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Signed, SEALed, Delivered

Page 3

by Jaime Russell

  Annie is finally done playing and doing her business, so we head back into the apartment. When I walk in, Mr. Richmond is starting to come out of his place. “Good morning.” He smiles.

  “Good morning, Mr. Richmond. What are you doing up so early?” I ask him. I look up the steps, as I hear someone in heels, coming down and see it’s Ruth. “Hey, sis. Do you remember Mr. Richmond?”

  “Of course, I do. Ella speaks very highly of you, and she can’t stop saying wonderful things.” He blushes behind his gray scruff. “I need to get going. Dad has been calling me nonstop for the last ten minutes.”

  We hug, as she rushes off, and I tell Mr. Richmond about her being here for the training.

  “I have to go to the doctor later on this morning, but once I’m back, then I’ll be there to get Annie.” He tells me.

  “Do you want me to go with you?” I ask him, and he shakes his head no. He informs me that it’s just a routine check-up. “Okay, I better get up there and finish my project.”

  I hug him, before Annie and I run up the stairs. I get her food and water situated, and then grab my laptop and folders for the ad I’m working on, before leaving for the weekend. Before starting, I decide to reply to Zack first.

  Sleepless in?

  I started in graphic design, when I was still in high school, helping my parents at the church. Then, I helped the rest of the congregation with their needs, and I enjoyed it. I also learned new tricks for my photography work. I did a lot of senior pictures, and I still do, including Mr. Richmond’s family portraits. It’s a lot of fun.

  You would need to ask Mr. Richmond’s permission to date me. Shall I get his phone number for you? I am single and would never flirt with someone or talk so deeply about relationships with someone else. Sounds like you love being a dad. I could picture a smile on your face, when you talk about Alec.

  I think with you having a child, then sending the gifts to the church would be a clever idea. I never thought about it before, especially with someone who does the missions, as you do. It’s sad to think like that, but you can never be too careful in this day and age. It’s scary. I get scared driving to Nashville every day, or even going out with friends to the bars to dance. I prefer to be a homebody, when I’m not out with Annie at the dog park, spending time with my parents, or Mr. Richmond.

  I’m working from home this week with my sister here, so my sleep will be all over the place. I’m heading to the store later to make my gram’s apple cider. It was chilly this morning, and with it being the end of September, the weather is going to be changing.

  You mentioned in your earlier emails that Alec is learning new music for the Veteran’s Day Parade. Did he tell you what he’s learning? I might have to go to church to play the piano and do a little singing because all this talk about music has my soul soaring.

  I sound weird, but in my defense, you’re getting me with no coffee. Well, it’s time to work, or my boss will fire me. It’s also time to make the donuts in my pajamas, which are sweats, so get your head out of the gutter.


  I send the email, and then bring up my Spotify playlist to start my work. It’s nice that I’m at home and don’t have to worry about a lot of people, coming in and out of my office. I make sure to face whoever opens my door.

  Annie’s fast asleep on the couch, so I pull up my files on my shared folder. I set the timer on my phone to remind myself to stop for my midmorning break. As the 90s playlist blasts through the speakers, my fingers start clicking on the mouse and laptop keys.

  Zachary Sanders

  Oh, my God. I’m so tired from these flights. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve changed flights. I’m finally in the United States, and one step closer to Alec and Ella. I’ve never met a woman who gets me more than she does, but this trip home is about Alec, because I could get called away at any moment. I’ll keep the emailing going with Ella because I like it.

  I check the time and see Alec is already at school, so I decide to call Kelly.

  “Hello.” She sounds winded.

  “Hey, Kelly.”

  “What do you want asshole?” She chuckles.

  “I’m on my way home. I got my orders yesterday, or a day or two ago. I actually don’t even know when I left. Anyways, I’m hoping to be home to get Alec from school.”

  “He’s going to be so excited when he sees you. Oh, the birthday party.” Kelly comments.

  “Alec is going to go, and I’m going to spend some time with my mother.” I sigh.

  I don’t understand why she even comes around anymore. We always end up arguing, and Alec doesn’t do well around my mother either.

  “What’s gotten into you?”

  “No sleep, and I’m not sure what time zone I’m in, or what day it is.” I chuckle. “I might need a ride from the airport, but there’s a chance I might be able to catch an Uber.”

  “I can see if someone from the church is available,” Kelly suggests, and I tell her that sounds good to me. I hang up with her, and then look at my next flight. I really need a nap.

  Once I find where I’m supposed to be, I park my ass down and plug in my phone. I start to check my email, and I laugh at Ella’s email. She cracks me up. I hit reply right away.

  Donuts...delicious. Now, I’m hungry. I wonder if this airport has a donut place. I’m in Los Angeles, California right now, after being re-routed to way to many places that I’m not telling you.

  Alec hasn’t told me what he’s learning, but I probably should ask him. I was a high school jock and wanted my son to be like me. The thought of a band geek was hard for me at first, but the excitement on his face, when he talked about music, was the same way I talked about football. I couldn’t deny him his chance of being happy.

  Are you sure you’re not the preacher? Soul soaring? I don’t get how music does that to someone. Can you explain that to me? I’m not trying to be rude or condescending about it. If I can connect with my son on a music level, that would make me feel a lot better.

  How long is your sister in town? It must be nice to have family around. If it wasn’t for my cousin, I don’t know what I’d do. My ex’s family isn’t too keen on being a part of Alec’s life, unless she’s around, which is around Christmas and his birthday. I’m okay with that, but she does her Skype calls every other day.

  She’s re-married with two kids of her own with her new husband. Alec doesn’t seem to care that she’s not around, but I still get so mad at her for missing out on things. How do I make her think about Alec? See what happens, when I’m exhausted and, in my head,, as I travel. Being a dad is the best job I could ever ask for, and it amazes me how I can’t even imagine not being Alec’s dad.

  So, you’re not a pumpkin spiced latte fan? This might be a new one for me. Well, they are calling my flight. One more to Chicago, and then on to Knoxville airport. I hope that Kelly can find someone to pick me up, or I’m going to be renting a car or catching an Uber. Talk in a few hours. Almost in the same time zone.


  I sit on the plane, watching people get on, and when I see this older woman. She’s struggling with her carryon, so I stand up to help her.

  “Oh, a nice, tall fellow to help me.” She grabs onto my arm. “Do you mind if I have the window? I like watching the clouds.”

  “Of course, ma’am.” She notices the military bag that I carry, sitting in my seat. I was planning on putting it underneath the seat in front of me. “Let me get this out of your way.”

  “What branch are you in?” She asks me a tad louder than I wanted.

  “Navy,” I tell her. “Here you go.” I help her into her seat and buckle her up, and then I sit down and put my bag under the seat in front of me.

  “Are you just getting home from deployment?” She asks me. Just then, the flight attendant starts talking about what to do in case of an accident, and once they tell us that we are fifth in line to take off, the attendant tells us that someone will be around to take our drink orders. The lady n
ext to me bumps my arm. “Now, young man, are you heading home?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’m on a special team in the SEALs.” I try not to go into too much detail with her. “My mission’s over, and I’m headed home to my son.”

  “I bet your wife is excited about seeing you.” She smiles.

  “No wife. My cousin lives with me to help take care of my son, when I leave for weeks to months at a time.” I tell her.

  “My son was in the Air Force, but he was killed in action. He was just twenty-years-old. I never got over it, but I love to be able to support the troops, as much as I can.”

  “We appreciate the support, especially the prayers. So many tell us that they don’t know how to support us because they don’t have the money. I try to reassure them that, knowing that someone is thinking about us and praying for our safety every day and night, means more than you could ever know.”

  I wink at her. She asks about my son, but I give her some vague answers, because after talking to Ella about Alec, it made me rethink being so forward about him. She just sits there, listening to me and loving every moment of it. She even laughs at some of his baby stories.

  “Now, is there a young lady you’re going home to see?” She asks, as she blushes.

  “I’m not sure.” I look at my hands, as she nudges me to continue on. “I met this woman through an outreach program, and we’ve been emailing each other for a couple of days now, or maybe it’s less than that. I can’t even remember how long because I can’t wait to check my phone for an email from her. She makes me smile.”

  “Good. Keep talking to her. I loved writing letters to my Wade. He was a handsome man. My daughter made me watch the movie The Notebook, and it reminded me of my husband and myself. We weren’t allowed to be together, when we were younger. He was from a prominent family, and I was from the lower class called towners, who were barely making it. He would sneak out to see me because he didn’t see a problem with it. I still have those letters, and he saved them, too. I hope one day to give them to my daughter, when I pass, since my beloved Wade went to be with the Lord a few years ago.”

  “How long were you married?” I ask because I don’t want her to stop talking.

  “Sixty-three years, before he passed away. We have five kids, twenty-one grandkids, and seven great grandkids, and one great, great grandson on the way. It’s why I’m headed to Chicago.” She giggles, as she looks for something. “Oh, never mind. It’s all up there. I was going to show you my family.”

  “I can grab your bag for you.” I tell her, and she thanks me. As she grabs her photo album, I put the rest of the bag back up. We spend the next hour going through all the pictures and laughing at the stories. The flight attendant comes on the speaker, letting us know that trays need to go up and seat belts need to go back on.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, before you get out off the plane, there is something that I would like you to do. I heard that there is a young man who is on his way home from overseas to see his son, and he’s serving our country. I’d like for you to wait, until he gets off the plane first. If you get a chance to, make sure you thank a serviceman or servicewoman for fighting to give us the freedom that we have.” I blush, as he finishes.

  “Did you say something?” I look to my right, and she laughs.

  “I was talking to someone in the back, while I waited for the bathroom, so get over it. You deserve to be praised.” She swats me, and I chuckle. “You shouldn’t hide who you are.”

  “I don’t like a lot of attention.” I tell her.

  “Oh, too bad. You need to get used to it, young man.” The plane comes to a stop, and everyone continues sitting in their seats. “They’re waiting on you.” She states, as I let out a heavy sigh. I stand up, after grabbing my bag from under the seat, and the plane erupts into a resounding clapping fest. I can feel my ears turning a bright red.

  I grab Maude’s bag from above us, so I can make my promise to walk her off the plane. She grabs my arm, and I thank everyone, as I pass them. I also thank Maude for spending time talking to me, and she kisses my cheek. She asks for my email address, so she can send me pictures of her new family member, if I promise to send pictures of Alec, and if I ever met Ella, then she better see her, too. I hug her tight, as she walks away from me.

  I sit down, after checking into my final flight. Kelly lets me know that Alec has band practice after school, and then he’s going to the youth group after that, so she’s picking me up. The pastor knows not to tell Alec about me coming home, which will help keep the surprise. I don’t have a lot of time in-between flights, so I fire off an email to Ella.


  Sorry this is going to be short, but I landed safely in Chicago, and I met the sweetest old lady in the seat next to me. I’ll email you, after Alec goes to bed. Once I see him, we’re going to be inseparable. Your weary traveler, who has forgotten his name.

  I wait for them to call my flight number, as I wander to the gift shop, trying to buy a few little silly things for Alec and Kelly, during my travels. My phone buzzes in my back pocket, and I see it’s Kelly.

  “I’m in Chicago.” I tell her, instead of saying hello.

  “Good! I wanted to let you know to look for me. I’m riding with my friend.” She tells me.

  “Awesome. I can’t wait for a shower and a long nap.” I’ve been in and out of five countries in the last two or three days. It’s hard with the time zones.

  “The shower you can do, when you get home, but the nap will have to wait, because of your son.”

  She laughs, and I can’t help but smile. I’m willing to lose more sleep to spend time with him. It’s really not a problem. They call my number from the pizza joint that I ordered from, so I head to grab my food. When in Chicago, pizza is the first food you eat. I grab my food and plug in my phone, as I eat. While I’m waiting, I check my email and see something from Ella.

  Dear weary traveler,

  It sounds like you need a hot bath, sleep for a few days, and maybe, some beer and wings. I’m taking a break for lunch, and Annie wants to go to the dog park. I guess, I’ll take some time to do that, before I see if Mr. Richmond can do it this afternoon, while I shop.

  I had a call with my boss about my project that’s due. It’s driving me bonkers. Well, be safe, and I’m working on your other email. I just wanted you to at least have one from me now, but I’m sure you’ll have two or three by the time you wake up tomorrow morning, after being home.

  Busy bee Ella

  I type a quick message for her, because I still have a good thirty minutes, before my flight starts to board.

  Busy bee, huh? I’m more of a bored, tired old man. Well, at least I feel old.

  I tell her about the flight, Maude, and the flight attendant.

  I feel embarrassed, when I get recognitions from other people. I signed up for being a SEAL because it makes it easy to fly under the radar. I like being able to help others without getting the praise. Does that make me odd? Wait, don’t answer that question.

  I take a picture of my pizza and attach it to message.

  This is so good. Why can’t Tennessee have anything like this? I may need to bring Alec to Chicago just for this pizza. What is your favorite food? I’m going to go through all these emails and write down the answers to my questions, so I can remember them. Talk to you soon. Enjoy the dog park. Stuffed with pizza and Coke (not drug type of coke either.)


  I buy a magazine to read, while I’m on the plane, since it’s a short flight of an hour and forty minutes. I also send the information to Kelly because I forgot to do it earlier. I end up getting a seat near the doors, when we board the plane. I pull out my phone, and then start looking at pictures of Alec. I’m now under two hours from seeing him, and I can’t wait for his tiny arms to be around my neck.

  Gabriele Marks

  “Mr. Harris, I received your email about the changes you want for the ad campaign. I can make them easily.” I say, on speakerphone with my boss

  “Thanks, Gabriele. I’m also sending you the next project as well. Once you complete with the first project, send it to me, before sending it to the client. When are you set to meet with them?”

  The client that he’s referring to is his wife. She runs the company day-to-day, but he’s in charge of the designers, scientists, and bottlers. Mrs. Harris is in charge of the marketing teams, and she is tough.

  “I meet with Mrs. Harris next Wednesday. She wants to see everything first, before we reveal the new Christmas ad, since it needs to be out at the end of next week.” I tell him.

  “She’s cutting it close.” He mutters into the phone, and I hold in my laugh. They love each other, but they are a weird couple. “Okay, please get this done by the end of the business day, so I can look over it. I know what’s in her email, and what she’s looking for, as I just had a meeting with her and the marketing team.”

  “Sounds good, Mr. Harris. I’ll try my best, which means I’ll work on it now.”

  “I knew I could count on you.” He tells me, before hanging up, and I sigh, as I push the phone and laptop away.

  Annie and I head to the dog park, and I let her run, as I sit down at the picnic table with a turkey and cheese sandwich and a bag of chips. I quickly start to work on my tablet. I need to get this done and to Mr. Harris soon, or I’m going to miss my deadline. I hear someone yelling Annie’s name, and I look up to see my sister, Ruth, standing there.

  “You’re home early?” I tell her, as she sits down.

  “The second part of it was more for Dad, since he’s already ordained. I told him that I’ll pick him up.” I look at her weird. “He’s meeting me at your place. Have you been to the Italian place down the street?” I tell her about my date with Mr. Richmond there, and she smiles, as I talk about him. “He’s such a sweet man. He asked me out for dinner with you and him on Thursday.”


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