Power of Love (The Armstrongs Book 1)

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Power of Love (The Armstrongs Book 1) Page 10

by Jessica Gray

  “Precious, drink this,” he ordered her a moment later, holding out the cup to her.

  Nicole took the cup with trembling hands, causing some of the hot liquid to spill over the lip. Trevor stabilized her hands and sat down on the edge of the couch, helping guide and steady the cup as she drank the tea.

  When the cup was half empty, he took the cup and placed it on the side table before forcing her to meet his eyes. “Nicole. Please talk to me.”

  She darted her eyes away from him with a noncommittal hum coming from her throat.

  “Shall I call an ambulance?”

  This time, instead of a nondescript noise, he received at least a shake of her head. Trevor was starting to grow worried. Seeing her so much in pain made his heart ache. And his fury toward her ex rose once again.

  Norman kept pounding against the closet door, but Trevor couldn’t be concerned about him right now. Nicole needed his comfort and assurance that she was safe. As long as he doesn’t figure out a way through that door, he can just rot there for all I care!

  Pulling Nicole into his arms, he settled back against the couch and just held her. Eventually, after what seemed like an eternity, her trembling subsided and she fully relaxed in his arms. Ever so gently, Trevor tipped her chin up to see her eyes.

  His heart took a leap. She was okay; she even offered him a small smile along with a softly spoken “Thank you.”

  How could he love that woman even more every minute? Finally, he allowed himself to relax, too and gave her that special smile of his that was reserved only for her. He kissed the tip of her nose. “Precious. I was so worried. I’m glad I arrived here in time.”

  She managed a slightly bigger smile this time, showing him that she was coming back to her old self. It was about time. He’d been sincerely frightened. The words that followed made him squeeze her in joy. “Thanks for being overprotective.”

  He nodded, happy despite the circumstances. “I had such a bad feeling in my gut, and I’ve learned over the years to trust my intuition. When you didn’t call, and you didn’t answer your phone, those bad vibes intensified. I know you don’t want me to control you, but I just had to come and see for myself that you were safe and secure for the night.”

  Nicole snuggled into his arms, pressing herself against his body as if she could merge with him. He felt her warmth everywhere, and his heart was aching with need. He was so full of love. It was a completely surprising turn of events for him. I’d do anything for this woman. Just to be able to hold her again is worth more than words can say. To feel her in my arms again. I almost lost her tonight!

  Trevor squeezed her as his emotions swamped his mind.

  Nicole squeezed him back and then pushed herself away from his chest a few inches. Looking up at him, she asked in a tired and resigned voice, “And now?”

  One look at her face told him that she simply didn’t have it in her to take the next steps on her own. She was asking him to take control of the situation! Trusting him enough to let him take the lead. And he was so grateful he could show her how much he loved her. I’ll help you, Precious. I’ll be with you every single second. “We should call the police.”

  She nodded with a grateful face and then dropped her head back onto his chest.

  Trevor contacted the police, holding her the entire time. When the cops arrived, he left her sitting on the couch while he answered the door. He briefly described the events of the evening as he understood them, asking that they do their best to shield her from future contact with Norman.

  He returned to the couch, pulling her back into his arms, and when the cops tried to take her statement, he informed them that she was in shock and was unable to give a statement right now. He handed them a business card and promised to bring her to the station first thing the next morning, where they could take her statement and ask her any questions they might have.

  Trevor made sure they understood all of the charges he wanted to see filed against her ex, enough charges to ensure he wouldn’t be posting bail during the night.

  When they were ready to remove Norman from the house, he picked Nicole up and carried her out onto her back porch, sitting with her on the porch swing and rocking it slowly as they looked out over the lake.

  “Mr. Armstrong?”

  Trevor turned his head and met the eyes of one of the arresting officers. “Yes?”

  “We’re all done here for the night. Please bring Miss Kendrick by the station in the morning. We’ll get rid of the trash for now.”


  “My pleasure. Let us know if you need anything for her before morning.”

  Trevor nodded and returned his attention to Nicole. She had finally fallen asleep. How long he sat there holding her, he couldn’t have said. But it didn’t matter. He was holding the woman he loved in his arms.

  When the cold began to make itself felt, he picked her up and carried her back inside. He placed her on the couch and covered her up with the blanket once again.

  Then he braced himself against his anger and entered her bedroom. With quick movements he got rid the ropes and ties her ex had used to secure her to the bed. When there were no traces of the past interlude left, he returned to the couch and picked Nicole up to place her in her bed.

  She was sleeping so soundly, he briefly considered leaving her in her clothing, but then he realized that she wouldn’t sleep well that way. He quickly removed her blouse, pants, and bra, leaving her panties in place.

  Then he crawled beneath the covers with her, spooning her back to his front and wrapping his arms protectively around her middle.

  He wasn’t leaving her tonight, to face any demons that might haunt her dreams. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, secure in the knowledge that she was going to be fine.

  Chapter 20

  The sound of her alarm roused Nicole from her slumber, and she opened her eyes wide as the events of the night before came rushing back at her. Sitting up in bed, she scanned the room, looking for any evidence of Norman’s attack. A sigh of relief escaped her, when no trace of the event could be seen. Who’d removed the ties? Trevor? Or the police?

  Nicole reached over to where another person had slept in the bed. The sheets were cool to her touch, indicating that the person had been up for a while. She listened for a moment, until she heard movement coming from the other room. Trevor!

  Her heart beat faster as she recognized his voice whistling a popular tune. She smiled and crawled from the bed. Realizing she wasn’t wearing anything but her underwear, she grabbed her robe and wrapped it around her body. Trevor undressed me. It seems his need to care for me just never stops!

  The delicious smell of bacon and coffee coming down the hallway greeted her on her way to the kitchen. She pushed the horror of the night before aside, having woken up in a frame of mind to make sure Norman never terrorized another woman again.

  “Hi,” she said softly, standing in the doorway. Trevor was already dressed and had cooked breakfast for them both.

  He put down the plates in his hands and came towards her. He pulled her into him for a hug and then kissed the top of her head. “Sleep okay?”

  Nicole nodded and returned his hug. She loved the feel of being in his arms, and the smell of his cologne from the day before had her senses spinning. Hey, none of that now. First things first. Deal with the police. Get ready for the talk show.

  Between kisses he said, “Nicole, I don’t want to be one more day without you. I love you.”

  Wow! “You love me?” Okay, so perhaps she had time for a slight detour.

  “I do. More than anything else in the world. More than I thought I’d be able to.”

  “We’ve known each other for less than a week,” she reminded him.

  “Love is not measured in days or weeks. I love you now and I will love you the same fifty years from now.”

  Nicole felt herself blush. I want to trust him so much. I want to trust in his love. “I…”

  Trevor stopped
her with a finger on her lips. “Shush. You don’t have to say anything right now. You’ve been through a lot, and today’s a big day for you.

  “After breakfast, you need to go to the police station and give them your statement. Are you up for that?”

  Nicole nodded. She wasn’t looking forward to the task, but she knew it needed to be done. “Yes.” Norman was going to have so many charges filed against him, he’d certainly end up doing some sort of jail sentence for accosting her.

  “Do you want me to drive you?” Trevor asked.

  She looked at him and could see that he really wanted to take charge, but he was giving her the space to make her own decisions. It would be so easy to just sit back and let him take care of everything. But I can’t live my life like that.

  Shaking her head, she softened her refusal with a warm smile. “Trevor, I appreciate your offer to come with me. I really do. And I know how hard this is for you, but I need to do this alone. I need to prove to myself that I can do this; otherwise, I might never want to leave the house again.”

  She scanned his face, looking for some hint of what he was thinking. “Does that make any sense?”

  Trevor nodded. “It does. It doesn’t make me happy, but I do understand where you’re coming from.” He sighed and then asked, “Will you at least call me when you leave the police station and head to work?”

  “I will. Thank you for understanding. It means the world to me.”

  Trevor pulled her back into his arms for a hug. “I know. Remember, if you need me, I’m just a phone call away.”

  Nicole smiled at him and headed off to dress for the day. First, she’d go give her statement to the police, and then she was heading to the radio station. Tonight was the third installment of her talk show, and she wanted everything to be perfect for Trevor’s radio debut.

  The police station went smoothly, the arresting officers having gotten plenty of ammunition from Norman himself. He’d raged the entire car ride to the jail, incriminating himself over and over. Thirty minutes after the interview began, Nicole was asked to sign the affidavit and was told they’d contact her if the prosecutor had any additional questions.

  She didn’t have to offer much in the way of new information, just confirm what Norman had already given them. I’m so glad this part of my day is over!

  After leaving the police station, she dialed Trevor’s number, smiling when he picked it up on the first ring. “Hi.”

  “Are you finished at the police station? Did it go okay?”

  She could hear the worry in his voice and tried to assuage it: “I am finished already. It was much easier than I’d expected.” No more words needed to be said, as she was ready to put the events associated with her ex to the wayside and focus on the rest of her day.

  After a pause, Trevor asked, “So, you’re heading into the radio station?”

  “I am. Are you ready for this evening?”

  His broad smile came across the line. “Sure. I’m getting ready to head into the office for a few hours, and then I’ll come by the station. The show starts at 5:30?”

  “Yes. The interview portion of the show will last about half an hour, and then we’ll take callers’ questions for about an hour. Can you handle that?”

  “Not a problem. Besides, I get to spend it looking at you, right?”

  Nicole blushed again. “Yes.” And knowing that you’re staring at me isn’t going to do anything for my concentration! Darn it! In a desperate attempt to bring things back to a profession basis, she asked, “Did you have any other questions about the interview process?”

  “No.” Trevor paused and then asked, “Nicole?”


  “I love you. Don’t worry about tonight. It’s going to be fine.”

  “I know. See you soon.” She disconnected the call and headed towards the station. For some reason, she was nervous. More nervous than usual. She had been working as a radio show moderator for years. And she’d already done two episodes of this particular show series.

  But today was different. Cynthia had planned on sticking around to watch tonight’s show. That alone was unusual and cause for concern. If tonight doesn’t go well, is she going to fire me on the spot?

  Her thoughts had taken a negative turn. No way! She closed her eyes and envisioned a successful show. This show is going to be my best moderation ever! The subject matter is interesting, and I’m as prepared as I can be. Those thoughts were comforting, but not the one that caused her heart to race or her excitement to vibrate through her body. Tonight she’d be interviewing him!


  Trevor walked into the radio station a few hours later and immediately saw Nicole waiting for him. They met in the middle of the foyer and he gave her a warm hug. Instantly, he could feel the heat between them flare to life. God, he’d missed her this afternoon. After not going with her to the police station, he’d headed to the gym before going home for a change of clothes.

  He’d needed to work out some of his tension and he had no problem finding a willing squash partner. After sweating an hour on the court, he felt better. Hard physical exercise always cleared his mind and his emotions.

  Hearing from Nicole and knowing that she was doing okay made it possible for him to finally relax and focus on other items that needed his attention. He’d spent the rest of the morning and afternoon going over his upcoming cases and reviewing investigative reports for several pending cases.

  Now that he was here with her, a different type of tension and worry had reared its head. He’d seen her fear of commitment clearly displayed on her face this morning, and he was hoping that she’d not focused on it too much throughout the day. Ignoring the sexual tension, he tried to keep things light and easy, for both of their sakes. “Still afraid?”

  Nicole looked at him curiously. “Afraid? No. Just nervous!”

  “I didn’t mean the talk show. I meant us.”

  “Oh! Us!” She nodded.

  Trevor saw the nod and the truth revealed in her eyes. He hugged her close once again and then set her aside. “Well, show me where this is all going to take place.”

  The talk show was a great success. More people had called in to ask questions during the show than ever before, and for hours after the show ended, the radio station’s phone lines were crowded with people calling in to say how great the show had been.

  Nicole was happy. Cynthia was deliriously so. Trevor was so proud of Nicole.

  But Trevor was also nervous, and struggling to hide that fact from her. He wanted to help her. If she’ll let me.

  Cynthia came over and congratulated Nicole on her success. She then thanked Trevor for coming and made small talk with him. More than he liked. It didn’t feel right. That gut feeling soon turned out to be true, when Nicole’s coworkers stole her away for a moment.

  Her boss took the opportunity to hit on him. She was suddenly gushing over his accomplishments, flattering him with false praise, and even plastered herself up against his side. A week ago he’d have been flattered, he’d probably even been game. She was an attractive woman. But now? Nicole was the only woman he wanted. And the attention from Cynthia creeped him out.

  Trevor tried to control his temper. That woman probably had no idea that he and Nicole were involved, so her behavior wasn’t inappropriate – in her eyes. But how could he say no to her without causing a fuss?

  When she told him that the entire staff was heading to a local bar for a short after-work celebratory drink, and that she’d love for him to join her, he needed out. And fast. While Trevor would have loved the opportunity to celebrate Nicole’s success with her and her coworkers, he shivered at the thought of her boss hitting on him. It would be better for everyone if I just left now.

  “Thank you for having me. And for the invitation; unfortunately, I already have another commitment.”

  Cynthia placed a hand on his arm. “That’s too bad. You’ve been terrific. Let me walk you out.”

  Trevor couldn’t find
a tactful way to avoid the gesture, so he quickly headed towards the front door of the radio station, refusing to stop and prolong the goodbye he knew Cynthia was hoping for.

  He intended to return to his office, planning to get some more work done, but halfway there he realized his office was the last place he wanted to be. On an impulse, he dialed Ryan’s number and waited for him to answer.


  “Ryan, hey, it’s Trev. Do you still have that sculpture Nicole liked so much?”

  Ryan chuckled. “Oh, ho. The second Armstrong trapped by a woman. Soon I’ll be the only one left.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Just answer the question, do you still have that sculpture?”

  “Sure. Come on over.”

  When Trevor arrived at Ryan’s workshop, his brother took one look at his face and started laughing. “You’re doomed, man!”

  “You don’t know the half of it.” Trevor quickly filled him in on Nicole’s ex attacking her.

  His brother wouldn’t be a true Armstrong if he didn’t get pissed at anyone treating a woman badly. With a threat in his eyes and clenched fists, he hissed, “I’d hit that bastard between his eyes.”

  Trevor laughed. “Already done that and more. And you know what? It felt fantastic!”

  Ryan nodded. “I bet it did. He should pray that I never run into him on the street. I’d love a little of that action myself. What a loser!”

  “Well, I did pretty well on my own. Her ex couldn’t have handled us all. Remember when we were kids? Only the really stupid guys messed with one of us.”

  “That’s because they knew they’d eventually have to deal with us all!”

  Trevor and Ryan took a brief trip down memory lane. Growing up, the Armstrong boys were a force to be reckoned with. By the time they reached their teenage years, fist-fighting to defend one another’s honor had become commonplace. Usually Evan was the one getting into trouble and either Dean or Trevor would bail him out.

  Bringing the conversation back around to the reason for his visit, Trevor asked Ryan about the sculpture: “So, how much do you want for that sculpture?”


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