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Deadly to Love

Page 19

by Mia Hoddell

  The car door shut with a loud bang and caused me to fly out of my seat. I spun quicker than I thought possible, ready in case I needed to defend myself from whatever had entered the car. Breathing a sigh of relief I saw it was only Kai sat next to me and leaned back against the chair, calming my pulse.

  “How can something so beautiful cause so much damage?” I thought out loud, more to myself than Kai, but he answered anyway.

  “Well it holds true for humans as well, I mean look at Alanah. She may be beautiful but she is one of the most manipulative people I have ever met.”

  I hummed in response, not wanting to mention that he had just told me he thought she was beautiful.

  Finally, an hour and a half later than we expected we arrived back at the house with the food, which had cooled quite a bit due to the delay. It looked as if nothing had changed as we walked through the door; Alanah and Jack still had their heads buried in the journals but as we walked towards the kitchen Alanah of course made a snide remark.

  “What took so long?” She sneered at me like it was my fault. Ignoring her, I started to take out some plates and served up my sweet and sour chicken on egg fried rice.

  “We ran into some Elementals about half a mile back,” Kai stated but she didn’t look at him, her glare remaining fixed on me.

  Jack looked up on hearing the word Elementals, instantly going on alert, something I guessed they were all trained to do.

  “How many?” he asked walking into the kitchen to help himself to his chow mien and I almost laughed when Alanah followed him in like a lost puppy.

  “Just two, a water and an earth one,” Kai said around a mouthful of noodles.

  “You had any luck with the riddle?” he said again, once he had swallowed his food.

  “We have a few ideas about a few parts but it doesn’t really make it any clearer.” Alanah was the one who answered, trying to draw Kai’s attention to her I supposed as I made my way to the sofa, weaving in between the piles of books that lay scattered.

  “Well it’s a start, tell us what you’ve got after we’ve eaten as I think everyone needs a break right now,” Kai said as he sat next to me, his plate piled high with food which made my minute portion look smaller than it did to begin with.

  For awhile we ate in silence but then Jack started up a conversation with Kai.

  “Did you get them then?”

  Kai looked at him, confused by the detail Jack had left out of the sentence.

  “The Elementals. Did you get them?”

  I saw the moment of realisation appear on Kai’s face as he answered.

  “Yeah, of course. They didn’t get a chance to see me either, which was strange as I thought one of them would have noticed the car,” he mused while the others nodded.

  The room lapsed in and out of silence for the next hour. Some were incredibly awkward – most of which occurred after Alanah spoke – but some were when we all were just happy eating our food. The topic about the night arrangements was finally brought up by Kai, as he moved to clear his plate.

  “So what are you guys doing tonight? You’re welcome to stay here as it means we can get to work quicker but it’s up to you.”

  “Of course we’re staying here.” It was Alanah who answered and she spoke the words directly to me, trying to gauge my reaction. She had a sly smile on her face as she tried to irritate and annoy me. I didn’t even flinch though. My facial expression remained blank as I looked her back in the eye, unmoved by her comment.

  Kai returned to the room with his laptop.

  “Yeah I thought you might. Sadly this house only has two rooms though so one of you will have to sleep on the sofa, or if you wanted you could double up in the spare room.”

  “I’ll share your room Kai, I wouldn’t want to kick Rea out of her room.”

  I rolled my eyes at her comment and waited for Kai to mention that it was no longer my room.

  “Well I guess I’m on the sofa then,” Jack said while stretching before Kai could reply. I laughed at his accepting tone that made it apparent that this happened often to him and he smiled at me as I turned my attention back to Alanah.

  “That won’t be necessary Alanah, you can have that room as Rea is no longer in it.” I could see Kai was trying to avoid saying that I was now in his room directly but it didn’t look like Alanah was getting the message.

  “Go on Alanah, you can figure it out can’t you?” I smirked at her while gaining a warning glance from Kai. I saw her head flick between the two of us and rage boiled in her face like she was about to explode. She went to lunge at me but Kai was already behind her wrapping a restraining hand around her shoulder, stopping her just before she hit me.

  The hand on her shoulder caused her to turn on him.

  “You’re sleeping with her?!” she bellowed but Kai didn’t respond, instead he picked her up, draping her across his shoulder in a fireman’s lift and carried her towards the door.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she screamed as she pummelled his back.

  “You can cool off outside.” He said calmly as he dumped her on the porch step before shutting the door quickly behind him and sighing.

  “Please don’t wind her up Rea, she really could do some damage and as you’ve witnessed twice now, she has an uncontrollable temper.”

  I nodded reluctantly as he sat down, placing his hand on my thigh.

  Jack had remained silent throughout the whole ordeal but he spoke up again once Kai had sat down.

  “Do you want me to go over what we think parts of the riddle meant?” he asked as he looked down at a piece of paper in front of him.

  “Yeah, sorry, of course we do,” Kai said apologetically as Jack was just stuck in the middle of all the drama.

  “OK. Well we were looking at some maps to see if they would give us any clues as to where the location could be. We think that ’the highest peak’ bit of the riddle referred to the Parrestian Mountains. For awhile we were unsure as to where he meant. The mountains surrounding us here were our first thought but with a quick search Alanah found that the highest mountain was in the Parrestian Mountain range.”

  “OK good, that seems to make sense. Anything else?” Kai asked as he scribbled down the riddle and began highlighting parts.

  “Well besides guessing that we have to be there at dawn no. We did find some strange stuff on the maps though as none of them showed any sign of a stream, river or anything but trees and rock around that area. There is a swamp and we assumed that rook meant castle but there isn’t one of those either so really I think the only way is to go there and follow the clues step by step,” Jack said, his expression taught with confusion.

  “Sounds like a good idea. The part I find most confusing is the ’three triangle’ bit. What the hell does that mean? Landmarks, streams etcetera, can all be missed off the maps, as they were originally created by the originals. They weren’t going to make it easy to find, but three triangles just doesn’t make sense.”

  As Kai was talking a small knock rapped on the door.

  “Can you let me back in now Kai? I’m freezing my ass off out here.” Her voice sounded small and vulnerable for once. Sighing Kai looked at us and shrugged before he moved to unlock the door.

  “Can you promise to stop being such a bitch, especially to Rea?”

  She looked at him in frustration as he used a patronising tone while staring down at her like a stern parent, not a nineteen year old guy.

  “Since when did you order me around, I’m older than you by like four years.”

  He shrugged getting ready to push her back outside. “My house Alanah. You may be older but I’m stronger.” He smirked at the shock on her face as she realised what he was about to do.

  She dove under his arm, rolling and coming up behind him. She went to throw a punch but Kai was quicker and grabbed her wrist mid swing. Alanah tried to aim kicks at his legs and finally one collided with the back of his knee. They both crumpled to the floor, Kai on top
of Alanah.

  “Doesn’t this remind you of something Kai?” she said in a husky tone as he pinned her arms above her head.

  I peered over the back of the sofa to check what was going on and jealousy surged through me as I watched Kai leaning over her. I knew it was unjustified as he was just defending himself and controlling her but I couldn’t help it.

  When he didn’t reply to her she tried again.

  “You sure you can’t remember Kai, you seemed pretty into it the last time. Remember? We were on your bedroom floor as you hadn’t had the furniture delivered yet. You were on top of me”

  “That’s enough Alanah!” Kai finally lost it as he roared at her. I saw the momentary flicker of fear that registered on her face before she went back to smirking at him.

  “OK fine, I’ll shut up, I know you can remember it as vividly as me anyway, I saw the look of desire that crossed your face earlier. Let me up,” she ordered and Kai hauled himself up off her, moving back to the sofa, where she followed him.

  He put his arm around me and I could feel his chest heaving as he tried to calm his breathing. His hand was running through my hair but I felt that it was more a soothing action that subconsciously calmed him rather than to comfort me.

  “OK I think everyone needs to rest and we’ll regroup tomorrow morning where we will have to contact the Sector to inform them what is going on before setting off for the Parrestian Mountains. Alanah you take the spare room.”

  She opened her mouth to speak but Jack interrupted her.

  “I don’t want to hear it Alanah, you’re taking the spare room end of. I will sleep here on the sofa and Kai, you and Rea do whatever it is you normally do. Now all of you clear off so I can sleep.” All the humour in Jack’s normally cheeky face had drained away as he ordered people around. I expected people to complain but instead Alanah left the room and Kai pulled me up not long after that, leading me out of the room. Kai seemed to be happy to let Jack take control in that moment and I began to see that Jack wasn’t just the cheeky joker.


  I didn’t say anything to Kai as we climbed the stairs and got ready for bed. Taking my clothes into the bathroom I dressed and washed but stayed sat on the edge of the bath for a little while longer, just killing time as I rearranged my thoughts. What am I doing here? I’m in way over my head. I can’t deal with Elementals and I especially can’t work with or be near Alanah. There’s truth to what she says and I know Kai has feelings for her still. Maybe it was too soon to tell him I loved him. No it wasn’t, I meant what I said... I sighed and pressing down on my knees I pushed myself out and walked into the room where Kai was already in bed.

  I still didn’t speak as I got in under the covers, then turned to face the wall so my back was to him.

  “What’s the matter Rea?” he asked as he rested a hand on my waist, trying to roll me over gently. I sighed, I just wanted to sleep and forget about what had happened earlier, not talk with Kai.

  “What Alanah said has got to you hasn’t it?” he said when I didn’t answer his first question. Rolling over to face him, he was closer than I expected and our faces ended up just centimetres apart.

  “Please Rea, don’t let her drive a wedge between us; she knows what to say to hurt someone most. Yes the position we ended up in was compromising but for me it didn’t bring back that memory until she began to go on.” He brushed a loose strand of hair out of my face, tucking it behind my ear.

  “I’m really sorry you have to listen to stuff like that but I can’t change that fact that it happened.”

  I could see the earnest radiating from his eyes as he begged me to believe what he was telling me. To be honest it wasn’t him I was mad at though. I felt guilty all of a sudden as I questioned why I was taking my frustration out on Kai. He had done nothing but turn Alanah away since she turned up here. OK he had taken a while sometimes but nothing had actually happened because of him.

  To show that I was no longer in a mood with him I leaned in so our lips touched. I was only planning on giving him a quick goodnight kiss but Kai had other plans. Pushing me onto my back he rolled on top of me, kissing me with a new found intensity when he met with no resistance. My hands entwined in his hair pulling his lips back down to mine when he broke away to look at me. Our breathing was heavy and I could feel a tingling heat start to spread through my body as Kai pressed his body closer against mine.

  He separated my legs with his as they settled between mine and my breath hitched as I felt his hand travelling lower down my body.

  “Kai...” His lips were still locked with mine so my words came out in a breathless mutter as I tried to listen to the rational side of my brain that was telling me this was going too far.

  “Kai...please.” I tried to push him off with my hands that were resting on his chest but he didn’t move. “Please stop...”

  This time he paused to look at me, his hand still tracing the waistband of my shorts. He groaned at me and hung his head so the tips of his hair were brushing against my chest.

  ldquo;I’m sorry. It’s just too fast Kai.” He didn’t move or show any sign that he was listening to what I had said.

  Finally he rolled off and lay beside me. His breathing was steady once more and he had a guilty expression on his face.

  “Don’t be sorry Rea, I understand, I just can’t help myself when I’m with you.” I felt my cheeks flush but luckily the lights were off so I hoped he wouldn’t notice. He lifted his arm and I snuggled up against his chest, loving the feel of his bare skin against my cheek as I drifted off to sleep.

  * * * *

  The next morning I awoke once more to find the bed empty and cold beside me but when I rolled over to look out into the forest I noticed the folded piece of paper on Kai’s pillow.

  Morning Rea,

  I’ve gone into the forest with the other E.Ks. We are looking around just to make sure no Elementals have been close to the house in the past few days since we saw some when out driving the other night. Won’t be out long.


  Figuring I had some time to myself I decided to take a long shower before I headed down to get something to eat. I was in the process of sending a text to Chloe when the three of them returned, red faced from the chills that lingered in the air.

  “Hi Rea,” Jack greeted me when I looked up at them. I gave him a slight wave and returned to writing the text.

  Hey! How are things? Is Ian still bugging you? I have loads to tell you but it will have to wait until I come home ;) xx

  I knew the suspense would be unbearable for her and it was normally funny to watch her futile attempts to break someone into speaking. Her reply came back almost instantly.

  Urgh, do you know what time it is Rea, even if it is great to hear from you? Not really, he’s said a few things but nothing as bad as before. You can’t say that and then not tell me! Spill... xx

  I laughed as I read her message. Not only was it 10:30am but she had also reacted exactly how I had expected. My laughter caused everyone to look at me strangely but I didn’t care.

  Kai came over to sit by me as I put my phone down.

  “What’s so funny?” he asked, as he gave me a quick hug.

  “Nothing, I was just winding Chloe up.”

  He looked at me sceptically but said nothing else on the subject.

  “Will you be ready to leave in a few hours? We’ve had the go ahead from Sector Nine so we’re free to follow up the leads on our own when we’re ready.” I nodded but a thought occurred to me as I agreed. “Wait why do I have to be there? It’s not like I’m any use to you and how come they just agree to it like that?”

  He sighed.

  “First of all Sector Nine doesn’t really give the orders, it just funds us. The name is there for government reasons to make it seem official but as long as we do the job we are trained to do then they don’t get involved. Besides none of them are E.Ks, we are the experts as we were raised in the environment. To
answer your other question, you’re not. I don’t want you anywhere near the Elementals. I’m going to drop you off at a hotel on the way and come and get you once we have finished. We found some evidence to suggest that a few air Elementals have been here recently so there is no way I’m leaving you here on your own.”

  “Dammit Kai, don’t be so stupid! Of course Serena is coming,” Alanah jumped in, interrupting us as she slammed her hand down on the worktop which caused everyone to stare at her.

  “No way in hell is that happening Alanah. She isn’t trained or skilled enough and I won’t lose her.” I could hear the anger starting to build in Kai’s voice.

  “Have you gone totally mad and forgotten all our research?” Alanah stormed towards us and Kai stood to meet her advance.

  “Rea is not going. I will not put her in danger.”

  I was slightly annoyed at not being involved in the argument as it was my life but seeing as I didn’t really want to go I let Kai fight my corner again.

  “I hate to say this Kai, but Alanah is right, Rea needs to be there. The research said that an original must make the call, and if what you’ve told us is true that means we need her,” Jack said calmly from the other side of the room as he tried to break up the fight.

  I put a soothing hand on Kai’s wrist to get his attention, understanding Jack’s point enough to override my doubts.

  “I’ll be fine Kai. I don’t mind being there.” Kai’s determinedness didn’t falter as I spoke and it didn’t look like anything would sway his judgement.

  “No, we’ll find another way. I promised to keep you safe, not put you in the heart of a fight.”

  “Kai you need me, I’m going whether you like it or not. Don’t tell me you don’t want to get rid of the Elementals permanently,” I said, trying to convince him.

  “Rea...” Kai started but Alanah interrupted once again.

  “You’re outnumbered Kai. You’re not the leader, even if you act like one and Rea has to be there. Think of the revenge if it works.”


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