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The Marine's Red Hot Homecoming

Page 17

by Christine Glover

  Being with Caleb, knowing the possibilities that existed between them, had changed her forever. She couldn’t go back to the woman she had been before Caleb had turned up less than a month ago. And she couldn’t accept anything less than a man who gave himself to her 100 percent. No matter how much she loved him, no matter how alone she felt, and no matter how much her heart ached for him, she refused to settle for less.

  She had to find a way to get the happiness she deserved with or without Caleb.

  Hannah greeted her friends, then rushed to give Jason a huge bear hug. “I missed you little guy,” she said, inhaling his scent of baby lotion, earth, and animal cracker cookies. “Thanks for watching him, Mom.”

  “We got a little reinforcement from Janet and Steven.” Shannon placed her hand on Hannah’s shoulder, squeezed gently. “You hear from Caleb?”

  “No. I don’t expect to.” Hannah settled Jason on her hip, then glanced at the Mayor standing next to the big red ribbon tied from end to end of the town center’s gazebo pavilion. “But I’m sure he’ll contact me once he’s on base to arrange child support and visitation. He’ll do what’s right for his son even though we’re not together anymore.”

  Shannon swallowed hard. “I’m so sorry. But please don’t let this ruin your special day. You’ve worked too hard to make it happen.”

  “I couldn’t have done it without your help. Or Caleb’s after the fire.” Her throat ached and tears pricked behind her eyes. Still, she refused to let them fall or upset her family. She pasted a bright smile on her face. “Today is all about new beginnings, so let’s get them started.”

  Shannon nodded. “Give me Jason. We’ll take care of him during the ceremony.”

  Hannah released him into her mother’s loving arms. “After it’s over we’ll all go for ice cream.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Michael said, cruising to a stop next to her. “But you sure you don’t want me and Zach to knock some sense into Caleb’s thick skull while we’re at it?”

  “Give it a rest, Michael,” Kennedy said. “There’s only one person who can fix this and he’s not here.”

  “Fine. But I still say I should run him over with my chair. I bet I could inflict some serious damage with my wheelie skills.”

  Hannah laughed, appreciating Michael’s humor. Life would get better even if Caleb wasn’t in the picture. “Give Jason a ride and we’ll call it a day, okay?”

  “You got it, sis,” Michael said. “Now go before the Mayor starts without you.”

  She moved away from her family toward the gazebo. A light spring breeze lifted the hem of her skirt and strands of her hair flicked against her cheeks. The band played the Sweetbriar Springs’ High School fight song while sitting in the chairs that had been set up inside the gazebo.

  The Mayor clasped her hand when she arrived at his side. “An excellent turnout. Well done.”

  “Thank you, sir.” She only hoped the mayor stuck to the thirty-minute speech she had pared down for him versus the hour long one he had originally proposed. Otherwise their potential shoppers would fall away from sheer boredom.

  The last chords of the fight song rang and she heard the thunder of a V-rod roaring in the distance. Her heart skittered and she glanced toward the sound, searching for the machine that had grown so familiar to her.

  The V-rod parked and the driver swung off the bike. When he removed his helmet, her pulse jumped into serious overdrive. The air shimmered between them. She only had eyes for him, drinking in his unexpected presence like a parched soul at the bank of an oasis.

  Around her, the audience seemed to collectively hold their breath while Caleb crossed the lawn, his stride fast and purposeful. Her legs turned to jelly and she struggled to remain rooted to the ground.

  The mayor cleared his throat, ready to speak, but she put her hand on his arm, stopping him with her brief touch. “Hold on,” Hannah said. “Please.”

  She expected Caleb to join their family and friends, but he stopped in front of her, blocking the sun with his powerful, broad body. His indigo eyes locked onto hers and slowly, ever so slowly, he dragged his dog tags over his head.

  Her insides cartwheeled. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  Still holding her gaze, he reached for her hands and dropped the tags into them, closing his over hers until they were bound as one. “I’ve been a world class fool, Hannah. I gave you a house when you asked for a home. I told you I belonged to the Marines, but I only belong to you. You offered me your heart, and I forgot to tell you that you already had mine. You gave me everything I dreamed of having, and I didn’t accept your gift. Not because I don’t love you, but because I was terrified that what I had to offer wasn’t enough.”

  Her heart lodged in her throat, tears bubbled in her eyes, blurring her vision. “Caleb,” she said, the chain in her hands cool to her touch but the blood in her veins rushing hot and wild. “Your heart has always been enough. All you have to do is let me in.”

  “I am. I will.” Caleb lowered himself onto his knees, still holding her hands, his eyes imploring her. “I’m so sorry I screwed things up. I will do anything to make you happy. You want me to stay here. I’ll stay. Willingly. You once told me you wanted a man who loves you and wants to be with you because you deserve his love. I want to be that man. If you’ll give me one more chance. A family and a home and a husband who loves you more than life itself. Please forgive me for being an idiot.”

  “You gave me a house key,” she reminded him though her heart soared.

  “I know. Huge mistake.” He dug into his pants pocket and retrieved another white box wrapped in Tiffany blue ribbon. “I can’t promise I won’t mess up again, but I can promise to give you everything I have and more. I can promise to be the man that you deserve every day for the rest of our lives.”

  She draped Caleb’s dog tags around her wrist, then took the box from him and opened it. A beautiful princess cut diamond ring surrounded by tiny companions sparkled in the sunlight. “It’s beautiful,” she said. “A lot better than a mountain house.”

  “Will you marry me?” he asked. “Will you forgive me? Please?”

  Hannah looked at the people who circled around her. Her mother and father with Jason standing between them, his little hands clasped in theirs. Caleb’s parents slightly apart from the group, Janet’s arm encircling Steven’s shoulders as she gave a small, encouraging nod. Kennedy leaned into Zach, tears glistening in her eyes and her lips curving into a smile that reached her glowing cheeks. Michael, with Jessie and Blake flanked on either side of his wheelchair, giving her a lopsided grin and a weak thumbs up.

  Everyone who mattered to her silently, joyfully, celebrated this one moment. A moment she had dreamed about for years. But before she could agree to be Caleb’s wife, she had to know if he had truly let her in.

  “Do you really want to walk away from the Marines? Turn your back on this next tour of duty?” she asked, praying he could give her the answer they needed to hear.


  Caleb stared into Hannah’s hazel eyes, his heart thudding against his sternum. Facing this fierce, strong woman and convincing her that she meant the world to him had been priority number one from the moment he had realized he had fucked up royally. What if he screwed up again? Losing her would be worse than risking his neck overseas.

  He stood, then took the ring out of the box, holding it between his finger and thumb. “I don’t have all the answers. I want to do what is right for our family and for our future. Part of that is tied to my commitment to the Marines,” he admitted. “To protecting our nation.”

  “I know,” she said quietly. “As hard as it would be for me to see you go, if you decide to take on another tour of duty I won’t stop you.”

  “But you’ll be alone again.”

  “True,” she said. “But this time I’ll know that your heart is with us no matter where you are or what you choose to do.” She raised the dog tags he’d given to her, stood on her tiptoes, then pull
ed the chain over his head.

  She placed her hand on the metal tags resting above the center of his chest. “I love you just the way you are. I love the way you care for our son and show him how to be a good man. I love the honor and commitment you have for our country. And I love the dedication you have given your family during a difficult time. Most of all, I love how you fill my heart with hope and possibilities and joy. I love you no matter where you go or what you choose to do. Because now I know that your heart belongs to me, and you’ll always be mine.”

  A sudden lightness spun through him. Dizzy with relief, he almost couldn’t speak. His Hannah had the kind of courage that could withstand any obstacle that came her way. And now, together, he realized how much more they’d have because of that courage.

  “So is that a yes?” he asked.

  She smiled and held out her left hand. “Absolutely it’s a yes.”

  He slid the ring onto her finger. “Once I was called away by duty,” he said. “Now I’ve been called home by you. Thank you for waiting for me to figure out exactly where I belong.”

  Hannah caressed his cheek and he lowered his mouth to meld it with hers, kissing her amidst the chorus of cheers and shouts of congratulations, finally giving her what they deserved.

  A haven for their hearts that would carry them through a lifetime of laughter and love.

  About the Author

  Christine Glover is the author of tantalizing, sensual, emotional contemporary romances. She enjoys finding the silly in the serious, making wine out of sour grapes, and giving people giggle fits along with heartfelt hugs. When she’s not writing, you can find her traveling the world, cooking gourmet food, and desperately seeking a corkscrew.

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  Enjoy More of Christine’s Books

  The Movie Star’s Red Hot Holiday Fling: Book 1 in Sweetbriar Springs’ Series

  The Maverick’s Red Hot Reunion: Book 2 in the Sweetbriar Springs’ Series

  The Tycoon’s Red Hot Marriage Merger

  Coming Soon!

  The Italian Tycoon’s Marriage Bargain from Entangled Publishing

  The Maverick’s Fake Fiancée: Book 1 in the Global Mavericks’ Series


  Pam Mantovani! Thank you for believing in me during the two years it took to bring Caleb and Hannah’s story to life. Much wine, much rehashing, and much work went into creating this manuscript. XXOO for all your support.

  Serena-Sandri Tatti and Jayne Wolfe—editors beyond compare. You helped me shape my characters by making me look deeper into their backgrounds. Thank you!!

  Amazing Beta Readers!! Thank you Jean L. Tims, C Lynn Weaver-Him, and Arsula Shumway for taking the time to read this story and give me your opinions and viewpoints about this fabulous couple’s journey to each other. I *heart* you forever.

  Carmen Falcone! You make me step out of my comfort zone and go for it every day. You rock, my HEA friend.

  My fabulous readers, especially the amazing Passionettes. This writing gig is way more fun because you’re sharing the ride with me. Y’all are amazing! And your support is incredible. XXOO I love you!

  A huge shout out to the military families out there who helped me when I called upon them for information. I asked dozens of questions and your life stories helped shape my fictional one. I wanted to present the reality of your sacrifices behind the scenes while your husbands were fighting to keep our country safe and free. You’re all heroes to me.

  Serious Book Club that is really quite fun—ladies you teased me about naming some characters after y’all when you hosted me for my debut release. Your wish has been granted… Lori, Cathie, & Linn… don’t worry. Y’all behave well in this book. Everyone else—I’ll find a way to work in your names… hehe XXOO

  My friends, the Y Tribe, Petra, Lori, Heidi, Janne-Marike—you keep me grounded, somewhat sane, and always root for me. I’m truly blessed to have you in my life.

  Mallory and Chuck! You’re my foundation and the best part of who I am… our family is small, but our hearts are big. You make me want to be a better person every day. I love you so much!! XXOO




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