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Deadly to Love

Page 14

by Mia Hoddell

  “Smells good, what are we having?”

  He was facing the cooker with his back to me as I entered the kitchen but he didn’t even turn around when I spoke.

  “Cheese, onion and mushroom omelette with salad,” he replied while placing a plate on top the frying pan, to turn the omelette over. He still hadn’t looked at me and I was unsure by his change of mood as minutes before he couldn’t keep his eyes off me.

  “Do you want me to do anything?” I asked, feeling awkward just leaning against the table watching him.

  “You could set out some plates and stuff on the table, then put the salad over there too.” He pointed at the pile of stuff to his left while talking.

  “Yeah OK.” I started to move the bowls of lettuce, tomato, cucumber and other vegetables over to the centre of the table before going back for the cutlery.

  “I think that just about does it,” he said as he served up the omelette and brought the plates over to where I was sat before sitting opposite me on the long worktop that doubled as a table. Weirdly Kai still hadn’t looked at me and was avoiding my eyes when I was watching him. After two minutes of knives and forks hitting plates I couldn’t take the awkward silence anymore.

  “Why are you ignoring me now?” I asked quietly, not wanting to argue about anything. I did finally succeed in getting him to look at me though.

  He raised his head from his food to look at me with a guilty expression. “Sorry I was just thinking.”

  About what he didn’t say but I was almost convinced it was about the earlier events. I’m not normally that self-centred but I couldn’t think of anything else that would have caused him to act like that. He had been fine until he walked in on me.

  “You finished?” he asked, standing up to clear his plate while pointing at mine.

  “Yeah, thanks.”

  He picked up my plate and took them both over to the sink where he began washing up. I had a feeling this was just to avoid me for a little longer though.

  “Is there a TV here?” I asked and he nodded.

  “Push the top of that cabinet and it will come out.” He pointed at a wooden cabinet in the centre of the room, in front of the sofa.

  I watched as the expensive TV rose out of the cabinet and switched it on with the remote I had found on top of the mahogany wooden counter. The first channel that appeared was the news and I was too surprised by what I saw to change the channel.

  “It is unsure what is causing these outbreaks of freak weather but the authorities are looking into it. In the past week there have been three forest fires and reported tornadoes. The most recent one happened earlier today, here in Pasole. Witnesses have said that there was no warning, the city just went up in flames and the flames were fuelled by the twisters whipping around. There have also been reports of three people running into the flames with guns but so far no one else has confirmed this rumour. The authorities are still searching for people as we speak and will continue into the night. We can’t say what’s causing these dramatic changes but police are urging people to keep alert and to report anything strange straight away...”

  Kai had come to stand beside me. He had a tea towel in his hands and was drying them while he listened intently to the reporter. His face was serious as he pulled out his phone and started stabbing away at the touch screen, sending an angry text to someone.

  “They shouldn’t be reporting about us, not even if they have a witness, Sector nine should have taken care of that,” he said absent-mindedly and I took his hand, silently trying to calm him down. I was given no warning as he fell back onto the sofa, dragging me with him. “We really need to find a way to stop them, they are causing too much damage and are gaining too much power.” He fitted me into the crook of his arm, my head resting against his chest.

  “We’ll figure it out, we have the necklace remember.” I didn’t know what it was he wanted to hear so after that I just remained silent as he hugged me tighter.

  The TV was still on but neither of us were really listening to it and no matter how conflicted my feelings were about Kai at that moment I had to admit it felt nice to just lie in his arms.

  “So what are we going to do?” I asked finally.

  He didn’t answer me immediately as he was deep in his own thoughts but eventually he looked down at me smiling once again.

  “Us? We’re just going to lay low for a bit, stay here and hang out.”

  “Don’t the other E.Ks need you though?”

  “If I get a job near here, which won’t happen hopefully, then I’ll go. I’ve already informed Sector Nine of the situation, it happens pretty often with us in this line of work so it’s fine.” His phoned buzzed as he spoke but he ignored it.

  “So what are we going to do while we’re here?” I regretted asking the question as soon as I saw his expression change into a knowing smile.

  “Well I can think of a few things but I doubt you’ll agree with them.”

  I sat up and stared at him trying not to show where my thoughts were leading me which was exceedingly difficult when I blush at the slightest things.

  “Okay, okay I’m sorry, I just can’t help it when I’m alone with you.”

  He smiled sheepishly as I glared at him.

  “Yeah yeah whatever. I’m going to go to bed seeing as I can’t have a normal conversation with you.” I began to stand up but he stopped me and pulled me back down onto his lap by my wrist, which caused me to let out a high pitched squeal. He wrapped his arms around me, securing me against his chest.

  “Let me go,” I squealed only half struggling.

  “Nah I like you here.”

  I gave up struggling with a huff and sank back against him. It would have been pointless fighting him anyway, he was too strong for me to beat.

  “OK, so to answer your question, while we’re here we will do whatever we want as long as it doesn’t draw attention to ourselves or have the potential to lead anything back here.”

  I was slightly more satisfied with that answer but it still seemed to have some innuendo attached to it.

  “Please can I go to bed now?” I said, turning to look at him, letting a little whine creep into my voice.

  “Please. Ple...” I didn’t get a chance to finish the word as I felt his lips connect with mine, softly kissing me. I closed my eyes and let myself melt into him even more for a few seconds before he pulled away to look at me.

  “I think I’ll use that to shut you up more often.” He smirked at me, obviously pleased with himself, while I rolled my eyes. Dropping his arms, I knew I was free to finally go to bed but before I went I gave him another quick kiss which he didn’t hesitate to return.

  As I lay in what was to be my room for the foreseeable future I thought about my feelings for Kai. He frustrated me to the ends of the earth, especially with his secretive side. I knew he hadn’t told me everything about himself but I didn’t want to anger him by rushing him to explain further. I also found myself starting to like him. I knew I was already physically attracted to him, I mean who wouldn’t be, but because he had been so kind to me since I first met him made me think that I was falling for him. Even if he had taken me away from my mum.

  There were a few things that worried me about him though. The first was his reaction to me today, with all the innuendos and then seeing me half naked. I wasn’t ready to take things any further yet and living in the same house with just him was putting me on edge slightly. Also his job was a big concern. When I saw him fighting those Elementals my heart had almost stopped. Yes he was good but everyone can make mistakes and as much as I hated to admit it, I didn’t want to lose him.

  As I thought of the incident in Pasole, I remembered the other girl there, Alanah, or something and I felt my heart pound with a slight jealousy. When I saw them hug I had thought nothing of it but looking back it seemed to fit together and I wondered if that’s why he was so secretive. I know I had accused him of cheating before but he could lie to me over a computer and I knew Alanah was
the new girl by her mistake earlier.

  Sighing I tried to reason with myself that Kai was not cheating. He had told my mum that he loved me and he wouldn’t have gone to such lengths to protect me even before he found out about the necklace if he was cheating. I didn’t know whether he was getting in too deep with me though as I didn’t think I could reciprocate those kinds of feelings at that moment in time.

  My brain was whirling from all the thoughts that were crashing through it but I finally managed to switch off and allow myself to drift into the first peaceful sleep I had received in a while.


  The silence of the forest awoke me the next morning. I know that is a weird thing to say but after spending my whole life on the outskirts of one of the major cities in Mavera, I had never got used to the peace of the forest. The vast amount of room and pillows that surrounded me was also new. Stretching my arms above my head I pulled the duvet with me before letting it drop over my face, shutting out the light from the enormous glass window. Now do I get up or do I stay in bed a little longer? I thought to myself as I sank deeper into the mattress and pulled the duvet tightly around my neck, snuggling deeper into the bed. The luxurious bed seemed like a good option but my curiosity to see the house and surrounding area in daylight won over so slowly, I pulled myself up and out of bed, shivering slightly as I did so, which confused me.

  The first place I moved to was the glass wall and was left breathless by what I saw. In front of me lay a scene I would never have expected to see towards the end of a Maveran summer. Instead of the greens, browns and any other natural colours I was sure would be there, everything was white. A deep layer of snow covered the ground, hiding everything on the forest floor. It lay untouched and perfect as I looked through the randomly scattered trees. The tops of them were weighed down with snow, causing them to droop as they struggled to support the load. The eaves of the house had a few icicles hanging off them and even though I was in the heart of a forest, nothing about the scene in front of me seemed natural. Yesterday it was too warm and I was walking around in shorts and a shirt and today there was at least twenty centimetres of snow covering the ground.

  Shivering as I stood there in my short pyjamas I decided that I wasn’t going to be able to see much else with everything turned white. Reaching for a jumper and socks I pulled them on and started to head towards the landing, thinking about how a really hot shower would be good right then. Why does the shower have to be in Kai’s room? There’s no way I’m going in there if there is a chance he is either still asleep or in the room at all. Sighing I decided to take the safe bet and silently walked past his door towards the stairs.

  Downstairs was even colder than my room and it made me wish I had changed out of my shorts but I was too lazy to head back upstairs. As I looked around everything was much brighter and the snow only added to the light reflecting through the glass panelling. The white walls and furnishing melted into the forest through the glass, making it look like there was no point where either one started or stopped. I decided that while I waited for Kai to appear I would make myself a cup of hot chocolate and watch T.V so started to make my way towards what I hoped I remembered to be the kitchen.

  I paused in the middle of the room as I reached the kitchen. Kai was stood leaning against the worktop, side on to me. The fact that he was shirtless and only in a pair of boxers did not go unnoticed by me either. The instant I saw him my heartbeat began to increase so much that I began to worry about him overhearing it. My lips were slightly parted and my breath was coming quicker as I stood there staring at him.

  His skin was deeply tanned all over, giving me the impression that he went around with no shirt on quite often, as I saw no tan lines. His arms flexed and his muscles grew as he brought the mug to his mouth to take a drink and I couldn’t help but remain silent and just watch. The muscles that were clearly defined under a shirt were just as impressive as I remembered them to be. His chest was like a washboard, his body showing the physicality of his job clearly.

  When I managed to pull my eyes away from his chest my gaze wandered to his face. A slight smile sat on his lips as he concentrated on something, obviously deep in thought. His hair was sticking out at all angles, not having brushed it before coming downstairs but it still framed his face perfectly, making him look like a model. How is that fair, he wakes up looking perfect where as I’m lucky if I just have a few knots to untangle from my hair.

  Reluctantly I admitted to myself that I had probably been stood there staring too long so as he lifted the mug to his face again I walked noisily towards him while trying to look casual.

  “Morning,” I said nonchalantly, trying not to look at him as I walked towards the kettle to make myself a drink.

  “Hey. Did you sleep okay?”

  I nodded, picking up the mug and turned to face him, leaning against the opposite counter. He was watching me intently as I stayed there, taking a sip from my drink. His eyes moved lower over my body, before landing at my feet. A smirk formed on his lips as he took in the sight of my bare legs, shorts and monkey print, pink socks.

  “Nice outfit.” He laughed, hiding his grin behind the mug.

  “Shut up. We’re not all ’tough’ like you and go around half naked even though there is snow outside. Some of us do actually feel the weather,” I retorted.

  “I mean have you even looked out the window this morning? What’s up with that?” I suspected the Elementals had something to do with the freak weather already, as it was still technically meant to be summer but wanted to hear it from Kai.

  “Yeah, I went out to take a look as I was going to try go and get some supplies but couldn’t get far, we’re stuck here until the Elementals decide otherwise. I don’t want to go out there in case I draw attention to our presence as a 4X4 doesn’t exactly blend in.” He put his mug in the sink before I followed him out to sit on one of the huge leather sofas.

  “Why are you down here so early anyway, I didn’t think you’d be up until early afternoon?”

  He stretched his arm out behind me, holding me close against his bare chest. A part of me was dying to move as the longer I stayed pressed against him the harder it became for me to form a coherent sentence. The other part of me was enjoying the attention though and wouldn’t have pried myself away even if was a matter of life and death. In the end it was the latter option that won and I stayed in Kai’s arms, enjoying the warmth he brought.

  “I wanted a shower but didn’t know if you were awake. As I didn’t want to disturb you I came down to get breakfast.” I felt his chest rumble as he hummed, considering what I was saying carefully.

  “This is your house too Rea, you don’t have to worry about disturbing me and you know you’re welcome in my room anytime.”

  I peered up at him to see him grinning from ear to ear.

  “Which is exactly why I didn’t come into your room,” I stated, giving him a look of slight irritation that he only shrugged in response to.

  “Whatever Rea. I know you want to really and the way you were looking at me earlier made it obvious you are attracted to me.”

  I groaned and buried my head further into his chest before I realised what I was doing and stopped, embarrassed by my actions.

  “Don’t be embarrassed Rea.” He placed a hand gently under my chin, pulling my face up so our eyes met for a moment. He then leaned forward and briefly touched his lips to mine before pulling away.

  “So what do you want to eat? Or do you want to shower now you know that you’re not going to be in the same room as me?”

  I smiled slightly and my stomach rumbled in answer to his question. “I’ll just have cereal. I don’t eat much in the mornings.”

  He shrugged as he unwound his arm from my waist, allowing me to get up.

  “You want anything?”

  He shook his head as he reached for the remote for the TV. “I’ve already eaten thanks.”

  I heard the muttered tone of the television as I poured mys
elf the cheap cereal we bought from the service station. Thankfully all the items I needed were laid out already so I didn’t have to rummage through the rows of cupboards.

  Returning to Kai, bowl in hand and another hot chocolate in the other, I sat back next to him, glad when he replaced his arm over my shoulders. On the TV Kai had turned to the news channel where once again, reports were constantly coming in about the random snow storms, hail and torrential rain that was sweeping across the isle. Just my luck, we get the snow. I thought. Although that does mean I’m stuck here with Kai until it clears slightly which might not be that bad. I felt myself blush at my thoughts, confused about where they came from as I was still not totally convinced about Kai.

  “I guess it’s the turn of the air and water Elementals to do some damage now,” Kai said absent-mindedly before continuing to talk to himself. “Oh well, it’s not my job this one. I’m off the radar for awhile and going out on jobs will only draw attention to ourselves.”

  My crunching on the cereal seemed to resonate around the room as he spoke, making me seem unnecessarily noisy even though Kai muttered out loud.

  Seeing as there was no rush to go anywhere I left my bowl on the table in front of the sofa and curled my feet up so I was lying against Kai’s side, his hand playing with my hair as he listened to what the TV was reporting.

  “There have also been a few reports linking with the recent fire in Pasole. We have had a few people come forward stating they have seen armed men and women stalking around the outskirts of the city when they were out with their dogs. The police are mounting an investigation into these claims, which we will keep you updated on but until then we have no further information. One thing the police have been advising though is not to approach any of these people if seen and if possible to stay indoors.”

  “They’re not going to get very far with that investigation, the government has probably already shut it down. Luckily for us the media never get anything right.” Kai snorted, chuckling at the absurdity as I got up to go have a shower so I could change into some warmer clothes.


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