Golden Christmas

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Golden Christmas Page 8

by Helen Scott Taylor

  The clock was striking ten when she finally opened her eyes the following morning. It was difficult to drag herself up from the depths of her stupor, as if she had done more than sleep, as if she had sunk into oblivion, her mind too tired to even dream.

  Yet as she came to, she felt lighter, knowing the visit she'd been dreading was over. Not only had it been wonderful to see her mum and dad again, going back to the place she associated so closely with Colin had been cathartic. She had finally said good-bye and given herself permission to love again.

  The smell of freshly brewed coffee heralded Jonathan as he entered with a tray bearing coffee, toast, bacon, and fried eggs. "How are you feeling?"

  "Happy because I'm in love with a wonderful man." She sat up, fluffing the pillows behind her. As he leaned down to put the tray on her lap, she slipped an arm around his neck.

  Tears filled her eyes as she held him, her nose pressed against his hair. How she adored this man, and how she ached for him because life would always be a little more difficult for him that it should be. She would make sure to be here for him, always.

  Until she met him, she'd thought her life was over, bar the actual dying. Yet she'd turned a new page, and this was only the start. This new life with Jonathan was full of possibilities and opportunities. She breathed in hope, love, and excitement with every gasp of air.

  • • •

  For the next three weeks they walked the grounds of Rosemoor Hall, threw the ball for Honey hundreds of times, fed the ducks, and visited Rosemoor Farm to see the early lambs in the barn field.

  They feasted on homemade pizza that Vicky helped Chloe make in the warm farmhouse kitchen, discussed the future with Owen, and spent endless hours sitting on the floor in Shelly's kitchen, playing with Jessie.

  Vicky's adorable bundle of golden fur almost grew as she watched. Jessie was still small but quickly catching up with the bigger black pups. In only a week she'd be ready to leave her mum, and Vicky needed to prepare for that.

  After dinner, Vicky slouched on the sofa with Jonathan, her head on a cushion, her feet in his lap so he could rub them. While he did that, she read aloud about the history of the local area to help Jonathan's research. When she reached the end of a particularly dry chapter on the parish church, she closed the cover and set the book on the floor.

  She relaxed for a moment, enjoying the magic of Jonathan's strong fingers on her instep, while Honey whimpered and twitched where she slept on the rug, obviously chasing her ball in her dreams.

  "You know my vacation was over two weeks ago, don't you? I've stayed far longer than I booked."

  "That doesn't matter. Stay as long as you like." He lifted her foot and pressed a kiss to her toes. "I want you here with me."

  "I love being with you, but I need to get my living arrangements sorted out. I can't take Jessie home to my current place. It doesn't allow pets."

  "Move in with me."

  His words sent a shot of excitement through her. This was Vicky's dream, something she hadn't dared hope for. Was Jonathan really ready to take their relationship to the next stage? "Are you sure? We've only known each other just over a month."

  "I love you. Why wait?" He reached for Vicky and she went to him, sliding onto his lap. He kissed her and stroked her hair, his touch already so familiar.

  "You're sure?"


  She snuggled close to him and they kissed some more while she dreamed of spending all her time with him, except she would have to find a job, of course. Owen had muttered something about her working in the estate office, so that sounded promising.

  "I'd like to help you move your things, but I'd probably be more of a hindrance," he said.

  She cupped his cheek in her hand. "You could never be a hindrance."

  He chuckled. "Even so, it's best if I stay here."

  "I'll miss you every moment." A week apart was going to feel like forever.

  • • •

  The following day, Vicky drove to Southampton and packed up her belongings. It took a few days to arrange storage for her few pieces of furniture and tie up her affairs. She'd been working short-term contracts for an agency, so she didn't have a job to worry about.

  Excitement buzzed along her nerves as she drove back to Rosemoor Hall a week later. She was so looking forward to seeing Jonathan again. The week apart had felt like a month, even though they'd talked on the phone at least twice a day, often more. The thought of him alone with nobody on hand if he lost his migraine meds or something like that worried her.

  When she turned onto the gravel area at the side of Rosemoor Hall, she had to maneuver around a new Porsche parked there. Jonathan had mentioned his brother and sister-in-law were due home. Maybe this was their car?

  She cut the engine and stared pensively at the expensive sports car. She wasn't looking forward to meeting Jonathan's sister-in-law, Gabriela Bramwell. Apparently the woman had suggested Jonathan stop giving guided tours of the Hall because it didn't give a good impression—whatever that meant.

  Vicky climbed out and pulled two bags from the packed car, then lugged them to the back door and up the narrow stairs. As she entered the corridor to Jonathan's apartment, a tall woman with long blond hair wearing a tight black dress hurried towards her.

  "Who are you?" the woman demanded, voice raised in a haughty tone.

  "Vicky… I'm Jon's girlfriend."

  "Jonathan doesn't have girlfriends." Her adamant tone immediately put Vicky's hackles up. The woman made it sound as though Jonathan wasn't allowed a girlfriend.

  "Well, he does now." Vicky reached Jonathan's door first and set down her bags. With an effort, she kept a smile pasted on her face and held out her hand, determined to be friendly so she didn't start off on the wrong foot with Jonathan's family. "I assume you must be Gabriela. It's nice to meet you."

  Instead of shaking hands, Gabriela narrowed her beautifully made-up blue eyes and pinched her red lips. She probably didn't realize that the wrinkles the expression created added ten years to her. Without another word, she turned and stomped away again.

  Vicky watched her go, somewhat bemused. "Okay. Strange woman." With luck, she wouldn't see much of her.

  She carried her bags into Jonathan's apartment and closed the door. "I'm here."

  He appeared from his study, a smile lighting his face. "I've nearly run the battery down on my watch, I've checked the time so often. It's crawled since you texted you were leaving Southampton. I thought something must be wrong."

  "The only thing wrong is that I missed you like crazy." Vicky ran into his open arms and kissed him, reveling in the feel of his strong body against hers and his clean, spicy smell.

  When they finally pulled back and he smiled, her heart fluttered with joy; she was so happy to be with him.

  "I think I met the infamous Gabriela in the corridor."

  "I didn't know they were back. I wanted to let Marcus know you were moving in before they bumped into you. Did you introduce yourself?"

  "I tried. When I told her I was your girlfriend, she ran away."

  Jonathan chuckled. "Marcus will be cool with you staying, I'm sure. Do you have much to bring up from the car?"

  "A few more bags."

  "Come on then. I'll help carry them up."

  They went downstairs and Jonathan hauled the heavy bags out of the car. He picked up the largest and carried it while she tucked some coats under her arm and held her laptop bag.

  When they reached the upstairs corridor and were nearly at Jonathan's door, Gabriela appeared, heading towards them again. This time she had a dark-haired man in a suit with her. By his resemblance to Jonathan, he must be Marcus.

  "Footsteps?" Jonathan cocked his head, listening.

  "I'm assuming it's your brother and his wife."

  Jonathan put down the bag he was carrying and Vicky did the same. They stood side by side, holding hands as the welcoming committee arrived.

  "See," Gabriela snapped at her husband. "I told y
ou there was a woman, and you didn't believe me."

  A sour expression settled on her delicate features. In contrast, a smile of genuine pleasure lit Marcus's face. He glanced at Vicky, looking slightly puzzled, before hugging Jonathan. The warmth of the greeting left no doubt there was a strong bond between these two men. She immediately warmed to Marcus.

  "Sorry, Jon. I meant to come straight up when we arrived home, but I got waylaid. Have you been okay?"

  "More than okay. I've had a fantastic Christmas, thanks to this amazing woman." He slipped his arm around Vicky's waist. "Marc, this is Vicky Jones," Jonathan said. "Vicky, meet my big brother."

  Marcus shook Vicky's hand. "Good to meet you." He nodded at the bags. "Are you staying?"

  "She's moving in with me," Jonathan said.

  Marcus's eyebrows rose, and Gabriela gasped.

  "No way." Gabriela's tone was pure outrage. "She's taking advantage. No doubt she thought Jonathan was an easy target."

  "That's enough." Marcus cast a quelling glance at his wife.

  Vicky stared at them, shocked by the outburst, her cheeks heating. She was mortified that anyone would think she was taking advantage of Jonathan, as if he'd let that happen. He's blind, not stupid, she wanted to say, but she managed to swallow back the angry words before they burst out. She seriously didn't like Gabriela.

  Jonathan must have sensed her mood. He kissed her hair. "Ignore her," he whispered. "I do."

  Her tension eased a little, but she was still angry with Gabriela, who glared at her. Instead of glaring back, Vicky pointedly looked at Marcus and returned his smile.

  "It is quick," Marcus said, but his tone was curious rather than critical.

  "We met and fell in love." Jonathan shrugged. "It's that simple."

  "If you're sure, then I'm happy for you both." Marcus kissed Vicky's cheek and hugged Jonathan again. Gabriela stepped back, muttering under her breath before she stomped away.

  Jonathan squeezed Vicky's hand and turned to her, smiling. To acknowledge him, she touched her fingers to his cheek. It was a habit she'd developed naturally. He couldn't see her smile back, so she gave him a sign.

  Once Gabriela was gone, the mood lightened. Marcus visibly relaxed and chatted with Jonathan about his vacation, and Jonathan updated him on things at Rosemoor.

  "Come in for a cup of tea," Jonathan said, turning to his door.

  Vicky hung up the coats she'd brought up from the car and set her laptop bag on the sideboard. "You sit down and catch up; I'll make the tea."

  The two men settled at the kitchen table and talked while Vicky boiled the kettle and made a pot of tea before setting cups on the table with milk and sugar. She tipped Jonathan's favorite oatmeal cookies on a plate and put it in front of him, then took a seat and poured the tea.

  "I was thinking," Jonathan said to his brother, "I'd like a bit more of my own space. I might move into the gatehouse, if you agree."

  "Of course. That's cool. The estate can pay to redecorate the place and refurbish the bathroom and kitchen for you."

  Vicky pushed a cup of tea towards Marcus and their eyes met. "You're sure about this?" he said, the look in his eyes warning she'd better not hurt Jonathan, but she didn't take offense. He obviously cared about his brother, so he was bound to be protective of him.

  "Never been more certain." She gripped Jonathan's hand on the table. "I love Jon and want to make him happy."

  Marcus smiled and nodded. "Then you have my blessing."

  Chapter Fourteen

  In case of puppy toilet accidents, Vicky laid newspaper on the wooden floor in the small entrance hall of Jonathan's apartment. She straightened and studied her handiwork, excitement humming through her. In a few hours Jessie would be here, sniffing around, bonding with Honey, and settling in.

  Having an upstairs apartment wasn't ideal for a puppy, but Vicky planned to take Jessie out regularly for toilet trips. In only a couple of weeks, they would move into the gatehouse. Then things would be easier, as the house was surrounded by its own dog-proof garden.

  Vicky put the red tartan dog bed she'd bought in the corner of the sitting room and tucked the dog toys inside it. She made a mental note to always pick the toys up when Jessie wasn't playing so Jonathan didn't trip.

  "Jon, will you come here a moment?" When he walked through from his study, she took his hand and led him to the dog bed, let him feel the position of it with his foot and touch the furniture and wall nearby so he could add the bed to his mental map of the room.

  "Okay. I should remember that," he said.

  As they walked away, Honey trotted over to check what they'd been doing. Vicky laughed. "Honey's found the new bed."

  "I bet she tries to get in it."

  "You're right." Honey wedged her bottom in the small bed and turned soulful brown eyes up at them. "She's so big there's only room for her to sit in it. You should see the guilty look on her face. She knows it's not for her."

  Jonathan chuckled.

  A knock on the door was followed by Marcus's voice. "Okay to come in?"

  "Of course," Jonathan said. "Honey's looking forward to a walk with her uncle, aren't you, girl."

  Marcus stepped into the sitting room, dressed very differently from yesterday. Instead of tailored trousers and jacket, he wore jeans and a thick oatmeal-colored sweater with a green padded jacket over the top. Honey forgot the new bed and trotted across the room to nuzzle Marcus's hand. He was going to walk her while they picked up Jessie.

  "I won't go far. I'll make sure I'm here when you return with the new arrival."

  Vicky folded the small red collar and lead in her handbag, and they all traipsed downstairs. Honey raced ahead with a ball in her mouth, eager for a game. The early morning chill still hung in the air as they headed for Vicky's car.

  "See you later." Marcus raised a hand, then pulled on a wool hat, jogged across the gravel and down the steps to the grass. He tossed the ball, and Honey took off after it.

  When they arrived at Holly Cottage, Shelly answered the door, looking flustered and pink cheeked. "Good morning. Come in."

  They followed her into the kitchen, and the first thing Vicky noticed was the relative silence. Midnight's bed seemed so empty with only two puppies in it. Midnight trotted over to greet them, and the puppies followed.

  Vicky crouched and gathered up her chubby little pup in her arms. "Oh, Jessie, baby. Are you nearly the last to go?" When the face wash ended, she kissed Jessie's ears and neck. "I've missed you so much, little one, nearly as much as I missed Jon."

  Shelly laughed sadly. "Each one takes a little piece of my heart when they go to their forever homes. It's been quite an emotional week, saying good-bye to all my babies."

  "You're not keeping this one, then?" Jonathan crouched and scooped up the small black pup jumping at his legs. He cradled her in his arm like a baby and rubbed her tummy.

  "I'd love to keep one, but it wouldn't be fair to the pup when I spend so long at the pub every day. She was booked, but the couple had a family emergency and called to say they couldn't take her after all. If I can't find anyone local who wants her, I'll have to place an ad."

  "I might have an idea." Jonathan deposited the pup on the floor gently. "Give me twenty-four hours before you advertise."

  "That'll be great. I'd much rather sell her to someone who's been recommended."

  Shelly handed Vicky a small bag of the puppy food Jessie was used to and a piece of blanket that smelled of Midnight and her litter mates. Then Vicky carried Jessie out to the car. Once Jonathan was settled in the passenger seat, she reluctantly put her fur baby in his arms.

  She would love to hold Jessie on the ride home, but she had to drive. After they moved off, she glanced at Jonathan petting the puppy and soothing her with gentle words. He obviously enjoyed holding the squirming bundle of fur, so her disappointment faded. Anything that made him happy, made her happy too.

  • • •

  The car rattled over a cattle grid, then hummed on t
he tarmac for a few minutes before turning onto gravel, a pattern Jonathan recognized as home. When the car came to a halt, he gave Jessie one last ear rub and held her out towards Vicky.

  "You carry her out to meet Honey, if you like."

  He noted the conflict in her voice. She was trying to be nice to him when she really longed to take Jessie.

  "No. She's your baby. You take her. I don't want to make Honey jealous."

  "Oh, good idea." Vicky's hands brushed his as she got a grip on the squirming pup, then she lifted Jessie from his grip. "I guess we need to handle things carefully when we introduce them. We don't want to put Honey's nose out of joint."

  "I doubt that'll happen. Honey is very laid back." Jonathan climbed out, careful not to bump his head, and circled the car, a hand to the cool paintwork. "Tell me what Honey's reaction is, won't you?" This was one of those times when he really wished he could see.

  Vicky's fingers grazed his jaw, and he caught her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm. "Love you."

  "Love you too." Her lips brushed his and were gone too quickly. Every touch, every kiss, were little moments of heaven to cherish, something he would never take for granted.

  Footsteps thumped on the gravel, a tread he knew as well as his own.

  "Hello. You were quick." Marcus took his arm, firm and steady. His brother had been his rock the last few years, visiting him every day while he was in the hospital, adapting rooms into an apartment for him, being there when he needed him—a shoulder to cry on, literally, a couple of times. Yet Jonathan was very aware that Marcus had his own cross to bear. Gabriela made his brother's life miserable most of the time.

  "Want to go down on the grass for the canine meeting?" Marcus said.

  "Yeah. That's safer than introducing them on the gravel," Jonathan agreed.

  He walked beside Marcus, following his instructions about the steps. He stopped when he felt the grass under his shoes.


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