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Page 14

by A. Marie

  “Where. Do. You. Want. To. Get. Food. From?” NuNu said in a stupid voice and twisting her fingers in crazy ways as she broke down each word.

  “Oh, I don't care,” Leah shrugged.

  The girls arrived at Wendy’s, making their way inside the building, trying to hurry out of the snow. They placed their orders and took a seat in the back of the dining area. “Nu did Mandy tell you she was pregnant in her voicemail?” Leah asked as she stuffed a fry in her mouth. NuNu took a bite of her salad as she let the question linger for a moment before answering. “NuAsia I know you heard me,” Leah stated, snatching NuNu’s fork out of her hand. NuNu snatched the fork right back.

  “First of all don’t be calling me by my government and second yes she told me Leah.” “Why didn’t you tell me?” Leah asked.

  “Heffa I just heard that part this morning while me and Ty were on our way to the doctors for the baby.

  “Wellll, spit it out, what all did she say? I mean you listened to it before, but we never got into details of what was in the message,” Leah pushed as she leaned in close. “Leah you can lean your big forehead as back shit,” NuNu said, rolling her eyes, she really wasn’t in the mood to talk about it.

  She was passed what had happened and was moving on from it. She no longer held any hate in her heart for her deceased friend. NuNu understood that sometimes love could make you do things you weren't proud of. Mandy had always craved Dominic, it was what her heart desired. She was simply trying to feed her heart what it was hungry for. Mandy had never felt love, she desperately wanted it from Dominic and as messed up as the situation was, he provided it. He gave her the love that she required. After NuNu realized all of this she was no longer mad, she no longer held resentment. She wished that things could have been handled in a different manner. However, it was done and over with. There was no sense in her crying over spilled milk. She simply cleaned it up and kept it moving.

  “Leah let’s just drop it,” NuNu said dismissively.

  Leah surrendered, changing the subject. If NuNu wasn’t in the mood she wouldn’t dwell on it any longer.

  The girls finished their food and headed back to NuNu’s house.

  “Was Ty happy about the baby being a girl?” Leah quizzed.

  “Nope,” NuNu said laughing as she turned into the driveway of her home. The way she pulled in scared Leah as she thought about when Marcus said NuNu couldn’t drive.

  “Damn heffa slow down, you act like it ain’t snow on the damn ground,” Leah said, holding the dashboard.

  “Girl shut up, I know what I'm doing,” NuNu shot back.

  The girls were about to step out of the car until Leah stopped NuNu as the idea of a middle name popped in her head. They had talked about baby names while they were eating and had come up with Ma’Leah for the first name but couldn’t decide on a middle name.

  “Girl, I just thought of a middle name,” Leah said, grabbing at NuNu’s arm.

  “What, what is it?”

  “Jewel,” Leah said smiling.

  NuNu smiled and hugged her sister in excitement.

  “You are the bomb, how in the hell didn't I think of that? Ma’Leah Jewel Wilson,” NuNu repeated with a soft voice. “I love it Leah, thank you.” Leah smiled as they both got out of the car and walked up to the house. The middle name sounded just like Tyson’s middle name which is JuRell. Leah couldn't believe NuNu didn't think of it, being that it was her man. Once inside Leah kicked off her Timberland boots and came out of her Pelle Pelle coat as she headed straight for NuNu’s rocking chair with her bag of food in hand. NuNu took a seat on the long couch and they both dug into their food. They had just eaten and still ordered food to go before leaving the restaurant. You could tell these girls were pregnant the way they were devouring their food as if they had not eaten in years.

  Tyson and Marcus walked into the house from drinking and kicking it on the block. Tyson was instantly pulled towards NuNu once he saw her lying on the couch, one hand tucked between her thighs and the other resting under her face. She is so damn beautiful. Tyson smiled, he felt like the luckiest dude in the world right now. He had the prettiest girl he had ever laid eyes on and was about to be a father. He couldn’t ask for a feeling that was better than this. The type of passion he had for NuNu was once in a lifetime and he planned to hold onto it. He actually wanted to hold onto her for a couple of lifetimes because she was a rare creation that he knew God had created for him only. Tyson admired her for a moment before lifting her in his arms, causing her to wake up from her food coma. NuNu’s appetite had picked up a lot lately and she was always tired.

  “Hi Ty,” she said, nuzzling her nose in his neck as she threw one arm around him.

  “Wassup baby girl, I see you’ve been eating good,” he said with a smirk as he carried her down the hall and into the bedroom. He laid her on the bed and then removed her pants and t-shirt so she could be comfortable. A whiff of alcohol invaded NuNu’s nostrils and she recoiled. Tyson wasn’t a drinker and the smell of liquor coming from him caught her off guard.

  “Ty, have you been drinking?” She asked as she assisted him with the shirt. He nodded as he came out of his clothes and then slid in the bed right next to her.

  “I've never known you to be a drinker Ty, what’s up?” NuNu asked as she scooted closer to him invading his space. Something was off. NuNu knew her man well, him drinking alarmed her and she needed to make sure he was okay.

  “Me being a father is what’s up baby girl, what if I don't get this shit right?”

  Tyson was nervous about stepping into fatherhood. Him and Marcus had driven around the city indulging in a bottle of Hennessy as he thought of the step he was getting ready to take. He had never had his father around, it was always him and his mother. His uncle had stepped in when he hit his teenage years, but it still didn’t make up for him being fatherless. Tyson wanted to get this father thing right the first time around. He didn’t want to make mistakes along the way and then know what to do the second time around, because he was definitely having more kids with NuNu.

  NuNu sat up in bed and rested her head against the headboard as she motioned for him to lay in her lap. He naturally gravitated to her stomach and laid his head softly against it. “See Ty, you're going to be so good to her. You always just lay your head next to my stomach and whisper things, like you’re having your own private little conversation with your child. You're amazing to me and I know for a fact you're going to be amazing to our daughter.” NuNu couldn’t let him believe that he would fail. He was good to her and she knew whole heartedly that he would be good to their baby. Tyson rubbed her belly softly.

  “Hey princess Ma’Leah, I can't wait to see your pretty face,'' he said softly.

  The connection he was making with their baby warmed NuNu’s entire heart. She couldn't help but smile as she rubbed the top of his head softly and watched him have a moment with their baby.

  “I figured out a middle name for her,” NuNu whispered.

  “Oh yeah, shoot it,” he said.


  Tyson lifted from her belly.

  “Who came up with that?” he asked as he kissed her thighs.

  “I did,” she lied as she moaned softly.

  Tyson smirked as he continued to kiss her thighs. He knew she was lying because Leah had already texted him and told him she came up with the name, so she was telling him cause she knew NuNu would take the props and that's exactly what she did. Tyson made his way to her inner thigh and licked her slowly, sending chills through her body. NuNu reached for her breast and started flicking them as she laid there enjoying his soft tongue and rough hands on her, roaming her body. Tyson scooted down the bed and pulled at NuNu’s legs gently, causing her to lay down as he slid her panties down all in one motion. Spreading her legs, he messaged her thighs as he trailed his tongue up her right one. He then kissed down the small soft patch of hair on NuNu’s treasure box. She preferred it all gone but he loved the small trail she left since it was
soft and light. She just figured it was how they liked it on the east coast. Once he got to her split he kissed there and she moaned and the pulse in her pussy intensified. Tyson licked her clit like he licked his spoon after taking a bite of yogurt. That had NuNu’s juices flowing as she bit into her bottom lip, loving every moment.

  “Tyson baby I love you,” NuNu whispered.

  She watched him rotate his head in a circle in between her thighs. That nigga spoke very fluent cunnilingus and NuNu loved it when he did. Her stomach tightened. She threw her arm over her face as he went to work. Tyson was in the middle of her construction site putting in hard labor as NuNu sat there admiring the work he was doing.

  “Damn lor mama,” he groaned.

  “You fucking dripping wet for me, you must of been ready to get bizzy.”

  He began to stroke his man as he licked and sucked on her pussy. He gave her one long firm stroke of his tongue and that was it, NuNu was ready to fuck.

  “YES!” She shouted.

  Tyson had her squirming, she was so ready.

  “Tyson, baby come on,” she said softly yet demanding.

  That was all she needed to say and he was in her within seconds.

  “Oh shiitt, Nu’Asia,” he said as he rocked in and out of her at a slow pace.

  NuNu instantly started clawing at his back. Tyson thanked God he had on a white beater because he was certain that she would have drawn blood.

  All of a sudden they heard a loud thud and Leah screaming.

  “What the fuck?” Tyson said as he jumped up and tossed his shorts back on.


  What the hell? NuNu thought. She hurriedly slid on some shorts and shirt as well. She was right on Tyson heels as they made their way to the living room to see what all the screaming was for. When they entered the room, they saw Marcus hovering over Leah slapping her in the face. That set NuNu on fire as she charged him and punched him in the back of the head.

  “Get the fuck off my sister,” she yelled as she hit him again this time catching him in the side of his ear.

  The punch knocked Marcus to the side as it dazed him a bit. Tyson grabbed NuNu moving her to the side just in case Marcus tried to retaliate.

  “Nu, move, get Leah up and y’all go to the backroom.” He barked.

  Leah was a crying mess and her lip was throbbing. She touched it, wincing as she pulled back bloody fingers. The sight of the blood caused Leah to go crazy. She had never been hit by a boy before and now she was a victim of abuse. She had witnessed her mother being abused and vowed to herself that she would never endure that type of pain.

  “Fuck you, Marcus,” she screamed as she tried to attack him.

  “How the fuck you going to hit me cause I caught you texting a bitch? Fuck you nigga I’m done,” she continued to yell as NuNu tried pushing her to the bedroom.

  Marcus stood to his feet still slightly stunned from the blow. He was drunk on top of that and could barely stand. The effects of the liquor had him feeling stuck.

  “Bro, what the fuck is your problem?” Tyson said, turning to him.

  Tyson didn’t know how the Toledo niggas got down but back home laying hands on a woman meant you were weak. He didn’t believe in a man striking a woman and he wasn’t about to allow it under his roof. Leah had become like a little sister to him and there was no way he was going to allow any man to cause her harm. Tyson would rock Marcus’s jaw if he ever caught him using her as a punching bag again.

  “Nigga why the fuck you putting your hands on my lor sister, we don’t do that shit around these parts,” he said as he pushed him toward the front door.

  “Bro, man I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking man, that’s not even me I’ve never put my hands on no bitch before,” Marcus stated. He was so intoxicated that he slurred the words. It was clear that Marcus couldn’t handle his liquor and Tyson made a mental note that he could never sip with him again. Not when it would cause Leah harm.

  “Aye, you can chill with calling her a bitch, cause we don’t do that shit either my nigga.” Tyson stated, swiping his nose as he opened the door. Tyson couldn’t believe the amount of disrespect that was coming from Marcus’s mouth. He was just in Tyson’s car telling him how much he loved Leah and how he wanted to be better for her. Now here he was hitting her and calling her a bitch. His actions were the complete opposite of the words he spoke not even an hour ago.

  “Let’s go outside and get some fucking air man, you tripping,” Tyson said, pushing him out the door.

  Before they could even make it all the way out, Leah came running from the backroom. She was pissed and needed to release the aggression that was built up. She tried to swing on Marcus, but Tyson intercepted her, swooping her up and placing her on the couch. Marcus noticed her lip and his eyes widened. What the fuck did I do? he thought.

  “Leah baby I’m so fucking sorry,” he said as he tried to approach her.

  “Don't even think about it you black ass Dave Chapelle looking muthafucka, I never did like your ugly ass,” NuNu spat as she blocked him and folded her arms across her chest. She was not about to let him get to her, pregnant or not NuNu was ready to fight. She secretly wished that he had pushed her or something from punching him, so Tyson could have beaten his ass.

  “All y’all need to chill the fuck out,” Tyson yelled.

  He had had enough of the bullshit. Tyson turned to NuNu and pointed to her rocking chair, making her take a seat. The look on his face let her know that he was serious, and she did what she knew she was being told. “What the fucking is y’all problem?” Tyson asked, turning and facing Leah. She dropped her head in her hands as she began to cry. Marcus had passed out while in the middle of typing a text, he was that drunk. Leah had grabbed his phone from his hand and felt like she had been slapped. He was in the middle of texting Chrissy. He just won’t leave this bitch alone, Leah had thought. Leah had tried to refrain from crying but the magnitude of the situation was so overwhelming, the tears just fell effortlessly. She had tossed the phone back at him causing him to wake up and the fight started from there.

  NuNu watched her friend in turmoil and spoke up. “Leah fuck this nigga, you don’t need this muthafucka. All he do is fucking cheat and now this, putting his hands on you like you not pregnant and like you’re not a fucking woman, FUCK HIM!” She spat venomously.

  Marcus had got on NuNu’s bad side and once you were on it you stayed there. She surely could careless about the nigga being drunk, because that wasn’t an excuse for him to be putting his hands on the mother of his child. Hell, there would never be an excuse to lay hands on a woman for any reason. He was weak. A coward and she wanted to hit his ass again for the disrespect.

  “Aye, baby chill, I don't need you worked up and stressed out.” Tyson cut in.

  “Naw, fuck that, he shouldn’t have hit my fucking sister.” She said.

  NuNu looked over and saw Leah lip swelling and went to the kitchen to get her some ice.

  I can't stand this bitch, she always got some shit to say. I should have smacked her ass too, Marcus thought to himself as he eyed NuNu walking into the kitchen.

  NuNu came back to the living room with the ice pack for Leah. She held it to her friend's lip and then looked at Tyson.

  “Tyson if you ever fucking think about cheating and putting your hands on me nigga you gone find yourself in an early grave, don’t let this nigga influence you,” NuNu warned him.

  NuNu kept going on and on about how he bet not do this or he bet not do that or else. She talked mad shit as she soothed Leah, who was laying on her shoulder crying.

  “Nu’Asia, yo shut the fuck up with that shit ma. You bumping them gums for no reason. I’m my own man can’t no nigga influence me to do shit.” Tyson barked as he approached her. He invaded her space, getting right in her face. He needed her to hear him good. NuNu looked at him in shock, he had never spoken to her with the tone he was using. “You talking all this shit when I really just need you to talk some nasty shit in m
y ear while I'm hitting that cause I'm about to finish getting my nut off. All three of y’all got me fucked up with all this dumb shit,” he barked leaning back up and eyeing all of them. The entire room just stared at him. He was pissed and it showed. Tyson was always the calm, laid back one but tonight they got a different version of him. “Come on dummy let me get you home,” he said to Marcus. He wasn’t with the drama and was ready for everyone to leave. He still had unfinished business to attend to.

  “Nu, take Leah home and when I get back you better be in that bed naked and ready for me with wet pussy cause I'm coming back to lay this pipe.” He stated with authority.

  NuNu's face turned warm and a pulse had started instantly in between her thighs. Tyson’s mouth always turned her on. This version she was getting of him tonight had her feeling like they were role playing and he was being a bad boy for her. She couldn’t wait for him to get back home because the way he had her soaking for him, she needed him to dry it up with that mannish mouth.

  “Nu just run me home cause Ty sounds like he is not playing with you,” Leah said laughing and then wincing from the pain in her lip. NuNu smirked and then twirled her fingers in her curls as she glanced at Tyson. Him and that fucking mouth, she thought. NuNu pulled her bottom lip into her mouth, trapping it in between her teeth and then slowly released it.

  “Let me throw on some different clothes and I'll run you home,” she said. NuNu headed to her room while the boys made their exit.

  Chapter Fifteen


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