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Nobody's Perfect

Page 7

by Steve Kirby

  It had been six weeks since the first time they had slept together, she had reduced the amount of Valium to sometimes one a day and then only when she was so desperate and that was becoming rarer she was able to cope with just about anything at the moment and if she started feeling down and slipping into the darkness she would ring Tony for a chat the sound of his voice was so calming, she was beginning to fall in love with him, he was the crutch she needed and now she was beginning to relay on him more and more.

  The following Monday Angie went to the pub as usual, the children were off school this week so Sarah offered to look after them while she was at work.

  “Are you sure Sarah? They are a bit of a handful nowadays and you have Mathew.”

  “Look it’s no problem and anyway since you have started working again you have changed back to the old Angie, It’s doing you good this job, so you get off and don’t worry we can have a coffee and a nice long chat when you finish, Ok?. Right then get off.” Sarah said pushing her out the door.

  “Ok, Ok I’m going so long kids see you in a bit.” She knew she was talking to herself the kids were so engrossed in the television they didn’t even know she had gone.

  As Angie walked into the pub kitchen Tony was just on the phone.

  “Alright then darling I’ll see you later love you.” He put the phone down and saw Angie stood by the door.

  “That was Anne she thinks they might have a buyer for her mums house should know by Friday then she’ll be bringing her mum back up here to sort out a home for her, so I will have to sort out the spare room, get rid of all those boxes of stuff I have put in there over the years, will you help? “How?” Angie asked looking a little puzzled.

  “Could you look after the pub you know open up and look on for an hour a day? I know the children are off school where are they now by the way?” He asked looking beyond Angie.

  “Oh they are with Sarah she offered to look after them for me.”

  “She’s a good one; will she watch them for an extra hour for you?”

  “Sure it shouldn’t be a problem I’ll ask her this afternoon and let you know tomorrow. Right let me get on and I’ll see you upstairs in a while” She said giving him a sly wink. She whizzed round with the duster and vacuum then it was straight upstairs she was undressing as she went by the time she reached the bedroom she was totally naked Tony was laid there waiting he’d heard the vacuum stop and raced to the bedroom he pulled back the quilt.

  “Come on Mrs Wilson it’s time for your wages” He said cheekily.


  Colin was sat in his office at Wormalds feeling a bit rough he pressed the intercom button.

  “Rachel could you come in here for a minute please?” The office door opened and Rachel Sutherland walked in she was twenty-four years old with long blond hair and deep blue eyes, this was her first real job she’d had since leaving collage where she attained her secretarial qualifications, she had worked all the time but she used to drift from one job to another not really caring and when she got fed up she just moved on.

  she had worked for Wormalds for three years the longest she had ever stayed at a firm this was partly due to Colin who she had been seeing for eighteen months.

  They had started making plans together both were in relationships Rachel was living with a guy in Huddersfield and of course Colin was married but they were determined to be together and were looking for a house for them both, they wanted everything in order before they both left their partners.

  Things had been going well both their partners didn’t suspect anything and it looked like they had found the perfect house in Ravenscliffe they had made arrangements to see a mortgage advisor on Saturday then if all goes well they should be together by the end of the month.

  “Yes Colin what is it?” She asked leaning over and kissing him on the forehead.

  “Wow Colin you’re burning up , What’s wrong?”

  “I’m not sure I think I may be getting a touch of flu, so I’m going to nip out and see my Doctor.”

  “You know you have an appointment at 1-30 this afternoon with a new customer.”

  “I know but it’s what, 10-30 now, I should be back by 12 o’clock at the latest, I need to sort this out don’t want to be poorly for Saturday now do I?”

  “That’s true yes you’d better get off then, See you in a bit darling.”

  Jane Doyle smiled when Colin walked into the surgery.

  “Good morning Mr Wilson don’t often see you in here, It’s usually Angie who’s a regular but we haven’t seen her not since she started work at the pub again she a changed woman work must do her good.” “Sorry Jane you must be mistaken Angie hasn’t worked at the pub for years she stays at home and looks after the children.”

  “No since the children started school she’s been working at the pub cleaning while Tony’s wife Anne sorts her mother out, I thought you knew sorry if I’ve caused any problems.”

  “No, no problems Jane she did mention something once I think.”

  When he had seen the Doctor and got his prescription he drove down the road and parked up by the post office from here he could see the backdoor of the pub, he sat there and waited.

  Tony got up first as usual and went down to sort the bar out ready for opening, Angie followed him down. Tony was in the kitchen when Angie walked in.

  “Tony?” Angie asked enquiringly.

  “You know your wife’s due back soon.”

  “Yes what about it?”

  “Well what are we going to do how are we going to get together.”

  “Oh don’t worry about that sweetheart we’ll work something out I can always come to yours can’t I?” “Yes of course that’s fine” She said feeling a little relived.

  “I thought for a moment we would have to end it I don’t think I could have handled that.”

  “Don’t be silly we can go on seeing each other until you’ve had enough.”

  “Well don’t hold your breath Tony I am loving every minute of being with you I never want it to end.” “Well that’s alright then, Now you best be off and don’t forget to ask Sarah about you looking after the pub for an hour or two. Right I’ve a delivery due soon so I’ll walk you out and open the cellar door for them, come on sexy let’s be having you.” He said slapping her bottom playfully.

  “You already have you randy bugger” Angie said laughing.

  They stood at the backdoor Angie turned to Tony.

  “Well I’ll see you in the morning” She put her arms around Tony’s neck and gave him a long lingering kiss.

  Colin gripped the steering wheel with both hands like he was strangling it.

  “You fucking bitch you’ve done it now you fucking whore I’m going to break your fucking neck.” Colin started the car and drove off.


  Colin stormed into his outer office Rachel jumped up startled.

  “Colin? What on earths the matter? Are you alright what did the Doctor say?”

  “I’m fine “He said angrily.

  “I need to make a phone call so I don’t want to be disturbed for half an hour OK?”

  “That’s ok Colin would you like me to get the number for you?”She asked a little concerned with his demeanour.

  “No that’ll be alright I’ll do it myself thanks.”

  “Are you sure you’re alright Colin? Is there anything I can get you?”

  “Look Rachel I’m alright now just let me make that call in peace please thank you.” Colin went into his office and closed the door, he sat down and dialled his home number anger again welling up inside him, no answer Colin slammed the phone down he stood up and walked round the room like a caged tiger he was getting angrier and angrier, he sat back down and rang again, it rang for a while then Angie answered a little out of breath having just run in.

  ”You fucking bitch. How long as this been going on then you slag?”

  “Colin? What the hell are you on about?” She was totally confused and taken aback by his atti

  “You know you and that bastard landlord from the pub Tony, how long as it been going on?”

  “I don’t know what you mean, there is nothing going on.”

  “You fucking lying cow I saw the pair of you this morning at the back of the pub kissing.” Angie went silent her blood ran cold.

  “I told you the last time what would happen if you cheated on me. Well you’ve fucking done it now you whore I’m going to fucking kill you you slag, if I could get my fucking hands on you now I’d rip your fucking lying cheating head off.

  Do you hear me you BITCH! Why anyone would want to shag you is beyond me you fat ugly tramp, Even I’ve stopped fucking you because you revolt me so much, that tosser must be blind or drunk or even both.

  Well don’t you worry darling when I’ve finished with you I’ll go and visit your boyfriend he won’t be messing around with anyone else’s wife when I’ve done with him but you won’t be around to see it. Why don’t you just do us all a favour and top your fucking self leave us alone me and the kids would be better off without you hanging round our necks like a useless fucking albatross. Well I don’t want you now you’re damaged goods to me you’re already dead.”

  Angie hung up the phone she sat there shaking uncontrollably, her head was spinning she couldn’t think she sat there until her head cleared.

  She picked up the phone and rang Tony.

  “Hello Red lion?”

  “Tony its Angie.”

  “ Oh no don’t say Sarah won’t look after the kids for you” A note of disappointment in his voice.

  “ No it’s not that Tony, Colin’s found out about us he’s gone absolutely ballistic on the phone with me he’s going to kill me and you”

  Tony could sense the desperation and panic in her voice.

  “Now now Angie calm down he’s not going to kill anyone.”

  “Yes he will Tony you don’t know him he’s crazy.”

  “I think you’re being a bit over dramatic Angie. I don’t understand what do you want me to do?”

  “We have to get away NOW! Before he comes home.”

  “We? Angie I thought you realised it was just a bit of fun what we had it was nothing serious I love Anne I’m not going to leave her. Sorry Angie you’ll just have to sort it out between the two of you. Now I’ve got customers I’ll see you later and don’t worry.” Tony put the phone down.

  Angie just sat there she couldn’t believe what he had just said a bit of fun is that all she was she put her head in her hands and began to cry.

  Angie could feel the darkness engulfing her she got up and ran to the bathroom opening the cabinet she found her Valium and poured herself a glass of water and took four tablets.

  She was crying and shaking so much the glass slipped from her hand smashing in the sink, she just stood there staring at the broken pieces of the glass, likening it to her life.

  She spun round ran out of the door and down the stairs.

  “Right kids!” She said as she entered the room.

  “I need to go out for a while so you’ll have to go back round to Aunty Sarah’s for a bit.” She put them their shoe’s on and went straight round to Sarah’s.

  It was just starting to rain when they reached her door Angie knocked and walked in.

  “Sarah?” She called from the hall way as she opened the room door.

  “Angie? You back again?” She said slightly puzzled by her friends appearance.

  “Yes I know. Look will you do me a big favour? Will you look after Vicky and Ben for me I have to go down the village it’s urgent.”

  “Yes of course I will but you are still in your slippers and you haven’t got a coat on.”

  “Oh I’ll be alright.” She said turning to go.

  “But Angie it’s throwing it down you’ll get soaked.”

  “I’ll be fine, anyway I won’t be long, look I’ve got to dash, see you in a bit.”

  It was raining very hard when Angie left Sarah’s she ran down the road towards the pub like her life depended on it. She burst in through the front door, Tony was on his own behind the bar, He physically jumped as the door burst open and Angie flew in.

  “Tony you can’t do this to me I thought we had something special!”

  “ I told you on the phone it was just a bit of fun , Look you wanted it just as much as I did, But I’ve told you I love Anne and....”

  “BUT I LOVE YOU TONY!” Tony stood there shocked he looked at her for a second or two then, shaking his head he said emotionlessly.

  “Well sorry Angie but I don’t love you I never have look it was just sex that’s all it was never meant to be anything serious so stop being stupid go home and deny everything and I’ll do the same if he comes here but of course he won’t because he’s a coward who only hit’s women.

  Now look it’s best you don’t come here again for a while don’t bother coming tomorrow to do the cleaning I’ll be alright.” Angie stared at him with hate in her eyes.

  “You bastard! You lousy bastard, I thought you were different but you’re not, you’re just like him.” She walked out of the pub, slamming the door hard behind her she stood on the street looking down at the pavement the rain was now pouring down but her tears were pouring faster she stood there sobbing for a while, then she heard the door lock behind her.

  Angie turned and started to walk back up the street.

  Across the road outside the Post office Doctor Parker and Pauline were stood under her umbrella, he had just been to see her husband who was in bed with a bad case of the flu.

  “Jesus Christ she looks rough.” Pauline say’s looking across at Angie.

  “Who?” Doctor Parker asks turning round.

  “Angie Wilson Just look at her, it’s bucketing down and she’s out no coat and bloody slippers, what’s that all about?”

  Doctor Parker couldn’t believe what he was seeing she looked like a zombie her head down shuffling up the street oblivious to everything.

  “Mrs Wilson! Angie! Angie! Here it’s Doctor Parker!” They both shouted to her but she just carried on walking.

  “There is something not right with her Doctor she’s going downhill she needs help.”

  “You could be right there Pauline, I’ll go see her first thing in the morning before surgery.”

  The kids were play fighting when Angie got back to Sarah’s.

  Sarah came out of the kitchen when she heard the door open.

  “Hell fire Angie just look at the state of you your like a drowned rat, Quick get in here and let’s get a hot drink inside you.”

  “No that’s fine Sarah but I need to get home.” She leaned round Sarah.

  “Right kids we need to get round home, come on stop that now, we need to go.”

  “Ok Mummy.” Vicky shouts.

  “Ben stop it now we’re going home, Come on “Rent a ghost” is starting on five minutes, and we don’t want to miss it.”

  “Aw Vick I was beating Mathew then.”

  “Well we can call it a draw and have a rematch tomorrow, Come on now!”


  Once back home Angie turned the television on for them.

  “Right I’m just going to make a phone call I won’t be long then we can have some tea you two sit here and watch your program.” Angie dialled the number she hoped they hadn’t changed it, it began to ring, and then a familiar voice answered.

  “Hello who is it?” “Hi Mum it’s me Angie.”

  “Ha to what do we owe the honour of you calling it’s been what six years last time we spoke you said you didn’t want to have anything to do with us ever again for not coming to your wedding.”

  “Look Mum I’m sorry about that but I need a big favour please, can me and the children come and stay with you and Dad for a while?”

  “Ah trouble in paradise is it?”

  “Something like that, look I need to get away from here today. So can I come there please?”

  Her mother could sense the desperation in her daughter�
��s voice but she wasn’t prepared to give in too easy.

  “Why what’s the problem that you need to get away now?”

  “I’ll tell you about it when I get there I need to get going before he gets home.”

  “Angie, I don’t want you bringing a load of trouble here your father’s not been well he can’t do with a load of hassle, Now what is it you’ve done?”

  “ I have been having an affair with a guy in the village and Colin’s found out he’s gone absolutely ballistic he says he is going to kill me.”


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