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Power of Love (The Armstrongs Book 1)

Page 4

by Jessica Gray

  Chapter 7

  Nicole eagerly nodded. “That’s sounds great. I haven’t had time for lunch today.”

  Trevor laughed.

  She raised her eyebrows, “What’s so funny about that?”

  “I haven’t had time for lunch either. Let’s go. This time I get to choose the location. Do you like fish?”

  She nodded her head. “Living right on the Lake makes liking fish kind of a prerequisite, right?”

  He nodded, and she wondered what he would come up with? She found herself seriously intrigued by this man. She’d had so much fun with him today; he differed greatly from what she’d imagined. He was easy-going. Fun to be with. Unpredictable. I enjoyed myself this afternoon, much more than I’d thought I would. Much more than I should have or wanted to.

  She followed him outside the museum, wondering where he would take her. She believed you could tell a lot about a man by the choice of the restaurants he took you to. Her ex had always taken her to the priciest and fanciest restaurant he could find. He’d been trying to impress her. To be seen. To show off…. She shuddered once again as his name and face invaded her mind. I do not want to think of that jerk or what happened. Just stop! I don’t want to remember the pain.

  She looked around, wondering what kind of car Trevor drove. He was rich and famous. Maybe not billionaire rich like some of his clients, but still among the top earners in Chicago. She remembered reading an article somewhere that had him on the list of the top 100 wealthiest men in the city.

  Nicole expected him to take her to one of the high-end restaurants in town. Not something she cared for, but she figured that type of place would fit with his image and social status. Not her style, but he didn’t ask. See? He didn’t even ask you! That pesky little voice in her head said. He’s an arrogant self-absorbed asshole – like all the men you fall for.

  No, he wasn’t! She had enjoyed the afternoon with Trevor a lot. They had so much fun, laughing, talking. It was great. She couldn’t remember when the last time was she’d felt like this. Admit it, Trevor is pretty wonderful! Yes, he was, but she wasn’t willing to jump back into the relationship pool. Even with someone like Trevor.

  He was gorgeous and everything with him felt just right. The bright grin that covered his face and let his eyes shine. His long fine hands. Strong arms. The way his biceps bulged beneath the short-sleeved polo shirt he was wearing today. He must spend some time in the gym. Nobody gets that kind of muscle definition sitting in a courtroom all day long.

  Everything about him caused tingles to move up and down her spine, uniting in a throbbing pulse right at her core. And she could feel the heat pouring off her, in some very inappropriate places! This is not a date. You’re not supposed to be turned on. Think of this as a business meeting. You don’t get turned on during a business meeting!

  Her self-lecture was interrupted by his voice speaking to her. “Okay. Let’s go.”

  “Where to?” she asked.

  “That’s a surprise.”

  A surprise? She loved surprises. How come this man always did exactly what she enjoyed most? How did he know?

  “I love surprises. Do I have to close my eyes?”

  Trevor grinned, “No. It would be rather inconvenient to have your eyes closed.”

  With a glance at her feet he said, “Since you’re not wearing heels, we’re walking. You’ll love it.”

  She’d been very self-conscious about her choice of shoes. She’d wanted to wear heels, but then, that would have looked sexy. And she didn’t want sexy, right? This was purely a business meeting. So…she’d chosen the sneakers. Besides, walking around the museum for several hours had demanded comfortable shoes.

  Walking? Another surprise. Her ex never walked. “Walking is for the working class. Which we’re not,” he’d said in a snobbish tone, when she’d once suggested a walk outside.

  As they headed off, she felt guilty for constantly comparing Trevor to her ex. She knew she shouldn’t do it, but it was hard to stop those thoughts from creeping into her mind. Her ex had hurt her so much, and she needed to remind herself of what happened when you let a man gain control over you.

  When she stumbled, she pulled her mind back to the present. Trevor was taking her to the harbor. She loved going down there. The smell and taste of the water. The fresh breeze. This was one of the perks of living in the city. She’d always dreamt of living by the sea.

  Living in Chicago was almost like that, at least in her mind. Sure, it wasn’t the ocean. But Lake Michigan was big enough to give her that ocean feeling. Well, if you didn’t think about the lake being filled with fresh water instead of salt water. But that was a minor technicality in her book.

  They walked right towards Los Mariscos, probably the most fancy and expensive fish restaurant in the city. Called that one! She was actually disappointed. Men were so predictable! She’d been wrong. He wasn’t different.

  Right when she started to worry if she would fit the dress code of the restaurant in her jeans and sneakers, Trevor stopped all of a sudden and looked at her for a moment. She stared right back at him, intense emotions flaring up, leaving her body aching and longing to touch him.

  If he stares at me another moment, I’m going to throw myself into his arms and beg him to take me right here!

  She was prevented from doing something so crass when he seemed to reconsider where they were heading and stated, “You’ll love the place.”

  All she could do was nod. Instead of heading for the doors to the restaurant, he led her to the edge of the sidewalk and kept right on walking. Right past Los Mariscos.

  What? Not here? Did I totally misjudge him? She looked around, having never ventured further down the harbor. She’d never had a reason to do so because it was mostly docks, and in her mind the area had been reserved for the workers.

  As they continued, the cleanliness of before faded away; the docks grew dirtier and rougher in appearance. They weren’t scary, but they weren’t anything you’d see on a tourist brochure. And the word nice didn’t apply any longer.

  Nicole felt safe with Trevor by her side, and she acknowledged the effect he had on her. She wasn’t worried about her own safety, or how things might appear to anyone watching. Nothing seemed to matter when he was around, except that she was with him. She felt invincible, as if nobody had the power to hurt her as long as he was by her side.

  As they neared the end of the dock, she could see a dingy sign advertising a small fish restaurant. From the outside, it was shabby and a bit run-down. Exactly the type of place you’d expect to find in the working part of the harbor. Duh?

  She looked at the restaurant and found herself surprised. Again. Is he serious? She didn’t want to go fancy, but this?

  Apparently he could read her mind, because he glanced down with a grin. “Wait and see.”

  He opened the door for her, and once she stepped inside she immediately changed her mind. Inside it differed totally from the outside. It was perfect. Rustic. Down to earth. Clean.

  She glanced at the décor and smiled. It was functional without tablecloths and fancy tableware. But homey. The atmosphere had southern flair, albeit a bit noisy from all of the workmen talking.

  Most of the occupants were gathered around the bar, enjoying an after-work beer, and watching some sporting event on the televisions mounted up high. Only a few of the tables were occupied.

  With a deep breath she inhaled the smells coming from the kitchen. The most delicious smell of freshly cooked fish together with… what? She couldn’t quite recognize that flavor. Curry? Coconut milk? Nicole made a mental note to ask the waitress later on.

  Trevor led her over to a table at the far end of the restaurant, shielded from the views and noise by a half-open wall. They’d no sooner sat down than a smiling waitress appeared with two glasses of ice water and menus.

  “Hey, y’all.”

  Trevor nodded to the waitress and then told Nicole, “I love this place. Their fish chowder is heavenly. I haven’
t eaten a better one in my life. ”

  He turned to the waitress. “So, what’s new?”

  “We’ve got some fresh salmon. Just came in this morning,” she told him with a grin.

  Nicole watched him interact with the waitress. They seemed to know each other, which she found very intriguing and curious.

  “Is the salmon what smells so delicious?” she asked.

  “No. Our cook just finished a fresh pot of chowder.”

  Yum! “What’s in it? Coconut milk?”

  The waitress smiled secretively. “Sorry, but that’s our secret ingredient. My advice, taste it and maybe you’ll find out.”

  Nicole looked at Trevor and nodded. He ordered chowder for both of them. “And a bottle of Chardonnay.”

  Nicole raised an eyebrow at his request, at which he just winked at her. Well, the surprises just keep coming. She would have been surprised if the bar stocked anything besides beer and hard liquor, but to carry wine? That was a wonderful surprise.

  Before the waitress could disappear, Trevor asked Nicole if she wanted to share a plate of appetizers with him.

  Share? “I’d love to.”

  Trevor differed from any other man she’d ever spent time with. Most men of her acquaintance, especially her ex, would have never shared a plate in public. Something about protecting his status, and not wanting to lower himself to the level of the working class. As if he was so far above them! He was so arrogant; it practically rolled off him in waves!

  Locking those thoughts away, she decided to enjoy the delightful man sitting next to her and forget about her ex. She thought about the time they’d spent together today and barely contained her smile of pleasure.

  Trevor had been a complete gentleman all day. Not trying to touch her. She was slightly disappointed in that, now that she thought about it. The one time he had touched her arm to guide her through a doorway at the museum, it had sent the most delicate little zings through her body. She’d love him to touch her again...No, you don’t! This isn’t a date! Remember?

  Before she could take up the mental argument with herself, the waitress returned with a bottle of wine and two wineglasses. Trevor poured them each a half of a glass. Nicole sipped the wine cautiously, not expecting much. But when the liquid ran down her throat, she almost sighed. The wine was great.

  She didn’t consider herself a wine connoisseur by any means, but she liked to drink a glass or two before and with dinner. And this wine was one of the best she’d had in a long time. Just like the man by her side.

  Trevor raised his glass towards hers. “To the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. Intelligent. Strong. Independent.”

  Nicole felt the heat of a blush on her cheeks as she met his gaze and touched her glass to his. She took another sip of the wine, hoping her blush hadn’t been too obvious.

  The waitress brought their appetizer. Sharing a plate with Trevor was a refreshing and unique experience. They stole the small bite-sized morsels from each other, acting like little kids. Being with Trevor was easy and fun.

  By the time the waitress brought out steaming bowls of chowder, most of the other patrons had already left, leaving the restaurant very quiet. Soft music now played in the background, and Nicole had a hard time reminding herself she wasn’t on a date and Trevor was nothing more than a business contact.

  No, I’m not falling for him. I’m just spending time with him because it was his condition to participate in the show. She knew she was lying to herself. She’d love to give in to her attraction, but no. She had to guard her heart. Never again will I let myself be hurt so much!

  As they finished eating, the atmosphere of the restaurant, combined with the soft music, was doing nothing to stem the growing sexual attraction between them. They kept trading glances, and in spite of Nicole’s hesitation to get involved in a relationship, she was ready to jump at him given the chance.

  Trevor paid their tab and suggested they get out of there. As they walked back the way they’d come, she shivered.

  “Are you cold?”

  She shook her head in denial, but then stopped herself and shrugged. “A little.”

  Trevor took off his jacket and put it around her shoulders, which helped to shield her from the wind coming off the lake. She could feel the energy pulsing between them the moment he touched her. Giving in to it briefly, she leaned into his hold. He guided her back along the dock until they came to a railing, which overlooked the lake.

  The moon was starting to rise, and reflecting beautifully on the surface of the water. They spent a few minutes in comfortable silence watching the scenery and then headed back towards the museum.

  It was already getting dark, and Nicole decided to splurge on a cab home, rather than waiting on the bus to arrive. Trevor had left his vehicle at his office, and suggested they catch a cab back to his office and he’d deliver her home.

  “That’s not necessary. Really.”

  “Well, at least let me see you safely into a cab.” Trevor was insistent and she finally nodded, giving in.

  While they patiently waited for an available cab to pull up, Trevor turned her into his arm, and Nicole felt their eyes lock. His head drifted down to her own, and he kissed her gently on the lips. She melted into the kiss, returning every emotion, relieving the pent-up energy between them. Her stomach did flip-flops, and she was about to forget herself in his arms when suddenly fear set in. Fear of getting in too deep, too fast caused her to panic and she broke free from his hold.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t do this.” Without waiting for his response, she turned on her heel and took off, literally running away from him and the emotions he’d stirred within her.

  As she rounded the corner, the last thing she heard was Trevor shouting after her, “Nicole! Wait! Don’t run…”

  Chapter 8

  As soon as Nicole rounded the corner, she spied a cab waiting for a fare and quickly climbed inside. Out of breath and with her heart pounding all the way to her neck, she was barely able to give the driver her home address.

  Her brain wouldn’t shut off; it just kept replaying their brief but oh-so-delicious kiss. Oh my God! I’m falling for him. No way is this happening. It can’t! I won’t let another man ruin my life and my career again!

  Nicole sat in the back of the cab, shaking in reaction to all that had happened. She needed to be strong, and protecting her heart was at the top of the list. She’d get Trevor to appear on the radio show, keep it professional, cool and then…she’d probably never hear from him again. I mean, nothing happened. Right? It was a lie.

  “Ma’am. We arrived.

  “Ma’am. This is the address you gave me.”

  Nicole looked surprised when a turban-clad man opened the back door of the taxi. What did he want? Oh yes. He was the taxi driver. She willed the fog out of her brain and observed her surroundings. Right. This was her home. She hadn’t noticed they’d arrived.

  Her mind still a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions, she walked up towards her residence. Pushing through the garden gate, she headed for the small house that was hers. It had originally been built for the household servants of the former owners. Her landlady occupied the main house, and rented the small quarters out for a very reasonable sum.

  The entire residence had been renovated and updated several years ago, and it was very comfortable for one person. Rather than going straight inside, Nicole walked to the edge of the wraparound porch and stood, looking out over the lake. The view was the small residence’s best feature, and normally brought her peace and tranquility.

  Not today, though. A stiff breeze was blowing from the lake, making the air cold and damp. Normally she found the wind soothing, but tonight the coolness of the breeze only made her think about how warm and safe she’d been in Trevor’s arms. How natural it had felt to be held by him. How good she had felt for those few moments in time.

  Shaking her head, she turned and headed indoors. Tonight wasn’t reality. Reality is a harsh taskmaster, and if you�
��re into a man, you give up yourself. No! I’m stronger than that. Never again! Never!


  Trevor was confused. No other word quite covered it. What the hell just happened? He sat down on the steps of the museum and tried to figure out what had made Nicole take off like a scared deer.

  They’d spent a wonderful afternoon and evening together. He’d even taken her to his little secret restaurant. A place so “un-fancy” he was sure he would never meet any of his clients or business partners hanging out there. A place he loved for the great food and the homey flair.

  Nicole had loved it, too. She’d looked skeptical when she surveyed the outside, but seeing her eyes light up and sensing the tension float away had been a thing of beauty to watch. She was even more beautiful when relaxed and allowed to be herself.

  And the sexual tension between them had been amazing. He’d behaved, but just barely. A few touches here and there, more by accident than by purpose, and his whole body had lit on fire. Her eyes, and her body…just thinking about her had his body tightening painfully.

  Nicole was the perfect woman. She’d made him laugh, and he’d forgotten about the harsh realities of life for a while. He wasn’t sure how she had accomplished that feat, but there was something about her he couldn’t get away from.

  Did true love really exist? Was she the exception to the statistics? He was pretty sure that she was the woman he’d want to spend the rest of his life with – if he were to head down that road. After how much time? 24 hours? He was surprised at himself. Never before had he fallen so quickly for a woman.

  Thinking about the moments before she took off, he brought back to mind their kiss. An intense kiss, full of promise. But then she’d left running! Running! From him! He hated to admit it, but her running away had hurt!

  He thought back to the conversations they’d had, and he recalled she had mentioned a few times that a relationship was like a prison for a woman. Hadn’t she also said something about not wanting to give up her dreams for a gilded cage?


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