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Power of Love (The Armstrongs Book 1)

Page 7

by Jessica Gray

“Come on, don’t be shy. Ryan is a goldsmith. He makes the most fantastic jewelry, but you’ll probably like the small statues and art pieces he makes even more. He’s a great artist. I just know you’ll enjoy it.”

  When Nicole still didn’t look convinced, he added, “Remember those little bronze statues you liked so much at the museum?” She nodded her head, and he went all in to convince her: “His work is much more modern and refined, but I have a feeling he’ll have some things you’d love.”

  Nicole smiled. She’d do about anything just to be with him. Even meeting his brother. In a last attempt to retain her distance, she said, “But I don’t want to interrupt your meeting.”

  “Well, it’s fairly informal. My brother Dean just got engaged to his girlfriend Melissa, and Ryan and I have come up with a special surprise present for the engagement party.” Seeing she was on the fence, he pushed home his advantage: “Aren’t you the least bit curious about seeing his gallery?”

  She nodded her head. Off course she was curious. Like every girl, she loved jewelry, and looking was just as good in her book, especially since she tended to have very expensive tastes and rarely could afford to buy what she liked!

  “So you’ll come with me?” he asked, stepping into his boxers and removing temptation from her sight.

  Hoping she wasn’t going to regret this decision, she nodded. “Sure. What girl doesn’t like looking at pretty baubles?”

  Trevor chuckled. “I haven’t met one yet. Hurry up.”

  She quickly retreated into the bathroom and set about fixing her hair and makeup. No reason to let anyone see how much fun she’d had last night. If she was going to meet a member of Trevor’s family, she might as well go in with all of her armor in place!

  Chapter 13

  “Here we go,” Trevor told her as he pushed open the door and waited for her to precede him inside. His brother turned upon hearing the door open and raised an eyebrow when he saw Nicole.

  Trevor watched Ryan’s eyes widen as he took in Nicole’s beauty. He knew that look and instantly felt his ire rise. His brother was a womanizer, plain and simple. More so, he considered himself a connoisseur of the female part of the species. The gleam in his eye told Trevor he was already making plans where Nicole was concerned.

  Making sure he caught his brother’s eye, he placed a hand on Nicole’s shoulder and shot his brother a warning stare. It took a few moments until Ryan’s eyes showed understanding and he accepted with a slight nod. They didn’t need to exchange words. After growing up together, certain issues had been cleared many years back. Girls were one of them.

  “Nicole, allow me to introduce my younger brother, Ryan. Ryan, this lovely lady is Nicole Kendrick.”

  Ryan nodded his head, not willing to chance raising Trevor’s hackles by offering a welcoming handshake.


  Nicole looked at Trevor’s brother and found all she could do was stare. They could be twins! They had the same dark hair, the broad chest, rippled abs, and steel blue eyes. The only obvious difference was that Ryan was at least three inches taller than Trevor. That would make him, well, about 6'5"? And he was obviously younger. Yeah, a younger version of Trevor!

  She continued to look them both over while they were staring at each other, and finally she came up with the biggest difference between the two gorgeous men. Ryan’s looks were similar to Trevor’s, even down to the broad grin that could melt glaciers, but it just wasn’t doing it for her. When Ryan cast a smile at her, she felt…nothing.

  However, when Trevor so much as looked in her direction she started to heat up. When he’d put his hand on her shoulder moments before, little bolts of energy had coursed through her body. Her skin felt too tight and she was itching for more. Instantly her mind recalled their unfinished shower earlier. She envisioned all of the naughty things they could have done had his phone not rung.

  Realizing that Trevor had just introduced her to his brother, she nodded and said, “Nice to meet you.”


  The two brothers got right down to business, discussing the upcoming engagement party and the gift they were planning to give the happy couple. While they talked, Nicole wandered around Ryan’s workshop and attached gallery.

  She wandered past a coffee table, glancing at a few magazines lying around before she stopped to take a closer look. Along with the fashion magazine covers, some rough sketches covered the table. Suddenly she knew what she was looking at. In every photo, a film star or famous personality was wearing or holding a piece of Ryan’s art.

  Wow! That man sure is famous. She exited the reception area of his workshop, stepping into his “gallery.” It was actually just an area inside his workshop, separated by furniture, not walls. The front part of the gallery contained his finished pieces, while the rear of the space clearly contained works in progress. Every one of them was fantastic, finished or not! He truly is an artist.

  Nicole stopped by the jewelry case, admiring the rings, bracelets, and necklaces lovingly placed there. Moving further into the showroom, she marveled at candleholders, and even a few lamp bases, but it was the statues that drew her first sigh. They held such detail! Trevor knew I would love these.

  Suddenly she was thankful he’d coaxed her to come with him. She stared at the statues, leaning over to look at the detail in awe. It was as if some of them were actually alive. They looked so real!

  Trevor found her a little while later fascinated by one of the statues. It was one of the larger pieces, showing two intertwined bodies, holding a flat bowl in their upturned hands, a bowl that could be used to exhibit a potpourri or decorative stones.

  A man and a woman. They were clearly in love, their bodies pressed against each other, but the woman was standing on the man’s knees and it looked like he was lifting her above him, making her stronger as she rose into the sky.

  Nicole was transfixed. She couldn’t look away. This particular piece was cast in pure copper that had been polished and buffed until it shone and glowed in a warm red tone. It was strikingly beautiful.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Trevor whispered.

  She could only nod in reply. Talking felt somehow wrong, and she didn’t want to break the moment. It became even more intense when she felt Trevor’s warmth steal over her as he carefully wrapped his arms around her from behind, leaning down to whisper into her ear, “This is how I see you. Rising to the stars. Strong and independent.”

  Ryan’s appearance broke the moment as he approached, shuffling several papers in his hands. “Hey, you lovebirds!”

  Nicole quickly moved away, like she’d been caught doing something wrong. Ryan gave her a look of confusion, but she didn’t care. She had tears in her eyes from Trevor’s loving words and she didn’t want anyone to see them.

  “This is one I especially love. I made it thinking about my parents and how much they love each other and how my father always holds my mother up so she can reach even more than she could by herself. They are the perfect complement to each other.”

  Nicole heard his explanation for the piece, the beautiful thought touching a place deep in her heart. How beautiful. He and Trevor are lucky to have such a loving example in their lives.

  Ryan and Trevor discussed the sketches, finally settling on a design, while Nicole finished looking around the gallery.

  “Okay, so that’s it, Trev.”

  “Yeah, bro. You’re a genius.”

  “What about the others, shouldn’t we ask them for their opinion? Because it’s a gift from all of us.” Ryan asked.

  Trevor answered, “You know them. Evan would complain it doesn’t have skis, and Patrick is probably hiding in some war-ridden zone, oblivious to the rest of the world. But let’s send a fax to Sam and Douglas. If they don’t come up with something better by tonight, you just go ahead with our idea.”

  Nicole listened in to the friendly banter the brothers tossed back and forth, and realized her initial trepidation at meeting Trevor’s brother had been
misplaced. It was fun to be with them.

  After a little while longer, she and Trevor left Ryan’s shop. Nicole was very impressed with both the man and his work. It was obvious Ryan was an upscale goldsmith, commissioned by famous people to create one-of-a-kind pieces for them on a regular basis – and yet, he was fairly down to earth. It’s refreshing! Imagine that, another man who hasn’t let his fame and fortune go to his head.

  Chapter 14

  After leaving his brother’s workshop, Trevor’s stomach reminded him that it was already 11 a.m. and they hadn’t even had breakfast. Trevor had a meeting in his office after lunch and Nicole needed to go to the radio station.

  “I’m so sorry, I wanted to make you a wonderful breakfast and have lots of time to spend with you this morning.”

  Nicole looked at him lovingly. “Don’t worry, I enjoyed the visit to your brother’s workshop so much. He’s very talented. And that statue depicting your parents’ relationship was wonderful. It really moved me.”

  “He is good. But don’t tell him, he’s already cocky enough.” His grin gave him away. He loved his brother. A lot.

  “I won’t.”

  “And you don’t think it was too much of a commitment to get to know my brother?”

  Nicole squirmed. “Well…”

  Trevor squeezed her hand. “Don’t say anything, precious.” He hadn’t meant to make her feel uncomfortable. “I don’t want you to worry about anything when you’re with me.”

  When Nicole looked up at him, meeting his gaze, he tried to find the perfect word to describe her. Vulnerable. Strong. Beautiful. Sexy. Precious. Yeah, that’s how I feel about her.

  “I’m sorry for the missed breakfast. I’ll make it up to you.”

  Nicole chuckled. “You don’t have to. Really.”

  “And what if I want to?” Trevor queried, stopping on the sidewalk and pulling her to his side.

  “You spoil me.” Nicole leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek.

  “I want to spoil you, alright. Let me cook for you tonight,” Trevor suggested with a grin and waggle of his eyebrows. A little wine. A little food. A little loving.

  “You cook?” she asked incredulously. Was there anything this man didn’t do?

  “Yes, I cook!” Trevor answered back. “Come over to my place around 8 o’clock tonight, okay?”

  Nicole agreed and he provided her the address. On the way back to his office, they stopped and grabbed sandwichs at a nearby deli. They sat outside the small shop, neither one of them anxious to see their morning interlude come to an end.

  Outside his office, he was surprised that Nicole took the initiative, going up on her tiptoes and pulling his head down to her own. She kissed him tenderly at first, but when he placed his hands on her hips and pulled her body against his own, the kiss took on a carnal quality. The sound of a passing car honking its horn had her quickly pull away from him, blushing profusely.

  Trevor chuckled at her embarrassment, and pulled her back into his arms for one final kiss. I love that woman! Her sweet blushing. Everything.

  Nicole responded, whispering, “Goodbye,” and gave him the most breathtakingly sweet and gentle kiss he had ever received. The kiss touched him deep down in his soul and he wished he didn’t have to leave her, but work called.

  He let her slip from his hands, resisting the urge to drag her inside his office where he could spend the rest of the day ravishing her. “See you tonight?”

  Nicole touched her lips with her fingertips and slowly nodded. “Have a good afternoon.”

  “You bet I will.”

  Trevor watched her as she disappeared around the corner, patting himself on the back for having secured the attention of the hottest woman ever. She was so sexy. He knew he would never get enough of her. Not in a lifetime. Somehow, I have to make her understand that she can love me and still keep her independence.

  Chapter 15

  Nicole arrived at Trevor’s place shortly before eight. She was nervous. She knew she was falling for him much more than she wanted. And he was so sweet. The way he cared for her was wonderful, but she couldn’t give it back to him, because she was so afraid.

  Sighing, she tried to get her mind in the right space for dinner. Driving onto his street, she braced herself – both mentally and emotionally Trevor lived in a wonderful house right at the lakeshore. It was in one of the best neighborhoods of the city and very secluded. The huge garden and the house were hidden from the street by the tall hedge at the edge of the garden.

  Nicole drove up the driveway and parked her car. When she stepped out, she gasped at the pleasant sight that greeted her vision. The scenery was breathtaking. She did a three-sixty and looked at the magnificent gardens. To her right was a wonderful rose garden, the lush bushes heavy in bloom with color and fragrance. She’d never seen such a beautiful sight. He must have a professional gardener, or was this another one of his abilities? Law, cooking, gardening, mind-numbing love-making…

  A short path led up to the front door. The house itself was not very big; in fact, it was just right for a family. Why am I thinking about families? Trevor lives alone.

  She rang the bell and he opened the door instantly – smiling broadly at her. His special smile made her all tingly inside. All the unresolved tension from their foreplay this morning instantly rushed through her veins. He was dressed in a white button-down shirt and dark jeans. Over his clothes, he wore an apron.

  Nicole grinned; it was funny to see this gorgeous man, dressed for dinner, wearing an apron that looked like it belonged on his grandmother. Yet he was still the sexiest man she’d ever seen. With apron or without. He was holding his hands in the air, encased in oven mitts, and he used both his hip and his elbows to push the door open enough to allow her to enter.

  “Come in. I’m just finishing our dinner.”

  Her grin broadened as she stepped inside and turned to shut the door. Sniffing the air, she felt her stomach cheer in appreciation. It smells delicious.

  “What is that delicious smell?”

  “You’ll see. It’s a surprise.”

  Nicole stepped towards him and used her hands on his chest to lean up and give him a short kiss.

  Trevor licked his lips as she drew away, grinning. “I could trade that for dinner.”

  “No, you can’t. I'm starving.”

  Trevor returned to the kitchen, with Nicole following behind. Between the hall and the kitchen they crossed a cozy dining room with a wooden table and wooden chairs seating eight. When she stepped into the dining room she gasped in delight; the floor-to-ceiling windows featured a breathtaking view of the lake. The windows looked east, and she found herself wondering how gorgeous a sunrise would look like from here.

  "Wow!" was the only word Nicole could murmur.

  "You like it?"

  "I love it. It’s gorgeous!"

  "Wait until sunset. It's my favorite time of the day. Even though you can’t see the sun from here, its reflection on sky and water is awesome. The water seems to catch fire. Heaven and water are burning in different tones of red. Nicole nodded, already imagining the treat her eyes were in for.

  "Can I get you something to drink? Maybe some wine?"

  “Yes, please.”

  "White or red?"

  “Well, that depends on dinner." Perhaps she could sneakily find out what was for dinner, but Trevor caught on immediately.

  "No, I'm not telling you…"

  “Okay, then I’ll take some red wine.”

  He smiled at her pout as he poured her glass and they clinked them together. "To the most precious woman I've met in my life."

  Nicole blushed. Nobody has ever said such things to her. He was so sweet. To hide her embarrassment, Nicole asked, "Can I help you?"

  "Sure, you can sit down and look beautiful."

  The smile left her face and she frowned at him. What the heck? Where have I heard…

  Trevor saw her face change, anger flashing in her eyes, and he quickly ad
justed his statement to explain, "Nicole, I am almost done. There's really nothing you can do to help. And I love just being with you."

  Nicole realized that she was allowing her past experiences to color the here and now. She relaxed and mentally cautioned herself to turn her memory off. He’s just being sweet. He isn’t trying to put me on a pedestal or in a gilded cage.

  Trevor stepped into the kitchen and came out again with two plates containing steaming portions of hot lasagna.

  “Hmmm, that smells good!”

  He pulled her chair out, and then seated himself. They ate the wonderful meal Trevor had made, drank their wine, and exchanged small talk. During the entire meal, Nicole enjoyed both the company and the conversation.

  After they finished eating their fill, Trevor took her out on the small porch and they sat on the porch swing, his arm around her shoulders, to watch the sun go down.

  She didn’t remember anything more romantic than those minutes. Snuggled up against Trevor’s broad chest, she watched the sunset and dreamt of a happily ever after. With him. She wanted to sit there forever, in his arms, admiring the scenery, but when darkness set in, the slight breeze off the lake had her shivering. Dressed with only white pants, a short-sleeved midnight blue silk blouse, and a scarf around her shoulders, she was beginning to shudder with cold.

  Trevor noticed her shivering and asked, "Are you cold?"

  "Just a little bit."

  He lightly traced his finger along her neckline and she shivered even more. Not from the cold this time. Trevor had the ability to do things to her body she didn’t even know were possible. His touch was setting her on fire. Just like the sunset was setting the water on fire.

  Nicole closed her eyes and moaned in pleasure. What is he doing to me?

  Chapter 16

  Trevor seemed to know exactly which buttons to push to turn her on. Nobody else had ever made her feel that way.

  He makes me feel loved. Precious. Nicole recalled several times when Trevor had referred to her with exactly that word. She liked it. It felt good. When he started nibbling down her neckline, she tipped her head to the side, giving him better access. He intensified his kisses, until she started purring like a cat.


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