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Wolf Moon (Wolf Ridge Book 1)

Page 20

by Jayne Hawke

  Valentin’s car blocked the road. He approached me down the road with his arms wide as though he were coming in for a hug.

  “Rosalyn, listen to me. For just a moment.” He stopped a few feet in front of me and tucked his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Let me explain everything.”

  I stopped and kept a firm grip on my knife.

  “Talk,” I growled.

  The bond between us was still present. I wanted to give him a chance to explain all of this away.

  “This all started two years ago. I was a fool.” I felt myself slipping into the relaxed state of trust and fought against it. “I was desperate to help my kind, our kind. We are at the bottom of the pile. We are not respected within the supernatural community. I wanted to change that. There was a small group of powerful witches. Aztec blood witches.” He looked away and sighed softly. “I struck a bargain with them. I know now it was a stupid thing to do, but it had seemed like the perfect solution at the time. They would give me all that I needed to make our kind great and respected. In return for this, I had to give them blood. So much blood.”

  He took a step closer to me. I growled, warning him to stay where he was. Surprise ghosted over his face, but he was quick to return to the repentant puppy act.

  “They said that if I gave them one strong pack, it would be enough to raise the entire garou population of our state.” He closed his eyes. “I handed them the Loxwood pack. They were supposed to take the entire pack, and they almost did. Cole, however, escaped.” He looked at me with a fierce intensity. “He is the reason I’m like this. I owe the witches a blood debt that my wolf is trying to repay. Every drop of blood from the people I’ve killed since has gone to them, and it’s never enough. But you, Rosalyn, you’re special.” There was a pleading edge to his voice now. “I’d always thought guardians were myths until I saw you in the bakery. I saw it, I felt it within you. Of course I turned you when I had the chance. You wouldn’t have been able to fulfil your destiny as a simple human.” He took another step closer. “You make me whole again, Rosalyn. When I’m around you, I feel like my real self. When I’m forced to be away from you, my wolf side is wild and uncontrollable. My human side slips away, leaving behind a savage shell of what I was. I can give you a good life, Rosalyn. I can make sure you never want for anything, and I’m sure you’d come to love me over time.”

  “Valentin Devaux, I am taking you to the council on the charge of being a rogue and slaughtering the Loxwood pack.”

  He closed the space between us in the blink of an eye. His hands were around my throat, and he drove me to the ground. I plunged my knife into his side again and again while he tried to choke the life out of me. Hot sticky blood pooled around my hand, but his grip never lessened.

  The edge of my vision was starting to blur. I struggled with everything I had and tried to slice into his throat. The blade grazed him, and it was enough to loosen his grip. I bucked him off and forced myself to my feet, coughing and gasping for air as I did so. The charming composed man was gone. What was left behind was a savage husk with dark gold eyes and sharp teeth that were aiming to tear me apart.

  It felt as though a thread broke within me. Whatever trust and safety I’d felt around Valentin was gone. A cold gaping hole formed in its place. I choked down a sob as an intense sadness washed over me. It wasn’t the time to be suffering with such intense emotions. Valentin was a dangerous predator. I needed to pull myself together.

  He hunched forward as though he was going to go down onto all fours. Dark fur began to erupt along his neck and arms. His hands twisted, with his fingers shrinking back and sprouting short black claws. They didn’t quite finish the transformation into paws, though. He was stuck between man and wolf in a grotesque beast with a warped hunched back and a face that jutted outwards to wrap around sharp teeth.

  The blood on his side where I had stabbed him congealed, but the wound didn’t look as though it had fully healed, not that that stopped him. A part of me didn’t want to hurt him. A quiet part of the wolf within desperately wanted him to be pack. I didn’t want to lose him. The cold void needed to be filled somehow, and if I could just return him to the charming man he had been it would be.

  Valentin lunged at me. I side-stepped and kicked at the injury on his side. He let out a cry of fury and agony as he stumbled sideways. I dug deep for the rage at the games he’d played with my head. He had used me. He had offered me things he no intention of giving me, and he had stolen away my dreams. All for his own selfish gain. The idea that I would stay in his gilt cage fuelled the inferno within me and I wrapped myself in it like burning armour.

  I allowed my rage to fuel me as I shot forward and stabbed him everywhere I could reach in a relentless rain of pain and blood. Bones broke, blood splattered my clammy skin, and I pushed on harder. He lashed out, raking his claws down my legs and trying to sink his teeth into my torso. The pain barely registered above my intense need to end his life. After everything he had done to me, I needed to feel his life force ebb away. I kicked him away and stomped down on the side of his knee while he was on the ground.

  He was panting and coated in blood. Still he fought on, determined to end me. It was me or him, and I was going to take on Cole Loxwood and claim that territory as mine. I was going to show the supernatural world that I was a force to be reckoned with, not some fragile little flower. For years, I had been mocked and teased. In that moment, I pulled on all of that pain and pushed it into my determination to kill Valentin Devaux.

  Valentin was slowing. He tried to swipe my legs out from under me, but he didn’t have the reflexes to pull it off. I slashed his upper thigh and pushed forward to stab him in the stomach. I was toying with him. I should have ended it quickly, but I wanted him to suffer the way he’d made me suffer. I wanted him to feel himself dying inch by inch.

  He bit down into my shoulder. Agony blinded me temporarily. There was nothing beyond the pain that blossomed in my shoulder. The world cleared when he began to release me. Hot blood streamed down my chest and back. My breath came in short sharp pants, but I wasn’t going to be beaten. I held onto the determination to end this, using it as an anchor to push through.

  He grinned at me with blood stained teeth. My blood. I drove the knife up through the bottom of his jaw into his brain. He died with his eyes wide open in shock.

  I dropped to my knees and sobbed as I felt the bond slip away, leaving me with an uncontrollable, all-consuming loneliness and excruciating pain. My body was trembling and shaking from the effort of healing the wounds I’d suffered at his claws and teeth.

  It was over. The rogue was dead.


  I’m not sure how long I remained in the middle of the road kneeling next to the corpse of the garou that had turned me. He wasn’t Valentin any more. He was simply a husk of a broken beast, something that had torn my old life away from me. The sound of an engine snapped me out of the shock, and I began scrambling to drag the corpse into the nearby woods. Blood streaked the asphalt, leaving a clear line to the body. The humans wouldn’t have any problems following that and finding proof of our existence. Valentin remained in his corrupted half wolf form even in death. His teeth were canine-sharp, his hands were deformed halfway to paws. The black hair over his arms was clearly wolf fur. The council would make me wish for death.

  The car pulled to a stop, and I rushed back to the road while trying to think of a reasonable story. I hit a deer. That was plausible.

  Cole ran up to me and pulled me into his arms.

  “Are you ok? I felt your fear down the shadow bond.”

  I leaned into him and used his strong physical presence to ground myself. Feeling him close filled some of the void and made me feel a little warmth again. I hadn’t realised how cold I was. It felt as though ice was crawling through my veins. My hands were painful verging on numb. Everything about me felt numb, but Cole was bringing me back.

  “Yea. I killed Valentin. He turned into some deranged monster,” I said fl
atly, barely recognising my own voice.

  Cole put his hands on my upper arms.

  “Go to my car. There’s jerky and other protein on the passenger seat. I’ll handle Valentin’s body.”


  I couldn’t think what else I was supposed to say. It wasn’t as if I’d killed a rogue before, or had to handle a dead body. Should I have taken some trophy for the council? Would Cole be enough for that?

  I turned and headed towards Cole’s car. I needed food before my body began to shut down. My head was beginning to clear, and I felt like myself again. The hole still remained somewhere inside of me, and I wasn’t sure if it would ever be filled. Maybe it wasn’t supposed to be. I opened the door to Cole’s car and found a backpack full of various meat products. I tore through them like I hadn’t eaten in a month. When I was halfway through the food, I grabbed a handful of jerky and went to see if I could help Cole.

  He had wrapped Valentin’s corpse in a sheet and slung it over his shoulder. His face was full of grim determination.

  “Can you drive his car out of the way?”

  I nodded and tried to ignore the weird coldness that filled me when I approached Valentin’s car. I’d killed him. It was self-defence, but I’d still never taken a life before.

  Valentin’s scent filled the car, and it brought back the warmth and security that I’d felt when I was close to him. I’d never share that with him again. The anger bubbled up, replacing the pining. I focused on what he was and used that to get through the situation.

  The car was easy to drive and started first time, which wasn’t something I was used to. I pulled it out of the way and left it by the side of the road. Remembering everything I’d seen on CSI, I wiped the steering wheel and handles down to remove my fingerprints. The last thing I needed was the human police arresting me for murder.

  I joined Cole in his car.

  “What now?”

  “Now, we go and get your paycheque.”

  I realised that I still had the hex breaker in my car. I rushed over and picked it up. Amy needed to know.

  I pulled out my phone. “Amy? I have the hex breaker. Can you pick it up later?”

  “Was it at Valentin’s?”

  “Yea, it was. I have some council business, can you come to mine to grab it in a couple of hours?”

  “Of course. Text me when.”

  “Will do.”

  Cole gave me a warm smile.

  “You did fantastically. It was reckless and stubborn, but many garou would have died in a fight against a rogue like that.”

  I beamed with pride and tried to focus on that warmth rather than the small orb of coldness that sat in my stomach. I’d never be the same again.

  Continue Rosalyn’s adventure.

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  If you’re curious about the witches, grab Chaos Witch!

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  Thanks for reading, I hoped you enjoyed reading Rosalyn’s adventure as much as I did writing it. I look forward to hanging out with you in the group!




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