Infinity's Shore u-5
Page 63
Terragens Council — ruling body of humanity’s interstellar government, in charge of matters affecting relations between Earthclan and Galactic society.
Toporgic — a pseudo-material substrate made of organically folded time.
Torgen — one of Jijo’s moons.
Transfer point — an area of weak space-time that allows faster than light travel for vessels entering in precise ways.
Uplift — the process of turning a presapient animal species into a fully sapient race capable of joining Galactic society. Performed by patron race.
Urchachka — the urrish homeworld.
Urchachkin — urrish clan that gave refuge to human females and horses in the Spectral Flow.
Vlenning — a rare form of traeki reproduction, in which a small, complete stack is budded from an adult.
Wolfling — a derogatory Galactic term for a race that appears to have uplifted itself to spacefaring status without help from a patron.
Wuphon’s Dream—the bathyscaphe built by Pincer-Tip, with the help of Alvin, Huck, and Ur-ronn. Outfitted by Uriel the Smith.
Xi — a meadowland in the midst of the Spectral Flow, home of the Illias.
Year of Exile — the epoch that began when the first sooner race arrived on Jijo.
Zang — a hydrogen-breathing race resembling huge squid. They live in the atmospheres of gas giants. Jijo’s entire galactic region has been ceded to hydrogen breathers by the Institute of Migration; oxygen-breathing sapients are supposed to stay out for a long fallow period. Zang patrol globes are a rare but feared visitor to Jijo.
Zhosh — the qheuens’ patron race.
Zookir — servant animals bred by the g’Kek, able to memorize and recite messages, but not as bright as neo-chimpanzees.
The author would express thanks to Stefan Jones, Steinn Sigurdsson, Professor Steven Potts, Greg Smith, Matthew Johnson, Kevin Conod, Anita Gould, Paul Rothemund, Richard Mason, Gerrit Kirkwood, Ruben Krasnopolsky, Damien Sullivan, Will Smit, Grant Swenson, Roian Egnor, Joy Crisp, Jason M. Robertson, Micah Altman, Jeffrey Slostad, Joseph Miller, and Gregory Benford, for their comments and observations on early drafts of Infinity’s Shore. Kevin Lenagh provided the map of Jijo. Robert Qualkinbush collated the glossary of terms. The novel profited from insight and helpful assistance from my agent, Ralph Vicinanza, and Tom Dupree of Bantam Books. As usual, this tale would have been a far poorer thing without the wise and very human input of my wife, Dr. Cheryl Brigham. Blame for any excess or extravagance rests on me alone.
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