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The Sweet Road to Love

Page 11

by Jacki Kelly

  “I never want to take my happiness for granted. It’s a gift and I’m blessed to have Simeon and Mia.”

  “What will Simeon and Mia do without you for two nights?”

  “Simeon won’t miss my granny panties and nursing bra for a couple of nights.” Asa laughed.

  “Are you kidding me? Simeon misses you when you’re gone for a few minutes.” Dakota was quiet for several moments. “Do you think I’ll ever find the person that’s right for me like you and Melissa have?”

  “Sure you will. Mim said there’s a lid for every pot and I believe it. You’ll know when he comes along.” Asa patted her sister’s hand, her gold bangles jingled with each stroke.

  “Why did you invite Bishop to work on your set? Of all the architects who work for Harper Enterprise, couldn’t you find someone else?”

  Asa made the shape of an O with her mouth. Her brain seemed to be searching for an answer. “I didn’t think about it. Simeon assigned him. He’ll meet us for lunch. As soon as we go over the design, he should be able to leave. Is that going to be a problem for you?”

  Dakota pushed her curls off her forehead. “That’s fine. He’s here to work with you, not me. Besides, I think after this week, he got my message.”

  “What did you do, Dakota?” Asa enunciated each word.

  “Nothing, I’m just avoiding him, that’s all.” She rubbed her thumbs together. “Has Simeon heard from Brian?”

  “I don’t think so. He’s at some outpost somewhere in Central America. He’s probably living in a tent.”

  “Do you think he’s ever coming back to Bristol?”

  “Why? Do you want him to?”

  “I do. Not because I want a relationship. There are just some things that I never got to say. We have unfinished business. I know this phrase is overused, but I need closure.” The word coated her mouth with distaste.

  “You don’t want to strangle him, do you?”

  “Maybe a little.” She measured with her thumb and index finger.

  “So, about Bishop. What’s going on?” Asa held her gaze.

  “Bishop isn’t Mr. Right, he’s Mr. Right Now. Extending the relationship isn’t good for either of us. I’m lonely and he likes to have fun. That’s a recipe for disaster.”

  Asa nodded. For the balance of the drive Asa regaled her with stories about baby Mia’s antics.

  Asa shook Dakota’s shoulder just as they emerged from the Lincoln Tunnel Dakota peered out the window at the mob of people and the activity on Manhattan streets. She enjoyed watching people, and the limousine with its darkened window provided the perfect cover. Traffic crawled as they neared West 44th Street. The car eased to a stop in front of the Hotel Sofitel. Before she could grab her knapsack, the doorman opened the door.

  They were escorted to a two-room suite. A bouquet of flowers graced the coffee table.

  “These must be from Simeon,” Asa gushed. “How sweet.” She pulled the card free from the white calla lilies and looked at the envelope.

  “They’re for you,” she said.

  “Me? Who would…?”

  Asa handed her the note with a smile and disappeared into one of the bedrooms. “Maybe you have a secret admirer,” she called over her shoulder.

  Dakota slid the card from the envelope. “Have a good weekend. I’ll give you as much time as you need.” The writing on the card was scripted in a flowery pattern that couldn’t be Bishop’s. She held the card close to her chest. He promised one thing, but he was hard to tune out. The last time she’d received flowers had to be as a corsage for her high school prom.

  She tucked the card into the pocket of her jeans and carried the flowers into the opposite bedroom. From her bag, she removed the sage-filled satchel and lit the end with a match. She waved it around her room before moving into the living area.

  “Do you want me to cleanse the aura of your room?” she asked her sister before entering her bedroom.

  Asa rolled her eyes toward the ceiling, but nodded.

  “I know you think this is a waste of time, but it makes me feel better.” She walked around the king-sized bed, waving the satchel in the air.

  “That’s why I’m not going to complain. When you’re done, let’s grab some lunch. I’m hungry.”

  Dakota knew her sister thought she was a scatterbrain, but she had to honor the old soul that dwelled inside of her. While Asa unpacked, Dakota continued to cleanse the suite.

  “Are you changing for lunch?” Asa stuck her head in the bedroom.

  Dakota looked down at her tight jeans and knee-high suede boots, then at her sister’s off-white wool slacks and matching cashmere crew neck sweater. “What’s wrong with what I’m wearing? You’re here on business, this is pleasure for me.”

  “Just checking is all. Bishop is meeting us to go over the design.”

  Dakota ran her hand through her hair. “Uh,” she sighed. “Maybe I shouldn’t go. I can meet you here after you’re done.”

  “Don’t even think about ditching.” Asa pulled her arm. “You’re going.”

  Bishop was already seated at the table when they arrived in the dining room. Asa took the seat across from him leaving the chair next to him open. He held the chair out for Dakota.

  “How are you?” he whispered close to her ear. She hadn’t heard his voice in days and his question sounded like a sonnet.

  She wanted to say something that was just as seductive, something that would make him as needy as he made her, something that made his body tingle all over, but her tongue got stuck and wouldn’t cooperate. “I’m good.”

  Hunger pains fought with the anxiety in her stomach for center stage as she sat down. By the time the server showed up to take their orders, Dakota was ready to eat the menu.

  Bishop placed his ever-ready tablet on the table. While he and Asa reviewed the designs for the set, she watched the other patrons, trying to pretend Bishop’s proximity had no impact on her. His thigh pressed against her leg. He had to be doing it on purpose. The large rectangular table had plenty of room. The wave of desire that emanated from his touch was exhilarating to her. She sipped her glass of ice water, hoping for some relief.

  “Dakota, you’re awfully quiet. I hope this shop talk isn’t boring you,” Asa said.

  “You two go right ahead. I’m fine.”

  “So what’s on the agenda for this afternoon?” Bishop directed his question to Dakota.

  She folded her arms on the table and looked at her sister. “We haven’t decided yet. We’re going to do some shopping, of course.”

  Asa’s phone rang. As she reached for it, Bishop turned to her. “Good to see you, Dakota. As always, you look fantastic.”

  “As always, you’re just being nice. But thanks.” Dakota patted her hair which she hadn’t combed since leaving room

  Asa ended her call. “Dakota, you’re going to kill me. But as soon as we’re done here I need to slip out for a few hours to talk with my design assistant. She couldn’t resolve the fabric dilemma. I shouldn’t be long. I promise.”

  “Don’t worry —”

  “Maybe Bishop can keep you company until I come back.”

  Dakota ignored the pitying look in her sister’s eyes. The little witch in Dakota’s head said her sister had set up the phone call just so she could leave her with Bishop. Alone. But she snapped her mouth shut.


  Bishop studied Dakota’s face while she watched her sister hurry out the door. Tension etched her jaw, but she was still the most attractive woman in the room. Her full pouty lips glistened from her favorite lip gloss. He could hear his father calling him a chump for being so drawn to her, willing to give anything for her acceptance.

  “It’s not so bad, me being here, is it?” he asked.

  She took a short breath. “I just feel like this was set-up.”

  “Well, I didn’t do it. But I like the opportunity to talk to you. You’ve been avoiding me.”

  “I explained my position the last time we talked. Ther
e are more reasons for us to go our separate ways than there are for us to be together.” She rested her chin in her palm, her dark eyes penetrated his.

  “I don’t believe that.”

  “Look, we’re in New York. There are hundreds maybe thousands, of beautiful women here who would love to hang out with you. Since you and Asa are done with your business, why don’t you go have a blast? You don’t need to keep me company.”

  The tension in her face eased. Maybe getting that off her chest was like putting down a heavy load. Pursuing Dakota began as a challenge. Now being with her was a necessity. In the week since she stopped taking his calls, it only accentuated how much he needed and missed her.

  The server cleared the empty dishes. Bishop signed the check and pushed the black pouch to the center of the table.

  “I won’t compete with your ex, Dakota, or ghosts of boyfriends past.”

  “What ghost? There isn’t anyone else.”

  “Sure there is. You say you didn’t love Brian, but you’re acting as if you owe him something. Like you’re in mourning and can’t get on with another relationship until a respectful amount of time has passed. You know that’s all bullshit, don’t you?”

  “It would be bullshit if anything you just said was true. My feelings about you and I have nothing to do with Brian. You see that woman over there drooling over you?” She nodded her chin across the room. “I don’t want to compete with that every day. Sooner or later you’re going to miss all that action.”

  He reached for her hand, holding on tight. “I never asked you to. You aren’t competing with anyone.”

  They sat in silence for several moments, staring at each other.

  Without releasing her hand, he stood.

  “Where are we going?” she asked as he led her out of the dining room.

  In the middle of the hotel lobby, he leaned in so close he could feel the softness of her breast on his arm. Her rosy scent caused an explosion of desire through his body. “I have an idea. Two, actually. We can go to my room, or we can visit the Guggenheim. Which do you choose?” he whispered in her ear, just for an excuse to get closer.

  She turned her head so that her lips were almost touching his. “I’ve already seen the exhibit at the Guggenheim.” Her tone was the most seductive he’d ever heard.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The elevator doors opened. It might have been easier to let his hand go and walk into the empty car, but she couldn’t, or she’d float away. The moment was like magic, she didn’t want to break the spell and let reality snatch the feeling away.

  Her stomach jiggled like a whacky washing machine with an uneven load. She took a shallow breath through her nose and released a puff of air through her mouth. Then she did it again, hoping Bishop couldn’t see how nervous she was. His dark eyes smoldered with desire.

  When the elevator doors closed, he pinned her in the corner. With his hands resting on her hips, he held her gaze.

  “I missed you.” His voice had a way of drawing out the bad girl in her. Being responsible and sensible was highly overrated. The only thing that made any sense right now was being with him.

  “Let me see how much.” She reached for his crotch. His stiff shaft expanded through the fine wool fabric of his pants and filled her hand.

  “You know there are hidden cameras in here. Someone can see everything you’re doing.” He glanced up toward the ceiling.

  “I don’t care. They might see something that will brighten their day.”

  “I know I have.”

  The bell rang as the car came to a stop. They nearly ran to his room at the end of the hall. His key card didn’t work the first time.

  “Maybe if you take your hand off my butt, you could get the door unlocked.” Dakota threw her hip against his.

  The second time he pulled the key through the slot slower and the green light came on. Together they tumbled inside the room. He kicked the door closed with his foot while pulling her shirt over her head.

  “Are you sure about this? I don’t want another fire drill. Either you’re in or you’re out.” He ran his thumb across her cheek.

  “Shhh. Please don’t ask me a lot of questions. All I know is that right now I want you more than I ever wanted anything. I don’t want to overthink this moment. I just want to enjoy it.”

  He pulled off his jacket and threw it on a nearby stuffed chair. “I want to grant your wish.”

  She unbuttoned his shirt to expose the most exquisite six pack she’d ever seen that wasn’t on the pages of a magazine. Bishop was storybook perfect, but fairytales always came to an end. The point was to enjoy this moment, and she planned to do just that.

  Every inch of him looked marvelous. She didn’t want to think about being without him. It might be foolish to keep returning to the rollercoaster, but she was hooked.

  He trailed his index finger along her jaw, down her neck to her collarbone. The light touch ignited a slow burn at the base of her spine.

  He gave her a peck on the lips, and then captured her mouth, drawing her tongue into a slow sexy tango. The slightly salty taste of his tongue was delicious. If there were academy awards for kissing, Bishop would receive the golden statue.

  He unsnapped her jeans and wiggled them down her legs. “With these gorgeous legs, you should wear shorts up to here.” He drew a line on her upper thigh that ended between her legs.

  “That might be fine for the bedroom, but not the bookstore.”

  “Then I’ll just have to keep you in the bedroom.” He picked her up and carried her to the bed. He climbed between her legs and resumed the kiss.

  Relishing his touch, smell, and taste, she planted kisses on his neck as she tried to absorb every inch of him. Her exhilaration from the elevator shifted into high gear. She wanted him. His rod throbbed against her leg. She caressed the warm shaft, moving her hand up the shaft as she rotated her hips.

  “Tell me you have condoms in your wallet.” The deep, lusty timbre of her voice sounded foreign to her ears. A new side of her emerged whenever he came within five feet. All she needed to do was to find a way to get him to stay forever.

  He smiled down at her. The intense look in his eyes wrecked her resolve. Nothing could compare to the pleasure coursing through her body in that moment. While remaining on top of her, he reached into his wallet and produced a condom. She slid from under him to help him undress. His pants hit the floor with a loud clang.

  “My keys,” he said as he removed his briefs.

  Dakota opened the sheath and tugged it into place. She straddled him, squatting to guide him into her. The moment he filled her, she almost uttered the three little words that would turn her world inside out. Instead, she locked her mouth over his. Maybe her tongue could convey what her mind wouldn’t allow her to say.

  She drilled her hips into him until she couldn’t withhold the mounting pressure building in her veins. As she writhed above him, he released his passion, too. She was going to try to play this game for as long as her soul allowed. He was just too good to walk away from.


  He held her in the crease of his arm, not quite sure what to say. One wrong word and she might scurry beyond his reach. He’d half expected her to smack him when he suggested they come to his room, instead she’d accepted. Just when he thought he knew Dakota and what she wanted, she changed direction.

  Without opening her eyes, she ran her finger up and down his chest, flipping from one side of her finger to the other. He picked up her hand and placed her index finger in his mouth. The low, long moan that slipped past her lips was almost inaudible. He cupped a breast. Her nipples were the color of newly minted pennies. Her skin was soft so he lightened his touch, careful not to bruise her. Propped on one elbow, he sucked her nipple, imagining having this pleasure every day for the rest of his life. The tip hardened under the pressure of his tongue. As he moved to place kisses on her breastbone, she arched her back off the bed, pressing against him. With his palm flat against her abdomen
, she grabbed his shaft and squeezed.

  This was more than the casual sex he was used to. In the short time he’d known Dakota, she’d inched under his skin, invading places where no one was allowed. The last thing he needed was a real girlfriend. The first thing he wanted was Dakota. Any way she’d have him. He slipped his finger into her wet folds. The movement seemed to jerk her body involuntarily. She wrapped her leg over his and pulled him closer.

  “Just a minute.” He leaned off the bed and patted the floor for his wallet. With one hand he flipped it over and extracted another sheath. Together, they rolled it on.

  He gripped the headboard for support as he pushed into her. Every muscle in her lower body contracted, increasing the intensity on his manhood. He ached for her and had to harness his pent-up desire. He didn’t want to rush this moment. Making his movements slow and concentrated took every ounce of energy he could muster as she repeated his name in a raspy voice. The sound heightened his need for her. He wanted to please her, to take her to a place that would become special for them.

  The throaty harmony of her voice vibrated in his ear as she tightened her legs around him. The rotation of her hips increased. “I’m coming, now, Bishop.” It sounded like a command and his body responded. The contractions of her muscles against his hardness set off an explosion that bloomed through his body, leaving him limp and spent.

  He gasped for air. She panted softly beside him while staring at the ceiling. Her lips formed the most beautiful pout he’d ever seen.

  “What is it? You’re nearly frowning.”

  “I was thinking. I don’t believe I’m in your hotel room, in your bed. Perfectly naked.”

  “I agree. You’re perfect.”

  She swatted his arm. “I’m serious. You wouldn’t believe how many times I said this was not going to happen.”

  “You’re not going to say this was a mistake, are you?”

  “Why would I say that?” She pushed up and looked at him.

  “That only happens in movies. I’m more like a puppy. Feed me and I’ll hang around forever.”


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