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Demon's Paradise

Page 4

by Sara Humphreys

  She was soft, flawed and human.

  It was like Isadora said yesterday—the mirror always reveals the truth.

  A sudden wave of nervousness swamped her and Kai looked away, heat flashing over her cheeks.

  “You are beautiful,” he whispered. “Look at yourself, Kai. Look at us.”

  Kai bit her lower lip and summoned the courage to do as he asked. Emboldened by his love for her, she allowed her gaze to float over the image of their naked bodies. When she finally locked her gaze with his, embarrassment was replaced with a surge of empowerment. There was no reason to hide or cover up her nakedness, not when her body and soul were revered and worshiped so beautifully by the man standing behind her.

  There was truth in this moment.

  He loved her now, this minute, this second.

  He was hers and she was his and that was real.

  There was magic in that.

  Reaching both arms up, she tangled her hands in his thick black hair. The movement arched her back and pressed her breasts deeper into the heat of his palms. Her pulse quickened as his hands went lower and splayed over her quivering belly. Kai shook as a tsunami of sensations swamped her, the vulnerability of being exposed by her love for him mixed with the gut-clenching, driving need of carnal desire.

  The combination was more potent and intoxicating than any drug could ever be.

  Asmodeus slid one hand between her legs and cupped her sex, while the other cradled her belly. Kai moaned and tilted her hips back, wanting and needing more of his touch, more of him. Knowing what she desired, without having to ask, he slipped two fingers deep inside her. She moved with him and whimpered as he brushed her clit. Once. Twice. More. She would always want more.

  Kai pushed her ass against him and the searing heat of his erection skittered along her lower back wickedly.

  “You’re so wet for me, Kai.” He massaged her clit and fingered her, increasing the intensity and speed. “Look at me.”

  Pleasure coiled deep in her belly, the orgasm threatening to erupt but he slowed, keeping her right at the torturous edge. Kai locked eyes with him in the mirror, braced both hands onto the counter, bent over and adjusted her stance wider.

  “Stop teasing me,” Kai moaned. “I want you inside me. Now.”

  Asmodeus, his bright red eyes fixed on hers, curled both hands over her hips before driving his shaft deep inside her. Kai cried his name and grabbed the faucet with both hands. She hung on to anchor herself and at the same time pushed her hips back to meet him as he pumped into her, one swift sure stroke after the other. Their combined yellow golden aura grew brighter around them, throbbing with their combined pleasure. Kai cried his name as he drove into her with one final thrust. The orgasm erupted, sending toe-curling ripples of pleasure reverberating through her in wave after wave.

  With Asmodeus’ body draped over hers, his elbows braced on the counter on either side of her, Kai fought to steady her rapid breathing. The heat of his breath, coming in quick heavy puffs, rushed past her ear. They stayed like that for several beats of their hearts before he gently pulled her up to stand on shaky legs.

  He wrapped those strong arms around her once again and pressed a kiss to her cheek. Both of them were slick with sweat and his musky scent mixed with her own. His hands slid over her belly, as they had only a few moments ago. A smile played at her lips and her eyes fluttered closed.

  This moment right here, just the two of them together, this was what she dreamed a honeymoon would be like.

  Asmodeus’ arms tightened around her, almost imperceptibly. Kai opened her eyes and found him staring at her in the mirror. He had an odd look on his face, one she had only seen once before--the first time he told her that he loved her.

  “What is it?” Kai narrowed her eyes playfully. “You look like you have something major to say.”

  “I want to have a child with you.”

  Kai stilled in his arms and her hands dropped down, covering both his. She held them against the curve of her belly as his eyes studied hers in the mirror. Their yellow auras glowed brightly, blending together, becoming one. It was a merging of souls that was as visible as the connection between their bodies.

  She stopped breathing for a moment while trying to wrap her brain around what he had just said. Her head was dizzy with the weight of his statement, her body still burned from his touch and about a hundred different questions raced through her mind.

  “D-did we just make a baby?” Kai sputtered. “I know you have all these Lord of the Underworld powers but, I mean, can you just—poof—knock me up anytime you feel like it?”

  “Would that be so horrible?” He kissed her cheek and the scruff of his morning beard rasped over her flesh wickedly. “You’ve said that you wanted to have children.”

  “I do.” Panic glimmered in her chest along with a swift shot of fear. “But we’ve been married for like, five minutes. Getting me pregnant without asking me is a lot worse than taking me out of our wedding reception, just for the record.”

  Asmodeus burst out laughing and kissed the top of her head before going to the walk-in shower and turning on the water. Multiple streams shot out at once. The bathroom began to fill with steam and Kai welcomed the distraction.

  “You’re not pregnant, Kai. Not yet, anyway.” He tested the water temperature with his hand and winked at her before stepping inside. “I promise that’s a decision we’ll make together. Besides, imagine how unique our children will be. Fae, witch, demon and human? Their gifts could be limitless. They would be the first of their kind.”

  Kai grabbed the fluffy white bathrobe off the hook on the wall and pulled it on.

  “Aren’t you going to join me?” He waggled his eyebrows at her.

  “No, Rico Suave, I’ll take one after breakfast,” she rolled her eyes. “I need coffee before we have any more baby conversation. I’ll see you in the kitchen.”

  Without waiting for a response, Kai made her way to the large airy kitchen. She wanted coffee but what she really needed was a few minutes alone to clear her head. To her great relief, the coffee maker and a basket of coffee pods were on the counter. A smile bloomed when she saw that Asmodeus had made sure all of her favorite flavors were represented. His thoughtfulness never ceased to amaze her.

  Kai popped a hazelnut pod into the coffee maker and waited for the snazzy machine to work its magic.

  Her smile faltered as her mind wandered back to the topic of children. It’s not that she didn’t want children. She did want them, especially with him, but given her current shortcomings, they probably wouldn’t be the gifted creatures her husband expected.

  A knock on the door to the patio interrupted Kai’s thoughts. She turned around, expecting to see the butler, maid and chef. Asmodeus had mentioned they would be coming from the main island later this morning. However, the person standing at the door was one of the last people Kai expected to see on her honeymoon.


  The old woman looked every bit her age and waved at Kai with a gnarled arthritic hand but there was no joy in the witch’s eyes. Long grey and white hair framed a wrinkled face that was stamped with a grave expression. A knot of dread curled in Kai’s gut but in spite of the warning bells going off in her head, she opened the door.

  “Girl, you got trouble.”

  With her intricately-carved wooden walking stick in hand, Isadora hobbled inside, went directly to the kitchen table and eased herself into one of the high back chairs.

  “Of course we do.” Kai shut the door behind her. “Can I have some coffee before you tell me what kind of trouble we have this time?”

  “Girl, you’re gonna need more than coffee.”

  Kai let out a weary sigh, pulled out the chair next to Isadora and sat down.

  “Coffee can wait. What’s going on?”

  “Kristine raised Holy Hell after you two left. She went on a rant telling everyone at the wedding that the Brotherhood is keeping Zemi hostage in the Underworld. She insists Zemi
would never go radio silence with the Fae dimension for as long as she has. Caused a big ruckus and let’s just say, she has some folks buying into her conspiracy theory.”

  “Like who?”

  “Willow, for one. Yes, ma’am. Got her all worked up. The old witch started demanding that Satan take her down there to the Underworld to let her see her sister.

  “Oh no.”

  “Oh, yes. And then the two of them got into it. Nothing quite like it when a couple of supernatural ex-lovers start quarreling. The rest of the Brotherhood had to drag him back to Hell before he went all Demon of Wrath right there in the middle of Bliss. It was a hot mess.”

  “So you’re telling me that my wedding reception turned into some kind of supernatural edition of a Jerry Springer show?”

  “I’m telling you that your man has to get down to the Underworld and smooth things over. The Brotherhood operates best when they’re all together.”

  Kai let out a long breath and tugged her bathrobe tighter around her. She knew Isadora was right. Asmodeus had to go down there and make things right before everything got blown out of proportion. She knew how tense the relationship was between the Fae and the Brotherhood and this wouldn’t help.

  Unfortunately, she had witnessed Zemi’s wrath first hand and a pissed-off fairy was not to be messed with, let alone an entire dimension full of pissed-off fairies. Kai was so wrapped up in her conversation with Isadora that she didn’t hear Asmodeus come into the kitchen. Wearing only a white towel around his waist, he stood in the doorway with water still dripping down his chest. The look of surprise on his face was quickly replaced by one of concern.

  “Isadora?” His piercing blue eyes flicked from Kai to Isadora and back again. “What’s going on?”

  Kai let out a curt laugh and went to the coffee maker, needing that jolt of caffeine now more than ever. She took a sip of the hot bitter liquid and peered at her husband over the rim.

  “Well, babe. It looks like the honeymoon is over.”

  Chapter Five

  Asmodeus stood in silence while Isadora repeated what she had already told Kai. Kristine and the rest of the Fae were demanding to see Zemi and the shit had hit the fan. His gut tightened with the knowledge that he was going to have to admit the truth to Kai.

  He had no idea where Lucifer and Zemi had gone off to, so he had no way to appease Kristine or the rest of the Fae.

  “Sorry to be the bearer of bad news,” Isadora rasped. She pursed her lips and the old witch’s face scrunched up, reminding Asmodeus of those doll faces made from apples. “And I’m sure gettin’ screwed like this on your honeymoon wasn’t the kind of screwin’ you were lookin’ for but it is what it is.”

  “I’d laugh if I wasn’t so pissed off.” Asmodeus’ eyes flared bright red and he fought the urge to smash the crap out of the kitchen counter. His fury was with himself as much as anyone else. “My brothers should be able to manage without me for one week. My wife and I—”

  Before he could finish his sentence, Kai rose from the chair and came to him. Her sweet brown eyes met his. As she gathered his hands in hers, the moment her smooth warm flesh met his, the fury swirling inside him settled to a dull roar. Her ability to calm and soothe him had always felt miraculous but now, knowing the truth he would have to reveal, it seemed more precious and precarious than ever.

  “It’s okay, Asmodeus. I knew that marrying you wouldn’t be a typical situation and why would that be any different with our honeymoon? Go on. Do what you have to do. I’m sure I can find ways to occupy my time while you’re gone.”

  “No. I’m not leaving you here.”

  “Why don’t she just go with you?” Isadora tapped her cane once before rising slowly to her feet with an almost audible creak of her bones. “You gotta bring her down there sooner or later.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.”

  “What’s so ridiculous? It ain’t like you gotta go far to get there.”

  Shit. He tried to give Isadora a look of warning but he wasn’t fast enough.

  “You know you got a portal to Hell right here on your damn island.”

  Asmodeus stilled as Kai’s arms tightened around him.

  “Wait a minute,” Kai pulled back. “You have a portal to the Underworld, here?”

  “Oops.” Isadora clucked her tongue. “Guess you didn’t tell her that bit.”

  “No, I hadn’t gotten to it yet.” His jaw clenched. “And yes, there’s a portal here. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to get the island from the old gypsy. The portal had been closed over a millennium ago but the man had managed to reopen it. We obviously couldn’t leave that kind of power in his hands. Even if he didn’t realize what he had done.”

  “Where?” She asked, her eyes wide with excitement. “You have to show me!”

  “I had planned on it but—“

  “Bullshit,” Isadora interjected.

  “Ha! I agree with Isadora. You’re full of it.”

  “My brothers and I are going to close it again, so it won’t be there for long.”

  “Why’d you close it in the first place?” Isadora asked.

  “Let’s just say it became…unstable.”

  “So come on, where is it?”

  Kai popped up on her toes and kissed him quickly before retrieving her coffee from the counter. Asmodeus sighed heavily and settled both hands on his hips. There was no winning this battle and Isadora was right. He had zero intention of telling Kai about the portal. Not because he didn’t trust her but because he hated the idea of taking her anywhere near the Underworld and the dark souls who inhabited it. There was no getting around it. He would at least have to show her where the portal was.

  “It’s at the waterfall.”

  “There’s a waterfall?” Kai waggled her eyebrows and peered at him playfully over the rim of her coffee mug. “That sounds promising. Come on. It’ll be an adventure.”

  “You’ve lost your senses. You want to go to the Underworld now? In the middle of a crisis?”

  “How big of a crisis can it be?” She shrugged and took another sip of her coffee. “You know where Zemi and Lucifer are. Just get Zemi to make an appearance. That’ll shut Kristine up and then we can all get on with our weird-ass lives. I’m not sure why the rest of the Brotherhood can’t just smooth it out on their own but whatever. I guess family dynamics are complicated for supernatural dudes too.”

  Family dynamics were complicated but so was admitting that he had been keeping a secret from her.

  “Ain’t that the truth,” Isadora said through a brittle cackle. “Well, I’ll be getting on my way then.”

  “Thanks for the update, Isadora. I’ll speak with my brothers but Kai is not going to the Underworld and I am not leaving my bride on our honeymoon. They’ll have to wait one more week.”

  “Whatever you think is best, I suppose. You two have fun and be careful.”

  The old witch pulled a small glass bottle from a pocket in her long robes, drank the liquid inside and vanished with a puff of purple smoke. Kai coughed, waved the wisps of the remaining fog and wrinkled her nose. She opened the kitchen door, presumably to air the space out.

  “I never realized how much that traveling potion of hers stinks.”

  Asmodeus rubbed both hands over his face and let out a growl of frustration. He couldn’t ignore what was happening back home but he had no desire to blow up his honeymoon, and quite possibly his entire marriage.

  “It’s okay, you know, if you have to go.” Kai leaned one hip against the counter and studied him with those intelligent brown eyes. “I really would understand.”

  “I know you would.” He moved to her and placed both hands on either side of her on the counter, caging her in. Her spicy scent filled his nostrils and he breathed deeply, taking in as much of her as he could. “That’s just one of the many reasons that I love you.”

  Her brow furrowed and a troubled expression covered her face. “Why do you love me?”

  Kai’s hands settled
onto his chest, her fingers fluttering over his skin like butterfly wings, delicate, gentle. He closed his eyes, leaned down and rested his forehead on hers. Her tenderness and willingness to love him would never cease to amaze him. What had he ever done to deserve such kindness? Such love? He didn’t believe he would ever know the answer to that question. The truth was that he didn’t deserve her. She was too good for him.

  “You are magical, Kai. Don’t you know that? Everything you do feels like magic. Real and otherwise.”

  “That’s it, isn’t it?” she whispered. Kai kissed him quickly and slipped from his embrace.

  “Hey?” Asmodeus tangled his hand in hers, stopping her from leaving. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I’m fine.” Kai pulled the baggy robe tighter around her and leaned against the doorway. “I’m going to hop in the shower and then you are going to take me exploring on this island. Waterfall included. Okay?”

  “Of course.”

  “Great. I’ll be ready in a few minutes.”

  She gave him a tight smile before disappearing around the corner. She said she was fine but Asmodeus knew her well enough to know she wasn’t. That was also woman-code for I-am-anything-but-fine-you-jerk.

  Kai was probably annoyed with him for not telling her about the portal. What would she say when she found out he hadn’t been honest about Zemi and Lucifer’s disappearance? Nothing good, that was for sure. He had to deal with Kristine’s nonsense in some way, shape or form even if it was getting his brothers to stall her a little bit longer.

  He was only prolonging the inevitable but was that so wrong?

  One more day. He would take one last day here on Demon’s Paradise with Kai. Tomorrow morning, he would tell her the truth and deal with whatever consequences came his way.

  First, he had to speak with his brothers.

  Asmodeus stepped outside and stared out over the crystal blue ocean that was capped by a cloudless sky. The tropical breeze blew over him as he secured the towel wrapped around his waist. Settling his hands on his hips, he closed his eyes and focused on reconnecting with the collective mind of the Brotherhood. He had severed it during their abrupt exit from the reception.


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