Power of Love (The Armstrongs Book 1)

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Power of Love (The Armstrongs Book 1) Page 9

by Jessica Gray

  I hate it when he calls me that. I’m not his baby! I’m not his anything! Nicole held her tongue, hating how he always made her fell belittled and unimportant when he talked to her. She’d vowed to be independent and strong from now on, and here she stood, letting him call her baby. Again.

  She moved, putting the couch between her and her ex. He’d never been violent before, but then she’d never stood up to him before. Until the day she called off the wedding. And what had that action accomplished for her? Lost job. Lost home. Lost life.

  The stare in his eyes was mean. Outright mean and vengeful. He was here to get his revenge for her humiliating him. Sophia’s stories came rushing at her. No way. This wasn’t her. She wasn’t a victim. She was strong. She’d deal with him. Still, panic rushed through her veins and she used the couch to steady herself on her shaking legs.

  How could she ever have fallen in love with him? Sure, he had good looks, but they couldn’t hold a candle to Trevor’s. The thought of Trevor caused her face to heat up as she remembered their earlier lovemaking. Best lovemaking ever. But now she had other problems; she needed to get Norman out of her house.

  Norman seemed to notice her flushed face and took a step nearer. It cost her all her willpower not to take a step backwards. Not that there was much room between the couch and the wall anyways, but she wouldn’t give him the satisfaction of seeing her scared.

  He glared at her with angry eyes that narrowed as he sniffed the air around her. “You’re sleeping around.”

  Nicole’s terror level raised another notch. She felt outraged as well and screamed, “How dare you!”

  “I can smell it – you just slept with another man, you slut!”

  She yelled at him, “Even if I did, it’s none of your business!”

  Norman eyed her coldly. “So you admit it. You’re betraying me! Who is the loser?”

  Her terror changed to anger. Serious anger. “What the fuck is wrong with you? We broke up months ago. Remember? Your beloved family even made sure I lost my job and my friends, and had to move to another town.”

  His face took on a menacing quality as he pointed a finger in her direction. “That’s what you get for messing with me. Baby!”

  “I’m not your baby! Get out of my house!”

  “The hell I will. I’ll show you who you belong to!”

  Nicole took a step away from him, scared to death. Her heart was beating at a fast speed, and her legs wanted to run. She calculated the distance to the door and recognized she’d never make it before he caught her.

  “I’m not yours! We broke up.”

  “You broke up, I didn’t. I’ll teach you the difference.”

  She couldn’t stand doing nothing and decided to make her own luck. In a sudden leap, she headed for the door, but he quickly cut her off. Things became worse. Her attempt to flee had sent him over the edge. With one swift move, he threw her across his shoulder and carried her to her bedroom.

  Oh my god. For a few moments she was shocked into paralysis! This was the second time today a man had put her over his shoulder to carry her into a bedroom. But there wasn’t any comparison between the two. The first had been wonderful and invited. The second…she was more terrified than she’d ever been before in her life! When she finally gained control over her arms and legs again, she pushed and struggled with all her force, trying to get away from Norman; but he simply tightened his hold and laughed at her feeble attempts.

  “I like it when you’re spicy. It’s so sexy.” Normal leered at her as he pushed through her bedroom door.

  He threw her down onto the bed, and Nicole was momentarily stunned from hitting the mattress so hard. She tried to breathe, but it was locked in her chest and she could do nothing but silently try not to panic. You’ve only had the breath knocked from you. Stay calm and don’t panic.

  When she finally caught her breath again, she struggled to push herself up off the bed, only to realize that Norman had already bound her wrists to the corners of each bedpost. He had one ankle already secured, and was now doing the same to the other one! I need to get away from him!

  What the hell is he up to? She wiggled and screamed. He gave her a look full of hatred and yelled at her, “Stop screaming!”

  Nicole didn’t even pause for a breath of air before she increased her volume and screamed even louder, her lungs almost bursting.

  That was enough to make Norman see red. With a frantic look on his face, he grabbed a piece of cloth and shoved it into her mouth to shut her up. The sudden silence seemed to appease him and he said in a much softer voice, “You’ll wake the whole neighborhood if you continue screaming like that, Baby.”

  Nicole thrashed her head back and forth, trying to dislodge the cloth he’d forced into her mouth, but it was impossible.

  Norman sat down beside her on the bed and just stared at her.

  She stopped struggling and tried to gain control of her limited breathing. Her ex had never been physically threatening before, but she had a terrible feeling that was about to change. He had a crazy light in his eyes that she’d never seen before. It was scary as hell!

  “I’ll teach you not to sleep around with other men. You don’t get to betray me without punishment.”

  His words hit her like a hammer and she began struggling once again, but soon realized it was useless. In full panic mode, a thick fog of angst invaded her brain, making any sensible thought almost impossible. What was he going to do to her?

  The mental images of things some of the shelter women had suffered invaded her mind. She expected the worst – and more. It was grueling. It was terrifying. It was paralyzing! When she’d almost accepted the fact that she wouldn’t live another day, her inner voice sent hope.

  Her mind traveled back to the meeting with Trevor and Sophia, and she tried to push the thick fog in her mind aside to remember what Sophia had said. Calm down. Think! She’d mentioned something about being strong. And hadn’t she said something about pretending to give in and play along to not anger the man further? Wait for a chance to get away?

  Given her present circumstances, this was probably a time when she should pretend to give in. Hopefully Norman would give her an opportunity soon where she could be strong and get away. But for now…Nicole looked at Norman and tried to look sorry. It was difficult with the cloth stuffed in her mouth, and she was disgusted with herself, but she nodded at him.

  He scooted closer to her, running the back of his fingers over her shoulder and up her restrained arm.

  Nicole tried not to gag or give away how dirty his touch made her feel. She kept her face neutral and didn’t allow her disgust to show in her eyes. Thank God! Her ploy worked.

  “If you promise not to scream again, I’ll take the gag out of your mouth.”

  She nodded, and he removed the cloth from her mouth, carefully watching her while she moved her jaw around for several seconds and licked her dry lips.

  “Remember how good things were between us?”

  Things had never been really good between them. She realized that now. But needing to play along, she nodded.

  Norman smiled at her tacit agreement and took that as an invitation to continue touching her.

  She shivered in revulsion. God, he creeps me out.

  If he’d noticed the shiver, he chose to ignore it and continued to stroke his fingers across her chest, touching her breasts, her nipples.

  Still fearing for her safety, she suppressed an angry reaction and said instead, “Please, can you loosen the bindings?”

  “Oh no. I like it that way. We’ll have some fun.” A malicious look crossed his face, and she could almost see the thoughts in his head.

  Her squirming against her bonds seemed only to strengthen his determination to punish her. He withdrew his fingers from her chest and used both hands to rip open her blouse.

  Nicole felt like crying as Norman stared wide-eyed at the sexy lingerie she’d put on for Trevor. Damn it! She was tied to the bed in her sexiest underwear
and he was on a mission for revenge and punishment. The large bulge in Norman’s pants confirmed her worst expectations. She almost blacked out, when the devastating reality of what was about to happen to her settled in.

  The sound of the doorbell ringing broke through her terror and she began to struggle once again, screaming and thrashing around as her terror gave way to the violence of her struggle. When Norman stuffed the gag back in her mouth Nicole started to cry, seeing her last chance of rescue slipping away.

  But the visitor wouldn’t go away. The doorbell rang a second and a third time.

  Chapter 19

  All the way across town, Trevor lectured himself on being irrational. But if he’d learned one thing in all of his years dealing with his siblings and later, with his clients, it was to trust his gut feelings.

  He’d worked with so many couples, and every single time he’d gotten those bad vibes, trouble had been on the way. This time, he could almost smell it! And his gut – it was screaming!

  Nicole had not called him. Even though she’d promised to do so. I’m being over-over-over-protective here. His sister Samantha could probably write a book about that characteristic of his. She’d give him a speech about how modern women can exist on their own. But she’d assumed she was talking to a modern man. I’m not a modern man! I want to protect my women. I’ll be damned it I don’t. And – most especially – Nicole.

  He thought she’d understood his need to ensure her safety. That it wasn’t to control her, but to make sure she was safe and healthy. You never knew what could happen. The weirdest things happened when one least expected them. But they wouldn’t be happening to the women in his life as long as he was on the watch.

  Perhaps he was predisposed to expect the worst because he got to see so many bad things, especially when working for Sophia’s clients. It was always a mystery to him, what some men were capable of doing to the women they professed to love.

  Sometimes, they managed to keep their baser sides a secret, until the woman filed for divorce, that is. Until those women grew tired of being treated like brainless dolls! That always seemed to bring out the absolute worst in those types of men.

  He had waited a while – much too long for his liking – and then texted her. No response. Against his better judgment he’d called her cell phone. Twice. Both times the calls had gone straight to voicemail.

  Trevor had spent a few minutes arguing with himself. Maybe she forgot she promised to call me. Or maybe not?

  Nicole had told him that she almost never switched her phone off, because at the radio station they called at the oddest hours. Sometimes she had to jump in for a colleague, even in the early morning or late night. So why did she switch it off tonight?

  When he could no longer stand not knowing, he jumped in his brand new Tesla sports car. He was so proud of that car. But right now he wasn’t even paying attention to all of the luxury and extra perks the car included. He just wanted to get to Nicole’s house.

  What will I say to her? She’ll think I’m being overprotective. She might even send me away for good. He realized he didn’t care. If ensuring her safety meant he’d lose her, so be it. At least she’d be fine.

  Mr. Overprotective she had called him; the thought triggered a smile. I probably am. I love her. I can’t help it!

  When Trevor arrived at her house, he saw the lights still on. So she is here. Why didn’t she call?

  It was very late and he debated for several minutes about his next course of action. Should he go and ring the bell, or not? He called her one last time. Straight to voicemail again.

  Before deciding what to do, he took a look around. Her vehicle was parked in the driveway, so she was definitely home. Trevor was about to turn around and drive home, when he noticed the second car parked on the other side of hers. Who could that be?

  He shouldn’t be spying on her, but jealousy rose and an unfamiliar pain spread across his heart. On an impulse, he parked the Tesla behind her car and slid out. The other car had rental car license plates.

  What in the hell? Does she have company? She hadn’t said anything about expecting visitors. Trevor could barely contain the jealousy. Why hadn’t she told him? He tried to come up with a viable explanation. Maybe her sisters had come down? Or… another man…?

  Just thinking about Nicole with another man had him seeing red; he rushed up to her front door and depressed the bell angrily. Nothing. He thought he’d heard a noise, but it quickly died. Probably just his imagination in overdrive. He wasn’t being reasonable here.

  After a while, he rang the bell again. Why doesn’t she open the door? Finally, he heard the sound of footsteps approaching and the door opened.

  A man was standing in front of him. A half-naked man. He was dressed only in very expensive dress pants and leather shoes. Wearing an Omega watch. Trevor recognized this because Omega was a style and name brand he usually liked, but this one was too pretentious. Made to boast, to show off. It was too big for the wrist of the man wearing it.

  Suddenly he knew who stood in front of him. Oh God! It must be her ex! She’s sleeping with her ex again?! Minutes after our lovemaking?!

  His shoulders dropped and he turned to leave, but the man’s next words stopped him cold.

  In a very unfriendly voice he asked, “Are you the delivery boy from the radio station?”

  Hey, stupid? Do I look like a delivery boy? Trevor’s pride was offended. He knew people often thought he was younger than his actual thirty-four years, but a delivery boy?

  Ignoring the query, he asked his own question, “Where’s Nicole?”

  “She’s not dressed. We were just getting ready to have some fun.” The man leered at him and Trevor wanted to wipe the slimy grin off his face with a fist. Or two.

  Trevor was beyond angry. Furious. Jealous. This guy wasn’t even trying to hide the fact that he was sleeping with her. How dare she! Just an hour or so after they’d shared the most amazing sex of his life. And after he’d told her he loved her?

  The desire to punch the man intensified and Trevor clenched his hands into two fists. He’d also like to wrap his hands around Nicole’s beautiful throat and squeeze. Those thoughts were interrupted by the man’s next words.

  “Hey, didn’t you bring some papers?” Then he smirked and a malicious look entered his eyes. “I get it. The thought of Nicole being naked really got to you, huh? What if I let you give her the message yourself? Huh?”

  The pulse pounded in Trevor’s temples. What?! Nicole would never allow something like that. Well, at least he didn’t think she would. Again, his gut was screaming out a warning that something was seriously wrong with this picture. Horribly wrong!

  Abandoning any pretense of manners, Trevor pushed his way inside the house and ran through the rooms until he came to the bedroom. The sight that greeted him only confirmed what his gut had been telling him all the time and his heart dropped as he took in the sight before him.

  Nicole was indeed in the bedroom. Tied to the bed. With a gag in her mouth. Her blouse was half opened, showing her black transparent lacy bra. Her eyes were scared. But when she looked and saw him standing there, relief entered her eyes and she began to struggle in earnest.

  Shock held Trevor immobile for several seconds. What? Just enough time for her ex to catch up with him.

  “I can’t allow you to touch her, but you can tell the radio station that she resigns. I’m taking her back home with me.”

  Trevor turned and punched the man right in the stomach. He didn’t think about what he was doing, he just let his fists strike out, until the anger started to fade from his clouded vision. He punched him in the face, kicked him in the stomach a few more times, taking relish in making that bastard hurt, until several punches later the sounds of Nicole’s struggling penetrated his foggy brain.

  He stopped attacking the man, noticing briefly that he wasn’t moving anymore, and then he dragged him by his ankles into the walk-in closet and shut the door. He locked the door and remo
ved the key. That should keep him contained until I can call the cops!

  Trevor quickly untied Nicole’s ankles and her hands, kissing her softly on the cheek after he removed the cloth in her mouth. She was terrified, and sobbing incoherently.

  Pulling her into his arms, he picked her up and sat her on his lap as he leaned against the headboard. He cradled her against his chest, rocking her slightly like a baby and murmuring soothing words.

  When he felt her shiver, he pulled up the soft blanket that had been shoved to the floor and wrapped it around them both, pulling her even closer to him as he tried to calm her down.

  Nicole continued to sob against his chest. She tried to tell him what had happened, but tears clogged her throat and he was only able to catch single words here and there.

  After some time, Trevor loosened the blanket around her, needing to make sure her tears were only due to her scare, and not from some physical injury he hadn’t seen earlier. He quickly checked her upper torso before deftly closing the buttons on her blouse. As he finished the last button, curses and pounding came from behind the closet door.

  So the asshole’s awake. I should have hit him a few more times! Trevor felt Nicole flinch as Norman began to yells threats through the locked door. He was making a lot of noise, and even though he was contained, his voice was starting to panic Nicole once again. He is not going to cause her one more second of fear or pain!

  When objects started hitting the door, Trevor tipped Nicole’s chin up to get her eyes to meet his own and asked her softly, “Are you okay, Precious?”

  Nicole nodded jerkily and made what sounded like a murmur of agreement in her throat.

  “Did he hurt you?”

  She shook her head, still not giving Trevor the words he needed to hear. Her eyes kept darting to the closed closet door and Trevor feared the noise was keeping her terror active.

  Picking her up, blanket and all, he carried her out to the living room and sat her down on the couch. After making sure she was comfortable, he entered the kitchen and fixed her a cup of hot tea.


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