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Lust of Wolves: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Ashwood Wolves Book 2)

Page 7

by J. E. Cluney

  “We go to him tonight. Neema comes with us. And we handle this. I will challenge him still, before witnesses, and Neema will have my back, the authority to put him down if he breaks the challenge rules,” he said, his voice ringing out in the large room and causing us to stir in excitement and anticipation.

  “I will call Reggie. Tell him we require access tonight. He can smuggle us in, he’s got an old van he uses for collecting supplies in town. He can take us in the back of that, we’ll have to be careful though, now that Richard has made it clear he wants us shot on sight, his men will obey,” Frank said as he stood up, refusing to back down from this. I imagined he’d tag along, he had to, only he knew Reggie.

  “The fact that he’s refused the challenge and ordered a kill shot on Lawrence goes against our ways. It would be something I’d investigate anyway, so there will be no question as to why I’m there,” Neema finally spoke up, her voice low but powerful. She was not a woman I cared to cross. I was surprised Tay got along so well with her, she was so very different from how I knew Neema to be. The only thing they had in common was their strong, fiery spirits. Neema was cold and brutal, as was to be expected in her line of work.

  And Tay had every intention of becoming like her. I just hoped it didn’t darken her spirit like it had Neema.

  As we all moved about the mansion in an urgent fashion, preparing ourselves as Frank called ahead, I wondered what Tay was up to right now. Was that wretched beast with her? Abusing her once more?

  I snarled and struck down a lamp in the hall, grateful that I was finally alone. I stared hard at the broken fixture on the floor; the bulb shattered and beyond repair.

  Exactly how I wanted Richard.


  I edged my way down the hall and into the kitchen, my heart pounding in my ears as my body ached and begged for relief. My mind was made, and I knew what had to be done.

  I was more than willing to pay the price.

  I drew in a calm breath, allowing my eyes to adjust to the darkness now that the light from my room was gone. The moon seeped in through some windows on the far side of the kitchen, and I slipped around the steel top benches silently, searching for a weapon.

  I spied the knives hanging on the wall, stuck onto a magnetic band that ran the length of the bench.

  I picked a long, narrow knife, wanting something I could conceal. A silver knife would be more ideal, but I doubted they’d have one just lying around.

  I tiptoed around the kitchen, my mind going over itself, making sure there was nothing else I could need.

  No. Only the knife.

  I didn’t have much of a plan; I was relying on the fact that he’d drunk a bit too much, and praying that would hinder his senses enough.

  I moved out of the kitchen, the light seeping into the large living area through the wall length window. I looked out at the moon, slowing down to admire its beauty and perfection. I was a creature of the night. I ran under the moon with my Pack, I was true to my nature, and this situation, I knew how to handle it. For the good of the Pack.

  I slunk down the far hall to the other end of the lodge where Richard resided. I opened up my senses, flaring my nostrils as I drew in his alcohol infused scent. I followed the easy scent trail down the hall, silent and stealthy like I’d been taught, holding the cool blade against my thigh.

  I froze as the sound of soft snores reached me, and adrenaline and fear coursed through me, making me shudder as I drew in a sharp, shaky breath.

  I moved onward, calming myself with inner words of reassurance and deep breaths.

  I slowed as I reached the slightly adjacent door, his scent strong.

  I bit my lip, steadying myself as I stood in the darkness, the only light was from a window at the far end of the hall, the dim moonlight just providing enough light for me to make out shapes of furniture.

  I peeked my head around the doorframe slowly, my breath catching as my eyes fell on the sleeping form in the massive king bed.

  Richard was sprawled in his sheets, obviously naked. The sheets were only draped over his muscled stomach and one thigh, and I could see his member jutting out from under it.

  He was asleep on his back, his chest rising and falling with his soft snores.

  I surveyed the room, going over my best options.

  As much as I wanted to head right on in there and stand over him as I plunged the blade into his chest, I didn’t doubt that even in his intoxicated state he’d sense me and waken.

  I could dash in and leap onto the bed, hoping I’d have the advantage of being quick and agile, but it was risky too. I’d have to have my aim perfect, and he’d have to move in a certain way for me to sink the blade into him.

  There was one other option that came to mind. And considering how he’d raped me in the hall, I had a feeling I’d have more luck with that than anything.

  I hated the ghastly, despicable thought, but I would do what had to be done.

  I ducked my head back, gritting my teeth as I closed my eyes.

  I slipped my shirt off, allowing my breasts to fall freely from the confines of my top, and then I slid my pants and underwear off.

  I wrapped the blade up in my pants, knowing the scent of himself on my underwear would mask the scent of the blade. We could still smell things like stainless steel, and considering my survey of the room hadn’t spied anything metal apart from the lamp, I didn’t want to take my chance of him questioning the scent in his room.

  I sucked in a deep breath, reminding myself of all the pain and heartache he’d caused, of the continual abuse he’d dish out, and the murder of my father that he intended. Who knew what he’d then do with my Pack. If my boys stood against him, he may kill them too.

  And I was not about to remain his mate forever, nor would I run.

  I stepped through the doorway, inching past the half-open door, not wanting to alert him until the right time.

  I circled the bed to the vacant side, every treacherous step was slow and painful as I listened to his snore slowly fade. His breathing was still even and deep, but he was rousing.

  I slipped my hands under the pillows to tuck my clothing there, and no sooner had I removed my hands that those dark eyes opened, his nostrils flaring as his lip pulled back into a snarl.

  I gave him a sultry smile as I looked down at myself brashly.

  “What are you doing here?” he snarled as he raised himself up into a sitting position. His voice was no longer slurred, but he still reeked of alcohol.

  “I…uh… I don’t know,” I mumbled as I twirled a strand of my hair nervously. My ponytail had come loose, and I pulled it completely free to let my fiery curls tumble down over my breasts.

  The moonlight reached down through the overhead window to show me his naked body, the sheet having fallen away as he’d moved to eyeball me.

  I rolled my eyes over him, biting my lip as I forced myself to stare at his dick before looking down shamefully.

  He just watched me with a predatory look, his nostrils flaring.

  No, he needed more enticing.


  I closed my eyes, dragging forth every breath-taking moment with my boys, begging my body to respond in some way, to give off even the slightest whiff of desire.

  I focused on the heated moments as Jaye made animalistic love to me, the way he slammed into me with ferocity, or the sweet touches of Nathan as we made sweet love in the barn. I thought of Scott as he took me down by the river, of how we lay in each other’s arms afterwards, filled with bliss and contentment.

  Richard chuckled, a sound that shook me to my core.

  “I knew you’d come around, my little ‘wolf,” he growled.

  He reached out to me, and I eyed his sudden erection, shuddering at the sight as I chewed my lip. He took this as excitement, and held his hand out to me.

  I managed a weak, forced smile as I took his huge hand and allowed him to guide me onto the bed.

  Those dark eyes drunk me up, scouring my body as he r
an a rough hand down me and squeezed my already tender breast. I made a sound in protest, but he just smiled and pulled me closer to his naked body.

  “Please,” I whispered, and he just scowled.

  I pushed him back, struggling at first when he refused, but then curiosity won out and he allowed me to lay him back. He watched me with keen interest, focused on my face as I hesitantly climbed on top of him.

  He moaned and chuckled, grabbing my hips and driving me down onto him with no warning. I gasped and held back the cry of pain as he buried himself in me, grunting at the sensation.

  I wanted to reach for my hidden blade and slam it into his eye, to drive it deep into his brain and kill him.

  But I needed him completely distracted, and with the way those dark eyes watched me so intently, I knew he was still questioning this.

  I needed to keep going.

  I forced my body to relax as I moved against him, and he shuddered as I ran my hands up his muscled chest, dancing my fingers over his shoulders as I felt the muscles ripple beneath the surface.

  “Will you protect me from all things?” I breathed as I rocked against him, forcing a gentle moan from my lips.

  “You will be the mother of my children, it’s my duty,” he grunted, although a spark of anger flared in his eyes at the question. I doubted he cared much for protecting me, but I was hoping to play on his selfishness. He’d want no one else to have me.

  “You’ll stop the others from having me?” I murmured as I ground down against him, ignoring the pain it brought my battered and bruised body.

  “You are mine,” he growled as he slammed me down on him hard, grunting as he began moving me faster against him.

  “Mmm,” I moaned, pretending the words brought me contentment and satisfaction.

  He growled as he drove into me, thrusting and yanking me hard down against his hips.

  “Fuck me like an Alpha,” I snarled.

  It was the right push. He roared, baring his teeth at me as he brought me down on him hard and fast, his fingers digging painfully into my hips as I gasped and lolled my head back.

  His body tightened and his hands stiffened, and I drew in a sharp breath as I felt his length expand inside me.

  He moaned loudly and followed it with a deep, rumbling growl as he climaxed, his seed shooting into me as he tossed his head back against the pillows.

  I moaned as I leaned down and kissed his chest, my hand slipping under the pillows as I felt for the blade tucked in my clothing.

  It happened in only a split moment.

  I yanked the blade out, pulling back as I brought it up over his chest. Despite his ecstatic state, his head rolled forward and his eyes widened as utter hatred and rage made them glow yellow.

  I brought the knife down with all the force I could muster as he roared and raised his arms.

  I screamed as his arm knocked my hands, but I drove the blade down, burying it into his flesh. It sunk in as easily as it had with the Rogues I’d hunted with Neema, blood bubbling around the hilt of the blade.

  I didn’t waste any time as I scrambled off him, staring at his writhing body in shock.

  I whimpered in dismay as the realization hit me.

  I’d missed his heart.

  He shrieked and flailed, then those violent, deadly eyes fell on me, burning yellow as he yanked the blade from his chest.

  Adrenaline surged through me and I turned, pumping my legs hard as I shot out of the bedroom and sprinted down the hall. I cut through the living area, thanking my lucky stars when the door next to the full-length window was unlocked.

  The inhuman howl and roar that rose from behind me spurred me onward, and I ran as fast as my legs would carry me.

  I’d hit him in the chest still, maybe closer to the shoulder, and even if he was Alpha, he’d take time to heal. Chasing me down would only make him bleed more. Maybe I’d get lucky and he’d bleed out.

  I hurtled into the forest, allowing the excruciating shift to overcome my body. My bruised and pained body protested and wept as my limbs cracked and changed, fur sprouting all over me as my snout elongated.

  I tore through the forest, my four legs carrying me as fast as they could. The monstrous howls that sounded more like roars still rose up from behind me, closer than I found comfortable.

  Hurry up and fucking die.

  I had no plan now, my only desire was to not die by his hands. My mind was frenzied, pissed that I’d fucked up my one chance to kill him, sickened by what I’d done to get him off-guard.

  I growled as I launched over a log, reaching out with my senses to see how close my pursuer was.

  From the distant howls, he was falling behind. Thank God.

  I didn’t slow as I hauled ass, racing through the pines, dodging shrubs and boulders in my mad dash.

  I was panting now, my body begging me to stop, to rest and recover for just a moment.

  I snarled. There was no goddamn way I was stopping now.

  I didn’t have a choice when I nearly collided with a man standing in the clearing. I’d been too focused on what lay behind me that it hadn’t registered that there was someone out in front.

  I snarled and snapped as I went to dodge around him, but he threw his hands up non-threatening.

  “Taylor, it’s Ray!” he said quickly, and I slowed as I took in his half naked form in the woods.

  “My father was hunting with Richard, when they were coming home, he overheard what he intended to do with you when he got here. He mentioned it to momma, and I heard. So I started heading over when I heard him roaring. I figured you’d be heading in a straight line, hopefully, and decided to try to catch you in this general area.” The words flew out of his mouth in exasperation as his dark doe eyes shot around the clearing in fear.

  I gave a soft snort and growl, wondering why he’d come to catch me.

  “If he catches you, you’re dead. We need to get you out of the territory. Those manning the gates and border know to stop you. I know a way through, up near Firestone Ridge. It’s up on the mountain, come, I’ll show you.”

  Ray stripped his pants off and shifted, a grey-white wolf standing in his place.

  I drew in deep breaths, listening for the sounds of Richard in pursuit. Just when I’d almost thought he’d turned back, a howl rose up, closer than I anticipated.

  Ray shot off like a rocket, and I had no choice but to trust him. I tore after him, pine nettles flinging up behind me as I kept in step with the lean wolf in front.

  Every muscle ached and burned, my bruised body struggling to continue racing onward, but survival kept me going.

  We ran for our lives, and I realized if Ray got caught now, he’d suffer the same fate. He was risking his life to help me.

  The howl rose up again from the pines behind, but I didn’t look back. Maybe I was wrong, maybe his injury wasn’t as bad as I hoped and he’d already dealt with it.

  No. I’d got him good, he was just mighty pissed, intent to kill me before he’d fix himself up. That sounded more like him.

  The moon filtered down through the branches, dousing patches of the forest floor in a serene glow. Wildlife scurried out of our way, and with each inhale I drew in the scent of the wild, the fragrance of the pines, the spicy and sweet scents of other plants and shrubs, the unique warm smells of the odd wildlife in the vicinity.

  I ignored it all as I dashed onward, miraculously keeping up with Ray as he ran like a panicked, mad wolf.

  I had no idea how long we ran, but my legs were struggling by the time we reached the stream coming down off the mountain, the trickling water reaching my ears only moments before we darted into the clearing.

  Ray plunged into the water, shooting a perplexed look back at me. Upstream. That’s what he was trying to say. We could lose his scent in the water, buy us some more time.

  I leaped into the icy water, shivering as it soaked through my fur and chilled me to my core.

  We loped upstream, unable to hurtle through it as it pushed b
ack at us. It was up to my belly now, and soon we’d be swimming as I realized it widened further up.

  I growled as the water washed over me, my paws slipping and sliding on the creek bed as the current worked against me.

  Ray dropped back to push his side against me, aiding me as we moved onward. Then my paws lost contact with the bottom and I had to power on, my legs striking out in the water as it splashed over my head.

  We swam against the current, struggling until Ray pushed me closer to the bank while I found my footing. Reeds reached up around us, and we pushed on.

  No howls rose up behind us, and I wondered if Richard had lost our scent. I prayed he had.

  We continued upstream, the night air growing colder the higher we went.

  Th stars guided us overhead, and I wanted to raise my snout and howl in agony and dismay, my body stumbling as I kept losing my footing. I was drained and exhausted, my beaten body no longer able to continue on without a break.

  Ray realized this after urging me on with his snout and getting nowhere.

  He scanned the area, and then he prodded me gently towards the bank.

  We clambered up and I collapsed just past the water’s edge, gasping and panting as my legs refused to cooperate. We couldn’t stay here long, but I needed a moment to recover.

  I shuddered as a strong breeze swept through the area, and Ray moved in to lay beside me, pushing his warm body against mine. If I wasn’t on the run for my life, his warmth may have lulled me into a gentle sleep. But instead it just comforted me as I gulped in air and trembled.

  We rested for a few minutes until that heart-shattering howl rose up from downstream. He was pissed, probably struggling to find our scent.

  Ray nudged me until I was on my feet, and then we took off into the forest once more. The trees were spread thinner here, and the air was frosty the further we went.

  We loped for a while until I was ready to run again, and then we raced like hell was on our heels.

  The wind whistled through the pines, tugging at my damp fur and making my body shudder. The moon bounced off the patches of snow that now speckled our path, and I drew in the icy cold air in short bursts.


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