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Alpha Dragon's Second Chance

Page 11

by Abigail Raines

  When there was a knock on my door and it was my father, I tumbled right off cloud nine.

  Although him knocking was out of character. He was usually so happy to just walk right in.

  “I think we need to talk,” my father said darkly.

  I heaved a sigh and let him in. I didn’t feel as tense as I usually did when my father came over to lecture me or make me feel small, but I supposed that was because I’d just found out that the love of my life loved me back.

  “Talk away,” I said, shrugging. I hadn’t showered yet. I felt a little grimy and still sore from the fight the night before. But I sat on my stool again and sipped my coffee, not bothering to offer my father one.

  “You caused a scene at the Draceryn Gathering,” my father said gravely.

  I rolled my eyes. “What happened to ‘are you okay, son?’” I snapped. “That was a quicker turnaround than usual even. You were all worried about me yesterday-”

  “Hold on.” He raised his hands in surrender. He did have an entirely different vibe than usual.

  I didn’t trust it for a second.

  “You caused a scene, but it was understandable,” my father said. “I heard from multiple people the things that Edward Didion was saying to Sierra. It all sounded reprehensible. You were defending your friend, and it was admirable and his behavior at the end of that duel was absolutely cowardly and indefensible.”

  “Okay.” I took another sip of my coffee. My dad frowned, looking a bit put out, and it made me feel vindicated. He was offering me an olive branch, but he was offended that I wasn’t jumping on it. He was so predictable.

  “I want to offer you a better position in the company,” he finally said. “That’s why I came here today. I believe it’s time the two of us made peace and put the past behind us. I’ll allow you to expand our non-profit programs within the company over time. You can even work on some car designs if you want. Just keep me in the loop. How does that sound?”

  I snorted at that and my father narrowed his eyes. “Over time,” I said. “Yeah, I know what that means. You’ll delay everything. You’ll continue to do the bare minimum. You’re a meiser, just like the worst kind of shifters. Happy to build his hoard and not let anyone get their grubby hands on it. Well, I know other guys with impressive hoards and they’re not selfish with their wealth. You are. You aren’t changing. I have good press. That’s what this is about. You know about Sierra’s article and you saw everyone being impressed with me at the Draceryn Gathering and now you want that heat, right?” I laughed. It was so obvious now that I thought about it. “You know what? Screw you! I have shares in the company. I’m going to sell them. I’m going to take my shares and my stocks and my big trust and I’m out. I’ll build my own non-profit. I like helping those kids more than racing cars anyway. I like it more than flying. I’ll get my own investors and I’ll do it myself! I don’t need you! What does ‘put the past behind us’ even mean by the way? Because I think it means you absolutely still blame me for mom’s death you’ll just be quiet about it if I get you good press!”

  My father took it. For a minute anyway. He stood there seething, clenching his fists, and I saw his eyes flash with the fire of his dragon. “You are… the most ungrateful, petulant, insubordinate-”

  “Insubordinate?” I said. “I’m your son.”

  “I will cut you off,” my father snapped.

  “I’m cutting myself off!” I said.

  And just like that, it was done. My father didn’t even say anything. I’d called his bluff. He wasn’t going to dive into a fight. He already knew I’d win. The only recourse he could have would have been to challenge me and I’d just proven myself in battle.

  Between the two of us, I was the alpha.

  It felt pretty damn good.

  He turned to go and just as he was walking out the door, I got one last shot in “By the way,” I called after him. “Sierra’s my mate! She loves me! She chose me! Wrong again, pops!”

  I slammed the door after him and all at once, it felt as if a giant weight had been lifted off my back. The first thing I wanted to do after that was talk to Sierra so I texted her. I knew she was busy today but I at least wanted to let her know what had happened.

  I told off my dad!

  Sierra texted back instantly with several enthusiastic emojis. That was enough for now. But I couldn’t wait to see her again. Everything seemed like it was falling into place. I had Sierra, I’d freed myself of my father finally, and I’d ridden Sierra of Edward. Everything was perfect now.

  Yet there was one little fear in my head that I couldn’t seem to get rid of. Edward had caved so easily. It didn’t seem like something a guy like him would do…

  What if he tried to hurt Sierra again?

  I told myself I worried too much. I told myself everything was golden now. I had everything I wanted and some slick douchebag wasn’t going to take it away any time soon.

  But I should have known that a suitor as driven as Edward...wasn’t going to be dismissed so easily.

  Chapter Twelve: Sierra

  I didn’t want to leave Jude’s bed. I couldn’t stay there forever, safe and warm in a little bubble where nobody would come asking questions or wanting anything from us. But that was only a dream. Eventually, you had to catch up with life. It was enough to know that we’d finally, truly found each other.

  Except that now I had to break it to my parents that I’d finally found what I’d actually wanted; somebody who supported my career and who loved me passionately and who was my best friend. I didn’t know if they’d see it that way. They’d just never approved of Jude. It was going to be kind of a nightmare and I wasn’t looking forward to it.

  “Where have you been!” My mother looked about ready to faint when I walked in the door. I thought it was all too obvious where I’d been as I stood there in the foyer in yesterday’s dress with post-sex hair and my purse still in my hand. “We were worried!”

  “Oh.” I shook my head. “I’m sorry. I thought I told you. I went home with Jude last night.”

  “Oh!” My mother actually clutched my heart just as my father was walking in to meet us. He looked just as upset as she was and he came behind her and squeezed her shoulder, kissing her cheek. “We were so afraid you went off with that awful Edward again. He left and then, oh I don’t know, we were around but I didn’t see you and you left and I thought… I thought you went back to make up with Edward or…”

  “Oh!” I laughed, perhaps in shock at the very idea. But it was also so surprising to hear my mother talking like that about Edward so suddenly. “No, no. I went home with Jude.” I tried to read her reaction, but she was always a little dramatic and now my father was consoling her just for being worried. “I have to tell you guys something.”

  “Oh what is it, darling?” My mother blinked at me.

  “You can tell us anything, sweetheart.” My father, always the quietly strong one looked on kindly.

  No matter what happened, my mate was Jude Fairchild. I’d run away with him if it came to that although it was sort of a dramatic thought. We were adults. We really didn’t need to runaway. But I’d definitely choose him over my parents wishes if I had to. I was done letting them pressure me and trying to fit my mind into the little boxes they wanted me to fit into. That was over.

  “Jude is my mate,” I said softly. I took a deep breath. “We’re in love. We’ve been in love with each other for a long time and we’ve only just realized because we...we were afraid of wrecking the friendship, I guess. We were afraid the other person didn’t feel the same way. But he’s my mate. And I’m his. I’m so happy about it, I feel like floating. So I hope you’re happy too.”

  There. I’d said it. Whatever happened after this, I’d just done the hard part. Jude and I loved each other, and that was all that mattered.

  I watched my parents, expecting my mother to start crying and saying I was ruining the family or for my father to get all patronizing and tell me that I didn’t really k
now what I wanted.

  My mother started crying, and I braced myself but then suddenly she was throwing her arms around me. “Of course, we’re happy darling! Jude’s wonderful! Oh, you’re going to be so happy! I’m absolutely thrilled!”

  “He’s an excellent match!” My father said. “This is very good news. We couldn’t be more proud.”

  I reeled. I was struck speechless. I opened and closed my mouth. I probably looked like a dazed fish.

  “You’re happy?” I said, my eyes welling up. As much as I felt my parents had pressured me too much about finding the right mate and settle down immediately...I did want to make them happy. I wanted to please them because I knew that in their own way, they were doing it out of love for me. Even if it had always been infuriating. “Are you really happy? I mean I’m going to be with Jude no matter what but… You’re really happy?”

  “After the way he defended you?” My mother said, clapping her hands to my cheeks. “He stood up for you! It was so admirable and chivalrous! And that awful Edward… Darling, we are so sorry we couldn’t see him for what he was.”

  “Oh, I’m so glad you’re happy.” I threw my arms around my mother and she yelped in surprise. My parents have never been huge huggers. Funnily, Jude has always been a hugger. I think he turned me into one. But now I felt my mother relax in my arms before hugging me back and I heard her sniffle as we embraced there.

  “I know we haven’t always been so kind to Jude,” my father said, once my mother and I had broken apart. “But you have to understand, you two used to roll through here like cats on fire. He was always getting you into trouble. It’s hard not to still think of him as some troublemaking teenager.”

  “But he’s a fine young man,” my mother said, elbowing him in the side. “I know he does all that work with those children in hospitals, doesn’t he? That’s very admirable.” She frowned at my father as if she still had to convince him. “He was voted the Most Eligible Bachelor in New York, you know. And did you see him fighting Edward? He’s very strong. He’s quite an impressive dragon.”

  “Okay,” I said, wiping away an errant tear. “In that case, we should have him over for dinner.”

  “Any time, dear,” my mother said.

  “Good.” I nodded firmly. “Good good. I’m just going to clean up.”

  I left my parents and walked up the stairs and I had an urge to pinch myself. It seemed like everything had truly worked out so much better than I’d ever hoped. Now I had the day to work on my article and then I could see Jude later. Everything seemed to be coming up roses.

  So, of course, that was when Edward texted me.

  I’d really like to talk. Just to clear the air.

  I sighed heavily and all at once I was tense again. I stomped upstairs and in my room, I kicked off my shoes and dropped my purse. I turned on the shower in my bathroom and stared at the text as I waited for the water to get hot.

  I meant it when I said it was over, I texted back. It’s not a discussion.

  Eddie texted back immediately and said: I know that. I just want to apologize.

  That made me feel better, though I would remain wary of him. But it seemed like good form just to allow him to apologize for what had happened and what he’d said.

  I felt very magnanimous texting back.

  I can do that. You want me to come by today?

  Eddie said if possible, he’d love it if I could come by that evening. I had to think it would just be a quick talk and then I could go to Jude’s place. I texted him a yes and he said he’d see me at six. It would be an annoying task to get over with. But after that: Jude.

  I showered and took my time, closing my eyes as I stood under the hot spray and thought about Jude and how far we had come together. We had shared almost our whole lives together yet I found myself so excited to start this new part of our lives together as a mated couple. He knew me so well and we’d discussed most of the things a couple talks about already. We both wanted children and were excited about the prospect of little baby dragons in our lives but not for a few years yet. I knew he supported my career, and I supported his aspirations in whatever he set his mind to.

  By the time I got out of the shower, I was grinning from ear to ear. When I glanced at my phone, I saw a new text from Jude.

  Hey, remember when we fell in love?

  It made me chuckle. I’d always loved Jude’s wry sense of humor and now I feel like a giggly schoolgirl because of it. I dried my hands and tapped out a reply.

  High five on falling in love with me, bro!

  Jude texted me a thumbs up and I practically skipped back into my bedroom.

  I got dressed, keeping in mind I’d be meeting with Edward. I didn’t want to give him any funny ideas even by accident. Besides that, New York was hot and sticky. I put on jeans and a t-shirt and threw my hair up in a ponytail and then sat down with my laptop to work on my article before I had to go to Eddie’s house. I started writing according to the ideas I’d sketched out. I’d spoken to Scott and gone over things with Jude to some degree. But on a first draft, I just wanted to let things flow naturally while somewhat going according to plan. I’d already gotten about halfway through the piece and now I found the words coming easily, flowing through me as I wrote not just about Jude but about what he thought of his own privilege and his own insecurities. I wrote about us as teenagers and about our friendship. I wrote about his father and how his father had built the company. It was no-holds barred. I felt like it was going to be one of those pieces that everyone was talking about even if they didn’t care at all about some car company or its CEO’s son. It a story and it was a good one.

  Before I knew it, it was time to go to Eddie’s, but I’d done a solid amount of work and I felt good, smiling to myself even though I was on my way to Eddie’s place. Eddie had his own house not too far from my parent’s place on the Upper East Side. I decided I’d walk and made sure my phone was charged before making my way.

  I whistled when I saw Eddie’s place. It was a big place, the kind that had been turned into a duplex around most of New York. He’d mentioned once his parents had owned it for a long time so it had its own vault built into the basement because all dragon patriarchs needed a good place to stash their hoard. I heaved a sigh and trotted up the front stoop to the door. As far as I knew, Eddie’s parents were off in Europe for the entire year and they also had a place in Connecticut so Eddie had run of the New York house.

  I rang the doorbell and almost immediately the door popped open and there stood Eddie, looking grave and serious and, I supposed, apologetic. He gave me a nod and ushered me in. “Thank you for coming.”

  “It’s okay,” I said. I stood up straight and tried to look sort of business-like. This was one of those awkward adult kinds of conversations. But it wasn’t anymore than that. “I think it’s fair and I don’t want to end whatever this was between us unkindly.”

  “Of course,” Eddie said, leading me from the dim foyer into a smaller sitting room. His place was laid out similar to my parent’s except it was clear that nobody had lived here for a while, Eddie only recently having moved from Connecticut. The place was a little too dark as if not all the lamps worked and it smelled a little dusty and musty. I was surprised not to see any staff pass by. Not that a single man living alone needs a staff and Jude doesn’t have any at his apartment, but I would have expected Eddie to have some service if he was living in this big house by himself. “I just want to apologize wholeheartedly for what I said to you yesterday. It was completely unacceptable and I assure you, it was only the heat of the moment.”

  “I appreciate that,” I said simply.

  The sitting room looked especially dusty and a little cloud went up when I sat on a chaise across from Edward in a big leather club chair. He offered tea and I took it, just to be nice.

  “At least I brought a little excitement to the proceedings of the Draceryn Gathering,” Edward said in that formal way of his as he poured me a cup full of black tea. “Su

  “Yes, please.” I chuckled at that, though uneasily.

  I still believed he would have killed Jude if no one had stopped him. It would have ruined him in the shifter community but in that moment, it’s what he’d intended.

  Edward handed me my tea cup, and I took a long sip, trying to ground myself. The tricky thing was, when there was some bad behavior among shifters it was handled within the shifter community. But you had to get pretty heinous before there was any real penance paid, especially among dragons. The duel didn’t count for anything and neither did an almost murder. That meant nothing would happen to Edward outside of him being the subject of harsh gossip for a while and often that was enough to bring somebody back in line.

  “I should tell you something,” I said slowly. I drained the last of my black tea as if to gain some strength. “Jude and I are together. All this that’s happened has made us realize how we feel about each other. I apologize for...I don’t know. Leading you on, if that’s the right way to put it. I really did want things to work out between us. I thought I had to… I was trying to convince myself. But it was right in the end. So I’, sorry.”

  I rubbed my eyes, suddenly feeling a little sluggish and sleepy, a fierce tiredness creeping up behind my eyes. My head felt a bit foggy too as I’d just thrown back a bunch of shots all in a rush. Edward was just smiling at me mildly. I couldn’t even tell his reaction to my scattered little speech. I blinked at him. I even found myself nodding, slumping a little in my seat.

  What’s wrong with me?

  “Leading me on,” Edward said, shaking his head. “Yes, I do believe that’s the right way to put it after all. I did everything I was supposed to. I followed these little rules of courtship like the dragons of old while you hemmed and hawed and yet all the while you were exactly the slut I’d pegged you to be.”


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