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Deadly to Love

Page 22

by Mia Hoddell

  “We can’t make you do anything Rea, you control us so if you want to know then of course we are going to tell you.”

  I sighed mentally with relief.

  “The chant didn’t work because you didn’t have all the information. To permanently trap the Elementals you need an extra verse that is written in the language of the originals.”

  Where is this information? Please tell me, please tell me, I thought.

  “We wish we could tell you but sadly we cannot Rea. We can only give you the information you already know but haven’t had access to before now. You do not know where the originals hid the scroll so we cannot tell you. Originally it was hidden on the Stacana islands but after that your mind hits a dead end.”

  I sighed, frustrated by this information, or lack of would have been more apt.

  So you’re telling me all I have to do is find an extra verse of the chant that was written by my original ancestor and perform the ritual again and it should work?

  “In its simplest form yes, but your hunt for that verse will not be easy and you will need to meet many people to complete the search, some of whom won’t be very generous. I’m afraid that is all we can tell you for now Rea. It is time for you to wake up but don’t forget that we are always here to aid you, now you have unlocked the power to hear us. You must wake up now.”

  The spirits in my mind faded and I felt my eyes begin to twitch, opening slightly before snapping shut from the burning light. I felt myself mumble something as I curled my head against the soft yet strong chest of Kai.

  “Rea? Are you coming round?”

  I groaned in response and he started laughing.

  “Oh thank god, you had me worried sick.” His voice broke on the last word as he choked on it. Instantly, I opened my eyes to look at him, fighting against the searing pain from exposing myself to the cruel sunlight.

  “Have you been crying?” I asked incredulously, but with my words slurred slightly it took some of the intonation out of them.

  “I thought I had lost you,” he said holding me closer but it didn’t fail to escape my notice that he avoided the question, even in my fragile state.

  “Oh great she’s back in the land of the living.”

  I heard Alanah’s sarcastic voice from somewhere in front of me and only then did I wonder where I was.

  “Where are we?” I asked as I tried to sit up.

  “In the back of the car. You really must stay lying down though.” He pressed lightly against my shoulders.

  “Why, I want to sit up.”

  “Why? Firstly, because you have just collapsed and been out of it for over an hour. Secondly because I can still feel you are weak and thirdly, because I like you lying in my arms.”

  I rolled my eyes at him even though I admitted to myself that it did feel nice.

  “Can you explain what happened from the start? I don’t remember much after I started chanting.”

  He nodded and I curled my feet up so I was huddled closer against him.

  “Each time you summoned an Elemental by calling out their element one of that kind would appear, therefore fulfilling the ’original must make the call’ part of the rules. Once you had completed the cycle once and we had one of each element in our sights, that’s when we began to shoot. We expected you to stop but you didn’t so more and more Elementals started appearing.”

  Parts of the event were slowly coming back to me.

  “Anyway we continued to shoot them but with the speed at which you were chanting we were quickly running out of ammunition. That’s when you turned and shouted the words. I have to admit it scared the hell out of me. All the Elementals froze to look at you and the fire ones started edging closer like you were an easy meal. We began shooting at them, picking off the ones closest to you but we couldn’t hold them back. That’s when I began shouting to you but it didn’t seem to have any effect.”

  He paused and I began speaking.

  “I could hear you and I wanted to stop but it was like the power of the place and my ancestors were controlling me. No matter how much I willed them to stop I just couldn’t control what I was doing,” I said in a rush.

  He nodded like he had expected that reply and then continued.

  “It was only when Alanah shouted did you finally stop. As soon as you stopped chanting we were able to take out a few more Elementals before the rest of them vanished. Once they had cleared we saw you on the floor. I rushed over but you wouldn’t wake up. We had to leave the clearing quickly in case any Elementals reappeared so after collecting our things, Jack and myself carried you all the way back to the car. We still gained no response from you though. I really thought you weren’t coming back.” He stumbled over the last few words and I held up a finger to press it against his lips.

  “I don’t need to know any more, I heard what you said, my body just wasn’t responding. Will you let me sit up now? I kind of have something important to say and I feel silly lying on my back while speaking.”

  Slowly he helped me sit up, keeping a hand on my back until I was leaning against the seat. I felt my head spin and took a moment to re-adjust to my surroundings.

  “OK this is going to sound crazy but please don’t laugh at me.” I started, smiling as I repeated the first words Kai used when he began to tell me about the Elementals.

  “Of course we won’t Rea.”

  “Sure, you can’t get crazier than Kai,” Jack joked from the front seat.

  “I’m not promising anything,” Alanah muttered from the driver’s side. I was confused by her change in attitude. I understood that she probably only said those things in the clearing to save her own life but now she hadn’t appeared to have fallen back into her old ways. Her tone seemed less cruel and more light-hearted when she spoke to me; she even seemed to have a smile in her voice.

  “Thanks. So when I was out of it I could hear and feel everything you did for a period of time, my body just wasn’t responding to my wishes. Anyway after you started carrying me I fell into a deeper state of unconsciousness and I lost connection with everything you were doing.” I paused trying to connect my thoughts into coherent sentences.

  “OK this is the part that will probably sound crazy to you. While I was in this deep state of unconsciousness two spirits appeared to me, claiming to be my subconscious knowledge that my ancestors had passed down from generation to generation. I didn’t believe them at first and just thought I was going mad. I was screaming inside my head but I couldn’t break free.” I started to speak quicker and my breathing increased as I thought of my claustrophobic state and began to panic all over again.

  “Deep breaths Rea. You’re safe now, you don’t need to worry.”

  I nodded and took a few deep breaths before continuing.

  “I wasn’t listening to these spirits until they said that they knew the ritual hadn’t worked. I immediately stopped and listened to them at that point. According to them they said that it didn’t work because I was only chanting half of the words. Apparently there is another piece of the puzzle that we haven’t found. The originals wrote another verse in their language and hid it. From what I gathered from my subconscious it used to be on the Stacana Islands but I don’t know any more than that. Also they said that if we take the journey to find the scroll then we will need to meet a lot of people, some of whom will not be generous.”

  I sighed trying to remember what else they had told me.

  “Oh and they also said that I can contact them any time for guidance now I have developed the knowledge of their presence. Apparently I’m one of the only people to know of their existence. That’s about it. After that I woke up and was in your arms,” I stated.

  “Hmm well that clears a few things up if they are true. Are you sure you didn’t just hit your head really hard when you fell?” I heard Jack say from the front of the car and Kai cut him off, defending me as usual as I felt the car begin to slow.

  “Where are we?” I asked, quickly interjecting to stop any argu
ment. Also, I couldn’t believe we had driven all the way back to Rinsk so quickly.

  “My house in Maveria. We didn’t know if you were going to wake up so headed back to the nearest safe place,” Kai said as he pulled me close to him, hugging me before getting out of the door on his side and coming to open mine.

  He reached inside of the car to give me his hand, which I was grateful for as I was still feeling slightly weak. As I stepped out I noticed that we were in front of a block of very expensive looking flats. There was a doorman dressed in a long, blue coat that had a military design and he called out to Kai.

  “Good evening Mr Seevers, it’s good to have you back in Maveria. I trust you are well?”

  Kai closed the door and leaned me against the side of the car.

  “Thanks Caleb, I’m great and it’s good to see you too. How’s your family?” I watched as Alanah and Jack got out the car, waiting by my side for Kai to stop with the small talk as another man came out to collect our bags.

  Finally he turned to give us his full attention.

  “Thanks for your help guys.” He hugged Alanah and for once I didn’t feel any jealousy towards them. Kai then shook Jack’s hand before they both turned to me. Jack embraced me in a hug as he whispered into my ear.

  “Try not to do anything too reckless with this idiot yeah?”

  I blushed at his comment that was made inappropriate by his Cheshire cat grin. When he released me, Alanah turned to me.

  “Don’t mess this up okay, because if you do I’m always going to be there to step in. He may love you at the moment but that can always change, you haven’t won just yet.”

  Her comment was made less harsh by her smile but I knew she was being serious. It was a strange moment, in a way she was accepting Kai and myself as a couple and backing off but on the other hand threatening me. I didn’t think we were going to become friends any time soon but we seemed to part on a more neutral ground.

  Before I could reply she moved her attention back to Kai who was rolling his eyes at her.

  “Well we’re heading back to Sector Nine, to report in. You don’t mind if we take the car do you?”

  Kai smiled and shook his head.

  “Don’t worry I have another one here and I’ll have to pick up the Lambo at some point.”

  “Good because I wasn’t going to give it you back anyway. There is no way I’m walking all the way there.” She walked round to the driver’s side and Jack got into the passenger’s side as Kai pulled me off the car, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

  As the car pulled away Kai turned me around and began to lead me inside the building.

  “Who’s this lovely woman Mr Seevers, if you don’t mind me asking?” the doorman asked as he pulled open the large, gold handled door for us.

  “Caleb how many times have I told you to call me Kai, you’ve known me too long to call me Mr Seevers.”

  Caleb smiled politely at Kai’s comment but I could tell this was a frequent conversation and a battle they had often.

  “Anyway this is my girlfriend Serena.”

  I ducked my head slightly, not fond of being the centre of attention.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you Miss Serena.”

  I said thank you before Kai led me inside the grand building.

  As we stood in the lobby waiting for the lift I looked around at the marble floor, counters and modern design. Everything was so sleek and clean it made even the fanciest hotel I had ever been to look like it was like a two star hostel.

  Kai must have noticed my shock because he started laughing at me.

  “This is your house?” I couldn’t comprehend what I was seeing.

  “Well this is the lobby to my house. The actual house is on the top floor.” He said it so casually it actually made the statement even funnier and I just burst out laughing.

  “What’s so funny.”

  I couldn’t speak because I was laughing so hard.

  “Y-You just keep surprising me. I know you’re well off but this is beyond anything I’ve ever expected.” I laughed again as the lift doors opened with a ding.

  “I think I agree with Jack and you might have hit your head when you fell.” He pulled me into the lift and swiped his card through the reader so the lights lit up the words penthouse.

  As we exited the lift our bags were already waiting for us but Kai ignored them to show me around what I guessed to be our new home. The rooms were definitely decorated to Kai’s taste. Everything was like back in Rinsk only there was more of it, which wasn’t really surprising as I remembered that this was his main home before he came to see me. After showing me the main bedroom, bathroom, kitchen and his office he finally showed me the view. As he stood behind me I looked out of the whole glass wall at the city life beneath me. The skyline was spectacular, with all the skyscrapers and the coastline in the distance but I couldn’t help but miss the forest. I felt Kai’s arms wrap around me and his head rest on my shoulder.

  “What are you sighing about?” he asked before he placed a few kisses on my neck, making me giggle.

  “I was just thinking how I’m going to miss the forest. I’ve never lived in just the city before.”

  I sighed again as I watched people rush around on the streets below.

  “We’ll go back some day Rea, I promise but for now we need to stay out of the woods. Anyway we’ve got a big journey to plan so I doubt we’ll be here long, if your experience is to believed that is and because you haven’t lead us wrong so far I think we should follow it.” He pulled me over to the plush leather sofa, sitting me on his lap so I was facing him.

  “Can you answer me something honestly?”

  I just nodded.

  “Do you still want me Rea? You know what living with me will be like now and if you stay it’s only going to get worse, especially with this treasure hunt we’ve got lined up. I can’t guarantee your safety. If you want to go back to your family and friends I can arrange somewhere safe for you to stay.” I kissed him to cut off his words and to shut him up.

  “Of course I still want you, don’t be so silly. As for this adventure, you need me, you wouldn’t even have known about it if it wasn’t for me so shut up. The Elementals know about me, the necklace and what we are planning to do so whether you like it not you’re stuck with least until this is over anyway.” He raised one eyebrow at my smirk, challenging my statement but I wasn’t going to say any more. Yes I wanted to be with Kai for now but I didn’t know if I would crave something different or more normal after we had accomplished what we were setting out to do. I imagined the journey ahead was going to push us to our limits and test our relationship but what exactly was entailed, well anyone’s guess was as good as mine.

  Book Two: Deadly to Promise (Elemental Killers) Coming Soon

  About the Author

  Mia Hoddell lives in the UK with her family and two cats. She spends most of her time writing or reading and her preferred genre is Young Adult, Paranormal Romance. Before 2009, Mia wouldn’t even pick up a book and was more interested in sports. However, she finally found some novels that captured her interest and developed a love of both reading and writing. Mia began with poems and after getting two published in separate anthologies she moved on to short stories. Although she enjoyed this, Mia found she had too much to tell with too little space, so later on she created her first series The Wanderer Trilogy and from there other ideas have emerged which she hopes to turn into novels as well. Elemental Killers is her second series and book two will be out soon.

  For more information on Mia, her work, giveaways and more visit her blog:

  or connect with her via:

  Facebook Page, Twitter @MiaHoddell, Goodreads Page

  Other Books

  The Wanderer Trilogy

  The Sheol

  The Flawless

  The Hunted (coming soon)

  Elemental Killers

  Deadly to Love

  Book 2 coming soon

  All books are available in ebook format from: Amazon Kindle, Smashwords, iBooks, Barnes & Noble

  Paperbacks are available from Lulu: HERE

  The Sheol

  The first book in The Wanderer Trilogy.


  Being a trained killer, Kala can handle most things the world throws at her. However, when she murders her fiance, Kala's life is thrown into chaos. Forced to leave everything behind, she runs from city to city, in fear of her psychotic boss who is seeking her death. If that wasn't enough, she also has to cope with the re-appearance of her dead fiance who is struggling to keep a hold on his sanity as he strives for revenge.


  I never really gave much thought to what I would do when I was older. It all seemed like a big joke to me, school, collage and Uni. Only when I left did I really appreciate all of it; the routine; knowing exactly what was happening and having a time schedule to follow. I miss all of that, and I definitely did not think that I would be doing what I am now. My life has been decided for me since I was four and I can't escape it. In my job you can’t afford to make mistakes, you can’t laugh or show emotion and you definitely can’t predict what will happen. It’s a spiral of chaos that throws everything at you. There’s no time to think, only act.



  Watching the setting sun drown in the sea, I stood on the edge of the cliff. Salty tears fell from my face and plummeted towards the ferocious sea. A chilling breeze hit me sending a shiver down my spine. My long black coat battered my legs and my hair whipped my face like live snakes, with every bite they added more poison into my wound. The icy wind swirlled around me, numbing the aching pain inside my heart.

  I looked down over the edge of the cliff and watched the waves break on the rocks, filling the air with salty spray. Little bits of rock broke free and tumbled into the abyss.


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