One Hundred Lessons (An Aspen Cove Small Town Romance Book 15)

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One Hundred Lessons (An Aspen Cove Small Town Romance Book 15) Page 15

by Kelly Collins


  Her heart tumbled to her gut. "No?"

  "I don't want to start over; I want to continue. We took a detour, but that doesn't mean I want to start at the beginning. I like where we are."

  "You in California and me in Colorado?"

  "No. Together where it matters, where our hearts collide."

  "You should write that down. It sounds like a love song."

  "Do you want me to write you a love song?"

  Her heart rose from the pit of her stomach to dance in her chest.

  "No one ever has."

  "Then I'll write you a love song."

  She couldn't help the roll of her eyes that he would never see. "Shouldn't you be in love with me before you write me a song?"

  "Who says I'm not?" His name was called in the background. "I've got to go, but if you're watching tonight, I'll blow you a kiss."

  "I'll be watching."

  When they hung up, she stared at the TV and saw nothing. His words kept moving through her head in slow motion. Who says I'm not?

  She picked up her phone and dialed her mom.

  "Hello, Mimi, how's my baby girl?"

  "Mom, I think I'm in love."

  In the background, she could hear the grinding of mom's kitchen chair against the tile. "With the drummer?"

  Over the weeks, they had short conversations about Alex and Maddie, but she didn't divulge much because her mother coined the phrase, "enquiring minds want to know," and there were no boundaries when it came to her mom.

  "Yes, the drummer, but he's more than that. He's a good man and an excellent father, despite not having a role model."

  "More importantly, is he good in bed?" There was a crackling of paper and a hum from her mother.

  "What are you eating?"

  "Skinny Pop, this is going to be good, and I needed a snack."

  "I'm not divulging details." She wasn't going to give her mom the blow by blow. "But I'll say it's amazing." It truly was. She never had her body sing for a man, but Alex knew how to pluck the right strings, hit the right notes, and bang out a perfect rhythm.

  "Come on, Mimi; it's girl talk."

  The crunch of popcorn filled her ear.

  "Let's just say that I've never ever felt like I do when I'm with him."

  Mom laughed. "Take a picture of my grandbaby and tell her Grandma already loves her."

  "Aren't you moving a little fast?"

  "I don't think so. Things tend to move faster when there are two things to love. Hell, if you got a puppy before he left, you'd hit the trifecta."

  "What about the groupies? I have to trust him, but it's hard."

  "He doesn't need to be on tour to have a love affair. They can happen from the safety of your couch."

  Mom was right. There was always someone willing and waiting. "I know. I've got to trust."

  "It's okay to be cautious with your heart; just don't make him accountable for another man's sins."

  "It is hard not to because Randy blindsided me. But I am learning that not all men are like him. Alex is one of the good ones, and I think he loves me.”

  "Oh, honey, how could he not?" More crunching. "What time did you say that the awards show was on?"

  "I didn't, but it's at seven."

  "Gotta stalk my future son-in-law. Maybe he can teach your dad to play the drums. As we age, we lose some of that dexterity, or maybe he's gotten lazy."

  "Dad? Lazy? I doubt it." Her parents never lost their appetite for each other. That's what she wanted.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Alex stood on the stage, looking at the crowd and listening to the roar of adoring fans. All the while, he wished he was in Aspen Cove with Mercy and Maddie.

  "You ready for this?" Pablo asked.

  "I'm set." He'd been ready his whole life. It's what he thought he wanted—the love and adoration of fans and respect of his father, but now that he was here, it felt hollow as if somehow he chased the wrong dream.

  A glance at Maddie's teddy bear, which he set on the amplifier, made his heart ache for his little family. That's exactly what they were, his family.

  Pablo counted off the song, and the drummer set the pace. It was surreal to stand on the stage where his father had played so many times.

  In his hand was Dad's favorite guitar that Alex rarely played because it seemed sacred. But it wasn't. For far too long, he'd worshipped the wrong things; he knew that now.

  The band played three of their biggest hits, and just before he left the stage, he blew a kiss at the camera and hoped his girls got it. He swiped Maddie's bear and headed toward the greenroom.

  Backstage were the groupies, with their plumped lips and bouncing breasts. How was it that he'd been content with so little?

  "Hey, Axel?" A blonde sidled up to him, calling his stage name. "You're on my bucket list."

  He hugged the bear closer to his chest, turned, and smiled at the woman. "Can I give you some advice?"

  She reached out to touch his shirt, and he jumped back.

  "I'll do anything you tell me," she purred.

  "Good, because this is important." He studied her for a moment. "Update your bucket list. Put things on it that will lift you up instead of tear you down. Being someone's one-night stand won't ever be the end all and be all. When you're older and wondering what the hell happened to your life, you don't want groupie trophies lining your memory shelf. You owe it to yourself to be better."

  He turned and walked away, and a second later, she called out, "Hey, Pablo, you're on my bucket list."

  "Hold that thought, sweetheart," Pablo rushed to Alex. "We've got a few days, and then it's tour time." He looked over his shoulder to the blonde. "I'll share."

  Alex shook his head. "Not my type."

  Pablo's eyes grew wide. "You got a type?"

  He closed his eyes and pictured Mercy. "Yep, a sweet schoolteacher with motherly instincts."

  "Is that some new kind of fetish, like a hot librarian?"

  Alex chuckled. "Nah, man, that's love." He moved down the hall and entered the room where he'd stored his things. Everything he brought, save for the guitar and the bear, was at the hotel. He set the guitar against the wall, tucked the bear under his arm, and walked to the door. He had no problem traveling light when his heart was so full.

  He passed the roadie on the way out. "There's a guitar in the greenroom. It's yours, man."

  "What? Are you serious? Why would you do that?"

  "I don't need to hold on to the past any longer. I'm racing for my future."

  He walked outside the venue and climbed into a waiting cab.

  "Where to?"

  "Airport, please."

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Mercy laughed. "Honey, it doesn't matter how many times you change the channel, your father is not on the television anymore."

  "I miss Daddy."

  She tugged Maddie to her and held tightly. "I miss him too, but he called and said hello, and that's all we have for right now." She looked down at the little girl in her arms. This was the way life was supposed to be—almost. To make it perfect would take Alex there, hugging them both.

  "Let's pack lunch, and we'll go to the park early and get a place close to the stage."

  "And see Daddy?"

  Typical five-year-old. Maddie was like a dog with a bone when she got something into her head, and right now, all she wanted was her father.

  "Wouldn't that be nice?" It was better to answer with an open-ended question than have to explain that Alex was on a vision quest. "Peanut butter and jelly or turkey?"

  Maddie strutted to the pantry and took out the peanut butter jar. "Grape jelly, please."

  By the time they arrived, the crowd was building, and the Aspen Cove firefighters walked around handing out plastic hats and filling empty boots with donations. Before Samantha came to town, this would have been an ordinary August day, but it carried the popularity of a county fair, bringing people from all over.

  A part of her
was glad Alex wasn't here. There were so many beautiful women hanging out for a chance to hook up. She wanted to march up to them and say, "Show yourself some respect," but she didn't. Even her mother had been a groupie once.

  "Daddy's here." Maddie bolted from the blanket, but Mercy had lightning reflexes and caught the hem of her shirt, tugging her back.

  "He's in Los Angeles, sweetie."

  "No, he's here."

  Mercy patted the blanket next to her. "Come sit with me. The band is about to play."

  Samantha walked out, and the crowd erupted into applause.

  "Hello," she shouted and waved. "Welcome to our annual Fireman's Fundraiser, which became a thing when my house burned down. The town of Aspen Cove had a wonderful volunteer fire department, and the people who came to my rescue did so without reservation. In return, I hold this concert every year to fund the new fire department as my way of giving back. Are you ready to party?"

  The roar of the crowd was deafening. Samantha tapped on the mic to get their attention.

  "Before we begin, I want to introduce the band." She pointed to her right. "On the bass is Gray Stratton." Then she turned to her left. "On the guitar is Red Blakely. Today we also have a guest filling in. Originally, he was taking Alex Cruz's place, but Alex is here." The women went wild.

  Mercy stood up so she could see the drummer who was obstructed by the cymbals.

  "Turns out he loves Aspen Cove and couldn't stay away, or maybe it's something else like a hazel-eyed little girl and a pretty schoolteacher. Anyway, Axel or Alex, as we know him, is on the drums. That leaves Griffin Taylor, who is hanging out with the band today. He's a musical sorcerer and can play anything, so he's taking over the keyboards. Maybe we can convince him to stay."

  Mercy craned to see Alex.

  "Told you," Maddie said.

  "Yes, you did."

  A tap on her shoulder drew her attention from the stage.

  Dalton stood beside her. "I've set up some seats for you and Maddie. Alex wants you to come up on stage with him."

  "He does?"

  He nodded. "That's where family belongs." He helped her gather her things while the band played their first song.

  Dalton slid headphones over Maddie's ears before she took the steps to the stage.

  Sweat dripped from Alex's face as he played, and when he saw her approach, his smile broadened. He never looked so happy.

  And as soon as the song finished, he stood and held his arms out to Maddie, and she flung herself into his embrace.

  "Oh, Daddy, I missed you."

  "Missed you too, squirt."

  Mercy's heart nearly exploded seeing them together. Family was what you created, and a perfect one stood before her.

  Alex slid Maddie to her feet and locked eyes with Mercy.

  "Why are you standing there and not here next to me?" He crooked a finger and called her over.

  She looked at the band, who waited for Alex to take his seat at the drums. "You've got a concert to perform."

  "I do, but my priorities are straight now, and I've got a woman to kiss." His words echoed over the loudspeaker. "Get over here and kiss me, Mercy. I can't live another minute without a taste of you on my lips."

  There was a collective sigh from the audience.

  Mercy moved toward Alex. She didn't have a demonstrative personality. She preferred the sidelines to the limelight but couldn't pass up an opportunity to kiss him.

  Like Maddie, she flung herself into his open arms. When his mouth covered hers, the world silenced, and only his taste, scent, and love existed. She was in Alex's arms and wanted to stay there.

  He ended the kiss much too quickly. "Stay right there because I've got a surprise for you." He kissed her again before he moved back to his drums.

  She stayed nearby with Maddie in front of her while they watched and listened.

  A thousand hearts broke the moment he kissed her. In front of God and the world, Alex told everyone he loved her. Each song they played, he stared at her with such adoration that she understood what it was that drew every woman to him. It wasn't his looks, even though he was hotter than Hades. He had a smile that could disintegrate the panties off a woman, but that's not what drew her in. It was his heart. It wasn't always easy to do the right thing at the right time, and yet, here he was.

  As the concert came to an end, Alex left the drums. He wrapped one arm around her and the other around Maddie and led them to the front of the stage.

  Samantha smiled at him and handed over her guitar. Red rushed forward with a chair that Mercy thought Alex would take, but he didn't. Alex led her to it and lifted Maddie into her lap before turning to the crowd.

  "I'd like to introduce the two most important women in my life. They both arrived unexpectedly, as most surprises do." He ruffled the hair on Maddie's head. "This is my daughter, Maddie. She's a brilliant and beautiful young lady." He took in a big breath. "I thought I was the one that could offer her everything, but I was wrong. She came into my life and brought the sun with her, and nothing lives without that. She gives me more than I could ever return." He settled the guitar over his neck and adjusted the strap. "The beautiful woman with my daughter is Mercy, and Lord have mercy on my heart when it comes to her." He kissed her forehead and dropped to his knees. "She once told me she wanted a love song, so here it is."

  He plucked the notes on the guitar and strummed a soft ballad.

  His voice was whiskey smooth and velvety soft, and she stared into his eyes while he sang her a love song.

  There is no love without you.

  You're the something I never knew I needed. Like a warm embrace or a smile across your face.

  You're the sigh at the end of a breath. I want to give you my all until there's nothing left.

  You belong with me. Let's live together side by side in the place where our hearts collide.

  I have no use for love unless it comes from you.

  When he finished, he waited, but she couldn't see him through her tears.

  She swiped at the joy spilling from her eyes.

  "You wrote that for me?"

  He handed the guitar back to Samantha, who nodded toward Griffin. "Let's finish this with one of my favorites. It's called 'Lucky,' and I wrote it when I met my husband, Dalton." She glanced at Mercy, Maddie, and Alex. "Looks like someone else is getting lucky."

  "That's your hint to leave," Dalton said. "Get out of here before the crowd dissipates."

  Alex picked up Maddie and led Mercy down the steps. They wove through the crowd, not stopping once until they got to his SUV, and as soon as they were all safely inside, he turned to her.

  "I'm so sorry."

  She couldn't imagine what for. "Don't you dare take back that love song."

  He drove off and placed his hand over hers. "Not in a million years. I love you, Mercy, and I'm going to write you a million more songs."

  "What about me, Daddy, will you write me a song too?"

  "You bet, squirt."

  "Why didn't you tell us you were coming home for the concert?"

  He squeezed her hand. "I didn't come for the concert. I came home for you and Maddie. It's incredibly hard to live without my heart."

  "Where are we going?"


  "Whose home?"

  He pulled her hand to his lips, nearly pulling her over the center console. "Mercy, wherever you are is home to me. You tell me where you want to go."

  "There's food at my house."

  He turned down Daisy Lane. "Are you trying to speak to my baser needs?"

  She giggled. Who knew that a schoolteacher from Aspen Cove could speak to any of his needs? "If we're going straight to your baser requirements, I'm not sure food will fill those."

  He let out a little growl. "You're right." He parked the car and helped them out. With Maddie in his arms, he led them up the walkway. "Hey, Mads, let's play for a while, and after that, would you like to have a sleepover at Ms. Louise's?"

  Maddie danced arou
nd him. "Can I bring my Barbie?"

  "Anything you want."

  Three hours later, they were alone.

  "When does the tour start?"

  He chuckled. "Right now." He swept her into his arms and carried her to her bed.

  After slowly stripping off her clothes, he started at her feet and worked his way up her body, spending long minutes playing her like one of his instruments, and oh, how he made her sing.

  Several hums left her lips.

  "Yep, you're in tune," he said.

  "Oh, I don't know, don't you think you should recheck?"

  "You're right. I'll reconfirm all night long."

  The second time they made love, she lay with her head on his shoulder and her hand over his heart. Mercy had never been so satisfied in all her life, but something was still niggling in the back of her mind.

  "So, you're not going back to play with the band?"

  He shook his head. "No, I don't need the band. The only thing I get from going on tour is a paycheck, and I'm pretty pat when it comes to money. I thought I needed the validation, but all I need is you and Maddie."

  "How did this happen?"

  He kissed the top of her head. "You tried to be a groupie."

  Once Maddie drew her family on the back of the list, Mercy no longer thought about what she wanted. She didn't need to be a groupie when she had her own rock star. Didn't need to wish for a child when she had Maddie. Earth-shattering Os were a given anytime she and Alex found the time to pleasure one another.

  "I'm the last groupie you'll ever have."

  He kissed her long, hard, and passionately. "You're the only groupie I want."

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Several weeks later.

  Alex walked through his home, and it was different. Not because of the art on the walls, or the touches of light and life Mercy infused with her throw pillows and knickknacks. No, it was different because love lived here.

  "Are you almost ready?" he called to Maddie.

  She burst out of her room, wearing a pretty pink dress and stood beside him. Mercy was due home soon from setting up her classroom. While she didn't spend the night with him and Maddie regularly, they made his house their home base for all family activities.


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