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Nobody's Perfect

Page 13

by Steve Kirby

  Later she moved to London where she had a number of secretarial jobs mostly in solicitor’s chambers.

  Then one day she decided she was going to go back home for an holiday she had been away almost three years, she had kept in touch with her Mum and Dad but had never wanted to go back until now she had decided it was time, she booked two week holiday packed her bag and set off in her little Nova for home.

  Her Mum and Dad had no idea she was coming home the look of surprise on their faces when she walked it that evening was worth the long drive, they talked and talked until the early hours of the morning not one of them wanting to go to bed, eventually they all gave in to tiredness and went to bed at four a.m.

  Rachel was up at eight she woke her Mum and Dad then made breakfast, after breakfast she sat looking through the local paper, she saw an advertisement for a Personnel Assistant to the Manager of a local kitchen manufacturers she rang the number expecting to be sent out an application form but to her surprise the personnel Manager offered her an interview that afternoon.

  After the interview Rachel went home she had just walked in the house when the telephone rang.

  Her Mother answered it.

  “Rachel it’s for you Personnel department of Wormalds Kitchens?”

  “Ta Mum, Hello? Yes, Wow that was quick, yes I have to work a month’s notice but I can start beginning of next month if that’s ok... Excellent right I’ll see you in a month then thank you goodbye.”

  “What was that all about then Rachel?”

  “I’m coming back home if that’s ok? I’ve got a job at Wormald Kitchens, start next month.”

  “That’s defiantly ok.” She gave Rachel a hug and kissed her on the forehead.

  “I’m glad your back, wait till I tell your Dad he’ll be over the moon. Right let me get changed we’re going out the three of us to celebrate.”

  Chapter 9

  Becky reached out and stroked Rachel’s cheek with the back of her fingers and smiled at her.

  “Well I must say Rachel you are looking good they fixed you up well.”

  “Thanks it took time for me to trust anybody again, one thing though Becky, Colin doesn’t know anything about that part of my life and I don’t want him to so please don’t say anything will you.”

  “My lips are sealed. Don’t worry I won’t let the skeletons out of your closet.”

  “Colin say’s you’ve got two children?” Rachel asks changing the subject.

  “Four altogether living with us Jack and Elizabeth or Lizzy as we call her are mine and Sam’s and Peter and Stuart are from my first marriage, So how old are your kids then?”

  “My CHILDREN are called George and Sally” said Colin indignantly as he came out of the garage.

  “That’s good” Becky said.

  “Maybe they will all be friends and play together “

  “Maybe” Colin said haughtily.

  “We’ll see.”

  “Sam! Sam! Here a minute.” Becky calls towards the house.

  “What is it Becks!” Sam shouts from the house.

  “Come here you’ll never guess who our new neighbours are”

  “Nelson and Winnie Mandela?” Sam replies.

  “Ha Ha no you fool guess again”

  “Posh and Becks?”

  “Almost. No it’s my best friend Rachel”


  “Rachel Wilson and her husband Colin I have told you about Rachel before don’t you remember?”

  “Hang on Becks I’m coming out just putting this box in the garage”

  “He won’t be a minuet he’s sorting the boxes out” explains Rebecca.

  “Well it’s no problem we can see him when he’s finished. You don’t have to break him off for us” Colin said.

  Just then the garage door opens and out comes Sam.

  “Right I’m here. Now where’s posh and Becks, Colin? well well long time no see, how the hell are you?” Sam say’s shaking Colin’s hand like an old friend.

  “You two know each other as well then? How come?” Becky asked surprised.

  “Well. We used to work together at Wormalds a long time ago now.” Sam says smiling towards Coln.

  “Are you still there?”

  “Yes I’m Manager there, but you know that don’t you? Weren’t you were still there when I got the promotion?”

  “Yes I left just after they got rid of that Tony Savage, sacked for stealing wasn’t it?”

  The truth was it should have been Sam who got the sack they were setting him up but Colin had foiled their little plan.

  Colin had been looking out of his office window onto the shop floor when he had seen the bust up between Sam and Tony Savage, Tony had been up to his old tricks again he wanted Sam to finish off the cabinet he was working on so he could have an early lunch too go to the bookies and place a bet, he had picked on all the others but Sam was not one to be threatened and had told him in no uncertain terms where he could go.

  “Right!” Tony said angrily.

  “So you won’t help me out then? Well then Sammy boy you have just crossed the line now, I suggest you watch your back from now on then matey.”

  “Don’t threaten me Tony, I’m not Colin, I’m in charge of this team now and I suggest that you start pulling your weight or you will be looking for another job. Do you understand? Now get back to your bench and get that cabinet finished before you go for lunch! Ok?” Tony stood looking at Sam for a few minutes, then said something that Sam couldn’t hear as he turned and went back to his bench.

  Sam stood and watched him go then he went off to the stores for some hinges.

  Once Sam was out of the way Tony went over to his two sidekicks Pete Conner and Jake Booth, They huddled together every now and then Tony pointed towards Sam’s bench he was shaking his fist and Colin could see him getting angry a look Colin had seen before.

  Colin knew he would have no authority in the department until he got rid of that man.

  At 5-30 that same day Colin looked onto the shop floor again, Sam was there sweeping around his workstation getting ready for home, Colin also noticed Tony, Pete and Jake were also still working which was very unusual as they were always the last ones to work and always the first out the door.

  Colin watched as Sam finished off he put the brush back said goodnight to the other three then he went to his locker to change out of his work boots and overalls, He waved to the others as he left.

  Five minutes later Jake went to the door and looked out into the car park, he turned around and gave the thumbs up to the other two. Colin watched as the three of them went to the locker area.

  Tony went to Sam’s locker and started messing with the padlock, Jake and Pete opened their lockers and started taking things out, after a while Tony gestured to Pete and Jake they came back each carrying some things.

  Tony opened Sam’s locker then he took his overall off the top shelf placing the thing’s Jake and Pete had brought onto the shelf then covering them up with the overalls again, he closed the locker replaced the padlock patted the door and smiled to the other two.

  They then got their coats from their lockers and left smiling and laughing.

  Colin gave them ten minutes then he went to the locker area.

  He smiled to himself as he found his keys in his pocked, all padlocks were issued with three key’s two were given to the employee and the third was kept in the Managers office, Colin had picked up the spare key’s as he left.

  He went to Sam’s locker his heart beating fast as he opened the door, lifting out Sam’s overall and putting on the top of the locker he then reached in and took out what was there, Jake Booth’s wallet Colin looked inside there was fifty pounds, he closed the wallet and put it in his jacket pocket, he reached in again, two packs of cigarettes and a lighter inscribed “To Pete Happy Birthday love Monica.” Colin assumed that was Pete’s wife.

  Colin replaced Sam’s overall and replaced the padlock, he then smiled and patted the locker door.
/>   Sam arrived at work at seven o’clock as usual and was greeted by two police cars in the car park; he walked in the factory and was greeted by Bill Crowther the security officer.

  “Morning Sam.” Bill said as he saw Sam. “

  What’s up here Bill?”

  “Bit of a rum do Sam somebody’s reported their locker being broken into kicked up so much fuss demanded the police are called.”

  “Whose locker was it?”

  “Well there’s a few but the one who’s kicking off is Jake Booth. Anyway everyone’s been asked to wait in the canteen until the police have finished. Your team were the last ones to finish last night so no doubt the police will want to talk to you after they have done a locker search.”

  “No problems Bill, I hate thieves hope they catch them, they deserve everything they get, see you later Bill.” Sam went to join the rest in the canteen.

  They had been in the canteen for almost four hours when the door opened and two men accompanied by Colin walked to the front of the canteen to the jeers from the workforce, Colin held up his hands for quiet.

  “I’m sorry for keeping you all here for so long but this is as you’ll agree a very serious and nasty business, anyway there two gentlemen are police officers and they are here to supervise the opening of each one of your lockers.

  So I’d like to ask you all to go and stand by your lockers and wait for it to be inspected, anyone who has any objections to their locker opening please put your hands up. Good no one, alright will you all proceed to the locker area please, Thank you.” The lockers were arranged in lines of twelve lockers in a row two uniformed officers opened the lockers each starting from the opposite end and meeting in the middle.

  After their locker was searched and found to be ok that worker was sent to his workstation.

  The officer came to Sam’s locker, the officer opened his locker, Jake and Pete looked at Tony who had a massive smile on his face.

  “Name?” The officer asked Sam,

  ”Er... Sam, Sam Hawkworth officer.”

  “Ok Sam you can join the others your clear.” Tony couldn’t believe it he looked at Jake and Pete but they just looked as stunned as him.

  “Your next mate the officer said to Tony.” Tony just stood there he didn’t know what was happening.

  “Excuse me sir” The officer said again.

  ”I need to check your locker.”

  “Sorry yes of course.” Tony said moving away from his locker.

  The officer moved a couple of things.


  “Tony Savage can I go now?”

  “Sorry, Tony Savage but I’m arresting you on suspicion of theft, anything you do say will be taken down and used as evidence in a court of law... “

  “Hang on, hang on no you don’t understand it’s not me I’m not a thief I’ve been set up look ask Pete I was with him.” The officer held up the wallet.

  ”Excuse me sir. Is this your wallet?” Jake nodded his head.

  “Thank you sir.”

  “Fuck this!” Tony shouted and started to run for the fire door, the officer was too quick for him and kicked his legs as Tony tried to run sending him sprawling across the floor, he was on him in a flash and pinned him down until the other officer arrived to handcuff him. Between them they lifted Tony to his feet and half walked half dragged him out of the building and into the waiting police van.

  Tony was sacked for theft, Jake and Pete didn’t press charges, they both left within a month.

  After all three had gone Colin sat back in his chair put his hands behind his head smiled to himself and said.

  “I told you I would get you back one day.”

  Sam left not long after to work for a rival company in Bradford, they hadn’t seen each other since the day he left, they had both promised to keep in touch but that was one of the things everybody say’s and they both knew it.

  Chapter 10

  “Well this is a turn up for the book Colin didn’t think I would have seen you here, Isn’t it a bit up market for you I thought you were a Ravenscliffe boy through and through, not mixing with the likes of us posh people in new builds I know what you are like with money this must have broken your heart.”Sam laughed.

  “Ha Ha Ha” Colin said sarcastically.

  “Very funny Sam I forgot about your sick sense of humour.” Rachel could see Colin wasn’t pleased. So she changed the subject.

  “Well how old are your two then Becky?”

  “Well Peter’s 21, Stuart is 19, Jack’s 14 and Lizzy’s 12, Jack and Lizzy are at their Grandmas at the moment, we didn’t want them under the feet while we were moving. They’ll be back later then you can bring Sally and George round then they can all get to know each other.

  As for Peter and Stuart well I think they’ve gone to the pub, keeping out of the way until all the works done typical kids eh?”

  “Well Sam how’s your house?” Colin asks.

  “We’ve only just moved in so I haven’t had time for a proper look around yet but at the moment it looks perfect.”

  “Perfect? Perfect?” Colin shouts.

  “Well mine’s far from perfect. Let me show you this lot. Come with me a minute Sam.”

  So Colin and Sam go into the house leaving Rachel and Rebecca in the front garden.

  ”He’s off again” Rachel shaking her head.

  “What do you mean” asks Rebecca.

  “ Complaining about the house he takes everyone and their mothers in to show them what’s not to his standards, it’s embarrassing and starting to get on my nerves a bit”

  “That’s boy’s for you spend their lives looking for perfection they don’t realise it doesn’t exist.”

  “Well Colin is obsessed with it now everything has to be perfect he won’t have anything to do with anybody or thing that in his mind is not perfect”

  “So your children George and Sally, how old are they then?” Rebecca asks.

  “Well George is 10 and Sally’s 8 and a right handful I can tell you”

  “So you just have the two children then?”

  “Colin has two from his first marriage.”

  ”Where are they then? Are they moving in here with you?”

  “Certainly NOT!” Rachel snaps.

  “No they have got their own places now they may visit occasionally but that will be all! And we would appreciate it if you didn’t discuss this with anyone else, nobody knows about that part of our lives around here and we would like to keep it like that thank you!”

  “Oooo get you Shelly Belly being all snobbish, don’t worry I won’t say anything, you will let me know when there IS something I CAN talk about at this rate my conversations with the neighbours is going to be very short ha ha.”

  “Excuse me Rebecca while we’re on the subject please don’t call Shelly Belly my name‘s Rachel I’ve changed and moved on since we were at Ravenscliffe.”

  “Ha Ha I think Sam is right we HAVE moved in next to posh and Becks, you are right you have changed but never mind I can live with that.”

  Colin opened his front door and gestured Sam in.

  Sam stopped as he got to Colin putting his hand on Colin’s shoulder he shook his head.

  “I was sorry to hear about your wife Colin she was a lovely girl, her name was Anne wasn’t it Col?”

  ” No Angie yes it was sad at the time but we’re over it now and moved on. Ah yes you had two children didn’t you? Heard they took it very badly, where are they now? Are they living with you?”

  “No!” Colin said a bit briskly.

  “Look Sam as I said that’s all in the past I don’t want to talk about it so if you don’t mind?”

  ”No problems Col it must still be painful to talk about.”

  “It’s NOT painful Sam, It’s as I said we have moved on that was the past no point dwelling on it so if you don’t mind let’s leave it please.”

  “Understood Col, So, show me your far from perfect house then, what’s the problem?”
r />   “Right then Sam can you see that?” Colin exclaims.

  “What?” Sam asks.

  “THAT! That glass panel on the kitchen door”

  “What? I can’t see anything.” Sam say’s slightly confused.


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