Battle Cry of Freedom

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Battle Cry of Freedom Page 120

by James M. McPherson

  appoints military governors, 511

  on 1862 elections, 562, 689

  cabinet crisis of Dec. 1862, 574–75

  fears copperheads, 591

  they attack him, 594–95

  and Vallandigham, 596–99

  policy toward Mexico, 683

  1863 state elections, 684–85

  public letter to Democrats, 687

  renomination in 1864, 713–17

  southern hopes for defeat of, 721, 734

  copperheads attack "tyranny" of, 765

  expects to lose 1864 election, 771

  capture of Atlanta raises prospects, 773

  carries Missouri, 788

  target of Democratic racist attacks, 789–90

  wins soldier vote, 804

  reelected, 805–6

  Lincoln, Abraham, and emancipation and reconstruction: pledges non-interference with slavery, 312

  revokes Frémont's edict, 353, 356–58

  decides to issue emancipation proclamation, 489, 502–4

  moves toward emancipation, 494

  plea to border states, 498–99, 503

  delays issuance, 505

  and colonization, 508–9

  reply to Greeley, 510, 859

  Karl Marx on, 550

  issues preliminary Proclamation, 557–58

  issues final Proclamation, 562–63

  and black soldiers, 564, 565, 687–88

  amnesty and reconstruction proclamation (1863), 698–99, 809

  differences with Congress and radicals, 700–702

  Louisiana reconstruction experiment, 703–9

  vetoes Wade-Davis bill, 712–13

  sticks to emancipation as condition of peace, 768–71

  emancipation issue at Hampton Roads conference, 823–24 and n

  and 13th Amendment, 838–39, 840, 841–42

  moves toward Negro suffrage in reconstruction, 843–44

  last speech, on reconstruction, 851–52

  assassination of, 853

  Lister, Joseph, 486

  Logan, John A., 328, 329

  Logan's Cross Roads (Mill Springs), battle of, 305

  Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 89, 161, 210

  Longstreet, James, 583

  in Mexican War, 5

  at Williamsburg, 427

  at Seven Pines, 461

  at Gaines' Mill, 467

  at Glendale, 469

  at Mal-vern Hill, 470

  given corps command, 471

  at 2nd Manassas, 528–31

  at Antietam, 541

  after Antietam, 569

  at Fredericksburg, 571–72

  confronts Federals in southside Virginia, 638–39, 645

  suggests western strategy, 646

  and Pennsylvania invasion, 647, 647–48n, 649

  at Gettysburg, 653–63

  goes to Georgia, 671, 696

  at Chickamauga, 672–74

  criticizes Bragg, 676

  besieges Knoxville, 677

  fails at Knoxville, 681

  hopes for election of northern peace president, 721

  battle of the Wilderness, 725–26

  Lopez, Narciso, 105–6, 108

  Louisiana, wartime reconstruction in, 703–9, 713, 843

  Lowell, James Russell, 51, 333

  Lyon, Nathaniel: and struggle for Missouri, 290–92, 334

  and Wilson's Creek, 350–52

  McCallum, Daniel, 514

  McCauley, Charles, 279–80

  McClellan, George B., 247, 574, 652, 662, 701, 743, 813

  in Mexican War, 4

  in western Virginia, 299–301, 335

  creates Army of Potomac, 348–50

  defects of personality, 358–60

  defects of military and political acumen, 361–65, 444

  contracts typhoid, 367

  comparison with Grant, 396

  Peninsula campaign, 423–27, 437, 454, 457, 460

  and Seven Pines, 461

  Seven Days' battles, 462–70, 488–89, 490, 499–500, 511, 512, 734, 812

  opposes emancipation, 502–6

  rivalry with Pope, 524

  withdrawn from Peninsula, 525

  and 2nd Bull Run, 528, 532

  restored to full command, 533–34

  Antietam campaign and battle, 536–45

  on Emancipation Proclamation, 559–60

  relieved of command, 562, 570, 715, 753

  after Antietam, 568–69

  pressure for restoration to command, 584

  endorses Woodward for governor, 685

  Democratic presidential nominee, 771–72

  acceptance letter, 775–76

  candidacy hurt by Union victories, 777

  Confederate hopes for election of, 803, 806

  loses soldier vote, 804–5

  wins three states, 840

  evaluation of generalship, 857

  McClernand, John A.: political general, 328

  at Fort Donelson, 400

  and Vicksburg campaigns, 577–78, 579, 587, 593, 630–31

  McCulloch, Ben, 351, 404–5

  McDowell, battle of, 455

  McDowell, Irvin: planning for Bull Run campaign, 335, 338

  campaign and battle, 339–46, 406

  corps commander, 425, 454, 455

  and Jackson's Shenandoah Valley campaign, 457, 460, 461, 464, 489, 501

  at 2nd Bull Run, 529, 531, 533

  McHenry, William ("Jerry"), fugitive slave, 86

  McLean, John, and Dred Scott case, 171, 173, 175, 176

  McLean, Wilmer, 849

  McPherson, James B.: in Corinth campaign, 416

  Vicksburg campaigns, 586, 627, 630–31

  Atlanta campaign, 744–45, 752

  death of, 754

  Madison, James, 280

  Magoffin, Beriah, 293–94, 295, 296

  Magruder, John B., 426, 467–68

  Mahan, Dennis Hart, 331

  Mahone, William, 760

  Mallory, Stephen R., 314

  Malvern Hill, battle of, 469–70, 476, 477

  Manassas, 1st battle of, 281, 309, 321, 327, 352, 353, 354, 362, 366–67, 405, 406, 413, 538

  background, 335–36, 338

  campaign and battle, 339–45

  strategic results, 346–47

  psychological consequences, 347–50, 365, 370, 403, 491

  Manassas, 2nd battle of: background, 524, 526–27

  battle, 528–33, 642, 648

  diplomatic consequences, 555

  Manifest Destiny, 42, 46

  and Mexican War, 5, 51

  and party politics, 48–49

  and slavery issue, 51, 104, 106–7

  Mann, Horace, 20, 21, 29

  Martial law, see Habeas corpus

  Marx, Karl, 550

  Maryland: kept in Union, 284–87, 293, 350

  arrest of secessionists, 287–90

  coolness to Lee's invasion, 535–36

  abolishes slavery, 805

  Mason, James M., 72

  and fugitive slaves, 79

  and Kansas-Nebraska Act, 122

  threatens secession, 158

  and John Brown, 207

  favors Davis for C.S.A. president, 259

  and Trent affair, 367, 389–91, 444

  on impact of Fort Donelson, 403

  expects British mediation, 555

  and Kenner mission, 838

  Mason, John, 110

  Maximilian, Ferdinand, 683–84

  May, Samuel J., 86

  Mayer, Arno, 245

  Meade, George Gordon: in Mexican War, 5

  at Fredericksburg, 572

  replaces Hooker in command, 652

  battle of Gettysburg, 653, 655–63

  slow pursuit of Lee, 666–67

  Virginia operations, 675, 681

  relations with Grant, 718, 722

  on Cold Harbor, 735

  and Petersburg assaults, 741

  battle of the Crater, 758–59

  at Appomatto
x, 848–49

  evaluation of, 857

  Meagher, Thomas, 328

  Mechanicsville, battle of, 464, 466–67

  Medical care in Civil War armies: women and, 477–84

  ambulance service, 484–85

  evaluation of, 486–87. See also Disease in Civil War armies

  Medill, Joseph, 590

  Meigs, Montgomery, 368

  efficiency as quartermaster general, 324–25, 857

  on Union strategy, 335–36

  on Peninsula campaign, 424

  Memminger, Christopher, 438–39, 442

  Memphis: naval battle of, 418, 421

  center of trade between lines, 620–23

  Merrimack, U.S.S.: scuttled in 1861, 279–80

  converted to ironclad C.S.S. Virginia, 314, 373

  Merryman, John, and ex parte Merryman, 287–89

  Mexico: acquisition of territory from, 3–4, 6, 42, 48–51

  influence of experience in Mexican War on Civil War strategy and tactics, 3–5, 332, 334, 473

  and slavery issue, 4, 51–58

  war with, 47–50, 59, 131, 138, 281, 317

  and Gadsden Purhcase, 108

  and filibustering, 111–12

  Miles, Dixon, 538

  Mill, John Stuart, 550

  Mill Springs (Logan's Cross Roads), battle of, 305

  Milligan, Lambdin P., 599n, 782

  Milliken's Bend, battle of, 634

  Milroy, Robert H., 303

  Minié Claude E., 474

  Missouri: clashes in during 1861, 290–92, 334

  guerrilla warfare in, 292, 350, 783–87

  divided allegiance, 293, 342

  battle of Wilson's Creek, 351–52

  Frémont and, 353–54

  Price's invasion of, 787–88

  Missouri Compromise: and limitation of slavery expansion, 8, 51, 57, 58, 65, 72

  and Kansas-Nebraska Act, 121, 123, 154, 157

  and Dred Scott case, 171, 175

  Mobile Bay, battle of, 282, 761, 775

  Monitor, U.S.S.: design and construction of, 373–75

  fight with Virginia, 376–77

  battle of Drewry's Bluff, 427

  Montgomery, James, 292

  Morgan, John Hunt: cavalry raids in Kentucky and Tennessee, 513–14, 515–16, 579, 628

  Ohio raid, 763

  Mormons: settlement at Great Salt Lake, 42–44, 66

  conflict with U.S. government, 44–45

  and slavery, 76

  persecution of, 145–46

  Morrill, Justin, and land-grant college act, 451

  Morton, Oliver P., 299, 322, 596

  Mosby, John Singleton, 737–38

  Mott, Lucretia, 36

  Murfreesboro, battle of, see Stones River

  Myers, Abraham, 319

  Napoleon I, 331, 336, 473, 515, 775, 807, 855

  Napoleon III: and moves for recognition of Confederacy, 384, 546, 650–51

  Mexican adventure, 553–54, 683–84

  and Kenner mission, 838

  Nashville, Union capture of, 401–3

  battle of, 813–15

  Nashville Convention (1850), 69, 73–74, 76, 86–87, 234

  National Labor Union, 450

  Native Americans, see Indians

  Nativism, 7, 22, 32–33

  growth of, in 1850s, 130–38

  in 1854 elections, 130, 138–39

  in South, 140

  decline of, 144, 188

  in 1856 election, 154–56, 158

  and 1860 election, 217, 221, 223, 232, See also American party

  Know Nothings

  Navy, Confederate: creation of, 314

  privateers and commerce raiders, 315–16, 370, 386, 546–48

  ironclad rams, 373, 377–78

  Navy, Union: organization and mobilization of, 313–14

  blockade duty, 369, 378–82

  coastal operations in 1861, 370–73

  and ironclads, 374, 377–78

  and western river fleets, 392–93. See also names of commanders and of naval battles

  Nelson, Samuel, 171–73

  New England: education and literacy in, 19–20

  westward expansion of culture of, 31

  power in Congress during war, 496

  target of copperhead attacks, 593, 594

  and freedmen's aid societies, 710

  New England Emigrant Aid Company, 145, 147

  New Hope Church, battle of, 748

  New Market, battle of, 724

  New Mexico: acquired by U.S., 47, 50

  issue of slavery in, 51, 106

  and Compromise of 1850, 65–68, 70–71, 74–75

  slavery in, 76–77

  and statehood proposal in 1861, 256

  New Orleans: Union navy captures, 282, 418–20, 421, 422

  illicit trade between the lines, 520, 623–24

  Butler's "Woman order," 551–52

  wartime reconstruction, 703–5

  New York Times, 769

  on Kansas-Nebraska Act, 124

  on Fort Sumter crisis, 260

  on abolitionists in 1862, 495

  target of draft rioters, 610

  on southern war prisons, 797

  New York Tribune, 13, 589

  on fugitive slave law, 85

  on drinking, 135

  on Irish racism, 137

  on nativism, 138

  on Dred Scott decision, 177

  and tariff issue, 192

  publicizes Helper's Impending Crisis, 199

  on secession, 244, 251

  "Forward to Richmond" editorials, 334, 347

  after 1st Bull Run, 348

  on Union successes in 1862, 403, 422

  on relaxation of internal security, 436

  on growing influence of Wendell Phillips, 495

  and emancipation, 505

  on black soldiers, 565

  target of draft rioters, 610

  on battle of Fort Wagner, 686

  and "peace negotiations" of 1864, 767

  Nicaragua, and filibustering, 112–15, 203, 212

  Nightingale, Florence, 478, 479, 484

  Norfolk (Gosport Navy Yard), seized by Virginia militia, 279–80

  recapture of, 427

  Northrop, Lucius B., 319

  Norton, Charles Eliot, 209

  Noyes, John Humphrey, 26

  Olmsted, Frederick Law, 96, 481, 482

  Olustee, battle of, 769

  Ord, Edward, 522–23

  Order of American Knights, 599, 763, 783–84, 787

  Order of the Star Spangled Banner, 135

  Order of United Americans, 135

  Oregon, and boundary dispute with Britain, 47, 49, 53

  Ostend Manifesto, 110, 155

  O'Sullivan, John L., 48

  Owsley, Frank L., 381

  Palmerston, Viscount, 551

  on Uncle Tom's Cabin, 89

  and question of British recognition of Confederacy, 384, 554–56

  and Trent crisis, 390

  mediation moves in 1862, 546

  on Butler's "Woman order," 552

  and Laird rams, 682

  and Kenner mission, 838

  Panics, and depressions: of 1837, 27

  of 1857, 188–92, 449

  in South, 195–96

  in secession winter, 253

  Parker, Ely, 849

  Parker, Theodore, 151

  indicts southern culture, 41

  and fugitive slave law, 81–83, 120

  and John Brown, 204, 206, 209

  Pasteur, Louis, 486

  Patterson, Robert, 335, 339

  Pea Ridge, battle of, 404–5, 413

  Peace Democrats, see Copperheads

  Peace movements

  and antiwar opposition in Confederacy, 613–14; 692–98

  in North, summer 1864, 760–65

  and "peace negotiations" at Niagara Falls and Richmond, 766–68

  and pressures on Lincoln, 769–71

  and Demo
cratic platform, 772

  Hampton Roads conference, 822–24

  Pember, Phoebe, 479–80n

  Pemberton, John C.: in Mexican War, 5

  sides with South, 282

  command of Vicksburg defenses, 576, 578, 579

  in Vicksburg campaign of 1863, 626–38, 646, 740

  evaluation of, 857

  Pendleton, George, 446, 772

  Peninsula campaign, 424–27, 437, 454, 484

  and battle of Seven Pines, 461–62

  abandonment of, 488–89. See also Seven Days' battles

  Pennington, William, 201

  Perryville, battle of, 519–20, 522, 561, 676

  consequences of, 858

  Personal liberty laws, 40, 65

  before 1850, 78–79

  after 1850, 120, 139

  as issue in secession crisis, 251, 256

  Peterhoff, case of, and blockade, 387

  Petersburg: Union attacks on, 740–41

  siege of, 757, 756, 820

  battle of the Crater, 758–60

  operations around, 777–78, 780, 844

  Union breakthrough and capture, 845–46

  Phelan, James, 612

  Phillips, Ulrich B., 97

  Phillips, Wendell: and fugitive slave law, 82, 120

  on Lincoln, 227

  growing influence of, 495

  on reconstruction as revolution, 700–701, 705

  supports Frémont's 1864 candidacy, 716

  Pickens, Francis, 267, 271–72

  Pickett, George E.: in Mexican War, 5

  at Gettysburg, 656, 661–63, 664, 678

  at Five Forks, 845

  Pierce, Franklin, 179n

  and Cuba, 107–10

  and Nicaragua, 112, 113

  election of, 118–19

  and Anthony Burns, 119–20

  and Kansas-Nebraska Act, 122–23

  and Kansas issue, 147, 157, 161

  vetoes by, 155

  and corruption, 225

  Pierpont, Francis, 298

  Pike, Zebulon, 45

  Pillow, Gideon, 400–401

  Pinkerton, Allan, 361n

  Pittsburg Landing, battle of, see Shiloh

  Pleasant Hill, battle of, 723

  Pleasants, Henry, 758–59

  Polk, James K., 64

  and Mexican War, 4, 47–50

  and slavery expansion issue, 51–52, 54, 58, 65

  and Oregon, 53

  and acquisition of Cuba, 104

  Polk, Leonidas: occupies Kentucky, 296, 393

  and battle of Perryville, 519–20

  dislike of Bragg, 583

  at Chickamauga, 672, 676

  in Atlanta campaign, 747

  killed, 748

  Pollard, Edward A., 115

  Pomeroy, Samuel C., 714

  Pook, Samuel, 393

  Pope, John: western campaigns of, 402, 415, 416, 488

  transferred to Virginia, 488

  unpopular orders there, 501, 524

  and 2nd Bull Run, 525–33

  evaluation of, 857

  Popular sovereignty: origins of, 58–59, 62, 63

  and Compromise of 1850, 76

  and Kansas-Nebraska Act, 123–24, 128


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