Nobody's Perfect

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Nobody's Perfect Page 22

by Steve Kirby

  Just after dinner Sam answered the door to Scott and Brandon.

  “Hello Mr Hawksworth. Is Jack in?” Brandon asked trying to balance a football on this head.

  “He is, he’s up in his room just a second and I’ll give him a shout, come in and shut the door then Roxy won’t get out.

  Sam went to the bottom of the stairs and shouted Jack.

  “Can they come up for a second please Dad I want to show them how far I’ve got on this game before we go out.” Sam smiled at least he got a please Dad so the ice was beginning to thaw a bit.

  “Sure yes I’ll send them up.” They stayed in Jack’s room for about an hour, then with a noise that sounded like a cross between thunder and someone falling from top to bottom down the stairs they left.

  Sam looked at Becky and smiled.

  “I think he’s coming round a bit.” Becky gave him an half hearted smile, she wasn’t convinced with what they were done about Jack.

  Jack came home at 6-30pm the two PSCO’s arrived at 7 o’clock.

  “Mr Hawksworth? I wonder if we could have a word with your son Jack please.” Sam breathed a heavy sigh.

  “Now what about?”

  “We have had a complaint from one of your neighbours, your Son and his mates have been hanging around the pathway running at the side of Mr Wilson’s property and when he asked them politely to move your Son became very aggressive and started using foul and abusive language.”

  “Whoa, whoa hold on a second.” Sam said holding up his hands to stop them.

  “Hang on while I get Jacks version. Jack!” Jack came out of the kitchen eating a packet of crisps.

  When he saw the police he lowered his head and sighed.

  “I knew this would happen, I told them it would.” Sam walked towards Jack and put his hand on his shoulder.

  “Well now you’ve told them whoever they are, you can tell us now then can’t you? So, what happened?” Jack folded the top of his crisp packet and put it in his pocket; he licked his fingers and nodded.

  “Right well it was like this, we had just been playing footy up at theirs and we were on our way back here because they had left their bikes on our drive, anyway as we were walking passed his house next door he came out and started on us.”

  “Well why didn’t you just ignore him like I’ve told you to do Jack?” Jack gave his farther a look of disbelief.

  “I did walk away but he started calling Scott and Brandon retards and little bastards, so they started calling him names. I told them to come away but they wouldn’t listen. So it wasn’t me Dad honest.”

  One of the PSCO’s cleared his throat.

  “Hem, Sorry Mr Hawksworth, but according to your neighbour, the other two never said anything it was just Jack.” Jack knocked his Dad’s hand from his shoulder.

  “Er... No way, Dad, He’s lying I never said anything.” Sam rubbed the back of his neck and shook his head.

  “Jack, what have I told you, I’m fed up with this now Get to your room! I don’t want to see you again tonight I’m so angry with you, Just get out of my face, Go on!” Jack stormed off still protesting his innocence.

  “You know we are going to have to file a report about this incident?” Sam was getting angrier by the minute.

  “Yes as always, Look you do what you want, just leave me alone to sort out my kids.” Sam slammed the door his anger rising.

  Becky was in the back garden watering her plants she was proud of her garden there were brackets on each of the six fencepost each one with a hanging basket full of plants she had grown herself from seeds, there was a small patio area with planters containing tomato plants and a wooden patio table and four chairs, she turned to see Sam walking into the garden his face like thunder.

  “What’s up now Sam?”

  “Jack and him next door again.” Sam said sitting on one of the patio chairs.

  Becky sighed and blew out her breath.

  “Why doesn’t he just leave Jack and us alone I’m getting a bit fed up with all this rubbish.” Just then Becky heard a noise she looked up to see Colin opening their bedroom window, when he saw Becky looking he gave her a snide smirk and waved to her.

  Becky’s eyes narrowed she clenched her jaw tight, Colin laughed and waved again.

  Becky mouthed the words “Fuck you” Colin laughed louder; Sam got up and went to stand by his wife following her gaze he saw Colin laughing.

  “I hate that bastard.” Becky said not taking her eyes off him.

  “I know what you mean love, I do too.” Sam began a false laugh and nodded.

  “Hey Col how about you and me go over the park for a kick about? We don’t need a ball cos I’ll just kick fuck out of you, you bag of shit.” Colin’s eyes widened the smile on his face vanished; he closed the window quickly and backed off into his room.

  Sam stood looking up at the window even though Colin had gone, he gritted his teeth.

  “One day me and him are going to play football and it’s getting sooner.”

  “Yah Sam and you’ll get arrested.”

  “I don’t care Beck’s it’ll be worth it and you can always bake me a cake with a file in, cant you?” She gave him a smile.

  “Your daft you are.”

  “That’s why you love me.” He gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Are you nearly finished? I’ll make a cuppa and take it up into the lounge so we can settle down for the night.” Becky turned round to carry on watering her plants.

  “After I’ve done here I’ll nip up and see Jack make sure he’s ok.”

  ”Oh he’s ok Beck’s he just carries on regardless. It’s us who get all the shit because of him.”

  An hour later Becky sat down by Sam on the settee, Sam gave her a sideways look.

  “Think your teas cold.”

  “Sorry love but I got talking to Jack.”

  “Oh yes and what did he have to say then?”

  “Well he said it wasn’t him but what’s upsetting him more is the fact you never believe him.”

  “Look he’s admitted before that he’s slagged him off and swore at him.”

  “I know but he’s adamant this time he never said anything.”

  “Well it’s too late now, we’ll probably get dragged down to the police station again, they don’t seem to care whether he’s innocent or not just as long as they have someone to blame.”

  ”But it wasn’t him though this time Sam and I believe him.”

  “Well that doesn’t matter what you or I believe we can’t prove he didn’t so it’s Jack’s word against his next door, and he’s a so called adult.” Becky stood up and headed for the door.

  “But that doesn’t make him right.” She said walking out.

  “It does to them Becks. Becks?” Sam said watching her go.

  “Where you going love?” She carried on walking towards the bedroom door.

  “Bed Sam, I’m tired and we’re just going round in circles.

  ”Sam rubbed his chin he sat back “Fuck it.” He said out loud to himself.

  ”I’m pissed off with this shit.”

  Chapter 15

  Jack was grounded for the next week, after Becky had picked him and Lizzy up from her mothers, On the Wednesday Jack got into the car.

  “Mum, will I be allowed out tonight?” Becky waved to her mum and set off.

  “I don’t know about that Jack, your Dad said you were grounded all week.”

  “ Yah but I didn’t do anything, it was Scott and Brandon, and I’m not playing with them I just want to play in the park with Lizzy that’s all.”

  Becky gave him a quick look.

  “Your Dad grounded you you’ll have to ask him.”

  “Is it alright with you though?” Becky smiled.

  “Oh no you don’t, you’re not saying to Dad that “Mum says it’s alright” your Dad grounded you he’ll have to ungrounded you.” Jack sat back a bit deflated.

  “Well there isn’t any point in me asking him, you know he won’t c
hange his mind.”

  “Now you don’t know that Jack do you? He may say yes.”

  “Yah as if.”

  “Well just give it a go you never know.” Sam was in the kitchen when they got home.

  Becky went up to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek, she whispered softly.

  “Please say yes for me.” She turned quickly from Sam.

  “Now then darling, Jacks got something he wants to ask you, Haven’t you Jack?” Jack looked down at his feet.

  “Er... Can I play out tonight, just across at the perk with Lizzy, Please Dad?” Sam looked at his Wife and nodded knowing, he’d been set up.

  “Yes.” Jack cheered and headed out of the door. Sam shouted him back.

  “But... If you say anything to him next door or cause your trouble with anyone then you’ll be grounded for a month, understand Jack?” Jack nodded then turned back towards the front door.

  “Come on Lizzy, what you waiting for, get the ball.” He shouted over his shoulder.

  Becky walked over and gave Sam another kiss on his cheek.

  “Thank you darling for that. You sit and watch the television I’ll make us a nice tea and we can have an early night tonight eh?” Sam gave her a huge smile she looked at him remembering how good it was to see him smile like that.

  “I won’t watch television love, the front garden wants weeding I think I’ll do that until teas ready, I can also make sure him next door doesn’t cause any trouble.” Becky opened the fridge door.

  “Ok love I’ll give you a shout when it’s ready.” This time Sam gave Becky a kiss on the cheek; he got an old carrier bag from the drawer to put the weeds in and went out to the garden.

  Lizzy saw her Dad come out and gave him a wave from the top of the slide.

  “Hi Dad!” She shouted.

  “What you doing?” Sam waved back.

  “Just a bit of weeding before teas ready love.”

  “That’s right, make sure your gardens neat and tidy for when you sell it and move out.” Sam looked towards who was talking.

  Colin was stood on his drive behind his car.

  Sam stood upright and turned to face him.

  “I am not going anywhere mate so you can forget that idea.”

  “Ha, Ha it won’t be long the police are so close to taking you to court and having you evicted, or your kids will be taken off you and put into care because you can’t control them, ha ha not long now, or, you could just sell up and do us all a favour.”

  Sam was furious, he dropped the carrier.

  “That’s it! I’ve fucking had enough of you.” Sam ran and leapt over the fence.

  Colin saw him his face contorted with fear he bent down and made a run for his door, Sam swung a low punch towards Colin’s head but the speed Colin was running meant the punch caught him in his ribs, it knocked the wind out of him, Colin fell sideways scraping his face along the wall, Sam kicked out at him and caught Colin at the back of his thigh, the blow sent him shooting forwards towards the door , he didn’t have time to raise his hand to find the handle he hit his head hard on the door his right hand came up grabbing for the handle, Sam ran towards him, Colin screamed as his hand at last found the handle and the door swung open Colin fell in onto his knees, he spun round and slammed the door shut just as Sam arrived, Sam stood there hammering on the door.

  ” Open this fucking door you bastard, you have pushed it too far this time, open this door now or I’ll kick the fucker in!” Sam heard Rachel’s voice shouting from inside.

  “I’ve phoned the Police, they’ll be here in two minutes.” Becky came to the fence.

  “Sam, what have you done? Oh shit you’ve done it now haven’t you this is just what they wanted, get back round here before you make it any worse.” Becky looked across at the park; Lizzy was crying and running towards the house.

  Sam climbed back over the fence, Becky gave him a black look.

  “You get in I’ll sort Lizzy out.” Becky ran across to meet her.

  “What’s the matter Lizzy? Where’s Jack?” She said looking past her daughter.

  The park was empty but looking around Becky could see most of the neighbours were out watching the floorshow.

  “Calm down Lizzy it’s alright, Now where’s jack?” Lizzy was sobbing uncontrollably, Becky held her for a few minutes until she calmed enough to speak.

  “He ran off mum, said this was all his fault and we would be better off without him. I followed him but he shouted at me and said he wasn’t ever coming back.”

  “Don’t worry Lizzy he’ll be back when it gets cold and dark.” She picked Lizzy up and turned to go home just as the two police cars screeched to a halt outside their house the four officers got out quickly and ran into the Wilson’s garden the door was opened by Rachel and all four followed her inside.

  Becky closed her eyes and sighed.

  “Shit he’s done it this time, come on love you father needs us now.”

  Soon after, Becky flew in the house, Sam was in the kitchen draining a can of lager, he turned as he heard the door burst open.

  “Sam! The Police are next door, and Jack’s run off he said this was all his fault and we’ll be better off without him, Sam I’m scared.” Sam put his fore finger under Lizzy’s chin and lifted her head gently.

  “Did he say where he was going Lizzy?” Lizzy sniffed and shook her head; she looked into her father’s eyes.

  “Are the Police going to take you away Daddy?” She began to sob again.

  “Not yet darling I have to go and find Jack first, which way did he go sweetheart do you remember?”

  “Over the bridge and on that way.” She said waving her hand.

  “Thanks Lizzy.” Sam said giving his daughter a kiss on the forehead.

  Lizzy looked at him her eyes all red and bloodshot, she gave him a smile.

  Sam took a deep breath.

  “Right, he’s probably gone up to Scott and Brandon’s, I’ll take the car and get over there.” Becky shook her head.

  “What about the Police? If they see you driving off it won’t look good Sam and you’ve been drinking.”

  ”I’ve had one! Look I’ll be 10 minutes tops, it’ll take him next door that long to tell them what a bad neighbour I am and how we’ve made their lives a misery.” Sam patted his trouser pocket checking for his key’s satisfied they were there he picked up his jacket from the back of the chair and started putting it on as he walked to the door, as he opened it he was confronted by the four police officers.

  “Mr Hawksworth” They didn’t wait for him to answer.

  “You are under arrest for assault, anything you do say will be taken down...” Sam wasn’t listening he tried to push passed them.

  “Look my son has run off, I have to go and find him, so if you wouldn’t mind moving out of my way please.” The first two officers grabbed one arm each they slid passed him and gripped Sam’s wrists behind him, Sam lurched forwards.

  “Just get out of my way! I need to find my son!”

  “Sorry Mr Hawksworth but you’re under arrest.” One of the officers holding Sam’s wrist carried on reading him his rights, again Sam tried to break free the two at the front put a hand on each of Sam’s shoulders pushing him back while one at the back snapped the handcuffs in place.

  Sam went wild, he kicked out towards the two at the front he tried to spin round and break free from the one holding the handcuffs, then in a split second his legs were kicked from underneath him he fell sideways his hip slamming onto the driveway, then in one movement he was rolled over onto his stomach a knee was jammed into his back and his head forced onto the tarmac.

  The fight was over Sam stopped struggling and relaxed. He could hear Lizzy screaming for them to.

  “Let go of her Daddy.” Becky was shouting for him to stop fighting and calm down.

  “Done now have we?” a voice said from somewhere behind him, Sam tried to nod but his head was still being pushed into the ground.

  “Right then, G
et up!” the voice said his head was released and he was yanked up from the floor by the handcuffs.

  His lip was split and bleeding from being slammed onto the floor, the side of his face was covered in gravel, he looked up to see Colin stood in his doorway holding a lint cloth to the side of his face he grazed on the wall after Sam had hit him, He looked at Sam and smiled he gave a little wave and mouthed the words” Bye bye” Sam shot him a look of pure hatred.


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