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Loved by the LumberJacks_A MFMMMM Reverse Harem Romance

Page 84

by Sierra Sparks

  This unfortunately made me think even more of Chrissy, and how she was a hot college chick…and one I wanted to have as my own, badly. I’d have to make sure to keep her away from Chad and Steve.

  I text Chad back after a couple of minutes. Sure, I’ll meet you there in half an hour. Can’t wait.

  I sat at my desk for a few minutes more, finishing up the initial paperwork I’d have to present to the human resources department tomorrow. Then I showered and shaved, and put on a pair of jeans and a button down collared shirt. I looked one last time in the mirror at my reflection before heading out.

  Chrissy and I would look good together. I was tall with dark hair and she was short, voluptuous, and had blonde hair. We were the perfect yin and yang couple.

  Maybe if I had sex with her I could get it out of my system. I jumped in my car and sped down the highway with the windows down, relishing the warm summer breeze.

  A few minutes later I parked the car and walked into the bar. The sound of loud classic rock filled my ears and the smell of beer and wings filled my nostrils. In the distance, in the far back of the bar, I could hear the clink of pool balls.

  “Adam!” I heard someone call my name and looked to my right. Sitting at the bar were Chad and Steve, waving me over.

  “What’s up man?” They both greeted me with a handshake and a slap on the back. “Long time no see!”

  “Pull up a chair.” Chad scooted down a few inches.

  “Thanks,” I said and joined them.

  “It’s great to see you, dude.” Steve grinned. “Glad you could come out, what with the new job and all. Figured you’d already be deep into the all-work-and-no-play routine.”

  “Yeah,” Chad said. “We thought you’d be sitting at your computer putting the final touches on your first six proposals or something.”

  “That’s pretty much what I’ve been doing,” I said, laughing at how well they knew me. “It’s great to get some fresh air and socialize.”

  “I heard you are going to be a big shot working for Gary Monroe.” Chad raised his glass in my direction.

  “You heard correct,” I said and ordered a draft.

  “Damn, man, you’re really moving up in the world.”

  “Well what about you guys, opening up your own accounting firm? That’s pretty hot shit too.”

  “Yeah.” Steve and Chad high fived each other. “It’s been pretty rad actually.”

  “That hits the spot,” I said, taking the first drink of my beer. “It’s been a stressful week. How come you guys weren’t at Jack’s going away party yesterday?”

  Steve and Chad exchanged glances. Then Chad laughed ruefully. “Yeah, we were not invited to that,” he said. “See, one of our new clients—”

  “One of our biggest new clients,” Steve corrected.

  “—is Cartwright A&C—“

  “Oh, shit.” I understood instantly. Cartwright was a major competitor of Monroe in California, and even though they were based in Sacramento, they had been making major inroads into the LA market.

  I took another swig of beer. “That’s stupid, though. That’s business. Our friendship with Jack is personal.”

  Chad snorted into his beer, and Steve shook his head. “Oh, naïve young Adam,” he said pityingly. “For Gary Monroe, business is about as personal as it gets.”

  Damn. They weren’t wrong, of course. All the more reason to stay away from Gary Monroe’s delicious daughter.

  I grimaced and took another swig of beer. I didn’t even want to pursue that line of conversation. I let my eyes wander around, appreciating the view from the bar.

  “God bless the summer time,” Steve said, leaning casually, but enough to give him a good view of some fine co-ed asses. The crop tops, short shorts, and heels of almost every woman in the bar was, indeed, a gift from above.

  “Wait a minute,” I said and pointed. “That’s Chrissy.”

  “Drill Sergeant Monroe’s daughter?” Chad let out a laugh that sounded more like a snort. “Trust me; keep it in your pants, dude. That bitch is trouble with a capital T. You don’t want to get mixed up with her─especially if you’re going to be working for her father.”

  “Don’t call her a bitch.”

  Chad held up her hands. “Figure of speech, dude. I just meant she’s trouble. My bad.”

  I kept Chrissy and her party in the corner of my eye, but turned toward Chad. “Why do you say she’s trouble?”

  Steve guffawed. “Hah! Because she turned him down cold!”

  I turned back fully in their direction. That was interesting.

  “Did she?”

  “Yeah,” Chad said, shaking his head. “But only after Jack threatened to use my ass to swab the decks on his aircraft carrier. And then her dad tried to ruin our business. So, by the time she got around to rejecting me, I was already running for the hills.”

  “Pussy.” I sneered at him with fraternal humor. But Chrissy deserved more than an accountant who was that easily intimidated.

  I turned my attention back toward her. I didn’t think she’d seen me yet. She was sitting with a group of friends. I only recognized the one, Raina, because she’d been around a lot when I used to practically live at the Monroe house.

  She was animatedly telling a story while all the girls around her paid attention and laughed from time to time.

  “I think I’m going to go say hi,” I said and stood up.

  “Are you kidding me dude? Did you not just hear me?” Chad said and threw his arms up in exasperation.

  “Yeah, I heard you,” I said absentmindedly.

  I walked over to Chrissy’s table, almost entranced. It had to be some sort of sign from the universe that she was here right now—about ten seconds after I’d been warned away. I mean, what were the chances of us showing up at the same bar, on the same night? Los Angeles was a big city, it had to be fate. And I was never one to believe in fate or signs from the universe, but I sure felt the magnetic draw toward her right now.

  “Hey Chrissy.” I stood next to her and smiled with my hands in my jeans pockets. “Sorry to interrupt girl’s night.” I flashed a smile while all her friends stared at me with their mouths gaping open. “I just wanted to say hi.”

  Chrissy stared at me in disbelief. “Um, hi Adam!” She grinned, obviously taken aback by my presence, but the sparkle in her eyes told me she didn’t mind.

  We stared at each other for a moment or two and then Chrissy broke the trance. “Um, would you like to join us?” She offered me an empty seat next to their table. “We can scoot over to make room for you.”

  “Well, I’m actually here with some of my guy friends,” I said and pointed over to Chad and Steve who were not even pretending to be remotely subtle from their stares in our direction.

  “Oh, yeah, Steve and Chad.” Chrissy smiled, but I thought she maybe looked a little disappointed. A guy could hope, right? “Well, maybe next time.”

  “Unless, maybe we could all come over and put two tables together?”

  “That sounds great.” Chrissy bounced in her chair. I noticed one of her friends tried to protest but she was shot down by glares from her friends. Chad and Steve were attractive guys and they were single to boot.

  I jogged over to the bar and retrieved Chad and Steve, who were thrilled to sit next to a flock of hot chicks.

  I sat down next to Chrissy and she beamed. “Hi again,” I said. I was trying to be cute, but it probably came out awkward.

  “Hey you.” She bumped her shoulder against mine. “How weird is it that you are here tonight?”

  “I know,” I laughed. “It’s a crazy coincidence.”

  “Or is it maybe something else? Like fate?” Her expression was filled with daring energy.

  “You might call it that,” I said softly, completely captivated by her feminine sexy presence. I wasn’t kidding—this whole night felt like it had been arranged for Chrissy and me to be here together.

  “So is this what Adam Gardner does for fun?” sh
e said, biting her lip. “Goes drinking with the guys?”

  “Actually, not really.” I laughed. “Chad and Steve invited me out and I figured it would be a nice way to unwind before work tomorrow.”

  I immediately wished I hadn’t mentioned work, because that brought the spectre of her father right into the crowded room with us. I had to lighten things up, or I’d lose her.

  “I also like to surf, believe it or not,” I laughed. “You know, for fun.”

  Chrissy’s eyes lit up. “Do you really?”

  “You know it. I’m a Cali boy through and through.”

  “Well, I don’t love to surf, but I love to watch hot guys surfing.” She winked at me. “I do love the beach though.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I said.

  “Well, I love anything that has to do with outdoors or water in the summer.”

  “I agree,” I said and we toasted our glasses together.

  “So how’s college life?” I asked, making small talk.

  “It’s good, but I’m happy for the break,” she admitted.

  “I’ll bet. So what is your major?” Smooth, Gardner. You sound like a middle schooler.

  “Right now it’s biology.” She blushed a little. “I’m hoping to go to veterinary school after graduation.”

  “Wow,” I said. Now it was my turn to be impressed. “That’s an awesome goal to aspire to.”

  “Yeah well, I love animals.”

  I loved every moment of getting to know Chrissy better. One thing I observed was that she had a huge heart but also a feisty wild side. I was drawn to both aspects of her personality.

  It wasn’t lost on me that she continued to press her body to me, warming me from the inside. Her fingertips would occasionally graze across my skin and it drove me wild.

  The night was winding down and I thought that if I had a chance with her, it was now or never. “Hey, would you like to come back to my place to hang out for a bit?” I said nonchalantly. Play it cool, Gardner…

  She stared at me for a moment, and then looked back to her friends. “Yeah, that would be cool.” She waved at them and ignored their catcalls and eyebrow waggles.

  We made it out to the parking lot together, and she jumped in the passenger side of my car, her soft feminine laugh sending my cock throbbing in my pants. Goddamn, she had a crazy effect on me. My desire for her was off the fucking charts.

  I turned toward her. I had to touch her, more than I had to breathe. I ran a hand down her smooth hair and let it rest on the nape of her neck. “Not to be too forward here, but you are sexy as hell, Chrissy.”

  She raised her eyes to mine. “You’re one to talk. Now, not to be too forward here,” she said, repeating me, “but please shut up and kiss me. I’ve been waiting long enough.”

  At her demand, I leaned in, the magic of the moment scorching my soul. When our lips finally met, I tried not to devour her as I explored her mouth with my tongue, nibbling on her bottom lip while she let out a sexy sigh.

  Her lips tasted like coconut and I was turned on by every aspect of her body. I ran my hands through her silky hair and groaned at the softness of it. She breathed onto my neck, and the sensation shot straight to my groin.

  I grabbed her by the shoulders and dragged her across the armrest so that she was lying on top of me, her tits pressed into my chest. She adjusted those bare legs and pushed herself even harder against me.

  Her crotch pressed against mine, and I couldn’t help rocking against her. The warmth radiating through those tight jeans made me want to rip them right off of her, especially when she moaned out loud and leaned her head back from the pleasure of it.

  I wasn’t sure if we were going to have sex right there in the parking lot because it wasn’t exactly my style, but I wanted her now more than ever.

  After a moment or two, our panting around together came to a crashing halt when we heard some yelling in the parking lot, sounding totally wasted.

  Chrissy leaned her head up and looked out the window. “Holy shit!”

  “What’s going on?” I tried to peer around her so I could see. I hoped I wouldn’t have to break up any drunken parking lot fights.

  “It’s Raina.” Chrissy breathed out in frustration. “She’s really shit-faced. I didn’t think she was anywhere near this bad when we came out here. Ugh, I can’t believe I forgot about her like this.”

  Raina approached the car, looking different shades of green and white. “I think she’s sick,” Chrissy said.

  “Should we take her home?” I asked. I wanted to be a good guy, but I secretly hoped she could ride with someone else because I didn’t want her to puke in my car.

  “I think she’s bad off,” Chrissy said, still not really answering my question. “Come here, sweetie.”

  She opened the car door to grab Raina but Raina stopped and began heaving in the parking lot. A moment later she threw up right there in the middle of the asphalt.

  Chrissy looked back at me. “I’m so sorry, I’m going to have to take care of her.” She looked genuinely apologetic.

  “It’s okay, I understand,” I said, waving it off.

  “Thank you.” She put an arm around Raina and held her up by the waist. “I’ll call you? Maybe next time?”

  I was frustrated, sure, but it just made me even more determined for the next encounter. I’d lost my chance twice now, and I was hell bent on making sure she didn’t slip through my fingers a third time.

  Chapter 5 – Chrissy

  It had been a week since my encounter with Adam at the bar, and the silence that followed was deafening.

  At home, I’d been unable to do much besides fantasize about him. Lying in my bed, I’d let my fingers trail down to my pussy, which seemed perpetually wet and ready for him.

  Why won’t he just come over and fuck me already? I couldn’t help but think.

  I’d remember days spent trying to hang out with him when we were young, even though he’d prefer to play video games with my brother. I would watch him and then wish he would come give my first kiss.

  Now, I realized my fantasies could actually come true. I wanted him to kiss me, take me over his knee and spank me, pull my panties to the side and put his finger in me, before finally putting his big cock in me… for my very first time.

  The thought of it drove me wild, and I had spent way too much time masturbating while thinking of him. Rubbing my clit, I would wish my hand was his as I made myself cum by moaning his name.

  But during the day, like now, I tried to keep myself busy. I’d been seeing a lot more of Raina than usual, just to keep my horny thoughts at bay.

  “Why do you think he hasn’t called me?” I asked her now, as I took a bite of my pizza slice.

  “I don’t know, probably because I puked everywhere and made a fool of both of us.” Raina rolled her eyes as she too took a bite of her sausage and olive pizza.

  “Yeah, you really didn’t sell us very well, did you?” I grinned so she’d know I was only teasing her.

  Raina gulped down a sip of her Sprite. “I mean, it’s not like you guys are actually dating or anything. Give him the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he’s busy.” She shrugged.

  “I know, but I just have this feeling that there might actually be something between us.”

  Raina rolled her eyes again. “Girl, I think it’s time you set your sights on a different type of summer fling. Stay away from Daddy’s Exciting New Employee.”

  I laughed. “So that’s what we’re calling him these days?”

  She shrugged. “If the shoe fits.”

  I sighed dramatically and picked at a piece of pepperoni on my plate. Suddenly I wasn’t hungry anymore. I hadn’t yet told Raina about my close encounter with Adam and how heavily we had been making out that night in his car.

  This was actually the first time I had seen her since that time because she’d snagged up a summer job at a local consignment shop and had started already. She had tons of hours to boost her cash fund and I couldn’t bla
me her for wanting to take the work.

  I bit my lip and stared at her.

  “Oh God, now what?” She blew out an exasperated puff of air and leaned back in her chair. She looked at me expectantly. “You are a fucking piece of work, Monroe, you know that?”

  She smiled, giving me a hard time even though we both knew it was all in good fun. Since we were eating outside, there was tons of action going on near the busy street. A couple of rowdy teenage boys rolled past us on skateboards and whistled in our direction.

  “Hey, sexy girls!”

  “Oh please, you wish!” I yelled back, laughing. They all whooped and high-fived each other.

  “Don’t make a scene,” Raina hissed. “You’ll only encourage them!”

  “Well, there’s something I haven’t told you yet about that night.” I picked at my thumb nail and took a deep breath.

  “Oh, dear God,” Raina responded. “What is it?”

  “Well, things got a little…spicy in his car right before you came up to us and won the puke of the year performance.”

  “Oh yeah?” She leaned forward in a “do-tell” pose.

  “Yeah, we kind of…kissed.” I grimaced and tensed up, waiting for her reaction which would probably be a chew out lecture.

  “You kissed? Are you serious?” Raina sat back up with a jot and slammed her hands against the table with a loud smack sound.

  “Serious as a heart attack,” I admitted and grinned.

  Raina’s eyes were as big as plates. “So, what do you mean by kissed? And how the hell could you have kept that from me for a whole week? No wonder you’re so upset about why he hasn’t called or texted you!”

  “I know!” I exclaimed and threw my hands in the air. Finally, my best friend understood the point I was trying to get across. “And by kissed, I mean that things got pretty hot and heavy in the car.”

  “Oh yeah? Like how hot and heavy?” Raina grinned and waggled her eyebrows.

  “Well, at one point I wondered if we were actually going to fuck right there in the front seat or something.”

  “Hot damn, girlfriend.” Raina exclaimed again as some people walking past looked at her funny. “Sorry if I was a cock blocker.”


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