Nobody's Perfect

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Nobody's Perfect Page 21

by Steve Kirby

  “Sorry Zoe we’re on holiday all next week.” “

  Ah” Zoe said.

  “I’ll have to check my diary but I think I’ll be alright for the week after that’s the 24 of July. Will that be alright?” Sam nodded his approval.

  “Yes that’ll be fine it’ll give Jack more time to find something good to say about me.” Zoe laughed.

  “You could be surprised, well I’ll check when I get back to the office that I’m available for the next meeting if I have to rearrange I’ll give you a ring ok? So where are you going? Somewhere nice and exotic?” “Bridlington, Camping.”

  Becky said sounding far from excited by the prospect.

  ”Oh well.

  ” Zoe said biting her bottom lip to stop herself from laughing at Becky’s lack of enthusiasm.

  “Enjoy yourselves anyway hope it keeps fine for you, and I’ll see you in two weeks same time if that’s alright.”

  “That’s fine.” Becky said as she showed Zoe out.

  “Cool, I’ll see you then, then.” Zoe said excitedly Sam laughed as he saw the giddy hippy return.

  Zoe almost skipped down the drive Sam closed the door laughing and shaking his head.

  “I like her.” Sam said following Becky into the kitchen.


  The holiday was terrible it rained from the moment they put up the tent to the moment they took it down, everything was either soaking or damp Lizzy had got the sniffles Jack was bored constantly they were all just glad to be home.

  Becky sorted out the suitcases while Sam and Jack went to pick Roxy up from Becky’s mums.

  Later they both sat down in the kitchen with a nice cup of tea, Jack and Lizzy were up in their rooms playing, Sam got the post from the cage at the back of the front door and started going through it, passing the ones addressed to Becky there was a brown envelope addressed to both of them Sam opened it.

  “I don’t believe it! We have to go to the police station again about Jack.”

  “Why what’s he done now?” Becky asked putting down the letter she was reading.

  “It just say’s regarding his anti social behaviour.”

  “Oh.” Becky said knowingly.

  “Yes they did say there would be a follow up meeting to discuss progress. That’s probably it.” Sam breathed a sigh of relief.

  “That’s alright then. Say’s we have to be there at six o clock Monday the 23rd.”

  “No Sam, No way, I’m not going, I went last time and it’s not nice you’ll have to take him on your own.”

  Sam could see there would be no point in trying to negotiate with Becky, so he just nodded.

  Mike Longstaff was just showing a young girl and presumably her mother out as Sam and Jack arrived, she was no more than twelve years old her and her mother’s eyes were all red and puffy from crying.

  Sam looked at the sorry state they were in then to the smiling face of Mike Longstaff. He held the outer door open for them then barred it as the girl was about to go through.

  ” So you listen to me. I don’t want to see you again down here, do you understand?” The girl looked at the floor and nodded as the tears started again.

  “Now start going to school every day keep away from the shops and out of trouble, Understand?” Again the girl just looked down crying and nodded.

  He then turned his attention to her mother.

  “You make sure this happens I don’t want to see her down here again ok?” The mother also nodded and burst into tears she reached under Mike’s arm putting her hand on her daughters shoulder she eased her under his arm put her arm around her shoulders then they both left sobbing.

  Mike turned from the door a smug look on his face.

  Sam was disgusted by him.

  “Big man.” He thought to himself.

  “Thinks he’s hard with women and girls.” Sam was readying himself for what was to come.

  Mike could see Sam’s concern over what he had just seen, he gave Sam a smile.

  “I know what you’re thinking, bit over the top, yes but sometimes that’s all it takes to put someone back on track. I think that will have had the desired effect on her l don’t think I’ll be seeing her again; she’s not bad kid just easily led.”

  Sam could see there was compassion in his face, he didn’t think Mike actually enjoyed doing that but he knew it could serve as a means to an end. Sam relaxed a bit.

  Mike looked at Jack and raised his eyebrows.

  “Right Jack, your turn.” Sam could see Jack stiffen, Sam put his hand on Jack’s shoulder partly to reassure him and partly to lead him into the office through the door Mike was holding open for them. Sam could feel Jack ease a bit at the touch of his father’s hand, Sam smiled inside.

  The room was very sparse there was a three shelved bookcase with a few dog eared paperbacks and pamphlets scattered on the centre one the top one had what looked like a video recorder and on the bottom one was a plant that looked like it was on its last legs.

  There was a table with a telephone and a pile of folders there were three chairs two behind the door and one by the window which was heavily frosted.

  Mike ushered Sam and Jack into the room and bid them sit down on the two chairs.

  Mike closed the door and sat opposite, he picked up the top file spreading it open he tapped the pages looking thoughtful.

  After a while he stopped tapping and looked up at Jack.

  “Right Jack, well the last time I saw you I thought we had come to an agreement.” Mike said raising his eyebrows, he sat for a second or two waiting for a response from Jack, Jack sat looking at him with a confused expression on his face.

  Mike smiled and carried on.

  “Forgotten have we? Well let me explain to your father then what we had agreed and see if it jogs your memory shall we?

  Well Mr Hawksworth the last time I met Jack was with your wife and we made an agreement that Jack would not ride his motorbike along the millennium way or be abusive toward any of your neighbours. Is that not right Jack?” Sam looked at Jack who was looking down at the floor, He gave a feeble nod.

  Mike put his hands on the table and leaned forward looking at Jack.

  “Is that what we decided Jack? Answer me.” He said raising his voice slightly.

  Sam could see Jack tense up again.

  “Yes.” Jack whispered.

  “What?” Mike said raising his voice higher.

  “Yes!” Jack said looking Mike in the eyes.

  ”So how come I have had another complaint about you riding your bike and using foul and abusive language to a Mr Dobson”

  “Who’s Mr Dobson?” Mike looked through the papers of the folder.

  “Err..... Mr Frank Dobson to give him his full title, Number 72 Railway terrace.” Sam nodded his acknowledgement of the name.

  “Well he’s reported you for riding your motor bike on the millennium way and when he approached you to tell you to stop you became very abusive and aggressive, is this true Jack?” Before Jack could answer Sam interrupted.

  “When exactly was this.” Again Mike ran his finger across the page.

  “Err.... Tuesday 17th July at 2-15pm.” Mike said looking up at Sam.

  Sam breathed out deeply shaking his head.


  “I’m sorry Mr Hawksworth but he was seen along with his two friends Scott Ryder and Brandon Pickles.”

  Sam laughed.

  “I’m telling you that’s impossible because he was on holiday in Bridlington with me and his mother all last week we didn’t get back until last Saturday dinnertime.

  So whoever it was riding a bike along the millennium way, It wasn’t Jack.”

  “Well if you can supply proof of that I will check it out, anyway there is still the other matter of you using foul and abusive language to Mr Dobson.”

  Again Sam interrupted him.

  “Er... Hang on a minute I just said he was in Bridlington so unless he rang him and abused him over the phone then he
is innocent.” Mike looked at Jack.

  “Jack, you Scott and Brandon all hang around together right?”

  “Yes.” Jack said tentatively.

  “Well Mr Hawksworth they are classed as Jack’s gang and as such whatever one does they are all lumped together but if as you say he was on holiday with you ...” Again Sam shook his head.

  “I’m sorry but I don’t agree with that.” Mike raised his hands.

  “That’s irrelevant, in the eyes of the law he is as guilty as they are.” Mike said looking back at the file and turning a couple of pages.

  ” It also say’s here that Jack was reported again for using foul and abusive language to your neighbour Mr Wilson on Saturday the 30th of June, is that true Jack?” Sam looked at Jack.

  “That was your birthday, we had a party.” Jack breathed a deep sigh the realisation of what had happened dawning on him.

  “Yes, we had a row and I walked out remember.” He didn’t wait for an answer.

  “Well him next door was in his garden and he started having a go at me so I told him to shut up and ran off.”

  “You said a bit more than shut up didn’t you Jack?” Mike said flicking through the file.

  “To be precise you said, Fuck you, you old bastard I’ll get you. Is that not true Jack?” Jack started wringing his hands nervously.

  “Well he called me a retard and I was upset.”

  “That doesn’t give you the right to use language like that to him now does it?” Sam looked at Jack sighing heavily and shaking his head.

  “Jack what have we told you? To ignore him next door not to say anything, I’m very disappointed with you.”

  “But Dad he called me a retard, he threatens me and he pushed me off my bike once.”

  “You and that bike, it’s caused nothing but trouble since we got you it; well I’ve had enough I’m telling your Uncle Martin not to pick you up again and I’m selling that bike, that’s it.”

  The rest of the meeting didn’t go well Jack refused to speak, Mike said he would leave it for now but would review it in two weeks time, if there weren’t any more complaints he would not proceed with any action regarding Jack’s failure to comply with the ABC contract.

  Back home as soon as the car had come to a halt on the drive Jack opened the door he went straight in and was about to run upstairs when Sam bounded through the front door.

  “Just you wait there young man I want a word with you!” Sam shouted stopping Jack in his tracks.

  “In there now!” he said pointing to the kitchen; Becky came to the bottom of the stairs.

  “What’s going on Sam? Why all the shouting?”

  “Ask him, but don’t expect the truth.”

  “What do you mean Sam?” Becky asked looking from her husband to her son.

  “Just a second while I lock the car up, you make sure he doesn’t run off up to his room.”

  When Sam entered the kitchen he saw Becky sitting next to Jack he was crying and she had her arm around his shoulders.

  “Jack say’s you are selling his bike, What for?” Sam got a glass from the cupboard and went to the sink he filled the glass with cold water and drank half of it before turning round.

  Sam let out a deep sigh.

  “Well apparently he has been cheeky to him next door telling him to “F Off” and such.”

  “Who say’s.” Becky asked getting defensive.

  “He admitted it tonight.” Becky leaned away from her son.

  “Is that true Jack?” Jack nodded a tear dripping from his nose.

  “Yes, only because he was laughing at me and calling me a retard.” Becky shook her head.

  “Jack how can we stick up for you when you’re doing things like that behind our back, do you know how bad that makes us look to these people?” Becky looked over at Sam.

  “But why get rid of his bike though Sam? He loves that bike.”

  Sam sat down on a chair opposite his wife.

  “Look Becks all of these problems have started since he got that bike now with him lying to us about not saying anything to him next door I wonder if he has been lying to us about riding the bike along the millennium way. So if we get rid of it he can’t get reported for riding it on there anymore, can he?”Becky patted Jack on the shoulder.

  “Your dad’s right Jack its best we get rid of it then there’ll have nothing to complain about will they?”

  Jack looked at his mother in disbelief.

  “You’re both as bad as them God I fucking hate it here, I wish I was fucking dead.”

  “Jack! Don’t you dare say that!” His mother shouted slapping the back of his head harder that she should.

  Jack gave Becky a look of pure hatred which made a chill run down her spine.

  He stood up and headed for the door.

  “That’s it I’ve had enough of this house you only believe what you want to believe, well I’ve had enough.” Sam stood up his face like thunder.

  “Well Jack, if it’s so bad here then the doors there mate, don’t think me or your mother will stop you, we’ll be better off without you, at least we won’t have the police here every two minutes, and be lied to. So you please yourself Jack.” Jack stood in the doorway for a second his face contorted with rage he looked at both his parents then turned without saying anything and ran up the stairs to his room.

  Zoe turned up the day after as arranged Jack refused to come down from his room to join in, Sam and Becky filled her in as to what had been going on, Zoe didn’t agree with the decision of selling his bike she thought it would have been a better idea to ban him from riding it for a while so it could be used as a bargaining tool to help with Jack’s behaviour.

  Sam was adamant that the bike was to be sold, so Zoe respected their decision.

  “Can I go up and see if he’ll sit and talk to me.” Zoe asked trying to get some feeling from Jack as to what he thought of losing his bike.

  Both Sam and Becky said they would appreciate her trying to get Jack to open up so they could get to the bottom of the problem.

  Jack refused to open the door to Zoe; he did however say he would come down if his dad had a rethink on selling the bike.

  “I refuse to give into blackmail Zoe, he can come down and talk but my decision with regards the bike stands, Sorry.” Zoe shrugged her shoulders.

  “Well then I may as well leave it for this week, we can pick it up again next time when things might be a bit more normal and we can go through the lists of good and bad points you all should have done.” Zoe opened her diary.

  “I’m on holiday for two weeks from Friday, so I will see you on.... August 14th I think by that time it will have calmed down.”

  At 10 o’clock the following Saturday Martin turned up as usual to pick up Jack, Sam opened the garage door and met him on the drive, he explained what had happened and that he would like him to sell the bike for him if he could.

  “Aw that’s a pity he really enjoys riding it, but as you say if he won’t play by the rules, yes I’ll take it there is a guy I was talking to last week wants one for his daughter this’ll do the trick, He should be there again today, If not I’ll keep it at ours till it’s sold. It’ll be a bit of a squeeze but its only for a week or so.”

  The passenger door opened and Thomas stepped out.

  “Is Jack not coming Dad?”

  “No son not today.” Thomas looked up and saw Jack looking out of his window, he gave a wave and mouthed “Come on.” Jack just let the blind slip down in front of him.

  Both Martin and Sam saw what happened.

  ” Not to worry Thomas.” His dad said.

  “He’ll be ok, now you get in the back and give me a hand putting Jack’s bike in.” Thomas looked confused.

  “I thought Jack wasn’t coming?”

  “He’s not.” His Dad said opening the back doors.

  “We’re selling his bike.”

  “That’s not fair.” Thomas said directing his comments at Sam.

ver he’s done you shouldn’t sell his bike it’s his.” Sam stood there a determined look on his face.

  “Thomas you don’t understand this has to be done it’s causing too many problems for us so it has to go and that’s it.”


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