teeth. Tanner made me furious and worse, he had forced me to tell the story of my shame. I was in such a good mood and he had utterly soured it. For that alone, he was a son of a bitch.

  But the bottom line was, I had wronged Tanner. It was an accident and he certainly exaggerated things, but it was my fault. He couldn’t let it go. He couldn’t forgive me. It just wasn’t in his heart. He’d rather torture me like this. The only thing that would satisfy him was that he’d buy Barrett mountain and drive my family out of the region forever.

  “That’s never gonna happen,” I said to myself looking in the mirror.

  “What’s never gonna happen?” asked Lila who was suddenly standing at the open door of the truck with a bag of containers of food. “Are you okay Ash? C’mon, talk to me.”

  “Fuck,” I muttered. “Sorry, I just– Tanner has a way of pushing my buttons. C’mon, get inside the truck. I want to show you something.”

  “You’re gonna tell me the whole story, right?”

  “Yeah, absolutely. Just give me the drive to process a little.”

  I drove out to the old high school and parked the truck near the field where it all happened. As I pulled up, I could hear the faded screams of the football fans. My old classmates running across the field, including Tanner. We were so young and it was ages ago, but it seemed like it had happened just last year.

  “Is this your high school?” asked Lila.

  “Yeah, all the Barrett boys attended here,” I explained.

  “Tanner too?” she asked.

  “No,” I explained. “He lived in a district down the highway. Their school had a bear for a mascot. Ours was an eagle.”

  “Tanner was on a rival team,” said Lila understanding. “Football, I assume.”

  “Yeah, it was the final game of our season,” I explained. “Tanner was really good. There were rumors that some pretty big colleges were interested in recruiting him. Who knows? Maybe he could’ve gone pro.”

  “But he got injured,” said Lila piecing it together. “By you.”

  “I just blocked him,” I explained. “That was it. He was trying to sidestep and I went into him. His knee buckled the wrong way. I heard the snap. It was bad. He was in a lot of pain. They had to take him out in an ambulance. The look he gave me. He wanted to kill me that day.”

  “And that’s why he’s always walking with the cane,” said Lila. “Must’ve been a pretty bad break.”

  “That’s the thing, it wasn’t,” I insisted. “After he got better, he hardly limped, but then a few years ago, he started walking with the cane. Said the injury came back on him. Said I ruined his life.”

  “Well, you didn’t,” insisted Lila.

  “I kinda did,” I said. “He couldn’t play football anymore. No college scholarship. His life could’ve been totally different.”

  “Looks like he’s doing okay for himself. He owns a mountain and a ski resort and won’t shut up about it.”

  “But I did ruin his life. It was my fault he got injured.”

  “It’s football,” said Lila. “That’s the risk you take when you play the game. You’re both men and that was years ago. He’s got to learn to get over it.”

  “How would you feel if your dream was shattered and the guy responsible lived down the road from you? It was one moment in a million, but it changed our lives forever. He’s never let me forget it and he hasn’t moved on. How could he?”

  “Ash, you have to stop blaming yourself. Tanner needs to grow up. Life isn’t always fair. There’s a million ways he could’ve gotten injured and there’s no way of knowing that his life would’ve been any better.”

  “I don’t know,” I countered. “People say that, but I feel like all these years I’ve just been whitewashing the story to make myself look good. Maybe I wanted him to get hurt. Maybe I was jealous of him and–“

  “Ash,” said Lila, taking my hands and looking into my eyes. “This isn’t you. Stop feeling sorry for yourself. No one deserves to have bad things happen to them, but sometimes it happens.”

  “I guess.”

  “No, it’s true. Tanner just wants someone to blame his problems on and you’re a convenient scapegoat. My dad robbed a bank to try to raise the money for my college tuition.”

  “Are you serious? Oh, my God.”

  “Right? It’s nuts,” she said sadly. “The worst part is, he blamed the college for making the tuition so high. He couldn’t take responsibility for his bad decision to rob a bank. I would go visit him and it was like– Like the bank, the college and life conspired to make him make that decision. He talked that way all the way up until he died in prison.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “That’s terrible.”

  “Yeah and the worst part? He was a really nice guy. Really smart. He could’ve done something with himself, but he couldn’t stop blaming everyone else for his problems,” she explained. “Trust me, if you weren’t here, Tanner would blame someone else for his misfortunes.”

  “He was a jock, though. It was his w
hole life,” I explained.

  “So what? You were a jock and it was your whole life for a while. Then you moved on. He needs to do the same.”

  “You think?”

  “Sure. The guy’s a jerk and that’s by choice,” she explained. “I blamed Annie for stealing Bradley away from me, but you know what? Bradley wasn’t worth keeping in the first place.”

  “That’s not the same thing. It’s not your fault your boyfriend cheated.”

  “I saw the signs and I ignored them and I blame them even after it was over,” she explained. “When I was driving away, I wasn’t trying to escape just them, I was trying to escape myself and my problems. That’s what people do sometimes.”

  “Well, he cheated on you,” I pointed out. “That’s something I would never do.”

  “I know,” she said. “And that’s what I love about you and your brothers. You’re very genuine, you don’t put on airs– I never felt so close to a group of people as I feel towards you and your brothers.”

  “You really mean that?” I found myself asking.

  “Yes, I do,” she said. “Bradley didn’t love me. I don’t even think he liked me now that I think about it.”

  “Man, I was ready to punch out Tanner back at the restaurant,” I admitted. “I just want him to leave me alone, but he can’t.”

  “That’s his problem, not yours.” she insisted. “Guys like him can’t take responsibility for anything. No one forced him to play football or told him to make that move. He doesn’t know he would’ve had a better life. Maybe it would’ve been worse! Who knows?”

  “Yeah, but he thinks that,” I said.

  “Who cares what he thinks? Let him think whatever and we’ll just live our lives,” said Lila. “I mean, I was at the end of my rope when I knocked on your door. Honestly, if Alder hadn’t answered, I don’t know what I would’ve done. I probably would’ve died walking back down the mountain in the dark.”

  “You were crazy to drive up the mountain in the winter,” I said. “Jesus, in a car like that. You really could’ve died.”

  “I thought I was on the mountain with the ski resort,” she repeated, slightly annoyed. “There’s no signal up here for the GPS, but anyway, I did. My car got destroyed, but I met all of you. You just have to take life as it comes. It’ll work out somehow.”

  I looked at Lila. In some ways, I greatly underestimated her. When she drove to our cabin, I kind of thought she was a bit of a ditz. Sexy, intriguing, but ditzy. Behind those beautiful eyes, there was some real wisdom. I guess it was all the hardship she had to endure. It has seasoned her like a piece of fine wood.

  “You’re kind of staring at me,” she smiled. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. I’m glad you drove up the mountain that day,” I said smiling. “And you’re right about Tanner. He needs to move on with his life and so do I. I guess I just feel bad for him in a way and blaming myself was a way to atone. But you’re right, that’s not doing either one of us any good.”

  “Of course, I’m right. He needs to leave his pain behind. You should do the same. Look at the great business and life you and your brothers have built. You carry on a great legacy. Be proud.”

  “I’ll try. Might take some time for me to really get past it. I’ve been beating myself up over this for years.”

  “Stop beating yourself up, you’re a handsome man,” she said trying to lighten the mood. “I don’t want that pretty little face of yours getting banged up.”

  “You think I got a pretty face, huh?” I smiled.

  “It’s pretty when you smile,” she said.

  “I prefer your face. You’ve got the pretty smile.”

  “Oh, yeah? Bring that pretty face over here.”

  We kissed lightly. Then we embraced and kissed more passionately. Both of us became a bit overcome. I had never felt so close to a woman before. I felt that I had bared my soul to her and she had healed me in some way. In that moment, I knew I would do anything for her. Absolutely anything. She was my world.

  “You’re so soft, Lila,” I said. “Your skin is so smooth.”

  “I love your rough, hairy face on me,” she said. “Put it all over me.”

  Her moist, hot tongue was in my mouth and mine was in hers. Her mouth tasted fresh and a little like steak. We each pulled off our jackets so our bodies could be a little closer against one another. I touched her breast over her clothes and she touched my chest. Then I was kissing her neck and nibbling her ear lobe.

  “Oh, yes,” she whispered breathless. “Kiss me, Ash. Put your hands all over me.”

  I started unbuttoning the top buttons of her shirt while kissing her neck. It was hard to do without looking, the buttons were so tiny in my fingers. Eventually, I got enough off that I could touch her breast over her bra. She jumped into my lap and started grinding me through our clothes. I could feel the erection in my pants.

  “God you smell I amazing,” I said, gasping a little. “You taste better than the steak.”

  She laughed a little and unbuttoned my shirt. I could feel her hands go under my shirt and rub my chest. I reached through her shirt and unbuttoned her bra. The bra fell away and her magnificent breasts were exposed. I immediately start touching them. The nipples began to get hard.

  “Oh, yeah, that’s it,” she moaned. “All you for you, Ash. Touch my tits, please.”

  I started kissing her breasts and putting her nipples in my mouth. I flicked them with my tongue and she made noise of pleasure. My dick was rock hard and she continued to press up against me.

  “Yeah, you like my titties? Mmm!” she moaned. “I’m getting so wet.”

  “You’re getting wet?” I asked. “Let me feel how wet you’re getting.”

  My hand moved down and rubbed her inner thighs. I teased her a bit and readjusted her seating. I wanted to be able to go deep inside her pussy with my fingers. I felt warm box over her panties. They were a little damp and she wasn’t kidding.

  “Oh, God,” she said, her voice wavering. “Oh, what you’re doing to me. Don’t stop please. Touch my wet little pussy.”

  I slowly slid my hand underneath her panties. I could feel the light bit of public hair above her vagina. I slowly brought my fingers down to the warm moist part of her crotch. Then I gently pulled back, which lifted the hood of her clit.

  “God,” she gasped. “Yes!”

  My fingers moved down again and I slowly started to insert my finger into her wet, hot hole. Her eyes were closed and she gasped in pleasure.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Do it to me. Make me cum, baby.”

  “I wanna make you cum, baby,” I whispered back. “You cum all over my hand.”

  Slowly I started to move my finger in and out of her pussy. I got a little deeper each time I pushed in. Then I pulled out and rubbed her pussy lips and teased her clit. I could feel her pussy getting wetter with each touch.

  “Yes, more, please.” she begged. “Put it in me. Do it to me!”

  “That’s it, yeah,” I said. “You’re so hot and wet down there.”

  I stuck my finger in. She was soaking wet now and my finger easily slid in past the knuckle and beyond. I started finger fucking her hot twat with one finger, while playing with her clit using my thumb. Now she was in heaven, grinding on my hand, while trying to open her legs as much as the cramped space in the truck would allow.

  “Aw, that’s it. Finger fuck me.” she gasped. “Fuck me with your fingers, baby. Do it!”

  After I slowed down and pulled out a bit, I insert two fingers going back in. She grabbed my chest and gasped, as if to steady herself. Her eyes were closed and her face was an expression of pure pleasure. My erection was so hard, it was actually starting to hurt cramped in my jeans. God, I wanted to fuck this woman so bad.

  “Oooo, yeah,” she moaned. “Just like that. Don’t stop. Faster!”

  “God, I want to fuck you so bad.” I growled. “I love your hot pussy juice all over my fingers.”

  I rapidly m
oved my hand in and out of her dripping snatch. With each thrust of my hand, the pussy got wetter and wetter. She moaned more and more. He voiced started to get higher pitched, like she was reaching a climax.

  “Oh, shit. Yeah!” she squealed. “Oh, God! I can’t– I’m losing control! It’s so good. Don’t stop baby.”

  “Cum for me, baby. Cum hard.”

  My fingers were going nonstop in and out of her. It was all I could do to keep from getting cramped, but I wanted her first orgasm with me to be an explosion. She was clearly headed that way. I could feel it building up inside her. She was grinding on my fingers, even as I was pushing them in and out.

  Finally, she came.

  “Oh, God. Holy shit. Oh, fuuuuuuck!” she hollered.

  Water gushed out of her pussy in a torrent and her body spasmed with the orgasms. She was now doing most of the work. I held my fingers taught as she grinded the walls of her vagina on them. The warm hot liquid ran down my pants and soaked in them and on the truck seat. I feel myself cum a little in my jeans, but I held back.

  “Oh, my God, that was incredible.” she said breathless. “I’ve never cum so hard. I’m like dizzy from the experience. Jesus Christ.”

  “I’m gonna make you cum like that all the time, baby,” I promised her.

  I lifted my hand up. It was soaked with her juices. I started licking my fingers.

  “Aw, you taste so good, baby,” I said licking. “I love the taste of your sweet pussy.”

  “I can tell you do,” she said, touching my cock through my jeans.

  “I have to ask you something. Something real, no bullshit. I don’t want there to be any bullshit between us,” I said seriously.

  “No, of course not,” she said kissing me. “You can ask me anything.”

  “Do you want to be with all of us?” I asked. “All five. Now, I know it’s not conventional, but the brothers and I talked about it. We all think you’re an incredible person and that we’d be fools to let you go.”

  “I like the idea,” she said slightly hesitant. “I have to admit the idea had crossed my mind. It is unconventional.”


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