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Lady Deception

Page 20

by Bobbi Smith

  "It's been this way for over ten years now."

  "How can you stand it? Don't you ever want to live a quiet life?"

  He glanced at her. "It's dangerous to want what you can never have."

  "You could quit the gang and settle down somewhere," she said hopefully, seeing so much good in him and hating that he was involved with men like Sully and the others.

  "But then I would never have met you," he said, wanting to distract her. He didn't want to think about the Trinity. Not now. "If it hadn't been for you, I'd be dead right now." He held her back away from him a little and tilted her chin up so he was looking in her eyes. "Thank you."

  She lifted trembling lips to his.

  "I'm glad I saved you," she whispered against his mouth.

  Luke held her close when the kiss ended, and they stayed like that for quite a while before finally moving apart to set up camp. There would be no fire for them tonight, nor would he hunt for food. There was no telling if the gang was on their trail and, if so, how close they were. Luke didn't want to risk giving away their location, either by firelight or gunshot.

  After washing up in the small watering hole, they shared some hardtack that he'd had left in his saddlebags from the trip into Mexico to sell the guns. Then it was time to bed down. They would have to be ready to ride at first light and needed all the rest they could get.

  Cody watched Luke spread out his bedroll. He seemed to feel her gaze upon him and glanced over at her.

  "Are you as ready to bed down as I am?" he asked. "We'll have to share. There's only the one."

  There was no thought of refusing. She went to him and lay down in his arms.

  "There have been times in my life when I would have given anything to be camped out under the stars in the middle of the wilderness with a beautiful woman... and now here I am," he said as he levered himself up on one elbow to gaze down at her. "I guess every situation, no matter how bad it may seem, can have a good side to it."

  He gathered her to him and kissed her, sweetly at first. As she responded, his ardor grew. He deepened the exchange and pulled her fully against him so she could feel how much he wanted her.

  Cody was pliant in his arms. Thoughts of being tired and wanting to rest faded before his seductive onslaught. Moments before, she would never have dreamed that she could forget about sleep and respond with such excitement, but she did. As she returned his kiss with abandon, linking her arms around his neck to hold him close, she realized how close he'd come to being killed the day before. The realization fueled her passion. She had nearly lost him...

  Had she been more logical, she would have wondered at the terror that seized her at the thought, but as he began to caress her, all logic fled. There was only Luke and the hot Texas night.

  They came together out of need and want. Tonight, there were no lies between them. They were only man and woman, coming together in a blaze of passion, each seeking to give to the other the utmost of love's pleasure.

  When at last Luke claimed her for his own, sinking deep within the heat of her body, they were one. They moved together, sharing the bliss of their union, giving and taking in love's age-old rhythm. The beauty of their loving burst upon them. They held tightly to each other, savoring this moment of peace in the torment of their lives.

  Cody lay awake long into the night. Her thoughts were bewildered and chaotic. She had given herself to Luke freely. She had wanted to make love to him. There had been no liquor involved this time. She hadn't been trying to seduce him in order to drug him and take him in. She had wanted this.

  Shame colored her emotions. Luke Majors was a wanted man. How could she feel these things for him?

  Yet, even as she questioned herself and her feelings, she knew in her heart that Luke hadn't done the things they claimed he had. While he'd admitted to her that he had killed before, it had been in self-defense. He was not a murderer.

  Cody tried to justify her own actions in her mind. The bounty hunter within her knew that, as high as the bounty was, if she didn't take him in, some other hunter would. And they might not care if Luke was dead or alive. She was determined to take him safely in to Logan and see him proven innocent.

  Cody closed her eyes. She offered up a silent prayer for heavenly help, for she feared she was falling in love with Luke Majors.

  They arose before the sun and were on their way as it cleared the horizon. Their need to reach Del Fuego deadened their hunger pangs and helped them to forget their weariness.

  "There's a small town we can stop at on the way. At the speed we're riding, we should reach it tomorrow morning."

  "Good. Maybe there I can get some different clothes."

  Luke smiled at her. "You mean you don't like what you're wearing?"

  "It was fine for dancing, but I do not think it was made for riding across the country on horseback," Cody said. "Men are very lucky to wear pants. I would be a happy woman right now if I could don some men's clothing."

  Luke's expression softened a bit as thoughts of Sister Mary stirred within him. He remembered that night in the cabin when she'd been wearing the pants and loose shirt. "I knew another woman who liked to wear pants."

  "She must certainly have been brave to dare to do such."

  "She was." He paused. "Very brave."

  They continued on. The trek was long and arduous. Luke was relieved that he could see no sign of anyone following them, but he still did not let his guard down. They rode at a steady, groundeating pace, stopping only for the horses. As eve ping drew near, they found a sheltered spot near a good-sized watering hole to bed down in. Again they would build no fire and they would not hunt for food. There would be time to get a hot meal tomorrow when they reached the town just a little north of them.

  After helping Luke take care of the horses, Cody gazed at the water. She was sweaty and hot and had a great desire to jump right in the water and take a cold bath.

  "Do you want to wash up now?" Luke was watching her.

  "Actually, I was wanting to take a bath. Do you suppose...?"

  "Go ahead," he encouraged with a smile, thinking how much he'd enjoy the view, but then realizing he had to keep watch. "Take your bath. I'll keep watch."

  Cody couldn't help herself. She went straight to him and kissed him on his cheek. "Gracias."

  "Just don't take too long."

  "I won't. I promise."

  Luke moved to a spot where he could keep a lookout for anyone coming. They had not seen another soul since riding out of Rio Nuevo, but that didn't mean there weren't people around. There was no telling when somebody might show up in a land like this. Luke positioned himself at a good vantage point where he could keep an eye on the countryside and try not to keep an eye on the lovely Armita.

  Cody sat down on a rock and began to undress. She glanced up at Luke to find that he was staring off in the opposite direction. She smiled. He was a gentleman, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

  Pulling off her boots, she tossed them aside and stripped off her stockings. Cody put one hand out to brace herself as she started to stand up to take off her dress, and it was then that she heard itthe telltale sound of a rattler. She froze, knowing the deadly danger of a snakebite. She slid her gaze in the direction of the sound and saw the monstrous snake coiled within striking distance of her hand. The snake looked mean and ugly and ready to strike.

  "Luke..." She called to him in a hoarse whisper as she remained unmoving.

  He glanced back, frowning, wondering why she sounded so strange; then he saw the snake. All color drained from his face. His mind raced as he tried to decide what to do. A bite from a rattlesnake that size would kill Armita. "Stay perfectly still."

  She didn't answer, but her terrified gaze locked with his as he drew his sidearm and maneuvered closer. He needed a clear shot. He didn't want to risk hitting Armita.

  "Don't move."

  Luke took careful aim at the snake and fired once. Cody shrieked and jumped back as bits of rock sprayed around her. B
ut even as she screamed, relief washed through her. The snake lay dead, its head blown off by the accuracy of Luke's shot.

  "Oh, Luke, thank you." She ran to him and threw her arms around him.

  "You all right?" He clasped her to him and kissed her. He'd been scared when he'd fired. He was glad that, for once, his shooting ability had saved a life rather than taking one.

  "I'm fine." She was trembling as she realized how things might have turned out if he hadn't saved her. "You were wonderful."

  He looked down at her, smiling gently. "I couldn't let anything happen to you."

  They kissed, softly, sweetly, and then she turned and went on down to take her bath. Luke returned to standing guard. His expression was grim now, though. The sound of the gunshot could travel for miles, and it would draw anyone looking for them. He girded himself to stay alert and watchful.

  Gary Reid was angry as he combed the area south of Del Fuego. It wasn't often that he made mistakes, and he was still mad over the time he'd wasted bringing in Kinsel.

  Since leaving town, he'd begun a systematic search of all the towns to the south and west. Majors had to be there somewhere, and if Reid's instincts served him right, the gunfighter and the gang would position themselves close to the border for added protection should things get dangerous. He'd stopped in the small town of Mason Wells and asked questions, but they'd seen nothing of the outlaws and were glad they hadn't.

  After a night's rest in town, Reid had started out again. He was tenacious, if nothing else. He wanted that bounty. He was going to find Luke Majors, and in the mood he was in, he didn't rightly care if he brought the gunfighter in alive.

  Swinging to the south, then circling back north, he had been patient and methodical in his sweep of the area, with no luck. He was heading south again, instinctively feeling that he would meet with success there, when he heard the gunshot.

  He reined in, waiting and listening for another, but none came. It was still, deathly still. Urging his mount on, he traveled in the direction of the shot. There was something going on up ahead, and it was almost dark. He had to make sure he found whoever it was who'd just fired his gun before sundown; otherwise, unless they built a fire, he'd be forced to wait for dawn.

  Cody stripped off all her clothes and darted into the water. It wasn't the cleanest bathwater she'd ever gotten into, but it was cool and refreshing. She sank down up to her chin just to soak for a few minutes. She knew she couldn't linger long, but it felt so good to be cool that she wasn't in any hurry to rush back into her dirty dress again.

  Luke couldn't help himself. He'd been trying to be a gentleman, but at the sound of her running into the water, he'd had to look. He caught a glimpse of lovely, lush curves and long slender legs before she sank into the depths. He smiled to himself at the memory of how it felt to caress those silken curves. He would have to be careful tonight, though. There was too much at stake.

  Gary Reid prided himself on his manhunting abilities. He moved cautiously in the direction of the gunshot, knowing someone was near... very near. The low sound of a horse's whicker came to him, and he dismounted. He slid his rifle out of the scabbard and, leaving his own horse behind, he continued on foot.

  He heard the sound of water splashing, and he tried to figure out what was going on at the water hole. He crept forward, staying low, moving from brush to rock, trying to blend into the shadows of nightfall. He emerged on the far side of the watering hole, and immediately spotted the beautiful woman bathing. He stayed hunkered down where he was, his gaze scanning the area, looking for the companions he knew had to be near.

  Had he been a man easily distracted, Reid might have forgotten his purpose, but he was after only one thing-the bounty for Majors. He wanted that thousand-dollar reward. It was as simple as that. Once he had the money, he could buy all the women he wanted. Right now, he only wanted Majors.

  He shifted a little closer, trying to get a look at who else was with her. The woman saved him the trouble when she called out.

  "Luke? Would you throw me my dress?"

  Luke took one last quick look around and climbed down. He went to pick up the travel-worn garment where she'd left it on the bank.

  "Hold it right there, Majors!" Reid's voice rang out, cutting through the silence of the night. He had almost shouted for joy when he'd heard her call him Luke. He had the right man this time!

  Cody shrieked, and Luke spun toward the sound of his voice, gun in one hand, dress in the other.

  "Don't even think about it, gunman," Reid dictated. "I got a rifle trained right on you. You're a dead man if you move. The wanted poster says dead or alive, so it won't trouble me none to put an end to you here and just take your carcass back."

  "Luke?" Cody was furious. She was stark naked in a watering hole and her gun was nowhere near. She knew now the terror Luke had felt when Sully had burst into their room at the cantina. But this situation was infinitely more dangerous.

  "Who are you?"

  "I'm the man who just caught your ass." Reid laughed. "Now toss your gun aside real easy like. No funny business. There's no telling just who might get hurt."

  "What are you going to do with him?" Cody asked, playing dumb.

  "He's a wanted man, senorita. I'm taking him in for murder."

  "But he didn't do anything!"

  "I don't care. They're offering money, I'm earning it. Now shut up. I'm already tired of listening to you. Stay right where you are and don't move. If you do what I tell you, you'll be fine."

  Luke wanted to get a shot off at the bounty hunter, but there was no way. He was trapped, and with Armita between them, it was too dangerous. He bent carefully and laid his gun down on the ground.

  "I'm glad you're a smart man, Majors. Now kick it away from both you and the woman. I want it far out of reach."

  Luke did as he was told, cursing to himself the whole time. It had been the gunshot that had given them away. But he could have done nothing else. There was no way he could have let Armita get hurt.

  "Now turn around and put your hands up."

  Luke did as he was instructed, and Reid finally emerged from his hiding place. He hurried over to where the outlaw stood and quickly handcuffed his hands behind his back.

  "What are you going to do about the woman?" Luke asked.

  "Woman," Reid called out to Cody, who was still neck-deep in the water. "Stay right where you are. I'll leave you something to cover yourself with, and then I'll drop the rest of your clothes about a mile or so ahead, along with your horse. You're free to go. I don't want you. I only need Majors."

  "You're going to just leave me here?"

  She was furious. There was nothing she could do to help Luke. She was totally useless to him, and she cursed her own stupidity in deciding to take a bath. Cody watched as the man gathered up her things and took most of them with him as he directed Luke toward the horses.

  Luke was not about to make it easy for this man. The bounty hunter didn't care if he took him in dead or alive, and Luke had no intention of returning to Del Fuego dead. He knew Armita was good with a gun; if he could somehow distract the bounty hunter long enough to give her the chance to get to either his gun or hers, they might be able to get away from this man. There was a rocky spot on the way to where the horses were tied, and he was going to try something once they reached it. There, at least, the hunter's footing wouldn't be as sure. If Luke could knock him down, he might drop the gun and then...

  Reid was no fool. He thought Majors was going along too easily, and when Luke made his move, he'd been anticipating it. Luke kicked out at him, and Reid tried to avoid tripping, dodging to the side. Luke thought he was falling and started to run, bending over, crouching low. But the bounty hunter was prepared. He did not waste time yelling. He fired twice at the wanted man and watched in satisfaction as Luke fell and lay still.

  Cody screamed at the sight of him collapsing. "Luke!"

  "Shut up, woman, or you'll be next."

  Cody stayed where she wa
s, watching in horror as the bounty hunter dragged Luke to the horses. As dark as it had become, she couldn't tell where he'd been shot or even if he was dead or alive. Her heart was lurching painfully in her breast. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, yet she stayed where she was. If he was alive and she tried to go to him, the bounty hunter would kill her. She had doubted him before, but she didn't any longer.

  Luke made no sound as Reid saddled his mount and then threw him unceremoniously over the back of the horse and securely tied him there.

  "We'll be leaving now, senorita," Reid said. "You'll be able to find the rest of your things in the morning. Until then, I'd advise you to stay put. You never can tell what might happen out in the wilds to a woman all alone."

  Cody wanted to add "or a man" to his threatening statement, but she held her tongue. The time would come when she would face this bounty hunter down, and when she did he was never going to forget the name Cody Jameson.

  Cody stayed silent as she listened to the sound of the horses' hoofbeats as they rode away. If he thought she was going to just sit here in the dark and wait until morning to go after her man, he had sadly misjudged her. She was no simpering cantina singer. She was Cody Jameson.

  She was going to follow that man to hell and back to get to Luke. Luke Majors was hers more ways than one!

  Cody was a driven woman as, wearing only her corset, stockings, and high-heeled boots, she headed in the direction the bounty hunter had ridden with Luke. She had to get to Luke. She had to make sure he was still alive.

  Anger consumed her, and fear, and guilt. Cody realized it was because of the snake that they'd been found out. If Luke hadn't fired his gun to save her life, he would still be with her. And now he was shot and possibly dying....

  Tears threatened, but she controlled them. There was no time for emotion now. She had to think clearly and logically. If she was going to save Luke from the other bounty hunter, she had to do something and fast. The trouble was, traveling on foot, dressed like this, there was no "fast" to it.


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